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LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS MAIN CONCLUSIONS 环境分析的主要结论 Mainly bilateral approach in existing activities 现有合作主要通过双边途径展开 Limited chances to get IP project funded 知识产权项目很少获得资助。 R&D and capacity building 研发活动或能力建设, Existing local initiatives 已有的地方项目 Knowledge gap from the EU Academia about IP in China 欧盟学者对中国存在的认知鸿沟。 Language barrier 语言障碍 INTRO ROBERTO

OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT 本报告目的 Explore opportunities to set the basis for students, researchers and professors formal/informal exchange mechanisms 探索建立学生、研究者与学者正式/非正式交流机制的可能性 Identification of opportunities for the EU-China IP Academic Research Network 探索设立中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络的可能性。 INTRO ROBERTO

CLASSIFICATION OF ACTIVITIES 活动分类 Exchange/Mobility 交换/交流 Sustainable and permanent exchange mechanisms 长期可持续的交流机制 B. Research 研究 Continous research funding 持续研究资助 C. IP Academic Research network 知识产权学术研究网络 Long-lasting EU-China IP Academic Research Network 长期中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络 D. EU-China IP Academic Forum 中国-欧盟知识产权学术论坛 Formative assessment of the forum in Suzhou in May 2014 对2014年5月举办的苏州论坛的形式评估 INTRO ROBERTO

TARGET GROUPS目标群体 Potential funding authorities 潜在出资机构 Agencies, EC, universities, private sector, etc. 相关部门、欧盟委员会、大学、私人部门等 EU and Chinese experts 中欧专家 Providing input for this study 参与本研究 Other network candidate members 其他潜在网络参加者 That could join the Network and disseminate it 能够参加该网络,并对其进行宣传 Existing related initiatives已有相关活动 Academics, networks, to avoid overlappings 院校、网络等,避免重复 EU and China authorities中欧官方部门 DG Trade, MOFCOM, etc. key actor for strategic guidance 贸易总司、商务部等,提供战略指导的核心因素 ESTER

POTENTIAL TAXONOMY OF ACTIVITIES 潜在活动分类 LEVEL级别 TARGET GROUP目标群体 KIND OF ACTIVITIES 活动类型 MOST PREFERRED TOPICS (from interviews) 重点课题 (源于访谈) OUTPUTS 成果 A   A/B GRADUATES (pre- master) 研究生(硕士预科) Scholarship & Placement 奖学金&录取 IP in general 一般知识产权 Master Thesis/PhD Thesis 硕士论文/博士论文 PhD STUDENTS 博士生 B POSTDOC STUDENTS (up to 3 years after their PhD) 博士后(博士毕业三年 之内) China-EU international networking activities (meetings, workshops, conferences, training schools, dissemination activities) 中国-欧盟国际交流活 动(会谈、研讨会、会 议、培训项目、宣传活 动) TT技术转移 Patents 专利 Enforcement 执行 Patent protection standards 专利保护标准 IPR and technical standards 知识产权与技术 标准 IP thematic Networks, 知识产权主题网络 joint papers, books, projects. 合作文章、著作与项目 C CONSOLIDATED RESEARCHERS (PhD + 4-9 years’ experience) 专业研究者(博士+ 4- 9经验) D SENIOR RESEARCHERS (10- year excellent scientific track record) 资深研究者(10年以上 优秀科研经历) EU-China IP Academic research network 中国-欧盟知识产权学 术研究网络 Policy/Road mapping Docs, periodic Working Papers. 政策/路线图 文献,定期工作底稿 Activities interaction 活动互动 Funding limitations 资金限制 ESTER


STUDENT MOBILITY学生交换 main features主要特征 TIMEFRAME: between 2 (Master) and 3-5 years (PhD) 时间:2年(硕士)或3-5年(博士) OUTPUT: Master Thesis 成果:硕士论文 EXAMPLES: EU-China Law School, Renmin-John Marshall LL.M Exchange program, Tsinghua -Temple LL.M Exchange program, IPR2 sponsored Chinese governmental officials to undertake LL.M. program at MIPLC (Munich Intellectual Property Law Center) 示例:例如中欧法学院、人民大学-约翰马歇尔法学院法学硕士交换项目、清华大学-天普大学法学硕士交换项目、IPR2资助中国公务员参加慕尼黑知识产权法中心( MIPLC )法学硕士项目等。 INTERLINKS:与其他级别的联系 : Successful Graduates willing to continue their studies/research will have access PhD programmes 愿意继续学习/研究的成功的研究生将进入博士阶段研究 Successful PhD students willing to continue their research will access Activity level B (Postdoc) 愿意继续研究的成功博士生能进入B级活动(博士后)阶段继续其研究 ESTER

STUDENT MOBILITY学生交换 funding资金要求 Very high 很高 Travel costs (to participate in seminars, congresses) 旅行费用(参加研讨会、会议等) Fees (to attend Master or PhD programmes) 学费(参加硕士或博士项目) Allowance of students who spend a trimester/semester or a certain period abroad in a host university 在国外大学学习一学期或一定时间的学生津贴 Long time frames make the funding of these activities quite complex. 由于时间跨度较长,此类活动的资助相当复杂 Some existing programmes between EU and Chinese universities are regulated by MoUs between HEIs where there are specific funding conditions for students 中国与欧盟院校已有的此类项目通过双方签订谅解备忘录的方式设立,并规定具体的资助条件。 Students pay their travel and allowance and universities agree to waiver the tuition fees 学生自己承担旅行及生活费用,学校免收学费 CSC (China Scholarship Council) funds these kind of activities 中国留学基金委等组织也资助此类活动。 ESTER

STUDENT MOBILITY学生交换 challenges挑战 Graduate Students 研究生 Heterogeneity in the study programmes offer makes the design of the student exchange program complex (recognition, degrees, etc.) 中国与欧盟教育制度不同,设计学生交换项目十分复杂(承认、学位等问题)。 Language barrier/availability of the courses in English at EU universities 语言障碍/欧盟院校是否提供英语教学 PhD Students 博士生 Match of research interest with potential host institutions 与东道院校研究兴趣的契合 Joint degrees and double degrees on PhD may require approval from the universities based on strict national requirements 联合培养或双学位项目须经大学同意,条件十分严格 Language barrier 语言障碍 ESTER


POSTDOC STUDENTS MOBILITY & RESEARCH 博士后交换与研究 research publication main features 主要特征 TIMEFRAME: up to 3 years after their PhD 时间:博士毕业后三年内。 OUTPUTS: in high impact peer-reviewed journal, books or book chapters, draft proposals and works in the framework of research projects 成果:在重点同行评审期刊发表学术文章,撰写专著或专著章节,起草研究方案,参与多种性质的研究项目 EXAMPLES: ERC Starting Grants or Marie Skłodowska-Curie, under the modality of Individual fellowship 示例:欧洲研究委员会研究起始资助 , Marie Skłodowska-Curie项目的个人奖学金 INTERLINKS: 与其他级别的联系 : With A successful PhD students willing to continue their research will access B 与A级活动成功的博士生将在B级活动中继续其研究 With C research outputs generated in Activity Level B will feed the next research level 与C级活动  B级活动的研究成果将用于下一级别的研究 With D Senior Researchers will supervise and provide guidance to researchers at Level B 与D级活动  资深研究者将监督指导B级活动研究者 ESTER

POSTDOC STUDENTS MOBILITY & RESEARCH博士后交换与研究 funding资金要求 High 高 Travel costs (to participate in seminars, congresses) 旅行费用(参加研讨会、会议等) Fees (to attend seminars and congresses and to publish their research in journals) 费用(参加研讨会、会议或发表研究论文) Licenses (to use any database or software needed for their research) 许可费(使用研究必要数据库或软件) Staff costs (to provide them the best conditions to carry out a high quality and professional research). Co-funding rate could be discussed (e.g. 75%-25%) 人员费用(为从事高质量专业研究提供最好的环境)。共同出资的出资比例可以讨论(如75%对25%) ESTER

POSTDOC STUDENTS MOBILITY & RESEARCH博士后交换与研究 challenges挑战 Lack of availability of co-funding from the host institution  mitigated by 东道机构缺乏共同资助应对方式 raising the awareness on the impact of this kind of research and the benefits it will bring to the institution itself 提升对此类研究成效及对研究机构自身影响的关注。 by the Senior Researchers, Coordinators of the thematic working groups and by funding authorities 通过资深研究者、主题工作组协调者及出资机构展开 Lack of relevant publications mitigated by 成果出版不足应对方式 a closer supervision by the Coordinators of the thematic working groups and by the Consolidated Researchers and by the funding authorities (yearly activity reports). 加强来自主题工作组协调者、专业研究者及出资机构(年度活动报告)的监督 No project proposal drafting mitigated by 缺乏活动提案应对方式 closer follow up by host institution and by the Coordinators of the thematic working groups 加强东道机构及主题工作组协调者的后续跟进 Lack of coordination with the corresponding Network thematic group mitigated by 缺乏与相关网络主题小组的协调应对方式 the Senior Researchers who will nominate a new coordinator of the thematic working group, when needed 资深研究者在必要时提名新的主题工作组协调者 ESTER


ACTIVITIES FOR CONSOLIDATED RESEARCHERS专业研究者活动 main features 主要特征 TIMEFRAME: between 4-9 years experience after the completion of their PhD 时间:博士毕业后 4-9年 OUTPUTS: Consolidated Researchers could be members of the thematic working groups of the EU-CHINA IP Academic Network (under the coordination of the senior researchers), publish research papers in high impact peer-reviewed journal, write books or book chapters, coordinate the drafting of proposals and implement/lead research projects of different nature. 成果:专业研究者能够(在资深研究者的协调下)参加中国-欧盟知识产权学术网络的主题工作组,在重点同行评审期刊发表学术文章,撰写专著或专著章节,协调研究方案起草,实施/领导多种性质的研究项目 EXAMPLES: ERC Advanced Grants 示例:欧洲研究委员会高级资助 INTERLINKS: 与其他级别的联系: With B successful PhD students willing to continue their research will access level C 与B级活动  成功的博士生将在C级活动中继续其研究 With D Senior Researchers will provide strategic guidance to consolidated researchers at Level C 与D级活动资深研究者将为C级活动的专业研究者提供战略指导 ESTER

ACTIVITIES FOR CONSOLIDATED RESEARCHERS专业研究者活动 funding 资金要求 Medium/High 中等/高 Travel costs (to participate in seminars, congresses and meetings of the thematic networking groups) 旅行费用(参加研讨会、会议以及主题工作组讨论等) Fees (to attend seminars and congresses and to publish their research) 费用(参加研讨会、会议或发表研究论文) Staff costs (to provide them the best conditions to carry out a high quality and professional research) 人员费用(为从事高质量专业研究提供最好的环境) Usual co-funding rate: 75%-25% 常用共同出资的出资比例:75%-25% ESTER

ACTIVITIES FOR CONSOLIDATED RESEARCHERS专业研究者活动 challenges挑战 Language barrier  Mitigated by 语言障碍应对方式 translation/interpretation 翻译 Lack of availability of co-funding from the host institution mitigated by 东道机构缺乏共同资助应对方式 raising the awareness on the impact of this kind of research and the benefits it will bring to the institution itself. 提升对此类研究成效及对研究机构自身影响的关注。 by the Senior Researchers, Coordinators of the thematic working groups and by funding authorities. 通过资深研究者、主题工作组协调者及出资机构展开 Lack of research project grants support will be provided by the Senior Researchers for the identification of strategic topics for potential funding 缺乏研究经费 资深研究者通过明确潜在资助战略课题提供支持 Lack of coordination with the corresponding Network thematic group mitigated by 缺乏与相关主题群体的协调 应对方式 the Senior Researchers who will nominate a new coordinator of the thematic working group, when needed and organise regular meetings for coordination 资深研究者在必要时提名新的主题工作组协调者,定期组织协调会议(面对面或视频会议) ESTER


ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR RESEARCHERS资深研究者活动 main features主要特征 TIMEFRAME: between 7-12 years experience after the completion of their PhD 时间:获得博士学位后, 7-12年研究经验 OUTPUTS: Senior Researchers could lead thematic working groups of the EU-CHINA IP Academic Network, publish research papers in high impact peer-reviewed journal, write books or book chapters, coordinate the drafting of proposals and implement/lead research projects of different nature 成果:资深研究者能够领导中国-欧盟知识产权学术网络的主题工作组,在重点同行评审期刊发表学术文章,撰写专著或专著章节,协调研究方案起草工作,实施/领导多种性质的研究项目 EXAMPLES: ECR consolidator or COST 示例:欧洲研究委员会专业资助或欧盟科技合作框架计划 (COST) ESTER

ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR RESEARCHERS资深研究者活动 funding资金要求 Medium 中等 Travel costs (to participate in seminars, congresses and meetings of the thematic networking groups) 旅行费用(参加研讨会、会议以及主题工作组讨论等) Fees (to attend seminars and congresses and to publish their research) 费用(参加研讨会、会议或发表研究论文) Usual co-funding rate: 75%-25% 常用共同出资的出资比例:75%-25% ESTER

ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR RESEARCHERS资深研究者活动 challenges挑战 Language barrier  Mitigated by translation/interpretation 语言障碍通过翻译解决 Lack of availability of co-funding from the host institution mitigated by raising the awareness on the impact of this kind of research and the benefits it will bring to the institution itself. This will be emphasised by the Senior Researchers, Coordinators of the thematic working groups and by funding authorities. 东道机构缺乏共同资助提升对此类研究成效及对研究机构自身影响的关注。通过资深研究者、主题工作组协调者及出资机构展开。 Lack of research project grants support will be provided by the Senior Researchers for the identification of strategic topics for potential funding 缺乏研究经费资深研究者通过明确潜在资助战略课题提供支持 Lack of coordination with the corresponding Network thematic group mitigated by the Senior Researchers who will nominate a new coordinator of the thematic working group, when needed and organise regular meetings for coordination (face-to-face, videoconference 缺乏与相关主题群体的协调资深研究者在必要时提名新的主题工作组协调者,定期组织协调会议(面对面或视频会议) ESTER

FEASIBILITY: A EU-CHINA IP THINK TANK 建立中欧知识产权智库的可行性 Literature on Chinese governance shows the policy process in China has been increasingly open, with more opportunities for the public to be involved in the policy-making. (Mathe 2009) 有关中国治理的文献表明,中国的政策过程正在逐步开放,公众对于决策过程有了更多的参与机会。 Research institutes of various types in China conduct academic studies, provide professional advices to the decision makers, and potentially influence the decision-making process. 不同类型的研究机构都可以进行学术研究、想决策者提供专业意见、乃至影响决策进程。 In literature, research institutes and think tanks are interchangeable. 在很多文献中,研究机构合智库是混用的

TYPES OF CHINESE IP RESEARCH INSTITUTES 知识产权研究机构的类型 the quasi-official institutes affiliated to governmental agencies or regulatory authorities 隶属于政府部门或者管理机构的半官方研究机构 E.g. Intellectual property Research Centre of SIPO 国家知识产权局发展研究中心 Judicial Protection Research Centre of SPC 最高人民法院知识产权司法保护中心 research institutes or centres affiliated to universities 隶属于大学的研究所或中心 Normally affiliated to Law Schools of universities 通常隶属于大学的法学院 Recently, more IP research centres have been established at school of management 近年来,越来越多的知识产权研究所开始建立在管理学院 private IP research institute (NGOs) 私人知识产权研究机构 Not many in numbers 数量不多 only university-affiliated institutes are identified as suitable for potential EU-China IP Academic Network. 只有隶属于大学的研究中心或研究所是中欧知识产权学术网络的可能参与者。

ROLE OF CHINESE IP THINK TANK 中国知识产权智库的角色 IP research institutes (Think tanks) are not specifically investigated in literature 已有文献并没有特别研究知识产权研究机构 The role of Chinese research institutes (think tanks) has been extensively discussed by literature: 中国研究机构(智库)的角色在已有文献中已经被广泛讨论 Multitude of roles: as policy advisors, as academics and as advocates (Abb 2015) 多重角色:政策建议者、学术研究者以及倡导(宣传者)(Abb 2015) Literature also explore: 已有文献也研究了: -Influences of think tanks 智库的影响力 Changing roles of think tanks in other issue areas 智库的角色随着时间推移而变化

CHINESE IP THINK TANKS AS ACADEMICS 作为学术研究者的中国知识产权智库 Table 2. IP Publication in CLSCI Journals 2014– Affiliation of Authors 表 2 2014年CLSCI期刊中的知识产权发表物–作者所属单位 Imbalance of contributions from various IP institutions to listed journals 各机构对于所列期刊的投稿不均衡 主题涉及知识产权理论和主要的知识产权领域 Topics covers intellectual property theory and major subsections of intellectual property Low rate of coauthorship (<10%), and all coauthors from same institution 合作率低(< 10%), 且来自同一机构

CHINESE IP SCHOLARS POLICY ADVISORS 作为政策建议者的中国知识产权学者 Channels for Chinese IP think tanks to advise policy makers 中国知识产权智库参与政策制定的渠道 undertaking assigned project by administrative agencies 承担行政部门委托的研究项目 participating in expert verification seminars 参加专家论证研讨会 Training or Lecturing governmental officials 为政府部门工作人员提供培训或者讲座 Proposing an “Expert Draft” or comments for Legislations 提出立法的“专家建议稿”或意见

CHALLENGES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EU-CHINA IP THINK TANK 建立一个中欧知识产权智库面临的挑战 Lack of cooperative practice in publication 缺乏合作出版的习惯 Organisational framework of the EU-China Think Tank 中欧知识产权智库的组织结构 there is no established model for the organisational framework of the network, especially in terms of legal status, leadership, working mechanisms and the expectation of its outcomes. 在组织结构上没有先例,尤其是在其法律地位、工作机制、预期目标和产出方面。 Possible conflict of interest 可能的利益冲突



EU-CHINA EXPERTS AND ALUMNI NETWORK PORTAL 中国-欧盟校友专家网络门户网站 Objective目的 Provide a virtual identity of the initiative 为该计划提供实体支撑 Promote exchange and mobility opportunities for IP EU and Chinese students and scholars 提高中欧知识产权学者与学生的交换与交流机会 Promote participation in the EU-China IP Research programme 促进对中国-欧盟知识产权研究项目的参与 Target目标群体 Students (Graduates, PhD, Postdoc)学生(研究生、博士、博士后) Teaching Staff and researchers教职人员与研究者 Other relevant actors其他相关参与者 WENTING

EU-CHINA EXPERTS AND ALUMNI NETWORK PORTAL 中国-欧盟校友专家网络门户网站 Services 服务 Cooperation Forum (supply/demand requests of IP teaching staff and researchers for both EU and Chinese universities) 合作论坛(提供中欧院校知识产权教学与研究人员的供给与需求信息) Information about the EU-CHINA IP Research Programme; 中欧知识产权研究项目的信息 Scholarship Repository for EU and Chinese Students; 中欧学生奖学金信息库 Newsletter and updating activities of the initiative + Online IP teaching resources 计划活动的简报与更新+在线知识产权教学资源 Academic Cooperation Good Practices; 学术合作良好实践 Impact 影响 Increased mobility of students and scholars 提升学生与学者的交流 Active participation of EU and Chinese Scholars in the EU-CHINA IP Research Programme; 中欧学者积极参与中国-欧盟知识产权研究项目 Dissemination of EU and China IP Systems, Network activities, etc. 宣传中欧知识产权制度、网络活动等 WENTING

EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目 Objective目标 Promote initiation and follow up of joint research in IP of EU and Chinese Scholars via bottom-up networks促进中欧知识产权学者自下而上合作研究活动的建立与进展 Target目标群体 Teaching Staff 教职人员 Researchers (both Consolidated and Senior) 研究者(专业以及资深) Services服务 Meetings, workshop, conferences, training schools, short term scientific missions, raising awareness activities 会谈、研讨会、会议、培训项目、短期科学项目以及宣传活动。 Publications (success stories, videos, etc.) 出版物(成功故事、视频等) WENTING

EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目 Actions活动 The different initiatives financed will be of different modalities: 资助不同模式的不同计划 Pan EU-CHINA (target EU and China at macro level. They should include more than 3 EU countries) 泛欧盟-中国(宏观层面的中欧合作,至少涉及超过三个欧盟国家) Researcher-driven (specifically addressed to the IP topic of the Network Working Group set up) 研究者驱动(特别关注设立网络工作组的知识产权课题) Multi/interdisciplinary (fostering the development of IP research from a interdisciplinary perspective and generation high level of applied research results) 多学科/跨学科(从跨学科角度促进知识产权研究,形成高水平应用研究成果) Future-oriented (focused on high risk and emerging IP topics) 面相未来(专注高风险及新兴知识产权课题) WENTING

EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC FORUM 中国-欧盟知识产权学术论坛 Objective目标 To disseminate the main activities of the EU-China Experts and Alumni Network in a annual event, to be organised alternatively in EU and China on yearly basis 通过一项年度活动宣传中欧校友专家网络的主要活动,该年度活动由中欧轮流举办。 Target目标群体 Students (Graduates, PhD, Postdoc)学生(研究生、博士、博士后) Teaching Staff and researchers教职人员与研究者 Other relevant actors其他相关参与者 WENTING

EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC FORUM 中国-欧盟知识产权学术论坛 Actions 活动 Forum Members meeting (one day meeting including panels and round tables about academic cooperation and research) 论坛成员会议(为期一天的会议,包括学术合作与研究的分组讨论及圆桌会议) Publication of results 结果出版 WENTING

EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC RESEARCH NETWORK 中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络 Objective目标 Establish a EU-China IP Academic Research Network 建立中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络 Ensure cooperation among IP Academia of EU and China 确保中欧知识产权学者的合作 Target目标群体 Senior Researchers affiliated to universities 大学的资深研究者 Main Chinese stakeholders (MOFCOM, MOE) 主要中方利益相关方(商务部、教育部) DG Trade staff 贸易总司官员 WENTING

EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC RESEARCH NETWORK 中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络 Actions 活动 Promote joint academic research 促进共同学术研究 Support the EU-China IP Research and Networking Programme 为中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目提供支持 Contribute to the organisation of the EU-China IP Academic Forum Conference 协助组织中国-欧盟知识产权学术论坛会议 WENTING

Thank you for your attention 谢谢各位 WENTING