2011中国西部地区SMT高科技会议 West China SMT Technology Conference 2011


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Presentation transcript:

2011中国西部地区SMT高科技会议 West China SMT Technology Conference 2011 — NEPCON Road Show across China October 18-19, 2011 Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside 2011中国西部地区SMT高科技会议 ——NEPCON系列路演活动 2011年10月18日—19日 重庆滨江皇冠假日酒店

2011中国西部地区SMT高科技会议 West China SMT Technology Conference 2011 — NEPCON Road Show across China October 18-19, 2011 Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside 2011中国西部地区SMT高科技会议 ——NEPCON系列路演活动 2011年10月18日—19日重庆滨江皇冠假日酒店 赞助商/Sponsors 支持媒体/Media Partners

Overview of Chongqing Electronics Market: About Chongqing: Chongqing, the 4th municipal city after Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. Chongqing is considered to be fastest growing city in China by the United Nations, the World Bank and the Fortune magazine. Chongqing generated CNY 780 billion or USD 118 billion in gross domestic products in 2010; doubling the level five years ago, GDP per capita was USD 4,000 or approximately CNY 26,400. The city fiscal revenue reached CNY 199.1 billion in 2010 up by 400% compared with that in 2005. In 2010, the total export and import value in the city surged 61.1% year on year to a record US$12.43 billion. Chongqing is the logistics center in West China due to its convenient transportation infrastructure. The Yangtze River and the Jialing River weave through it, making it a large inland port along the upper stream of the Yangtze River. It is also the intersection point for three railways, including the Chengdu-Chongqing railway, Chengdu-Guiyang railway and Xiangfan-Chongqing railway, and two expressways - namely, the Chongqing-Behai Expressway and Chongqing-Zhanjiang Expressway. Chongqing and Chengdu are two major realty markets in south-western China. The two markets are enjoying booming business, thanks to takeoff of industrial development. Chongqing, for instance, has become a center of hi-tech factories, while Chengdu has also witnessed the emergence of industrial clustering. Overview of Chongqing Electronics Market: With a large number of the Fortune 500 IT manufacturers such as Hewlett-Packard, Foxconn, Cisco, Inventec and Quanta setting up their production plants in Chongqing, Chongqing will be one of the most important electronics manufacturing bases in the world. Taiwan-based Inventec, the world’s 4th largest ODM notebook maker, started their manufacturing base in Chongqing last year with a monthly production capacity of one million notebook PCs. The notebook maker Quanta Computer will start pilot production for Hewlett-Packard's orders at its plants in Chongqing, China in March 2011 with a volume of 40,000-60,000 units and will increase to a monthly average of 200,000-300,000 units in the second quarter of 2011.

Participation Sponsor Vacancy Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Coffee Break Sponsor Show Case Sponsor Participation Sponsor 1 4 - Cost RMB 45,000 RMB 35,000 RMB 25,000 RMB 15,000 RMB 6,000 40-minute Technical Presentation Session Yes Ad on Conference Proceedings Inside Front Cover Run-of-book Logo Listing Advertising NEPCON website, Road Show Promotion Materials & Welcome Backdrop NEPCON website, Road Show Promotion Materials Distribution of Company Catalogue 2-sqm Show Case Display Area Receive a Confidential Copy of Delegate Contact List (with company name, name, phone and email) Your cooperate video played in conference room when coffee break and 2 Easy Pull shows at Resting Area during Coffee Breaks Conference Passes Max 5 Max 4 Max 3 Max 2

Conference bag Sponsor Vacancy Bronze Sponsor Lanyard Sponsor Conference bag Sponsor 5 1 Cost RMB 25,000 30-minute Technical Presentation Session Yes Ad on Conference Proceedings Run-of-book Logo Listing Advertising NEPCON website, Road Show Promotion Materials & Welcome Backdrop Distribution of Company Catalogue 2-sqm Show Case Display Area - Receive a Confidential Copy of Delegate Contact List (with company name, name, phone and email) Conference Passes Max 3

Agenda (The conference program may be subject to change.) Tuesday, 18th October 2011 Venue: Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside HAITANG Ball room 08:30-09:00 Registration of conference delegates 09:00-09:20 Welcome address from conference Chairman 09:20-10:00 Hands-on! Latest Mass Production Techniques for 0402(01005) Part Mounting 10:00-10:40 汉高电子材料最新进展 10:40-11:00 Coffee break & networking 11:00-11:40 The Application and evaluation of AOI instrument Keynote speaker: Wang Jun GREE Electric Appliances (Chongqing) Controller Co., Ltd. 11:40-12:10 SMT挑战及新美亚服务 12:30-13:45 Lunch 14:00-14:40 Sharing of advanced technology by HITACHI 14:40-15:20 Sharing of advanced technology by sponsored speaking company 15:20-15:40 15:40-16:20 16:20-17:15 The hot researching area for modern electronics manufacturing technology ----- The formation of theoretical system for reliability of electronics assembly technology Keynote speaker: Fan Rong Rong Shenzhen Zhong Xing Telecom Co., Ltd. 17:30 Closing of Day I

Agenda (The conference program may be subject to change.) Wednesday, 19h October 2011 Venue: Crowne Plaza Chongqing Riverside HAITANG Ball room 08:30-09:00 Registration of conference delegates 09:00-09:10 Opening remarks from conference Chairman 09:10-9:50 JAPAN UNIX最新焊锡机器人技术及其应用 9:50-10:30 How to implement flexible SMT production efficiently ? 10:30-10:50 Coffee break & networking 10:50-11:20 Sharing of advanced technology by sponsored speaking company 11:20-11:50 Case study on the reliability of green electronics packaging technology Keynote Speaker: Luo Dao Jun China CEPREI Lab 12:00-12:40 Sharing of advanced technology by sponsored speaking company 12:45-13:45 Lunch 14:00-14:20 Sharing of advanced technology by OK INTERNATIONAL 14:20-15:00 15:00-15:20 15:20-16:00 16:00-17:00 Keynote Speech (TBC) 17:00 Closing of Day II

重庆电子工业优势: 随着惠普、富士康、思科、英业达、广达等一大批炙手可热的世界500强抢滩入驻,重庆IT制造不仅实现了从无到有,还一举跃居亚洲乃至全球主要IT制造基地之一。到2010年重庆电子制造主营业务收入超过3000亿元,占全市工业总产值20%。重庆将抓住国际电子信息产业布局调整的机遇,成为亚洲乃至全球最大的笔记本电脑加工基地。 重庆重点IT企业推荐: 英业达集团为台湾名列前茅的IT产业大厂,集团年营业额达250亿人民币以上。2010年,英业达集团在重庆建造了第二大生产基地,占地近3平方公里,主要从事电子元器件及成品的销售和售后服务等业务。 广达是全球最大的笔记本电脑制造厂,市占率约34%。主要为 IBM, SONY, TOSHIBA, HP, APPLE 等国际大厂作代工,是世界500强的台湾电子企业,也是全球最大的笔记本电脑制造商。广达集团继布局上海、江苏之后,于2010年,广达中国第三制造基地落户重庆。 重庆地域优势: 重庆是中国唯一的省级全国配套改革试验区,中国中西部唯一的直辖市,被联合国、世界银行、美国财富杂志等列为中国最具发展潜力的增长型城市,居西部之首。 交通部确定并在快速打造的中国第五大交通枢纽,西部唯一集陆、海、空三位一体的物流运输中心。 40多家世界500强企业已投资重庆,金融危机使沿海地区的投资更迅速的向西部转移,重庆因此又获得了第二次发展契机。

NEPCON 网站、会议宣传资料及会议背景板 金牌赞助 (独此礼遇, 仅此一家) 银牌赞助 仅此四家) 茶歇休息区赞助 展示赞助商 会议参与赞助 RMB 45,000 RMB 35,000 RMB 25,000 RMB 15,000 RMB 6,000 40分钟黄金 时间演讲 Yes - 会议论文集广告 首页位置 出现页码随机 公司司标广告 NEPCON 网站、会议宣传资料及会议背景板 NEPCON 网站、会议宣传资料 贵司产品介绍资料随观众袋派发 2平米多功能 展示区 获取所有与会代表团名单及联系方式(包括姓名、公司名、电话及邮箱) 三段茶歇期间循环播放贵司宣传视频(也可选择任一茶歇时段播放视频,RMB10.000/时间段,先报名者优选选择时间段) 与会入场券 Max 5 Max 4 Max 3 Max 2

NEPCON 网站、会议宣传资料及会议背景板 铜牌赞助 (独此礼遇, 仅此五家) 勋带及胸卡赞助 会议专用袋赞助 RMB 25,000 30分钟黄金时间演讲 Yes 会议论文集广告 出现页码随机 会议司标广告 NEPCON 网站、会议宣传资料及会议背景板 贵司产品介绍资料随观众袋派发 2平米多功能 展示区 - 获取所有与会代表团名单及联系方式(包括姓名、公司名、电话及邮箱) 与会入场券 Max 3

Agenda 日程安排表 (具体安排主办方有权酌情调整) 首日议程 2011年10月18日,星期二 会议地点: 重庆滨江皇冠假日酒店海棠宴会厅 08:30-09:00 听众登记 09:00-09:20 会长致开幕辞 09:20-10:00 实践出真知! 0402元件实装的批量生产最新 技术 10:00-10:40 汉高电子材料最新进展 10:40-11:00 上午 茶歇及交流 11:00-11:40 主题演讲:《自动光学检测仪(AOI)的应用与评估》 演讲人: 王君 格力电器(重庆)有限公司电子技术部 副部长 11:40-12:10 SMT挑战及新美亚服务 12:30-13:45 午宴 14:00-14:40 日立高新技术公司 分享先进技术 14:40-15:20 赞助公司分享先进技术 15:20-15:40 下午 茶歇及交流 15:40-16:20 16:20-17:15 主题演讲:《现代电子制造技术的热点研究领域——电子装联工艺可靠性技术理论体系的建立》 演讲人: 樊融融 中兴通讯股份有限公司 康讯研究所工艺技术部 工艺专业研究员 17:30 当日会议结束

Agenda 日程安排表 (具体安排主办方有权酌情调整) 次日议程 2011年10月19日,星期三 会议地点: 重庆滨江皇冠假日酒店海棠宴会厅 08:30-09:00 听众登记 09:00-09:10 会长致词 09:10-9:50 JAPAN UNIX最新焊锡机器人技术及其应用 9:50-10:30 瑞典迈德特自动化有限公司演讲题目 —— 如何高效地实现柔性SMT生产? 10:30-10:50 上午 茶歇及交流 10:50-11:20 诺信ASYMTEK赞助公司分享先进技术 11:20-11:50 主题演讲:《绿色电子封装可靠性案例研究》 演讲人: 罗道军 中国赛宝实验室可靠性研究分析中心 主任研究员 12:00-12:40 赞助公司分享先进技术 12:45-13:45 午宴 14:00-14:20 OK国际分享先进技术 14:20-1500 15:00-15:20 下午 茶歇及交流 15:20-16:00 16:00-17:00 主题演讲:待定 演讲人: 待定 17:00 当日会议结束

Reed Exhibitions Shanghai Branch 励展博览集团上海分公司 Mike Deng 邓萌 Tel: +86 21 5153 5100 电话:+86 21 5153 5100 Fax: +86 21 5153 5248 传真:+86 21 5153 5248 mike.deng@reedexpo.com.cn mike.deng@reedexpo.com.cn