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产品 Products

三个显着的品牌 Three Amazing Brands 这三个显著的品牌拥有 适合不同的人的欲望, 需要,风格和预算的产品 These 3 amazing brands have products for everyone’s want, need, style, and budget

GWT 产品理念 Product Philosophy 我們注重的不只有設計 … We look beyond great design? 永恒的设计 We create timeless pieces 独特的原料以及综合材质均來自全世界最卓越的生产商 Using unique raw materials/compositions and the best manufacturers from around the world. 绝对保证最好的品质 We are using the absolute best quality possible in anything we create.

POSH是什么 What is POSH? 時尚珠宝 Fashion Jewelry 使用金属,人造珍珠,珐琅和项链 Using metal, beads, enamel and chains 独特且与众不同的 Unique and different styles 专门为 POSH 所设计 Custom for POSH Safari 和 Rebel 系列 Safari & Rebel collection

FERI是什么 What is FERI 超豪华 有超过1000个款式可供选择 Ultra luxury 有超过1000个款式可供选择 Largest selection to choose from with over 1000 skus 950 银钯首饰, 手袋, 手表, 鞋子, 太阳镜, 皮带, 等配件 950 Siledium, handbags, timepieces, shoes, shields, belts and other accessories. 佩戴我们的产品来炫耀其美丽的设计 Made to be worn to show off our beautiful designer products

FERI FERI Releases 日常生活用包包系列 人造皮 定制衬里 各种形状的 实用的间隔 DAY2DAY Purse Collection 人造皮 Faux leather 定制衬里 Customized lining 各种形状的 Variety of shapes 实用的间隔 Functional compartments

FERI FERI Releases 威望包包系列 高品质皮革 手工制作 高质量金属制品 定制衬里 各种形状的 实用的间隔 Prestige Purse Collection 高品质皮革 High grade leather 手工制作 Hand made 高质量金属制品 High grade hardware 定制衬里 Customized lining 各种形状的 Variety of shapes 实用的间隔 Functional compartments

FERI FERI Releases 鞋子系列 独特的色彩 真皮鞋底 意大利制造 高质量的手艺 高质量的纳巴革 Footwear Collection 独特的色彩 Unique colours 真皮鞋底 Leather soles 意大利制造 Made in Italy 高质量的手艺 High Grade Craftsmanship 高质量的纳巴革 High Grade Nappa Leather

FERI FERI Releases 好莱坞腕表 顶级瑞士机芯 钢铁金属结构 三年原厂保证 新潮的设计 镀上玫瑰金,黄金或白银 Hollywood Timepieces 顶级瑞士机芯 Premium Swiss Movement 钢铁金属结构 Steel metal construction 三年原厂保证 3 year Manufacturer warranty 新潮的设计 Trendy design 镀上玫瑰金,黄金或白银 Plated with rose gold, gold or silver color

FERI FERI Releases 红线腕表 三个高级瑞士机芯 钛金属表壳 真碳纤维表盘 运动型 6种颜色可供选择 三年制造商有限保修 RedLine Timepieces 三个高级瑞士机芯 3 Premium Swiss Movement 钛金属表壳 Titanium case 真碳纤维表盘 Genuine Carbon fiber face 运动型 Sporty 6种颜色可供选择 6 different colours to choose from  三年制造商有限保修 3 year manufacturer warranty

FERI FERI Releases 新腕表 • 顶级瑞士/日本机芯 • 高科技陶瓷结构 • 三年原厂保固 New Timepieces Premium Movement • 高科技陶瓷结构 High Tech Ceramic Construction • 三年原厂保固 3 year manufacturer warranty

FERI FERI Releases 太阳眼镜 • 高质量 • 耐久性 • 完美称身 • 欧洲生产 •使用防过敏材质 Shields • 高质量 Quality • 耐久性 Durability • 完美称身 Perfect fit • 欧洲生产 Manufactured in Europe •使用防过敏材质 Hypo-allergenic plastic • 我們坚持用最高品质的高科技纤维打造 We strictly use the highest grade acetate

FERI FERI Releases 眼镜框 高质量 • 耐久性 独特的设计 法国制造 高等级醋酸纤维 带有非处方平透镜 Optical Quality • 耐久性 Durability 独特的设计 Unique Design 法国制造 Manufactured in France 高等级醋酸纤维 High Grade Acetate 带有非处方平透镜 Comes with non-prescription plano Lens

FERI FERI Releases 950 Siledium 银钯系列 925纯银即将停产并分阶段变成950 Industry’s first 950 Siledium composition 业界首个天然铑和钯金结合技术 Industry's First Natural Rhodium and Palladium technology 精心挑选的激光精密切割的宝石 Specially selected cut henche stones 特别的颜色 Custom color Stones 925纯银即将停产并分阶段变成950 925 Fine Sterling to be Discontinued and phased to 950

FERI 司太立合金(Stellite)系列 • 司太立合金经科学证明确保最高纯净品质,极度耐用性可雕刻成最优秀的珠宝设计。 Stellite is scientifically proven procedure that ensures the highest purity factor, extreme durability to be sculptured into the finest jewelry designs • 這是用于制造婚戒最优越的现代金属。 It is the most superior contemporary metal available for the manufacturing wedding bands. • 被广泛的使用在医学, 科学, 航太以及运动奢侈品行列当中 Stellite is used in medical, scientific, aerospace and luxury sporting good sectors. 司太立合金将在2015年扩大到取代钨金 Stellite will be expanded in 2015 to replace tungsten

产品保养 Product Maintenance 不能 DONT’S 避免从碰撞和掉落的冲击 Avoid impact from banging or dropping 不要戴你的首饰或手表洗碗。碗碟碰撞的影响将损害产品。肥皂和氯不能与钻石, 黄金和铑接触。 DO NOT wash dishes while wearing your jewelry or timepiece. The impact of the dishes will harm the items. Soap & chlorine do not mix with diamonds and gold/Rhodium plating. 不要戴你的首饰或手表游泳或淋浴。氯,盐和皂水会缩短首饰电镀和颜色的寿命。 DO NOT swim or shower with your jewelry. The chlorine, salt and soap in water will shorten the life of jewelry plating and color. 不要把你首饰放在桌子或硬表面上。应用布或餐巾纸来保护你的首饰避免刮花和碰撞。或者,可放回包装盒。 DO NOT place your jewelry on a table or hard surfaces. Always use a cloth or napkin to protect your jewelry from scratches and impact. Or, place back in its original box.

产品保养 Product Maintenance 防水性 Water RESISTANCE 防水性可以让你在水中片刻,而不损坏你的手表机制 Water resistance allows for you to be in water for a few moments and not ruin your watches mechanism 避免洗手或雨水做成损坏 Made to resist water damage from hand washing or rain 不能用于蒸汽浴室,桑拿浴室,热水浴池,游泳或潜水 (如果使用了质保将失效) Cannot be used for steam baths, saunas or hot tubs, swimming, scuba diving (if used the warranty WILL BE voided)

GWT 保修期 GWT Warranties FERI纯银保修 Silver FERI钟表保修 Timepiece Our FERI jewelry is covered by our limited 12 month warranty. FERI钟表保修 Timepiece 延长36个月保修范围包括所有生产和机械故障,不包括由事故或疏忽而造成的故障或变质。腕表链接和针属于我们的有限的12个月保证 。 An extended 36 month maintenance warranty covers all manufacturing and mechanical defects, excluding malfunctions or deterioration resulting from accidents or negligence. Links and pins are covered by our limited 12 month warranty FERI皮具保修 Leather Goods 我们的威望皮包和钱包都得到有限的12个月保修任何生产瑕疵。所有其他配件商品得到我们的30天厂家保修。 Our Prestige purses & wallets are covered by out limited 12 month warranty for any manufacturer defects. All of the other accessory goods are covered by our 30 day manufacturers warranty. FERI眼镜保修 Shields 我们的太阳镜得到有限的12个月保修任何生产瑕疵。 Our sunglasses are covered by out limited 12 month warranty for any manufacturer defects.

FERI MOSH FERI MOSH是什么 超级豪华的产品 奢侈品的终极 只使用在所有类别的极品中的极品 What is FERI MOSH? 超级豪华的产品 Super premium luxury products 奢侈品的终极 The ultimate in luxury goods 只使用在所有类别的极品中的极品 Using only the best of the best in all categories

FERI MOSH 发布 FERI MOSH Releases FERI MOSH Opulence Wear 意大利制造 Made In Italy 纳巴革 Nappa Leather 稀有皮革 Exotic Skin

FERI MOSH 发布 FERI MOSH Releases FERI MOSH 稀有皮具 FERI MOSH Exotics 手袋, 钱包及配件 Handbags, wallets & accessories 意大利制造 Made In Italy 独家使用不同稀有皮革的组合 Mix of Exotic Skin-Exclusive 独有的皮内里 Leather Lining- Exclusive

为什么FERI MOSH如此特别? What makes Feri Mosh so special 电影短片奖提名 “FERI MOSH - 现代传奇” Award nominated "Feri Mosh - Modern Legend" video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uYBPIKGtEI

为什么FERI MOSH如此特别? 使用第三方独立钻石、彩色宝石和首饰鉴定评估机构 – IGI & Gem Lab What makes Feri Mosh so special 使用第三方独立钻石、彩色宝石和首饰鉴定评估机构 – IGI & Gem Lab Uses 3rd party independent gem certification and appraisal institute for diamonds, colored gemstones and jewelry http://www.igiworldwide.com/ http://www.gemlab.ca/ 保险公司更倾向于接受独立评估 Insurance companies are more inclined to accept independent appraisals Tiffany 使用自己的珠宝鉴定 Tiffany uses their own jewelry appraisal 19K和21K金镶嵌钻石,世界独有,没有比较 19k and 21k gold with diamond, world exclusive, no comparison

为什么FERI MOSH如此特别? FERI MOSH 使用校准钻石 (Jiàozhǔn zuànshí ) 什么是校准钻石? What makes Feri Mosh so special FERI MOSH 使用校准钻石 (Jiàozhǔn zuànshí ) FERI MOSH uses calibrated diamond 什么是校准钻石? What is calibrated diamond? 每块宝石的颜色,净度和尺寸是相同的。这是珠宝设计中要求宝石需要长得一模一样的完美解决方案 Each stone matches the others in color, clarity and dimensions. It's a perfect solution for jewelry designs in which the stones need to look exactly the same.  只有Harry Winston (哈利·温斯顿)和FERI MOSH使用校准钻石 Only Harry Winston and Feri Mosh uses calibrated diamonds

FERI MOSH FERI MOSH 19k 特别项目和婚戒系列 • 独特的设计 • 手工制作,手工套镶嵌 • 白金, 黃金或玫瑰金 Special Projects & Bridal • 独特的设计 Exclusive designs • 手工制作,手工套镶嵌 Hand made, hand set • 白金, 黃金或玫瑰金 In white, yellow or rose gold • 与铂金一样重 As Heavy as platinum • 天然宝石 Natural gem stones • 诞生石:红宝石,祖母绿,蓝宝石等 Birth stones: ruby, emerald, sapphire, etc

FERI MOSH FERI MOSH 21k 唯一一家制造21K的公司 • 每一块都是第一代铸造 采用最先进的珠宝首饰制造工艺 Only Company manufacturing 21K • 每一块都是第一代铸造 Every piece is a 1st generation casting 采用最先进的珠宝首饰制造工艺 Jewelry created by combining the most advanced jewelry manufacturing technology • 22步骤制造工艺 22 step manufacturing process • 手工制作,手工套镶嵌 Hand made, hand handset • 微镶嵌 Micro setting 5年免维修保证 5 yr maintenance-free warranty

FERI MOSH 钻石 四个C来决定价值 克拉 (Carat) ‘ 切割 (Cut) Diamonds The 4 C’s determine cost ‘ 克拉 (Carat) 切割 (Cut)

FERI MOSH 钻石 四个C来决定价值 ‘ 颜色 (Colour) 净度 (Clarity) 无瑕级 – 内无瑕级 极轻微内含级 Diamonds 四个C来决定价值 The 4 C’s determine cost ‘ 颜色 (Colour) 19K 21K 净度 (Clarity) 19K 无瑕级 – 内无瑕级 极轻微内含级 轻微内含级 微内含级 内含级 21K

FERI MOSH GWT从哪里购买的钻石 Where does GWT purchase their diamonds from GWT 公司並不直接与钻石矿做生意 我们直接与全世界上最大的钻石以及宝石经销商合作而我们所有的做石均於俄罗斯, 加拿大, 比利时以及美国所切割。 Global Wealth Trade Corporation does not deal directly with diamond mines. We deal with some of the largest diamond and gemstone dealers in the world and these diamonds are cut in Russia, Canada, Belgium and the United States. 金伯利进程是一个政府, 产业以及社会大众启发以抵制冲突钻石的联合机制-未处理过的钻石几乎都受过反判阻击行动以为了战争而募资來对付各政府体系. 你可以在以下的网址www.kimberlyprocess.com來取得更多的资讯并且了解此经过政府正规划的金伯利进成。 The Kimberley Process (KP) is a joint government, industry and civil society initiative to stem the flow of conflict diamonds – rough diamonds used by rebel movements to finance wars against legitimate governments. You may find more information about the government regulated Kimberly Process at www. kimberlyprocess.com

FERI MOSH 130年来,加拿大珠宝杂志是饰品业界备受尊崇的权威杂志。 「FERI MOSH 的首饰极尽奢华,好得让人难以置信」——加拿大珠宝杂志 For over 130 years, Canadian Jeweler Magazine has been the most respected authority in the jewelry industry. “FERI MOSH is an unimaginable ultra luxury jewelry collection” Canadian Jewellers Magazine

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