“Citadis” Tramway overview


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Presentation transcript:

“Citadis” Tramway overview HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H “Citadis” Tramway overview Shanghai - Sept 12th, 2010 Francois Portal Business Development Director Rolling Stock Asia Pacific ALSTOM TRANSPORT

Alstom Group - Three main activities HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H Alstom Group - Three main activities 阿尔斯通集团 —— 三项主要业务 96 000 employees in 70 countries在70个国家拥有96,000名员工 Power sector Equipment & services for power generation Alstom is a world leader in rail transport and energy infrastructures. The Company is organised in three Sectors: Transport for rail transport, and Power for power generation and Alstom Grid for electricity transmission. On June 8, 2010, Alstom and Schneider Electric finalised the acquisition of the transmission and distribution business of Areva. The transmission activity, named Alstom Grid, became the group’s third sector, alongside the Power and Transport sectors. Alstom Grid supplies all the equipment and systems for transmitting electric current and managing high-voltage electricity grids (from 52 kV to 800 kV in direct current and 1200 kV in alternating current). The Company is present in more than 70 countries and has a global workforce of 96, 000 people Alstom is chaired by Patrick Kron.   Grid sector Equipment & services for power transmission Transport sector Equipment & services for rail transport 发电部 发电设备和服务 电网部 电力传输设备和服务 交通部 铁路运输设备和服务

Alstom Transport, a Leader in the Railway Sector 阿尔斯通交通运输,铁路行业领先者 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H Alstom Transport, a Leader in the Railway Sector 阿尔斯通交通运输,铁路行业领先者 N°1 in high and very high speed N°2 in urban transportation (metro/tram) 在高速和超高速列车方面 在城市交通工具(地铁/有轨电车)方面 Alstom is number one in VHS Alstom is the global leader in very high speed trains (300 kph (186 mph) and above). After it set the new world rail speed record, reaching 574.8 kph*, on 3 April 2007, Alstom launched in February 2008 its new AGV very high speed train, with a commercial speed of 360 kph. The company has been producing TGVs since 1978 and has sold very high speed trains to South Korea (KTX), Spain (AVE) and elsewhere in Europe (Thalys, Eurostar). With its tilting trains (Pendolino), Alstom has gained a major market share in the very high speed regional train market (over 250 kph). *in partnership with French railway operators SNCF and Réseau Ferré de France Alstom has already built 70% of trains curretly operating in the world at speed over 300km/h. . Alstom’s leadership is indisputable in the tilting electric trains, with a market share of 95% in the world and in Europe. Alstom is number two worldwide in urban transport - 1 metro on 4 the world’s metro trains is supplied by Alstom Its metro systems are used in many major capitals, including Paris, London, New York, Washington, Caracas, Singapore, and Shanghai. - One in three of the world’s tramways is supplied by Alstom. 1 221 trams sale in the world in 29 large cities around the world, including France, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Algeria and Tunisia. Also takes leading positions in mainline & urban signalling 阿尔斯通也在铁路主线和城市信号系统方面处于领先地位 3

HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H ALSTOM Transport in China: 2000 employees (including JVs)阿尔斯通交通运输在中国(包括合资公司近2000名员工) 长春轨道客车股份有限公司 大连机车研究所 北京项目办事处 北京维修与服务办事处 四方机车研究所 青岛阿尔斯通铁路设备有限公司 上海维修与服务办事处 上海项目办事处 香港项目办事处 香港维修与服务办事处 大同机车厂 西安阿尔斯通永济电气设备 有限公司 南京项目办事处 南京浦镇车辆厂 卡斯柯信号有限公司 上海阿尔斯通交通电气有限公司 上海 阿尔斯通交通设备有限公司 4 offices in : Beijing Shanghai Nanjing Guangzhou 4 JVs SATEE (Shanghai) SATCO (Shanghai) CASCO (Shanghai) DISPEN (Qingdao) Projects, Sales & Marketing Joint Venture Partnerships & Technology Transfers 项目,销售和营销 合资 合作伙伴和技术转让

Market Trend – Tramway in China Cities with potential 市场趋势——有轨电车在中国有潜力发展的城市 北京 天津 唐山 济南 合肥 武汉 上海 广州 昆明 Cities with plans to build tram thanks to its multiple advantages on sustainability 多个城市计划建造有轨电车,是由于其在可持续性方面的多重优势。

ALSTOM Tram & Tram-Train Experience 阿尔斯通有轨电车与列车式有轨电车的经验 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H ALSTOM Tram & Tram-Train Experience 阿尔斯通有轨电车与列车式有轨电车的经验 Alstom Transport is the leader of the full low floor tram market 阿尔斯通是全低地板有轨电车市场中的佼佼者 More than 1,400 trams ordered, over 900 in service 已订购超过1,400辆的有轨电车,900多辆已投入使用 Modular capacity vehicle length – 32 m and 43 m 模块容量车辆长度——32米与43米 Alternate Power Supply – the option of a catenary-less solution 备用电源APS——无接触网的解决方案

Citadis worlwide references: 1,447 trams for 35 cities in 12 countries CITADIS 全球业绩: 12个国家35个城市的1,447辆有轨电车 18 个城市 728 辆有轨电车 2个地区 39 辆列车式有轨电车 都柏林 66 辆有轨电车 鹿特丹 113辆有轨电车 马德里 70 辆有轨电车 巴塞罗那 41 辆有轨电车 特内里费 26 辆有轨电车 伊斯坦布尔 37辆有轨电车 拉巴特 44 辆有轨电车 卡萨布兰卡 60 辆有轨电车 耶路撒冷 46辆有轨电车 奥兰 30 辆有轨电车 君士坦丁 27 辆有轨电车 阿尔及尔 41 辆有轨电车 迪拜11辆有轨电车 突尼斯 55辆有轨电车 巴西利亚 16 辆有轨电车 墨尔本 36辆有轨电车

CITADIS 全球业绩: Lyons, 法国 订单: 73 辆 CITADIS 32 米 交付: 自2000年 车辆: 双向 交付: 自2000年 车辆: 双向 100%低地板有轨电车

CITADIS 全球业绩: Montpellier, 法国 交付: 自2006年 车辆: 双向 完全低地板有轨电车

CITADIS 全球业绩: Reims – 法国 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H CITADIS 全球业绩: Reims – 法国 订单: 18 辆 CITADIS 32 米 交付: 2010年 车辆: 双向 完全低地板有轨电车

CITADIS 全球业绩: Madrid – 西班牙 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H CITADIS 全球业绩: Madrid – 西班牙 订单: 70 辆 CITADIS 32 米 交付: 2006年 车辆: 双向 完全低地板有轨电车

CITADIS 全球业绩: 迪拜, 阿联酋 订单: 11 辆 CITADIS 44米 交付: 2010-2011年 车辆: 双向 交付: 2010-2011年 车辆: 双向 完全低地板有轨电车

HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H CITADIS Bordeaux – France: catenary less solution CITADIS 波尔多– 法国: 无接触网解决方案

Vehicle and main components车辆与主要部件

Citadis typical diagram Citadis典型示图 16 fixed seats above each bogie - 4 seats behind each cab, instead of single doors - 4 fixed seats + 4 foldable seats in each suspended car - AW2 = sitting + 4 p/m², see table => - AW3 = sitting + 6 p/m², see table => Diagram with 64 fixed seats + 8 foldable seats ( 215 passengers at 4 pass / m² and 295 passengers at 6 pass / m²) 15

An Interior To Match the Customers’ Expectations 内部设计符合客户的预期效果 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H An Interior To Match the Customers’ Expectations 内部设计符合客户的预期效果

Maintenance and Repair Friendly 维护与维修的便捷 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H Maintenance and Repair Friendly 维护与维修的便捷 易于检修《插入拉出》原理 车窗更换(约15分钟) 驾驶舱的更换 (约1-2天) 外部要件的更换 (约20分钟)

30 m to 40m expandability 30-40米的可拓展性 HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H 30 m to 40m expandability 30-40米的可拓展性 Principe of Citadis extension to 40 m : Citadis可拓展至40米的原理: Insertion of a fully equipped “slice” consisting of : 插入完整配备的“薄片”,包括: One motorised intermediate module (“NM”) 一个机动中间件模块(“NM”) One suspended module (“CC”) 一个悬吊模块(“CC”) Final length : about 43,8 m 最终长度:约43.8米 Performance : better than the “30 m” vehicle due to higher motorisation rate 性能:优于“30米”车辆,归因于更高的机动率 Capacity : + 39% => around 350 passengers capacity 容量:+39% NM CC M1 C1 NP C2 M2

ALSTOM World High Speed Record HR Seminar. Dubert 1. 21 May 07. 13 H Thank you! 感谢各位! ALSTOM World High Speed Record www.alstom.com