Project Three Product description and marketing


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Presentation transcript:

Project Three Product description and marketing Company history 公司的变迁

Objectives To enable Ss to describe companies and their histories To practice reading for specific information To review the past simple and prepositions of time

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen Step I Words & Phrases GmbH abbr. <德> 股份有限公司(=Company with Limited Liability) Joint venture合资公司 venture的本意是“风险” ;joint是“共同的” 所以合资公司就是2个或2个以上的公司一起成立的共同承担风险,按照出资比例分享利润的公司 Volkswagen Models : Beetle newbeetle.jpg Golf golf.gif PASSAT PASSAT.gif SANTANA BORA POLO 4. 世界汽车标志.doc

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen As far as I know … 据我所知 The first factory was founded in 第一家工厂创建于…… The first factory was located in … 第一家工厂位于…… One of the most popular…in the world 世界上最知名的……之一 Europe’s largest car-maker 欧洲最大的汽车制造商 Step II Speaking Useful expressions

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen Step III Reading : Volkswagen Language Points: People’s car: 即指大众牌轿车:Volkswagen. First of all: 首先;第一。例:First of all, let me say how glad I am to be here. 首先,我要说的是我来到这里感到很高兴。

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen …started work on the `people’s car’ with money he received from the German government… ; …started production with his new American machinery 在这两个句子中,介词with 意为:(表示使用的工具、手段、材料等)用;以;以、、、、、、方式。而在 “Today Volkswagen AG is Europe’s largest car-maker with 242 770 employees and a turnover of $ 65 bn” 句子中,with 的意思是为:拥有。阅读时请注意介词with 在不同句子中的意思。 Commercial production stopped during the war… “the war” 一词在此指第二次世界大战。 Part 1 The history of Volkswagen

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen …the British helped the local economy by ordering 20 000 cars … ; The company continued its globalization by setting up its own production facilities in Australia… 在这两个句子中,介词by 意为:(表示方法、手段、方式)凭借;靠;用;通过。例如:It’s not fair to judge people by their appearance. 以貌取人是不公平的。 6. Instead, Heinrich Nor Hoff took over as Managing Director… instead: 作为替代;反而;却。例如:They didn’t go by bus, instead , they went there on foot. 他们没乘公共汽车,而是步行去那儿的。

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen Volkswagen became a public limited company valued at DM600m. 介词at 在此意为:(价格、速度、数额、程度等)以、达。例如:The apples were sold at 6 pence a pound. 这苹果以每磅6便士的价格出售。 8. …the future for VW looks every bit as bright as its past. Every bit as…: 完全一样;同样是。 例如:She is every bit as bright as clever as her sister. 她像她姐姐一样聪明

Part 1 The history of Volkswagen Speaking: useful expressions manufacture 制造 The company started in …公司始建、、、、、、 It expanded rapidly … 公司发展迅速 In the first few years the annual turnover only came to 开头的几年,年营业额仅达、、、、、、 Became a public limited company in …于、、、、、、成为一家上市公司 Formed partnerships with … 和、、、、、、建立了伙伴关系 When did your company first register? 你们公司最早在哪里注册的? What type of product did your company sell at the very beginning? 你们公司最初销售哪一类产品?

Part 2 Company Profile 公司概况 Speaking: form an organigram of the group structure. MNE The holding company controls the three divisions of the whole group. DELSTAR This is the largest company in the engineering division. The company has a major subsidiary, which has a controlling stake in a subsidiary of its own.

Part 2 Company Profile 公司概况 Write a note 商务便条一般有四个组成部分:日期、称呼、正文、签名。一些公司有印好的便条笺。如: