The China-US Economic And Trade Cooperation (Excerpts)


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Presentation transcript:

The China-US Economic And Trade Cooperation (Excerpts) 【商务文本范例之四】 中美经贸合作 (节选) The China-US Economic And Trade Cooperation (Excerpts)

Mutual benefits and win-win outcomes are the distinct features of China-US economic and trade cooperation. There is strong complementarity between the Chinese and US economy. Therefore enhancing bilateral commercial cooperation is conducive to the development of the two economies, and will deliver tangible benefits to the two peoples. 互利双赢是中美经贸合作的显著特征。中美两国经济具有很强的互补性,加强双边经贸合作,有利于两国经济发展,可以为两国人民带来实实在在的好处。

长期以来,中国向美国出口商品,既促进了中国的发展,也满足了跨国市场的需要,还节省了美国民众的开支。 For a long time, Chinese exports to the US have promoted China's development on the one hand, and on the other satisfied the US market demand, and saved money of the ordinary US people.

一份摩根斯坦利的报告显示,过去十年,中国优质价廉的产品使美国消费者节省了6000多亿美元,2004年就节省了近1 000亿美元。 A report from Morgan Stanley shows that in the past decade, the high-quality and low-cost Chinese products have helped US consumers save over 600 billion USD, 100 billion USD in the year 2004 alone.

仅童装一项,1998年至2003年,美国年轻父母因购买中国货而节省了4亿美元。同时,美国公司还在与中国的贸易中,赚取了可观的利润,2004年就达到600亿美元,并为美国创造了400至800万个工作岗位。 Take children's wear for example, from 1998 to 2003, young couples in the US saved 400 million USD from buying Chinese products. At the same time, US companies also reaped handsome profit in their trade with China, which registered 60 billion USD in 2004. Also as a result of this, 4 to 8 million jobs were created for US workers.

另一方面,中国从美国的进口也为双方带来了明显的利益。中国每年从美国进口大量小麦、大豆、柑橘等农产品和飞机、化肥、机电设备等,既为美国经济发展和解决就业提供了有力支撑,也满足了中国生产生活所需。 Moreover, China's import from the US has also generated noticeable returns for the two sides. Every year China imports a great quantity of wheat, soybeans, oranges and other agricultural produce, as well as aircraft, fertilizers and machinery and equipment. China's imports from the US have not only strongly boosted US economic growth and employment, but also satisfied Chinese needs in production and consumption.

美国企业在华投资也回报丰厚。美国在华投资涉及工业制造、电信、银行、保险、运输、科技、服装、农业、餐饮等众多领域。 US companies are also generously rewarded in their investment in China. Their investment covers such areas as industrial manufacturing, telecommunication, banking, insurance, transportation, science and technology, garment making, agriculture and catering.

据中方统计,2004年美国在华投资企业在中国市场销售了 750 亿美元商品,另有同等规模的商品出口到中国以外的市场。 According to China's statistics, in 2004 US-invested companies sold 75 billion USD of products in the Chinese market, and a similar worth of products to third markets.

最近,中国美国商会发表了《美国企业在中国》白皮书。对会员企业的调查显示, 93%的企业认为,中国的经济改革改善了美国公司的商业环境,92%的企业表示他们在中国的商业前景至少五年内是乐观的或谨慎乐观的, Recently, AmCham China released its White Paper entitled "US Companies in China". A survey among AmCham member companies indicates that 93% of the respondent companies believe China's economic reforms have improved the climate for US business, 92% are optimistic or cautiously optimistic at least about their five-year business outlook in China;

86%的企业收益提高,68%的企业盈利或盈利很高,42%的企业在中国的利润率高于全球利润率。 86% report higher revenues and 68% report profitable or very profitable performances; and 42% report greater profit margins in China than their worldwide margins.

白皮书认为,美国企业对中国的商业环境具有强烈的信心,并渴望通过建设性对话解决商业问题。这充分说明美国对华投资不仅促进了中国经济的发展,也为企业提供了空前的机遇。 The White Paper concludes that US companies indicate strong confidence in China's business environment and are eager for constructive dialogue on resolving business challenges. It fully shows that US investment in China has not only promoted China's economic development, but also offered unprecedented opportunities than ever to the US companies themselves.

经过20多年的努力,中美两国在贸易、投资、金融等领域平等互利的交流与合作达到了相当高的水平。 Over two decades of efforts have resulted in an impressively high level of equitable and mutually beneficial communication and cooperation between China and the US in trade, investment, finance and other fields.

由于双边贸易发展快,规模大,中美两国贸易中出现一些问题和摩擦是正常的,其中既有我方关注的纺织品贸易、出口管制、市场经济地位等问题,也有美方关注的贸易逆差、知识产权保护、农产品检验检疫等问题。 In the fast-growing and large-scaled bilateral trade, problems and frictions are commonplace, which include, among others, Chinese concerns over the textile trade, export control, and market economy status, and US concerns about the trade deficit, IPR protection, and agricultural product inspection and quarantine.

对待这些问题,我们认为,双方都要有高瞻远瞩的战略眼光,从中美经贸发展大局出发,通过平等磋商和扩大合作加以解决。 We believe, to solve these problems, the two sides need to resort to consultation and intensified cooperation on an equal footing, bearing in mind the overall interests of bilateral economic and trade development with great foresight and a strategic vision.

中美贸易不平衡问题。中美贸易中,美方确实存在逆差。造成美方逆差的原因很多、也很复杂,主要是贸易结构、贸易转移的问题,以及统计方式不同和美国对华出口管制的问题。 The issue of China-US trade imbalance. The US does run a trade deficit with China. There are many complicated reasons for this deficit, mostly in trade structure, trade diversion, statistical differences, and US export control against China.

近年来,美国对华贸易逆差的增长很大程度上是因为美国对日本、韩国、东南亚的贸易逆差转移到了中国,是国际产业分工调整的结果。 In the past few years, the US trade deficit with China was, to a large extent, a result of its deficits shifted from Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asian countries to China. It reflects a global industry shift and a new pattern in the division of labor.

美国进口产品的90%是已不在本土生产的产品,这种供求关系决定了美国即使不从中国进口,也要从其他地方进口。 90% of US imports are no long domestically produced. This supply and demand relationship means that even if the US stopped buying from China, it would have to import from elsewhere.

过去美国通过货物贸易直接向中国出口产品,现在是既通过逐年增长的对华出口,也通过在华投资生产并内销、不断提高在中国市场的份额,而这些不能直接在贸易数字上体现出来。 The US used to directly export to China through trade in goods. The situation now is that it not only exports more to China every year, but also invests, produces and sells within China, gaining an expanding market share in the country. This change is not directly reflected in the trade figures.

中方一直重视解决中美贸易不平衡问题,多年来以最大诚意做出了极大努力。 China has always placed high importance on resolving the China-US trade imbalance and has made tremendous efforts in showing its utmost sincerity over the years.

【概述】 本文节选自商务部网站,阐述互利双赢是中美经贸合作的显著特征。文章以大量数据证明了中国向美国出口商品、美国在华投资带来的巨大益处,并提出从中美经贸发展大局出发,通过平等磋商和扩大合作解决中美贸易不平衡问题。翻译时应注意用词准确,特别是商务经贸术语的表达必须规范,还应注意商务英语被动句式翻译。

【翻译要点评析】 1. 摩根斯坦利(Morgan Stanley,NYSE:MS),财经界俗称“大摩”,是一家成立于美国纽约的国际金融服务公司,提供包括证券、资产管理、企业合并重组和信用卡等多种金融服务,目前在全球27个国家的600多个城市设有代表处,雇员总数达5万多人。2008年9月,更改公司注册地位为“银行控股公司”。“摩根斯坦利的报告显示:”可译为“A report from Morgan Stanley shows that…”。

2.“同等规模的商品出口到中国以外的市场”可译为“export a similar worth of products to third markets or markets outside China”。 3.发表了《美国企业在中国》白皮书:release or issue a White Paper entitled “US Companies in China”。

4.“谨慎乐观”可译为“cautiously optimistic”,类似表达有“谨慎行事”可译为“act with prudence/caution”;“采取更加谨慎的态度”可译为“take a more cautious approach”;“言辞极其谨慎”可译为“be extremely cautious in wording”。

5.“空前的机遇” 可译为“unprecedented opportunities”。“空前”也可译为“unparalleled”。翻译时应注意根据情况灵活处理,例如“文艺界出现了空前的繁荣。”可译为“Our literature and art have never been so flourishing”;“这是历史上空前重大的事件”可译为“It is a great event without parallel in history”。

6. “出口管制”可译为“export control”。类似表达有“出口信用证”为“export letter of credit”;“出口价格指数”为“export price index”;“出口转内销”为“sell exports on the home market”。

7.高瞻远瞩的战略眼光:with great foresight and a strategic vision。“高瞻远瞩”的翻译表达很多,可译为“stand high and see far; be far-sighted/forward-looking; take/have a long-term/long view; see far and wide; show great foresight; take a long look ahead”等。

8.“通过平等磋商和扩大合作”可译为“through consultation and intensified cooperation on an equal footing”。 9.美国对华出口管制:US export control against China。 10. 国际产业分工调整:new pattern in the division of global industry。