key vocabulary 1 live to be 200 years 2 in the future 3 make predictions 4 have robot in your home 5 five years from now 6 study at home on computer 7.


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Presentation transcript:

key vocabulary 1 live to be 200 years 2 in the future 3 make predictions 4 have robot in your home 5 five years from now 6 study at home on computer 7 use money 8 less pollution 9 what do you think life will be in 100years? 10 Will you live in the same house in a year?

Unit 1 Will people have robots? robots? Unit 1 Will people have robots? robots?

What do you think it is? After 100 years… What do you think life will be?

1 Will the schoolbag carry you to school? 2 Will a kind of special jeans help you have a rest every? 3 Will you make indoor surfing at home? 4 Willl the computer punish you if you do wrong things on it? Yes,…will.No,…won’t. Make predictions 5. People will have robots in their homes. 6. People won’t use money. Everything will be free. 7. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.




如果你输入不健康词汇, 电脑就会惩罚你

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Section A

Some more predictions about things. 1a In a year… What do you think your life will be? I will… In five years…

A: Will people use money in 100 years? B: No, they won’t. Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old? A: Yes, they will. PAIRWORK Rocket /robots/books/kids

2c GROUPWORK A: I think there will be more pollution. B: Well, I don’t agree. But I think there will be fewer trees. A: I agree. Trees/pollution/cars/free time

1b Listening predictions People will have robots in their home People will not use money There will be only one country Kids won’t go to school

Tapescript: A:Do you think _______________________ ___________in 100 years? B:Yes,I do. I saw a robot on TV, and it cleaned the kitchen. A:Well, ______________________________. B:Do you think____________________? A:Yeah,probably. B:I think______________________. A:Only one country in the whole world? Will there be world peace? B:I hope so. people will have robots in their homes I don’t think people will use money everything will be free there will be one country

2a Listening things People Free time Cars Pollution trees Less /fewer/more more less fewer less fewer

2b Listening 1. There will be fewer people. 2. There will be less free time. 3. People will use less subways less. 4. There will be more pollution. 5. Cities will be very big and crowded. √ √

Grammar Focus 1 Will there be less pollution? No, there won’t. 2 There will be more pollution. 3 Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. 4 Kids won’t go to school. 5 Kids will study at home on computers.

1. I ________ (visit) my uncle tomorrow. 2. There _______ (be) a football match in our school next week. 3. He ________ (help) you with your English this evening. will visit will be will help 用一般将来时填空。

4. They ________ (play) soccer if it doesn’t rain. 5. We _________ (have) a meeting tomorrow. will play will have

1. 一般将来时结构: 肯定式:主语 + will + 动词原形 否定式:主语 + won’t + 动词原形 一般疑问句: Will + 主语 + 动词原形 2. fewer /less/ There will be ____ trees. There will be ___ people. There will be____pollution. There will be ____ free time.

2. “ there be ” 句型一般将来时的表达。 肯定句: There will be +名词(短语) 否定句: There will not / won’t be +名 词(短语) 一般疑问句: Will there be +名词(短语)? - Yes, there will. / No, there won’t.

试做以下试题 : ① I earn ______ money than my sister. ② There are ______ cars parked outside than yesterday. ③ We have ______ students this year than last year. ④ You ought to smoke ______ cigarettes and drink _____ beer.

There won’t be any paper money. There will only be one country. There will be more leisure time.

翻译句子 1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗? Do ___ _____ there will be robots __ _______ homes? 2. 人们将活到 150 岁。 People ___ ___ __ __ 150 years old. Homework you think in people’s will live to be

3. 我认为她会当医生。 I think she ___ __ a doctor. 4. 你住哪儿? 我住在北京。 ______ ___ ___ ____? I live in Beijing. 5 ___ ___ ___ less trees in 100 years.(100 年后将会有很少的树 ) will be Where do you live There will be

True or false 1 --will you have a baby in 10years? --yes,I’ll. 2--will there be less pollutionin 100 years? --No,they won’t. 3 what do you think will life be in the future?

写作 发挥你的想象, 写一篇作文。 I think we will need robots for cleaning the house… … Homework

Thank you for listening!