Corrosion of Chemical Engineering Materials and Corrosion Control 化工材料与防腐 Corrosion of Chemical Engineering Materials and Corrosion Control ——绪 论 Introduction
0.1 腐蚀的危害 1. 经济损失 2. 对安全和环境的危害 3. 阻碍新技术的发展 4. 促进自然资源的耗损
经济损失包括直接损失和间接损失 直接损失:指采用防护技术的费用和发生腐蚀破坏以后的维修、更换费用和劳务费用。 间接损失:指设备发生腐蚀破坏造成停工、停产;跑、冒、滴、漏造成物料流失;腐蚀使产品污染,质量下降,设备效率降低,能耗增加;在计算壁厚时需增加腐蚀裕度,造成钢材浪费等。
工业发达国家每年由于金属腐蚀的直接损失约占全年国民经济总产值的2~4%。我国2008年因腐蚀造成经济损失已超过9000亿元,相当于每人每年承担接近800元的腐蚀损失。 金属腐蚀的年损失远远超过水灾、火灾、风灾和地震(平均值)损失的总和。
举例1 1975年美国芝加哥一个大的炼油厂一根15cm的不锈钢弯管破裂引起爆炸和火灾,停车6周,这次腐蚀事故总维修费50万美元,停车造成的税收损失高达500万美元。 美国:1949年 55亿美元 1960~1969年 150~200亿美元 1975年 700亿美元 1982年 1269亿美元 1995年 8000亿美元 英国:1969年 13.65亿英镑(27.3亿美元)
举例2 美国人在实施登月计划的过程中,遇到一个严重的腐蚀问题:盛四氧化二氮(氧化剂)的容器是用钛合金(6%A1,4%V)制成的,试验中几小时内就破裂,经查是应力腐蚀所致。后来科学家找到了防止破裂的方法:在氧化剂中加入少量水(>1.5%)或加0.6%NO,作为缓蚀剂,控制了应力腐蚀,克服了这道障碍,人类终于登上了月球。
举例3 2004年8月9日日本关西电力公司美滨核电站机室蒸汽泄露事故 关西电力公司美滨核电站3号机涡轮机室的冷凝管道在冷却水的腐蚀下逐渐变薄,配管由碳素钢制造。管壁的厚度原先为10毫米,但事故后从在破损处测定的数据来看最薄处只有1.4毫米。 4人死亡7人受伤
举例4 2004年4月15日2l时,重庆天原化工总厂氯氢分厂1号氯冷凝器列管腐蚀穿孔,造成含铵盐水泄漏到液氯系统,生成大量易爆的三氯化氮。16日凌晨发生排污罐爆炸,1时23分全厂停车,2时15分左右,排完盐水后4h的1号盐水泵在静止状态下发生爆炸,泵体粉碎性炸坏。
16日17时57分,在抢险过程中,突然听到连续两声爆响,液氯储罐内的三氯化氮突然发生爆炸。爆炸使5号、6号液氯储罐罐体破裂解体井炸出1个长9m、宽4m、深2m的坑,以坑为中心,在200m半径内的地面上和建筑物上有大量散落的爆炸碎片。爆炸造成9人死亡,3人受伤,该事故使江北区、渝中区、沙坪坝区、渝北区的15万名群众疏散,直接经济损失277万元 。
根据重庆大学的技术鉴定和专家的分析,造成氯气泄漏和盐水流失的原因是1号氯冷凝器列管腐蚀穿孔。腐蚀穿孔的原因主要有5个; ①氯气、液氯、氯化钙冷却盐水对氯气冷凝器存在普遍的腐蚀作用。 ②列管内氯气中的水分对碳钢的腐蚀。 ③列管外盐水中由于离子电位差异对管材发生电化学腐蚀和点腐蚀。 ④列管与管板焊接处的应力腐蚀。 ⑤使用时间较长,并未进行耐压试验,使腐蚀现象未能在明显腐蚀和腐蚀穿孔前及时发现。
因腐蚀每年约30%的钢铁产品报废,10%的钢铁将全部变为无用的铁锈。以此计算我国每年因腐蚀损失的钢铁约为1000万吨,相当于首钢全年的钢铁产量。 仅锅炉结垢降低传热效率一项,我国每年就要多消耗1750万吨标准煤,它相当于全国煤炭行业两年的增产量。
Did you know... The cost of corrosion is about 3.5% of the GDP for a developed country. The latest figure from USA: corrosion cost USD$276b per year Singapore's GDP in 2001: S$158b Corrosion costs Singapore: $158b x 3.5% = $5.53b per year Singapore’s population: 3m Corrosion cost per head for Singapore: $1843/year Surveys conducted by different countries showed that 20% of the corrosion cost can be saved if existing corrosion control technology was properly applied.
Corrosion is recognized as one of the most serious problems in our modern societies and the resulting losses each year are in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Cost of corrosion studies have been undertaken by several countries including, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Kuwait, Germany, Finland, Sweden, India, and China.
The studies have ranged from formal and extensive efforts to informal and modest efforts. The common finding of these studies was that the annual corrosion costs ranged from approximately 1 to 5 percent of the Gross National Product (GNP) of each nation.
The total direct cost of corrosion in America is estimated at $276 billion per year, which is 3.1 percent of the 1998 U.S. gross domestic product (GDP).
Direct Costs Infrastructure $22.6 billion Utilities $47.9 billion Transportation $29.7 billion Production and Manufacturing $17.6 billion Government $20.1 billion Total: $137.9 BILLION
The indirect cost of corrosion was conservatively estimated to be equal to the direct cost (i.e., total direct cost plus indirect cost is six percent of the GDP). Evidence of the large indirect corrosion costs are lost time, and thus lost productivity because of outages, delays, failures, and litigation诉讼.
Indirect Costs Cost of labor attributed to corrosion management activities Cost of the equipment required because of corrosion-related activities Loss of revenue due to disruption in supply of product Cost of loss of reliability Grand Total: $275.5 BILLION
0.2 腐蚀的定义 金属腐蚀——“金属与其周围介质发生化学或电化学作用而产生的破坏”。 腐蚀——材料(包括金属与非金属)由于环境介质的作用而引起的破坏或变质。 化学、电化学作用,化学-机械、电化学-机械、生物作用以及单纯的物理(溶解)作用等。不包括单纯机械作用所引起的材料断裂和磨损等破坏。
corrosion NACE International definition : The deterioration of a material, usually a metal, that results from a reaction with its environment. -NACE=National Advisory Committee on Electronics 国家电子顾问委员会[美, 印]
金属与非电解质直接发生化学作用而引起的破坏 金属与电解质溶液发生电化学作用而引起的破坏 0.3 金属腐蚀的分类 金属与非电解质直接发生化学作用而引起的破坏 金属与电解质溶液发生电化学作用而引起的破坏
What is Corrosion? Reaction of a metal with its environment Aqueous corrosion reaction with water (usually containing dissolved ions) High temperature oxidation reaction with oxygen at high temperature High temperature corrosion reaction with other gases
Examples of Corrosion Rusting of steel corrosion product (rust) is solid but not protective Reaction of aluminium with water corrosion product is insoluble in water, so may be protective Burning of magnesium in air high temperature oxidation
forms of corrosion Cavitation Crevice corrosion Dealloying (selective leaching) Environmental cracking Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) Corrosion fatigue Hydrogen embrittlement Erosion corrosion Exfoliation Fretting corrosion Galvanic corrosion Intergranular corrosion Lamellar corrosion Pitting corrosion Uniform corrosion