人教版英语 三年级下册 3/1/2017.


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Presentation transcript:

人教版英语 三年级下册 3/1/2017

Unit 6 How many? A 3/1/2017

Warm-up Let’s chant. 3/1/2017

Let’s play a game. (看图猜成语) seven three _____ ___ eight two 横七竖八 三长两短 3/1/2017

Let’s do. 3/1/2017

Presentation 谁是小小翻译家? eleven 十一 twelve十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen十四 fifteen 十五 kite风筝 beautiful美丽的 单词新朋友 3/1/2017

谁是小小翻译家? 句型新朋友 So beatuful! 真漂亮! How many kites do you see? 你看见了多少个风筝? I see 12!我看见了十二个。 3/1/2017

eleven 3/1/2017

twelve 3/1/2017

thirteen 3/1/2017

fourteen 3/1/2017

fifteen 3/1/2017

thirteen fourteen fifteen 找规律。 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 3/1/2017

kite 3/1/2017

Look at the kite! Wow,so beautiful! 3/1/2017

A:How many kites do you see? B:I see eight. A:No! The black one is a kite. 3/1/2017

How many crayons do you see? I see_______. twelve Practice How many crayons do you see? I see_______. twelve 3/1/2017

How many pears do you see? I see five. 3/1/2017

How many pencils do you see? I see thirteen. 3/1/2017

How many dogs do you see? I see seven. 3/1/2017

Ask and answer. fourteen birds fifteen apples How many ___s do you see? I see_________. 3/1/2017

How many pencils do you see? I see seven. No,the red one is a pen. 3/1/2017

The … one is a … 3/1/2017

five+seven= three×five= Test 直接写正确答案。 five+seven= three×five= fourteen-three= nine+four= twelve fifteen eleven thirteen 3/1/2017

The orange ____is an orange. A. a B. one C. an B 选择正确答案。 The orange ____is an orange. A. a B. one C. an B 3/1/2017

选择正确答案。 _____ dogs do you see? A. How B B. How many C. How old 3/1/2017

露西去迈克家做客,露西看到了许多漂亮的鱼,她会和迈克谈些什么呢?编写成对话表演出来吧。 Homework 走进生活 露西去迈克家做客,露西看到了许多漂亮的鱼,她会和迈克谈些什么呢?编写成对话表演出来吧。 3/1/2017

Thank you! 3/1/2017