英美法各論 真理大學財經法律系 助理教授楊智傑.


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Presentation transcript:

英美法各論 真理大學財經法律系 助理教授楊智傑

各種法領域 英美侵權法(tort law) 英美契約法(contract law) 美國刑法(criminal laws) 美國刑事訴訟法(criminal procedure) 美國憲法(constitutional laws) 美國行政法(administrative laws) 美國智慧財產權(intellectual property )

上課方式 本學期主講領域:Tort 挑選中文教材,以利學生閱讀複習 老師上課講解重要概念 搭配講解重要法律英文名詞 挑選英文佳句進行講解

成績評定 不定時小考或點名,佔40% 期中考,佔30% 期末考,佔30% 考試內容為上課所講解之專有名詞翻譯,或句子翻譯 期末將總計所有小考或點名次數,例如若小考加點名共10次,則一次10分(小考則以實際取得分數為準),計算平時成績 期中考,佔30% 考試內容同小考內容,小考考過題目將重複於期中考、期末考出現 期末考,佔30% 同上

侵權法的法源 聯邦法Federal laws 州法State laws 侵權模範法典Model tort code Congress Act Supreme Court Decisions 州法State laws Statute Common law 侵權模範法典Model tort code

侵權類型 故意侵權 未盡注意義務 嚴格責任 Intentional torts Negligence Recklessness Contributory negligence comparative negligence assumption of the risk 嚴格責任 Strict liability

Intentional tort Purpose 意圖 直接故意 Knowledge 知情 間接故意 An intentional tort is a category of torts that describes a civil wrong resulting from an intentional act on the part of the tortfeasor.(侵權者)

Negligence 合理的注意義務Duty of care The term negligence pertains to a tort that simply results from the failure of the tortfeasor to take sufficient care in fulfilling a duty owed

合理注意義務 It can be generally defined as conduct that is culpable(應負責) because it falls short of what a reasonable person (合理之人)would do to protect another individual from foreseeable risks(可預見的風險) of harm.

Recklessness重大過失 Conduct whereby the actor does not desire harmful consequence(結果) but...foresees(預見) the possibility and consciously(有意識地) takes the risk(風險) a state of mind in which a person does not care about the consequences of his or her actions

Contributory negligence促成過失 where a plaintiff(原告), Claimant(請求者) has, through his own negligence, contributed to the harm he suffered. Contributory negligence is often regarded as unfair because under the doctrine(法律原則) a victim who is at fault to any degree, including only 1% at fault, may be denied compensation(賠償) entirely

comparative negligence 比較過失 純粹的比較過失,按過失比例分攤 "pure" comparative negligence. A plaintiff who was, say, 90% to blame for an accident could recover 10% of his losses.

比較過失 修正的比較過失,原告自己的過失不能超過50% “modified” comparative negligence. One variant allows plaintiffs to recover only if the plaintiff‘s negligence is “not greater than” the defendant’s(被告) (the plaintiff's negligence must not be more than 50% of the combined negligence of both parties).

assumption of the risk自願承擔風險 The assumption of the risk defense(防禦、抗辯) entails the Defendant proving(證明) that the plaintiff knew of a dangerous condition and voluntarily exposed himself or herself to the danger.

strict liability嚴格責任 strict liability torts refers to situations where a party is liable for(負責任) injuries (損害)no matter what precautions(預防措施) were taken.

嚴格責任 strict liability is the imposition(施加) of liability on a party without a finding of fault (such as negligence or tortious intent). The plaintiff need only prove that the tort occurred and that the defendant was responsible. 產品責任product liability 雇用人責任respondeat superior

各種責任類型的差異 責任範圍 懲罰性賠償金(punitive damege) 抗辯(defense) 監督者責任( respondeat superior ) 保險(insurance) 豁免(immunities) 訴訟時效(statutes of limitations) 破產(bankruptcy)