課程簡介與背景知識介紹 組合語言 971版.


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Presentation transcript:

課程簡介與背景知識介紹 組合語言 971版

敎科書介紹 Intel-base computers ARM series processor KIP R. IRVINE, Assembly Language for INTEL-based Computers, 5th Edition, Pearson. 王國華、白能勝、曾鴻祥編譯,組合語言,第五版,全華圖書印行,書號:培生05976。ISBN 978-986-15-4610-0。 ARM series processor Peter Knaggs and Stephen Welsh, ARM: Assembly Language Programming, School of Design, Engineering & Computing, August 31, 2004

敎科書介紹(續) Features of Assembly Language for INTEL-based Computers, 5th Edition: Intel IA-32組合語言 IA-32架構介紹 組語的基礎 巨集 高階語言介面

敎科書介紹 ARM: Assembly Language Programming 電子書 Assembler Architecture Instruction Set Addressing mode Program Data Movement Subroutine …

教學目標 資工系教學目標 數位生活系統 組合語言課程教學目標 培養具有增進或改善數位生活之各式系統設計與實作能力的科技人才。 嵌入式系統 撰寫程式 組合語言課程教學目標 學習組合語言的程式設計的基本技巧,並認識IA-32和ARM組合語言。使學生具備入門的技術,能夠看懂與編寫IA-32與ARM組合語言程式。

評分方式 期中考25% 期末考40%(整學期授課範圍) 平常分數35% 上課態度:基本分:70 (50%) 小考/作業:(50%) 全勤:+5 課堂練習:完成+1/每次 未被扣分:+5 缺課(未事先請假):-2/每節 遲到/早退:-1/每次 上課吵鬧:-1/每次 不聽勸告: -1/每次 上課玩電動:-10/每次 上課時做與課堂無關事項:-2/每次 不帶課本: -1/每次 缺考: -10/每次 小考/作業:(50%)

基本概念 組譯器(Assembler) 連結器(Linker) 除錯器(Debugger) 是一個能將組合語言的來源碼或原始碼(source-code),轉換成機器語言的公用程式。 連結器(Linker) 是一個能將組譯器產生的若干檔案,結合成單一的可執行程式的公用程式。 除錯器(Debugger) 是一個能讓程式設計人員能夠逐步追蹤程式的執行過程與檢視暫存器與記憶體內容的公用程式。

基本概念 整合發展環境 將編輯器、組譯器、連結器、除錯器等整合在一起的人機介面程式。 例: Visual Studio .Net 2005 Visual C++ 2005 Express

基本概念 組合語言和機器語言 一對一關係。 機器語言指令: 組合語言指令 由0與1組成的特定二進位pattern 例: 1011100010111 組合語言指令 由助憶碼(mnemonic)表示 add eax ,Y ;將Y的值存放到EAX暫存器。

基本概念 組合語言和高階語言關係 組合語言 高階語言的每個敘述 對應 多個組合語言敘述的組合。 通常有特定的格式。例: 高階語言的每個敘述 對應 多個組合語言敘述的組合。 組合語言 通常有特定的格式。例: Label add AX, BX ; 將AX和BX暫存器的值相加

發展環境建構 組譯程式安裝 Step 1: Install Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Ref: http://kipirvine.com/asm/gettingStarted/index.htm#Required If you are using Visual Studio 2005 Professional or Team Suite, these products already contain the Microsoft Assembler 8.0. Step 1: Install Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Step 2: Download and Install the Microsoft Assembler Step 3: Installing the Book's Example Programs Step 4: Building a Sample Assembly Language Program Step 5: Running the Sample Program in Debug Mode

發展環境建構 函式庫與範例程式下載 函式庫安裝 進入網站: www.asmirvine.com 點入超連結:Link Libraries and Example Programs 下載: IrvineExamples.exe (a self-extracting archive file) 透過超連結: Complete set of example programs and link libraries After the file has been saved, 函式庫安裝 執行 IrvineExamples.exe Double-click on the self-extracting archive file to extract its contents. The programs are normally installed in the c:\Irvine folder, but you have the option of changing the location.

發展環境建構 Installing the Book's Example Programs get the latest copy of the book's link libraries and example programs. The examples are stored in a self-extracting archive file that automatically extracts to the c:\Irvine folder. Unless you have some objection to using that location, do not alter the path. (Lab managers: you can designate c:\Irvine directory as read-only.) If you plan to change the installation location, read our instructions relating to changing project properties.

Irvine’s Examples The folllowing files will be copied into the c:\Irvine directory: Filename Description GraphWin.inc Include file for writing Windows applications Irvine16.inc Include file used with the Irvine16 link library (16-bit applications) Irvine16.lib 16-bit link function library used with this book Irvine32.inc Include file used with the Irvine32 link library (32-bit applications) Link16.exe 16-bit linker Irvine32.lib 32-bit link function library used with this book Macros.inc Include file containing macros (explained in Chapter 10) SmallWin.inc Small-sized include file, used by Irvine32.inc User32.lib Link library with Windows functions. make16.bat Batch file for building 16-bit applications VirtualKeys.inc Keyboard code definitions file, used by Irvine32.inc A subdirectory named Examples will contain all the example programs shown in the book.