(1) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光


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Presentation transcript:

(1) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 Lord, the light of Your love is shining, 主,你愛的光輝正照亮 In the midst of the darkness shining; 在這黑暗彎曲世代中 Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us, 耶穌,世界真光,照亮我們 Set us free by the truth You now bring us; 賜下真理使我們得自由 Shine on me, Shine on me. 光照我, 光照我 (1) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光

(C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 fill this land with the Father’s glory. 哦,主發光!讓這地充滿父神榮光 Blaze, Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire. 靈火焚燒! 焚燒眾人心靈 Flow, river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy. 活水湧流! 以慈愛憐憫恩待萬邦 Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light. 求發命令!主啊!照亮這地. (C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光

(2) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 Lord, I come to Your awesome presence, 主,我們仰望你的榮面 From the shadows into Your radiance; 願榮耀藉著我們彰顯 By the blood I may enter Your brightness; 生命更新天天不斷改變 Search me, try me, consume all my darkness; 願你真理榮美讓人看見 Shine on me, Shine on me. 光照我, 光照我 (2) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光

(C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 fill this land with the Father’s glory. 哦,主發光!讓這地充滿父神榮光 Blaze, Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire. 靈火焚燒! 焚燒眾人心靈 Flow, river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy. 活水湧流! 以慈愛憐憫恩待萬邦 Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light. 求發命令!主啊!照亮這地. (C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光

(3) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 As we gaze on Your kingly brightness, 當我們注目仰望祢榮光 So our faces display Your likeness; 願我們都 能更加 像祢 Everchanging from glory to glory, 不斷更新從榮耀到榮耀 Mirror’d here may our lives tell Your story, 願我們活出祢奇妙故事 Shine on me, Shine on me. 光照我, 光照我 (3) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光

(C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光 fill this land with the Father’s glory. 哦,主發光!讓這地充滿父神榮光 Blaze, Spirit blaze, set our hearts on fire. 靈火焚燒! 焚燒眾人心靈 Flow, river flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy. 活水湧流! 以慈愛憐憫恩待萬邦 Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light. 求發命令!主啊!照亮這地. (C) Shine, Jesus Shine 哦,主發光