Silk Road To Visegrad Group Background


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Presentation transcript:

Silk Road To Visegrad Group Background “One Belt One Road” Investment Opportunities between Central Europe and China Background “Reference News”,”Outlook Weekly”of XINHUA News Agency together with Visegrad Group(short for V4, refers to 4 countries from EU which are Poland, Czech, Hungary and Slovakia) build win-win “One belt One Road”Investment Opportunities between Central Europe and China! As a component of China’s strategy of expanding its opening-up westward, the development of this business forum would provide China and V4 involved with greater regional cooperation opportunities. Forum of “One belt One Road”Investment Opportunities between Central Europe and China consititutes with 300+ people of entrepreneurs ,Government Officials, Media Group! Date & Time: 8:00am-19:00pm, 2015.9.14 Venue: Radegast Hotel Beijing Bohao Guang Hua Road 15th , Chaoyang District, Beijing, Next to CCTV Building

INVITATION Dear Mrs./Mr. ____________, Silk Road to Visegrad Four:One Belt One Road Investment Opportunities between Central Europe and China will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Sept. 14, 2015 in Radegast Hotel Beijing Bohao. We sincerely invite you to attend this event,building a dream of the world together! HOST V4,“Reference News”,”Outlook Weekly”of XIN HUA NEWS SUPPORT MOFCOM,NDRC,CIPIT,CCPITBEIJING, V4 Embassay, Local Government of V4 GUEST V4 GOV:Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of Poland, Agency of Industrial Development of Poland, Polish Agency for Foreign Investment,(Other V4 complete with attendents Gov),etc V4 Sector:Infrastructure, Energy, Agriculture,Real estate, Industry, Manufature, IT, Machine, etc total with around 120 people Chinese COM:Related sector/investment agency,e.g, ShungLiang Group, MESNAC, SAIC Motor, BAIC Motor, CITIC Group, etc. total with 200+people MEDIA XINHUA NEWS,BTV,CCTV,CRI,CNR(3channel),RBC,YOUKU,TENCENT,SINA,SOUHU,163.COM,China Economic,Hexun,JRJ,Caijing,etc, with more than 20media SCOPE 400+ SEAL: V4 XIN HUA Poland Czech Hungary Slovakia Reference News Outlook Weekly

ACTIVITY 8:00 – 9:00 Registration of participants 9:00 – 9:35 Opening Session (5 minute speech each,with commemorative photo) Speaker (Deputy )President of Xinhua News MOFCOM Deputy Minister (TBD) NDRC Representative (TBD) Representative of V4 , Ambassador of V4 9:35 – 9:40 Technical Break 9:40 – 11:00 V4 Selected Projects Presentation (20 min. each V4) 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 – 12:00 Presentations by the Chinese Companies and Investment Groups Doing Business in V4 (MESNAC, BAIC, AirChina) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 15:00 B2B Section (13:00-16:30 in practice) 15:00 – 16:30 Afternoon Tea and Networking 16:30 End 17:00 Cocktail Party 17:30 VVIP Cocktail Party(Diplomats、High-leader of Com.、Xinhua News,30-40people)

RECEIPT Silk Road to Visegrad Four:One Belt One Road Investment Opportunities between Central Europe and China will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Sept. 14, 2015 in Radegast Hotel Beijing Bohao. We sincerely invite you to attend this event ,building a dream of the world together! Name Title Company Name Company Address Mobile Email Number of Participants (No More Than 2 Persons) Company Contacts(Name & Mobile) Attendents Selection Selection 1 (or 2, or 3) Please fill in the receipt and reply your email once you confirm to come. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us as follows. Contacts:Clara Park (xinhua side) Mobile: 13810790553 Fax: Email: Address:

Attendents Selection Selection 1: Free Entrance Selection 2: Display Platform shows your Company products and Image AT Forum(Platform produced by xinhua Organizer,only offer copy and creative to organizer), Left 2 space, 30,000RMB /each; Selection 3: Brief introduction of Company put in to the Forum tote bag , 10,000RMB/each All three participants includes the following benefits: The right to full participation in meetings throughout the day(Including lunch,coffee break,cocktail party); Signed photo wall with attendants’photo ;

丝绸之路上的 维谢格拉德 “一带一路”中欧投资机会论坛 背景·契机 新华社权威国家级媒体平台携手Visegrad Group(维谢格拉德, 缩写为V4, 指欧盟中的波兰、捷克、匈牙利和斯洛伐克)共建“一带一路”中欧投资机会论坛,响应国家政策,为中国和中欧国家之间的经贸交流搭建沟通交流的平台,增进双方对投资政策和投资环境的了解,促进多边投资贸易往来,共筑中国梦,世界梦! 丝绸之路上的维谢格拉德暨“一带一路”中欧国际高峰论坛将为中欧两国带来推动中欧各国发展战略的对接与耦合;发掘区域内市场的潜力,促进投资和消费,创造需求和就业;增进中欧各国人民的人文交流和文明互鉴。论坛不以政治高度为目的,而是为各国企业家搭建畅聊空间,为走出去企业或打算走出去企业提供实实在在的经验分享平台! 丝绸之路上的维谢格拉德暨“一带一路”中欧国际高峰论坛将由300+位中欧5国企业家与外交部、副部级以上领导、地方政府商务厅等领导组成,通过V4使馆,V4贸促会、中国国际贸易促进会,北京贸促会,新华社《瞭望》周刊社、新华社《参考消息》报社共同邀请各国投资人及企业的盛大峰会! 论坛时间: 2015年9月14日 8:00am-19:00pm 论坛地点: 北京伯豪瑞廷酒店 北京朝阳区 光华路15号,中央电视台东侧

邀请函 尊敬的____________董事长, “丝绸之路上的维谢格拉德”暨“一带一路”中欧投资机会论坛,将于2015年9月14日 上午8:00 在北京伯豪瑞廷酒店举行。我们诚挚邀请您出席本次活动,共筑中国梦,世界梦! 主办单位 新华社《瞭望》周刊社、新华社《参考消息》报社、波兰、捷克、匈牙利、斯洛伐克驻华大使馆 支持单位 商务部、发改委、中国国际贸易投资促进委员会、北京市贸促会、V4国家及地方政府 嘉宾构成 国外政府:波兰工业发展局、波兰基础设施部、波兰发展部、波兰国际投资部等10几个国家级单位高层领导,如基础建设部副部长等,共计 V4企业:基础建设、能源、农业、工业、地产、制造业、机械、IT、快销等行业,共50多家企业,共计120人左右 中国企业:相对应的行业或投资机构,如双良、软控、上汽、北汽、中信等150多家企业,300人左右 媒体构成 新华社、BTV、CCTV、中国国际广播电台(CRI),中央人民广播电台都市之声,经济之声,北京人民广播电台新闻广播,优酷、腾讯、新浪、搜狐、网易、中国经济网、和讯网、金融界、财经网等20家媒体 规模 400+ 主办单位盖章: V4 新华社 波兰 捷克 匈牙利 斯洛伐克 参考消息 瞭望

论坛流程 8:00 – 9:00 签到 9:00 – 9:35 开幕(每人5分钟演讲) 演讲人员 新华社副社长 于绍良 商务部国际贸易谈判副代表 张向晨 (待定) 发改委副秘书长 马欣 (待定) 维谢格拉德四国大使 9:35 – 9:40 中场小休 9:40 – 11:00 四国项目介绍/20分钟/个(确认行业:基础建设,能源,制造业,工业,地产,快销类,企业如波兰国家铁路) 11:00 – 11:15 咖啡与茶休息 11:15 – 12:00 中方海外投资案例/走出去愿景分享(案例分享企业:北汽福田,软控股份,国际航空) 12:00 – 13:00 午餐 13:00 – 15:00 围绕项目进行B2B会议 15:00 – 16:30 下午茶时间和随意交谈时间 16:30 结束 17:00 鸡尾酒会 17:30 VVIP鸡尾酒会(各国外交官、各国企业高层、新华社领导汇聚,30-40人)

回执单 “丝绸之路上的维谢格拉德”暨“一带一路”中欧投资机会论坛,将于2015年9月14日 上午 8:00 在北京伯豪瑞廷酒店举行。诚挚邀请您出席本次活动,共筑中国梦,世界梦! 参会人员姓名 职务 公司名称 公司地址 联系方式(手机) 联系方式(邮箱) 人数 (不超过2个名额) 企业联系人(姓名及手机) 参会方式选择 选择参会方式1或2或3 如参与,请填写回执单并回复邮件;如有疑问,请您随时拨打如下电话: 联系人:朴清心 手机: 13810790553 传真: 邮箱: 地址:

参与方式 参会方式: 参会方式1: 免费参会 参会方式2: 论坛现场外围摆设企业展台(物料统一由论坛主办方制作),仅限2席,3万元人民币/个+货品100件(供小礼品使用); 参会方式3: 公司介绍放入嘉宾手提袋中,1万元人民币/次; 以上三种参会方式,包含如下权益: 全程参与全天会议的权利(含餐&酒会); 签到拍照墙拍照留念,贴满墙壁;