张民选 ZHNAG Minxuan 上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University


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Presentation transcript:

张民选 ZHNAG Minxuan 上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University 2011.9.20 欢迎辞 WELCOME SPEECH & 中国与国际教育组织 CHINA AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN EDUCATION 张民选 ZHNAG Minxuan 上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University 2011.9.20

欢迎词 Welcome 热烈欢迎各位中外嘉宾和青年学者,特别是来自联合国教科文组织、国际教育局、国际教育规划研究所、联合国教科文组织终身学习研究所、世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、欧盟、联合国农村教育研究与培训中心的各位专家和朋友! Warmly welcome all the distinguished guests, friends and young scholars from home and abroad! Especially welcome the leaders and experts from UNESCO, IBE, IIEP, UIL, WB, OECD, EU and INRULED ! 欢迎你们来到上海,来到上海师范大学。 Welcome you to Shanghai, and to Shanghai Normal University!

上海师范大学 SHNU 上海师范大学是一所具有57年历史的上海市重点大学,其英语译名来自法国巴黎高师,可见学校的创办者们对这所大学的寄托。 Shanghai Normal University with 57 years of history is a key university in Shanghai, the English name “Normal University” comes after the Paris “Ecole normale superieure”. Behind it, we can see the aspiration of our founders. 上海师范大学没有辜负创办者的期望,2009年上海学生参加了由经合组织举办、有65个国家和经济体参加的“国际学生测评项目”,结果上海学生阅读、数学和科学三大领域中全部获得第一,而且学校均衡程度也名列前茅。这其中,固然有许多原因,但是这其中一定包含着教师校长们的辛勤耕耘。 SHNU did not fail our founders’ aspiration. Shanghai students took part in the PISA 2009 by the OECD. It happened that they obtained all the first in the three areas: reading, math and science. Among various factors, teachers quality and diligence must be important factors.

上海师范大学 SHNU 而我要报告大家的是:上海市中小学70%的教师和70%以上的校长都是上海师 大的毕业生和校友,这是上海师范大学的骄傲。 It should be reported that both over 70% of school teachers and school principals are our graduates and alumni of SHNU! 上师大已成为师范教育特色鲜明、文科见长、文理工协调发展的综合性大学。 SHNU becomes a comprehensive higher learning institution with teacher educational tradition, strong humanities and harmonious development in arts, science and engineering. 目前有24000本科生、近5000研究生、2500多留学生和14000成年学生。 There are over 24,000 undergraduates, nearly 5000 graduates, 2500 foreign students and over 14,000 adult life-long learners in SHNU.

上海师范大学 SHNU 4个博士后流动站、6个一级博士点、42个二级博士点、150多个硕士点、10个专 业硕士学位点和84个本科专业。 There are 4 post-doctor stations, 6 PhD disciplines and 42 PhD programs, 150 master programs,10 professional master programs and 84 bachelor programs. 1个国家重点学科、1个教育部文科建设基地、1个部市合作共建实验室、14个上 海市重点学科,15上海教委重点学科及许多国家和城市的学科建设和研究机构。 SHNU has 1 “state key discipline, 1state literature base, 1 ministry-province lab, 14 municipal key disciplines and 15 municipal education commission key disciplines. 国际与比较教育研究中心就是上海市教委重点学科的基地,同时又是教育部国 际教育研究与咨询中心的基地。 Our CISE is the base of a Shanghai Municipal EdC key discipline and while the base of Center for International Education Studies, MoE, China.

欢迎词 Welcome 我特别欢迎各位国际组织的专家在今年来中国参加这次会议。因 为,2011年对国际教育组织来说,是不平凡的一年。 In particular, I welcome you to China for the Symposium this year, as the year of 2011 is special to IOs in Education. 1921年比利时驻国联代表冯泰尼(H. La Fontaine)提议建立 “国际文化合作委员会”和“国际文化研究所”(IIIC);联合 国教科文组织正式成立65周年(1946年),1951年人们提议在联 合国设立教育研究所(终身学习研究所UIL的前身),1961年 OECD成立。 对中国来说,今年也特别重要。1971年中国恢复联合国合法地位, 1981年世界银行向中国投放了第一笔教育贷款。

欢迎词 Welcome 17世纪在西方历史上被称为“民族国家的世纪”,19世纪被认为是“国际会议的世纪”,20世纪被称为“国际组织的世纪”。 The 17th century was known as “the century of one-nation state” in Western history; while the 19th century was told as the century of international conference; and 20th century as called the century of IOs. 21世纪的世界公民们将亲眼目睹国际组织渗透到我们日常生活的各个部分。And the citizens around the world in the 21st century witness the IOs come into all the aspects of our daily life, IOs enhance their impacts ……. 除了主权国家,人们发现国际组织已经成为一种特殊力量,他们调解国家间特冲突、保护人类环境、防治流行疾病、促进教育发展、分享各领域最新成就、维护世界和平。Besides the sovereign states, people found that IOs become a special power which deal with conflicts between countries, protect the environment for human beings, prevent epidemics, promote education development and share the latest achievements in various fields and maintain the world peace!

中国与国际组织 I.历史演进 Historical Review China and International Organization in Education 中国与国际组织 I.历史演进 Historical Review I.1. 1911-1949 国联文化研究所国民政府邀请,来华考察中国教育,并为中国教育的发展提出了建议书。 The government joined the League of Nation, and in 1932 the government invited the to visit China and the delegation gave a systematic suggestions 世界学生联盟派团去延安,声援中国抗战。 In 1938 the World University Student Federation sent a delegation to visit Yan’an and Mao met them. 国民政府积极参与联合国及联合国教科文组织的创建。 During 1943-1946 the government joined to create the United Nations with the well-known 14 suggestions and UNESCO. I.2. 1949-1978 新中国成立后,积极参加各类与教育相关的国际活动和 国际组织。 New government & professionals jointed various educational activities and IOs. 经过二十多年的努力,新中国直到1971年才恢复了在联 合国的合法席位。 But only to the year of 1971, China restored the legal status in UN.

中国与国际教育组织 I.历史演进 Historical Review I.3. 1979—— 1979年,经中央批准,建立了“中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会”,并从此 积极参与联合国教科文组织的各项活动。 The National Committee of UNESCO was set up. 1981年中国政府首次获得了世界银行贷款,帮助发展高等教育、师范教育和农 村贫困地区教育,第一个项目就是“大学发展项目”。 In 1981, World Bank started to offer loans and technical support for educational development in China, the first project was the “Program for university development” with US$ 200 million. 国外一些非政府组织进入中国,1988年福特基金会被批准在北京设立“办事机 构”,1995年世界妇女大会在北京召开。 Some NGOs came into China, Ford Foundation was approved to set up its office in Beijing in 1988. In1995, World Women Congress was held in Beijing. 本世纪以来,越来越多的中国官员和专家直接参与到国际组织的工作中。2005 年章新胜副部长当选教科文组织执行局主席。 Since the new century, more and more Chinese officials and professionals came to work directly in and for IOs.

中国与国际教育组织 II. 现行政策 Present Policies II.1. 积极参与、学习先进 Active Participation and learn From the world Conceptions: “Learn to learn, learn to be, learn to do and learn to live together”; “non-continuous text” Ideas: Invest 4% of GNP into education Policy: Education for all and inclusive education Approaches: “education index” and “student loans” II.2. 争取援助、促进发展 Obtain support and promote development Up to 2007, China obtained US$ 15.53 million with 17 educational programs from the World Bank. Besides, China also obtained financial and technical support for educational development from UNDP(US$24.9m), UNICEF(US$74.6m), ADB, and some NGOs.

中国与国际教育组织 II.现行政策 Present Policies II.3. 信守承诺、履行职责 Keep Promises and carry out responsibility In 2003, China paid US$5.4 billion in World Bank; paid the “core fee” near US$ 3.2 million and “endowment” US$ 3 million and “shared funds” US$ 29 million for UNDP, and in 2006 China offered US$1.57 million for UNICEF. Besides paying the fees and endowments to IOs, the government also carried on the responsibilities in various IOs. Under the GATS in educational service, China opens senior secondary education, higher education and adult education and training. China is one of most generous open-door countries in education.

II.现行政策 Present Policies 中国与国际教育组织 II.现行政策 Present Policies II.4. 提供服务、 互利互惠 Provide service and mutual benefits Experts work in IOs and made great contributions, Prof. Zhou Hold international conferences under the name of IOs. Set up branches for IOs, e.g. INRULED and training programs II.5. 坚持原则、谨防渗透 Persist principles and prevent infiltration Persist the principle of “One China” and Taiwan is a part of China. Some NGOs and IOs sometimes made some troubles both for themselves and us in this special aspect. I myself met some cases international education activities. Prevent organizations and personals to infiltrate in China in various names of religions, ideologies, up-rear, charities and even human rights.

III. 未来展望 Perspectives in the Future 中国与国际教育组织 III. 未来展望 Perspectives in the Future In The National Long-and-mid-term Outlines of Educational Reform and Development 2010--2020 declares, “Persist in promoting reform and development with open-door approaches, and carry on multi-level and broad-frontier educational exchange and cooperation, so as to raise the level of educational internationalization” . “To strengthen the cooperation between China and UNESCO and other IOs, actively join both bilateral and multilateral, both global and regional cooperation in education.” “To participate research activities for policy-making, rule-making and standard-making in IOs. “It is encourage university and higher-education institutions to set-up IOs for academic and education cooperation,” and “We should set up some new high-level international platforms for educational exchange and cooperation, and for educational policy dialogues”.

III. 未来展望 Prospects in the Future 中国与国际教育组织 III. 未来展望 Prospects in the Future III.1. 分享人类文明成果 利用国际资源 Share latest achievements and utilize international resources III.2. 参入国际组织活动 做负责任大国 Participate IOs’ activities and be a responsible country From ensuring the legal status to play roles and participate substantial activities III.3. 加强国际能力建设 培养专业人才 Foster capacity building and cultivate internationalized manpower III.4. 提供教育服务经验 促进人类发展 Offer educational service and development experience and promote development of human beings

中国与国际教育组织 Distinguished guests and friends, We are now already in a knowledge and learning society and the time of globalization. We need the global governance and international education. Therefore, no nations and states are able to keep away from IOs, China can not keep away from the world, while the world can not keep away from China. As a big and “asked-to-take-more-responsibilities” country, China and Chinese people can not be unconcern about the matters outside, although we are still poor in per capita and China is still a developing country. On the contrary, we should keep learning from IOs, cultivate professionals to serve IOs, make greater contributions to educational development for developing countries through IOs, and strive to build a harmonious world for our new generations!

中国与国际教育组织 谢谢大家! Thank you ! mxzhang@shnu.edu.cn