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Harmonized Halogen Free Cables 协调标准下的低烟无卤电线 International Designation H05Z1Z1-F HD21.14 国际统一名称H05Z1Z1-F HD21.14 (flexible cables insulated and sheathed with halogen-free thermoplastic compounds) 低烟无卤热塑绝缘和护套的软线 International Designation H05(7)Z1-U,R,K HD21.15 国际统一名称H05(7)Z1-U,R,K HD21.15 (single core cables insulated with halogen free thermoplastic compound for fixed wiring) 低烟无卤热塑绝缘单芯固定线 International Designation H07Z-U,R,K HD22.9 国际统一名称H07Z-U,R,K HD22.9 (single core non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring having cross-linked polymer and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases) 含有交联聚合物和低烟以及腐蚀性气体的单芯无护套固定线 International Designation H07ZZ-F HD22.13 国际统一名称H07ZZ-F HD22.13 (flexible cables insulated and sheathed with cross-linked polymer and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases) 护套和绝缘为交联聚合物并含有低烟和腐蚀性气体的软线

Main Test Standards for HF 低烟无卤电线的主要测试标准 Non-Halogen Verification 无卤验证 DIN VDE 0472 part 815, EN 50267-2-1, DIN VDE 482 part 267, IEC 60754-1 Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas; the proof of halogen is effected by chemical analysis. Thus the proof of halogen acid content like HCL and HBr is the result. The accuracy of this test is up to 5 mg/g, not for materials containing less than that. 判定卤酸气含量,卤素的验证受化学分析影响。测出卤酸气所含物质如:氯化氢和溴化氢为该验证结果。本测试精度所要求材料含量高达5mg/g,若材料含量少于此要求则不适用。

Standards 标准 DIN VDE 0472 part 815 Non-Halogen Verification testing of Cables, Wires and Flexible Cords 适用于电缆、电线和软线的无卤验证测试 Test Method A: to test for halogens Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine 测试法A:测试卤素:氯、溴、碘 Test Method B: to test for the halogen Fluorine 测试法B:测试卤素:氟

Test Goals in EN / HD Standards EN和协调标准的测试目标 0 HD 21.14 Halogen:Fluroine Chlorine If negative:stop test and Bromine If positive:continue 卤素:氟、氯和溴 若结果为“-”:停止测试 若结果为“+”:继续 1 EN 50267-2-2 pH value and ≥ 4,3 Conductivity ≤ 10 µS/mm pH值和导电率 2 EN 50267-2-1 Content of HCL ≤ 0,5% 氯化氢含量 3 EN 60684-2 Fluorine content ≤ 0,1% 氟含量 accept material

Test Standards 测试标准 Corrosivity of Combustion Gases 燃烧气体的腐蚀性 DIN VDE 0482 part 267 2-2, EN 50267-2-2, IEC 60754-2 and HD 602 Insulation and jacket materials are to be put in the moveable furnace, pre-heated to 750 to 800°C. The burning gas is conducted through two gas-washing bottles. The test shall be regarded as passed when the measured conductivity is ≤ 10 µS/mm. During this test all the not desired components of the materials are precipitated such as all halogens, sulphur and nitrogen. The corrosion test of gases caused by fire is carried out to the test materials, not the complete cable samples 将绝缘和护套材料放入移动烤箱中预热至750℃到800 ℃。将燃烧气体导至两个洗气瓶。当测到导电率≤ 10 µS/mm时测试认为通过。测试过程中,材料中所有无要求的元素会沉淀,如所有卤素,硫和氮。由燃烧产生的腐蚀性气体的测试只针对测试材料而非整个电线样品。

Tube Furnace – Drawing 烤箱管道 图

Measuring of Corrosivity 腐蚀性测量 Tube Furnace The presence of Halogen components will be detected in smallest quantities The sample of insulation or jacket material is in the silica tube, on a combustion boat 出现的卤素成分将取最小量测量 绝缘或护套材料样品放入二氧化硅试管中,置于燃烧皿上

Air Entry and Tube for Furnace synthetic air, speed rate 1l / min

Furnace with Entry and Exit

Tube Furnace

Washing Bottle

Gas Washing Bottles

Result of Test

Halogens and Test Standards 卤素和测试标准 Halogen content of HCL und HBr of insulation: 绝缘材料中卤素:氯化氢和溴化氢的含量 EN 50267-2-1 (VDE 482 Teil 267-2-1): max 0,5% Fluorine HF of insulation: 绝缘材料中:氟化氢 EN 60684-2 (VDE 0341 Teil 2): max 0,1 % HCL and HBr of sheath: 护套材料中:氯化氢和溴化氢 EN 50267-2-1 (VDE 482 Teil 267-2-1): max 0,5% Fluorine HF of sheath: 护套材料中:氟化氢 EN 60684-2 (VDE 0341 Teil 2): max 0,1 % 

LSF LSHF / LSZH There are many terms used to describe a cable‘s behavior during a fire. Most deal with the level of smoke and poisonous fumes given off. LSF cables (Low Smoke & Fume) are sometimes no more than modified PVC giving off anything up to 18% HCl emissions! Cables that give off below 0.5% of HCl are classed as Low Smoke Halogen Free (LSHF), Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) etc. 描述电线在燃烧过程中状态的术语很多。大部分都与释放出的烟雾指数和有毒气体相关。电线释放出低于0.5%的氯化氢称为低烟无卤电线,或低烟零卤线等。

H05Z1Z1-F H05Z1Z1-F is a light duty, harmonized, flexible, halogen-free, black jacketed multi conductor 300/500 V. European cord. Recommended when halogen-free, low-smoke and corrosive gas properties are required in case of fire. Applications include connecting electrical appliances under medium mechanical stresses environments in offices, kitchens and households. H05Z1Z1-F can commonly be found in connections to refrigerators, washing machines and spin-dryers. These cables can also be used in cooking and heating apparatus if not in direct contact with hot parts of the apparatus. H05Z1Z1-F 为轻型、符合协调标准、细软、无卤、黑色护套多芯线 300/500V 欧洲线型。 为了防火,推荐使用符合无卤、低烟和腐蚀性气体要求的电线。 此类电线适用于连接办公室、厨房和家庭中受介质机械应力环境的电器。H05Z1Z1-F 通常用于冰箱,洗衣机和自旋式干燥机。若不直接与器具的热部件连接,此类电线还可用于烹饪和加热器具。

H07ZZ-F H07ZZ-F is a harmonized, heavy-duty, flexible, halogen-free, black jacketed multi-conductor 450/750 V. European cable. Recommended for use in electrical equipment under medium stress indoors; not suitable for continuous outdoor use. Recommended when halogen-free low smoke and corrosive gas properties are required in case of fire. H07ZZ-F cables are used for equipment in industry works such as boilers, heating plates, hand lamps, electric tools such as drills, circular saws, in homework tools and transportable motors or machines at site. H07ZZ-F 为符合协调标准、重型、细软、无卤、黑色护套多芯线 450/750V 欧洲线缆。 推荐用于室内电器设备;不适合户外长期使用。为了防火,推荐使用符合无卤、低烟和腐蚀性气体要求的电线。H07ZZ-F 型线缆用于工业用途的设备,如:锅炉,加热板,手提灯,电动工具如:电钻,圆盘锯,家用工具和工地用运输马达或机械。

S03Z1Z1H2-F S03Z1Z1-F Insulation绝缘 Thermoplastic Cable Halogen free Polymer compound TI 6 Acc. to HD 21.14 根据HD 21.14 无卤聚合材料:TI 6 Sheath护套 Halogen free Polymer compound FRNC =Flame Retardant Non Corrosive TM 7 无卤聚合物:FRNC=阻燃非腐蚀性 TM7 Voltage 300/300 V U0/U Thermoplastic Cable 热塑电线 HD 21.14 S1: 2003 Acc. to VDE-Reg Nr 7907 (S03Z1Z1) and 7908 (S05Z1Z1) Temperature at load acc. to HD +70 °C 按协调标准带负荷温度+70 °C Temperature range (3000 h) –20 °C to +80 °C

Insulation and Sheath Materials 绝缘和护套材料 Thermoplasts and TPE 热塑性材料和TPE PVC, PE, PA, PP – TPE-U, TPE-E, TPE-O, TP-C Elastomers 合成橡胶 CR, CSM, CM, EPR, EVA, SIR Thermoplastics/Elastomers Crosslinked by Irradiatian 热塑/合成橡胶交联辐射 XLPE, XTPU, mod.X-PER, XPVDF, XETFE High Temperature Materials 高温材料 X-PER, PEIC, PVDF, ETFE, SIR, FEP, PI, PEEK, PFA, PTFE Halogen free, Flame Redardant Compounds 无卤,阻燃聚合物 PE-Cop, XPE-Cop, TPE-U, TPE-U, TPE, PP, EVA, TP-C

Halogen Free Flame Retardant 无卤阻燃 Halogen-free: Polymers like polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP) are halogen-free. These materials are easy flammable and not self-extinguishing. 无卤:聚合物如PE或PP都为无卤。这些材料都易燃且不会自动熄灭 Halogen-free cables for security requirements must be hardly flammable and self-extinguishing. This happens by using the special polymer compounds, containing the considerable percentage of flame protective materials. 符合安全要求的无卤线缆必需不易燃且能自动熄灭。这样就需要用特殊的聚合物,该材料含有相当比例的防火材料。 Such kind of protective materials consist of, for example, an aluminum hydroxide which on one side cools the fire location by setting free crystal water and on the other side the released water vapor hinders the admittance of oxygen and thereby this suffocates the flame. 此类防火材料包含,如:氢氧化铝,一方面通过结成水晶液降低火焰温度,另一方面释放水蒸气阻止氧气进入而灭火。

Reason for Halogen Free Toxic Gases can kill or harm human beings 有毒气体对人体有害甚至致命 Damage to expensive equipment through corrosion 腐蚀昂贵设备 - Halogen-free cables will not cause corrosion to metals. 无卤电线不会腐蚀金属 - When halogen - containing cables burn, the gases generated in combustion of the sheathing and insulation may cause corrosion. 当含有卤素的线缆燃烧时,绝缘和护套燃烧产生的气体会导致腐蚀 - The secondary effects after a fire are often many times larger than the damages caused by the fire itself. 火灾造成的的第二影响往往比火灾本身造成的危害更大

Burning Behavior – Self-Extinguishing 燃烧特性-自动熄灭 DIN VDE 0482-332-1   IEC 332-1     Sample     1  样品 Length   60 cm  长度 Duration   < 65 sec  时间

IEC 332-1/ EN 60332-1 old: EN 50265-2-1 Test on single vertical cable Test method B 在单根垂直电线上测试 测试法B

Vertical flame test IEC332-3 垂直火焰测试 Burning behavior on bunched cables 束状电缆的燃烧特性 EN 50266-2-4 flame propagation, 火焰延伸 Test method C 测试法C

Smoke Density Chamber 烟雾密度箱 The chamber is 3x3x3m and has a photometric system with a light source of 100 W 容器为3X3X3m,且带有光源为100W的光度测定系统 A bath with alcohol, above the bath in horizontal direction the cable samples: alcohol is ignited 带酒精的容器,电线样品置于容器上方水平线方向:酒精点燃 The photocell registers the weakening of light 光电管记录光的弱化 After extinguishing of alcohol the light should stay over 5 min and not get weaker or test duration of 40 min 酒精燃烧熄灭后光应保持超过5分钟不变弱或测试持续40分钟

Comparison between PVC and HF 无卤电线和PVC电线的比较

Security Cables RHEYHALON® Security Cables

Security Cables Security cables are products that will not let off toxic and corrosive gases in case of fire. Some cables have a fire integrity that gurantees the function of important systems for evacuation and fire fighting. The cables are used in buildings with huge human concentration, e.g. hospitals, airports, public institutions, also in buildings, where high-grade economical goods are protected.

Security Cables Products Halogen free installation cables without fire integrity (E 0) NHMH 无消防综合性的无卤安装电线 Halogen free FR-Installation cables with improved features in case of fire without fire integrity (E0) NHXMH, N2XH, N2XCH,... 无消防综合性带改良特性的防火无卤安装电线(E0) Halogen free FR-installation cables with improved features in case of fire with fire integrity 30 min (E 30) N2XH E 30, N2XCH E 30,... 带消防综合性带改良特性的防火无卤安装电线 30分钟(E 30) with fire integrity 90 min (E 90) N2XH E 90, N2XCH E 90, NHXH E 90, NHXCH E 90, ... 带消防综合性带改良特性的防火无卤安装电线 90分钟(E 90) Halogen free tele-communication cables with and without improved features in case of fire. JE - H(St)H, JE - H(St)QH, ... 有/无改良特性的防火无卤电讯用线缆

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