The European Union 欧洲联盟


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Presentation transcript:

The European Union 欧洲联盟 A brief Introduction 简要介绍 Tour of China 2014

Europe at a Glance: Diversity 欧洲一瞥:多样性 28 Member-States 28个成员国 24 official languages 24门官方语言 Area面积: 4,381,376 km2 Population 人口(2012): 507,890,191 7.3% of the world population 占世界人口的7.3% Member states of the European Union Candidate and potential candidate countries

The EU compared to the rest of the world 欧盟与世界各地的对比

The European Union (EU): Unity in diversity – 欧洲联盟(欧盟):统一中的多样性 Unique economic and political partnership 独一无二的经济政治伙伴关系 single market and standard system of laws 单一市场,拥有标准的法律 体系 GDP/Capita 2013: $31,948 (ppp) 2013年人均GDP: $31,948 (ppp) 30% of Gross World Product 占世界总产值的30%

% of global exports: goods, 2012 % of global exports: services, 2012 The EU – a major trading power – 欧盟 – 一支主要的贸易力量 % of global exports: goods, 2012 % of global exports: services, 2012 EU 15% EU 25% Others 55% Others 42% United States 11% Japan 5% United States 18% China 14% India 5% China 6% Japan 4%

Eurozone 18 member states have also joined an economic and monetary union known as the Eurozone, which uses the Euro (€/EUR) as a common currency. 18个成员国还加入被称作“欧元区”的经济和 货币联盟,使用欧元(€/EUR) 作为统一货币。 Other EU states, except the United Kingdom and Denmark, are required to join the Eurozone once they have attained necessary criteria. 除英国和丹麦之外的其他欧盟国家在达到 必要的标准后,可以加入欧元区 18 Eurozone member states: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain

With regards to research and Innovation the EU accounts for: EU: world leader in research and innovation 欧洲:科研与创新处于世界领先地位 With regards to research and Innovation the EU accounts for: 24% of world expenditure on research 24%的世界科研经费支出 32% of high impact publications 32%的高影响论文 32% of patent applications 32%的专利申请

EU-China Relations - 中国-欧盟关系 China is the EU’s largest source of imports and 2nd largest two way trading partner. 中国是欧盟最大的进口来源地和第二大贸易伙伴 The EU is China’s biggest trading partner 欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴 Research and innovation form an important part of the EU-China strategic partnership, and cooperation is key in addressing many global challenges. 科研与创新是中欧战略伙伴关系的重要组成部分,合作是 应对众多全球性挑战的关键

EU MS-China S&T cooperation (1) 欧盟成员国与中国的科技合作 Majority of EU MS have signed a bilateral S&T agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) 大多数成员国与中国科技部签署了双边科技协议 Several EU MS have established :部分欧盟成员国在中国设立了 National-level research Councils' offices in China (ex. German DFG, British RCUK, Dutch NOST) 国家级研究理事会机构代表处(如德国DFG,英国RCUK,荷兰NOST) Several research associations and institutes have established themselves in China (ex. French CNRS, German Helmholtz Association/Fraunhofer Society) 有些科研机构和研究所在华成立代表机构(法国CNRS、德国亥姆霍兹联合会与弗劳恩霍夫协会)

Different forms of innovation cooperation in China indicated by EU MS - 创新合作的不同形式 Formal national dialogues at ministry-level 部级国家间对话 Cooperation through science parks and innovation clusters 通过科学园区与创新集群进行合作 Project level actions (Research, mobility, etc.) 项目层面的合作(科研、人员交流等) 17 MS and AC have established around 100 public Joint Research Structures in different forms and in various fields 17个成员国及协约国在华设立了约100个形式各异涉及不同领域的开放联合实验室,

EU-China S&T cooperation – 中欧科技合作 EU-China S&T cooperation started in the early 1980s 中欧科技合作始自1980年代初 The EU-China Science & Technology Agreement was signed in December 1998. EURATOM-China Agreement for R&D Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (R&D-PUNE Agreement) was signed in April 2008. The EU-China Joint Declaration on Innovation Cooperation Dialogue (ICD) was signed on 9 September 2012. In China, the Science & Technology Section of the EU delegation has the responsibility to use diplomacy to advance Research and Innovation cooperation with its interlocutors

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