澳洲基督教華人衛理公會 真道事奉與宣教學院


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Presentation transcript:

澳洲基督教華人衛理公會 真道事奉與宣教學院 Logos Academy for Ministry and Missions Chinese Methodist Church in Australia

Vision 异象 To equip God’s people for ministry and mission. 装备上帝的子民,参与事奉和宣教 Mission 使命 To facilitate full time workers & lay people to grow in Christian maturity and to train them for ministry and service in and through the church. 协助教牧同工和信徒在基督里 成长,并训练他们参与教会的事奉。

Objectives 目标 To train pastors and Christian workers to meet the growing needs of the church 训练牧者和服事同工,以满足 教会日益增长的需求。 To enable lay people to be more effective in their Christian witness and ministry 装备信徒更有果效地作见证及 事奉。

Objectives 目标 To provide training which integrates spiritual formation, academic excellence and development of ministerial skills 提供综合灵命塑造、 卓越学术及事工技巧三方面的训练。 To provide theological education in a contextually relevant and sensitive manner 提供处境化和切实性的神学教 育。

Signing of MOU between CMCA-LAMM & Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM) CMCA - LAMM reached another historic milestone on 14th November 2014 as LAMM signed an MOU with the Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM). 澳洲 基督教华人卫理公会(CMCA)之『真道事 奉与宣教学院』(LAMM)于2014年11月14 日与『马来西亚神学院』(STM) 签署了 一份谅解备忘录。这使本学院达致另一 个新的历史里程碑。

Rev. Dr. James Kwang, Bishop of the CMCA and Principal of LAMM signed on behalf of LAMM while Principal of STM, Rev Dr. Ezra Kok signed on behalf of STM. This was witnessed by our AC Lay Leader, Bro. Joseph Ting, Chairman of the Board of LAMM, and Ms. Vemie Woo, STM Administration and Finance Manager. 这份谅解备忘录乃由双 方院长官佰全会督与郭汉成牧师(博士)所 签署,同时由LAMM的董事长陈守仁弟兄 (年会会友领袖)及STM的行政财务经理 Vernie Woo姐妹作证。

The primary scope of cooperation is for STM to recognize and accredit the programs at the certificate, diploma and master level at LAMM. The STM degree programs are awarded by The Association of Theological Education of South East Asia (ATESEA). 『马来西亚神学院』 所颁发的 学位受到『东南亚神学协会』(ATESEA)的认 可。『真道事奉与宣教学院』 藉著『马来 西亚神学院』神学教育延伸课程的制度,使 『真道事奉与宣教学院』所开设的课程受到 认可。

LAMM will be offering the following programs 『信徒事奉与宣教学院』将开 办以下课程: 1) For non-degree holders 给未拥有学士者 1.1 Certificate of Christian Ministry (CertCM) (30 credit hours)基督教事工证 书(需修读30个学分) 1.2 Diploma of Christian Ministry (DipCM) (60 credit hours)基督教事工文 凭(需修读60个学分)

2) For degree holders 给拥有学士者 2.1Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS) (30 credit hours)基督教研 究文凭(需修读30个学分) 2.2 Master of Christian Studies (MCS) ( 60 credit hours) 基督教研究硕士(需 修读60个学分)

For non-degree holders 给未拥有学士者 1.1 Certificate of Christian Ministry (CertCM) (30 credit hours)基督教事工 证书(需修读30个学分) Core Modules 必修科(12 Credit hours) Introduction to OT 旧约概论 Introduction to NT 新约概论 Christian Theology 1 基督教神学1 Biblical Interpretation 圣经诠释 Elective Modules 选修科(18 Credit Hours)

For non-degree holders 给未拥有学士者 1.2 Diploma of Christian Ministry (DipCM) (60 credit hours)基督教事工文 凭(需修读60个学分) Completed Certificate of Christian Ministry (CertCM) (30 credit hours) Core Modules 必修科(12 Credit hours) Interpreting the OT 旧约解经 Interpreting the NT 新约解经 Christian Theology 2, 基督教神学 2 Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 教牧学 Elective Modules 选修科 (18 Cr. Hr)

For degree holders 给拥有学士者 2.1Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS) (30 credit hours)基督教研 究文凭(需修读30个学分) Core Modules 必修科(12 Credit hours) Introduction to OT 旧约概论 Introduction to NT 新约概论 Christian Theology 1 基督教神学 1 Biblical Interpretation 圣经诠释 Elective Modules 选修科 (18 Credit Hours)

For degree holders 给拥有学士者 2.2 Master of Christian Studies (MCS) (60 credit hours) 基督教研究硕士(需 修读60个学分) Completed Graduate Diploma of Christian Studies (GradDipCS) (30 credit hours) Core Modules 必修科(12 Credit hours) Interpreting the OT 旧约解经 Interpreting the NT 新约解经 Christian Theology 2, 基督教神学2 Pastoral Leadership & Ministry 教牧学 Elective Modules 选修科 (18 Cr. Hr)

Elective Modules 选修科 Cross-culture Mission 跨文化宣教 Christian Leadership 基督徒领导学 Spiritual Formation 基督教灵修学 Worship & Liturgy 礼仪与崇拜学 Homiletics 讲道学 Denominational Studies: Methodism 卫理宗信仰

Elective Modules 选修科 Missiology 宣教学 Church History 教会历史 Introduction to Pastoral Counselling 基 本教牧辅导学 Short-term Mission Trip 短宣

費用FEES 註冊費Enrolment fee: $50.00. 科目費Fee per subject: MCS/GradDipCS -- $500.00 CertCM/DipCM - - $250.00 旁聽生Auditing student:$150.00 per subject

报名程序 ENROLMENT PROCEDURE Obtain a copy of the Application form from LAMM. 向本院索取报名表格。 Documents required: Completed application form, recommendation letter from pastor, 2x passport sized photos, Personal Testimony and Goals in Equipping. 报名文件:填写报名表,牧 者举荐信,相片兩张,个人得救見证与 装备目标。

Modules to be offered in 2015 Melbourne Centre 1. The Gospel of Mark (Rev. Dr. Lim Kar Yong) March 14, 21, 28 (8:30AM – 6:00PM) Venue: Methodist House (Conduct in English)  

2.教會歷史(廖玉強博士) April 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5, 12.每個週五晚上7時至十時。 地點:年會大樓  以中文教課

3. Introduction to New Testament  (Rev Dr Ezra Kok) May 23 (9:am-8:30pm), May 24 (2:00- 6:00pm), May 30(9:am-8:30pm), May 31 (2:00-6:00pm) Venue: Methodist House (Conduct in English)

4. Missiology (Dr. Dr. Johan Ferirra) July 10 (7:00-10:00PM), July 11(9:00AM- 9:00PM),   July 24 (7:00-10:00PM), July 25 (9:00AM-9:00PM). Venue: Methodist House (Conduct in English)

5.基督教神學 (候定) Nov 13 (7:00-10:00PM), Nov 14 (9:00AM- 9:00PM), Nov 20 (7:00-10:00PM), Nov 21 (9:00AM-9:00PM). 地點:年會大樓  以中文教課