“PAPA, I’M HOME! ” 『爸爸,我回來了!』


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Presentation transcript:

“PAPA, I’M HOME! ” 『爸爸,我回來了!』

Nothing can make Ben happy at home, so he talks with his dad about leaving home. Scene1 [場景一]

Ben: Oh, I’m not happy. I have nothing to do. [喔,整天都沒事做,害我心情真不好。] Servant A: Why don’t you play computer games? [你要不要打電腦遊戲?] Ben: That’s boring. [那多無聊。]

Servant B: Why don’t you watch some TV? [那你要不要看電視?] Ben: That makes me feel tired. [看電視只會讓我覺得很累。] Servant C: Why don’t you sleep? [那你乾脆睡覺好了!]

Ben: You’re going to make me angry if you keep asking me. [你們再問下去我就要生氣了!] Hey, why don’t I go travel around the world? [嘿,我怎麼沒想到出去溜達溜達呢?] Dad: Who? Who wants to travel around? [是誰?誰要出去溜達溜達?]

Dad agrees to let Ben go, and Ben finds the outside is a wonderful world. 爸爸同意讓Ben離家。離家後的Ben,發現外面 的花花世界真是精采。 Scene2 [場景二]

Ben: Dad, can you give me some money so that I can go out and travel around the world? [爸,你可以給我一些錢讓我出門旅行一趟嗎?] Dad: Why? Do you want to leave home? [怎麼?你捨得離家嗎?]

Ben: Yes, because I’m bored every day. And sometimes I’m tired Ben: Yes, because I’m bored every day. And sometimes I’m tired. Sometimes I’m sad. Sometimes I’m angry. Nothing makes me happy at home. [哎唷,因為我每天都覺得很無聊啊!有時候很 疲倦。有時候很難過。有時候很生氣。在家裡沒 有一件事是可以讓我開心的。] Dad: Being alone outside is very dangerous. Your idea makes me nervous. [單獨在外是很危險的,你這樣會讓我很緊張。]

Ben: Oh, come on Dad. I’ll be fine. [別擔心啦,老爸!我不會有事的。] Dad: Well, all right. Here’s some money. [好吧!這些錢給你。]

Ben spends lots of money and meets a beautiful woman. Scene3 [場景三]

Ben: Oh, everything is so wonderful outside Ben: Oh, everything is so wonderful outside. The sunshine, trees, flowers, these people… [喔,外面的世界真美好,不論陽光、樹木、花 朵、人們…一切都美得不得了!!]

Vendor A: Hi there, do you need a pair of good shoes? [少年仔,你需要一雙漂亮的好鞋嗎?] Ben: No, I already have shoes. [不需要,我腳上已經有一雙鞋子了…]

Ben: But…those are really cool… [不過…這鞋子很酷炫倒是真的…] Vendor A: Yes, they are. And they will not make you feel tired while walking. [是啊,它們真的超酷炫!而且穿這雙鞋走路你 絕對不會覺得累唷!] Ben: Really? Then surely I need a pair. [真的?那我真需要一雙這樣的鞋子。]

Vendor B: Hi Gentleman, how about this shirt Vendor B: Hi Gentleman, how about this shirt? It will make you look more handsome. [嗨!這位先生,我賣的襯衫也不錯喔!可以讓 你看起來更帥一點。]

Ben: Yeah… my shirt is a little bit old. [是喔…我現在穿的這件是有點舊沒錯啦!] Vendor B: If you buy two, I’ll give you one more for free! [如果你一次買兩件,我可以多送你一件喔!] Ben: All right, since I have so much money. [好吧,反正我多的是錢。]

Beauty: Hey, handsome boy, why do you look so sad? [哈囉帥哥,你為什麼看起來這麼難過啊?] Ben: Why? I am not sad. I am just a little tired now. [真的嗎?我不是難過!我只是有點累。]

Beauty: Tired? Then you should have some fun with me, I am sure you won’t be bored, and you’ll feel very happy. [累?那你應該和我一起找點樂子,我敢保證你 絕對不會無聊,反而會很開心喔!] Ben: Ok, since I have no other place to go. [好啊,反正我也沒有別的地方可去。]

After Ben breaks up with the Beauty, he becomes sad and lonely After Ben breaks up with the Beauty, he becomes sad and lonely. Ben meets an old man then works for farming his pigs. Ben和漂亮女人分手後,感覺孤單又寂寞。之 後,Ben遇到了一個老人,Ben為了找份工作養 活自己而幫老人養豬。 Scene4 [場景四]

Ben: That woman…that crazy woman… [那個女人…那個抓狂的女人…] Beauty: Take your garbage away! [自己的垃圾自己帶走!]

Ben: Oh, I have nothing left now Ben: Oh, I have nothing left now. No friend, no food, no money…My life is terrible. [喔,我現在什麼也沒有了,沒朋友、沒東西吃、 沒錢…喔~真讓人難過。] Old Man: Hey, poor young man, I know you have no money. Why don’t you help me out and take care my pigs? Then both of us can be happy. [嘿!可憐的年輕人,我聽到你說自己沒錢啦, 那你要不要來幫我照顧這些豬呢?這樣咱倆都開 心。]

Ben: Thank you very much… [真是非常謝謝你。] Old Man: You don’t have to thank me. Those pigs...hey hey...I’m sure that they won’t make you feel bored, only nervous. [你不用謝我。這些豬…嘿嘿,我敢保證牠們不 會讓你無聊,倒是會緊張喔!]

Pigs get out of control and attack Ben Pigs get out of control and attack Ben. Ben is shocked, so he decides to go home. 豬群失去控制而攻擊Ben。Ben嚇到了,但也想 到家裡的好。他決定要回家了。 Scene5 [場景五]

Ben: Hey, this pigs’ food seems delicious. [嘿,那裡有豬的食物耶,好像很好吃的樣子。]

Ben: Why? Why? Why? I have no friend, no money, no food, no pigs and no home… [到底是為什麼大家都要這樣對我?我已經沒有 朋友、沒有錢、沒有東西吃、沒有豬、沒有家…] Wait a minute…home! I can go back home. [等一下…家!! 我怎麼沒想到我還有家可以回啊!]

Jo: Dad, why do you look so sad? [爸爸,你為什麼看起來這麼傷心呢?] Dad: I miss Ben so much. [因為我很想念Ben。]

Servant A: Ben’s back! Ben’s back! [Ben回來了!Ben回來了!] Dad: Who? Who’s back? [誰?你說誰回來了?]

Finally, Ben gets home. Father is very happy but his older brother, Jo, is angry. Ben終於回家了。Ben的爸爸看到他非常的高興。 但是Ben的哥哥Jo卻生氣了。 Scene6 [場景六]

Servant B: Ben is back home, but he looks very tired Servant B: Ben is back home, but he looks very tired. He also says he’s nervous to talk to you. [Ben回來了,可是他看起來非常累,而且他說要 與你見面讓他感到相當緊張。] Dad: Tell him to come in quickly. I am not angry at all. [告訴他快點進來,我一點也不生他的氣。]

Ben: Sorry Dad, I was wrong Ben: Sorry Dad, I was wrong. During those days outside, I’ve become more and more bored. And sometimes I’m tired. Sometimes I’m sad. Sometimes I’m nervous. Nothing makes me happy. [爸爸對不起,我錯了。離家出走的這些日子, 我越來越覺得無聊,有時候是疲倦,有時候難過, 有時候緊張。沒有一件事是可以逗我開心的。]

Dad: Thank God you’re back! Give my son some clean clothes to wear. [感謝上帝你回來了!] [來!去拿幾件乾淨的衣服給我的小兒子換上。] Servant A: Yes, sir. [好的。]

Dad: Bring a good pair of shoes for him. [你,再去拿一雙好鞋給他。] Servant B: Yes, Sir. [好的。] Dad: Prepare some nice dishes for us to celebrate. [你去準備幾樣好菜讓我們慶祝慶祝。] Servant C: Yes, Sir.

Jo: Hey, you’re finally home. But Dad, he has left home for so many years. How come you still treat him so well? [嘿,你終於回來啦!] [但是爸爸,他離家了這麼多年,為什麼你還對 他這麼好?] Dad: Don’t be angry, my son. Don’t you think it’s time for us to be happy? [別生氣兒子,你不覺得這是我們該高興的時刻 嗎?]

Jo: You are happy but I am not! [你很開心但我並不開心呀!] Dad: Think about it this way: You have always been around me, but your brother hasn’t. Now, he’s back, and we are finally together. Don’t you think it’s time for us to be happy? [但你想想,你從以前就是常在我身邊的,但你 的弟弟不是這樣。而現在,他已經回來了,你不 覺得這是我們該高興的時刻嗎?]

The End 劇終