神要诞生12支派 God want to birth 12 tribes.


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Presentation transcript:

神要诞生12支派 God want to birth 12 tribes

A)不同的呼召Different calling 1.神呼召亚伯拉罕在迦南地建立一个国 代表他的国度及彰显他。God called Abraham to establish a nation in Cannan land to represent His kingdom and to manifest Him. -国度/国家=君王+国土+国民 Nation/kingdom=King+ land+ people

2.以撒-只负责生以扫和雅各 Issac-Only responsible to give birth to Esau and Jacob. 3.雅各Jacob-负责生12支派 Responsible to give birth to 12 tribes.

B)雅各呼召的考验 The testing of the calling of Jacob

希伯来月份Tevet -但支派的月份-审判、长大和成熟。 创Gen 49:16-18 Month of tribe of Dan-means to judge, grow up and mature。 -从但支派诞生了士师参孙。他没有成长和成熟,所以没有达到人生的命定。From the Tribe of Dan, came Samson the Judge. He did not mature and therefore did not reach his destiny.

1.在母腹中就开始争战 He started learning warfare in the womb

创25:22-23 孩子们在她腹中彼此相争,她就说,若是这样,我为什么活着呢?(或作我为什么如此呢?)。她就去求问耶和华. 耶和华对她说,两国在你腹内。两族要从你身上出来。这族必强于那族。将来大的要服事小的。The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, "Why is this happening to me?" So she went to inquire of the LORD. The LORD said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger."

创25:26 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟因此给他起名叫雅各(雅各就是抓住的意思)。利百加生下两个儿子的时候,以撒年正六十岁After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them.

2.长大后,用红豆汤买长子名分 He used lentil stew to buy the birthright from Esau

创25:31-33 雅各说,你今日把长子的名分卖给我吧.以扫说,我将要死,这长子的名分于我有什么益处呢? 雅各说,你今日对我起誓吧.以扫就对他起了誓,把长子的名分卖给雅各. Jacob replied, "First sell me your birthright." "Look, I am about to die," Esau said. "What good is the birthright to me?" But Jacob said, "Swear to me first." So he swore an oath to him, selling his birthright to Jacob.

2.1.雅各-本性的狡猾 Jacob needed to deal with his character fault-cunning -趁人之危Take advantage of

2.2以扫的无赖(无奈的环境) The insincerity of Esau (“can’t help” environment)

创27:36 以扫说,他名雅各,岂不是正对吗?因为他欺骗了我两次。他从前夺了我长子的名分,你看,他现在又夺了我的福分。以扫又说,你没有留下为我可祝的福吗?Esau said, "Isn't he rightly named Jacob? He has deceived me these two times: He took my birthright, and now he's taken my blessing!" Then he asked, "Haven't you reserved any blessing for me?"

2.3妈妈的血气The carnal mother -妈妈的人意带来20年的漂流 the selfish will of the mother resulted in 20 years of wandering.

创27:41-43 以扫因他父亲给雅各祝的福,就怨恨雅各,心里说,为我父亲居丧的日子近了,到那时候,我要杀我的兄弟雅各。 有人把利百加大儿子以扫的话告诉利百加,她就打发人去,叫了她小儿子雅各来,对他说,你哥哥以扫想要杀你,报仇雪恨。现在,我儿,你要听我的话,起来,逃往哈兰,我哥哥拉班那里去,Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him. He said to himself, "The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob." When Rebekah was told what her older son Esau had said, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, "Your brother Esau is consoling himself with the thought of killing you. Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Haran.

3.舅舅拉班的欺骗The deceptions of Raban 3.1婚姻Marriage 创29:21-30 3.2产业Property   3.2产业Property

创31:41 我这二十年在你家里,为你的两个女儿服事你十四年,为你的羊群服事你六年,你又十次改了我的工价。It was like this for the twenty years I was in your household. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times.

4.结果Result 创32:26 那人说、天黎明了、容我去吧.雅各说、你不给我祝福、我就不容你去"And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me."

4.1他生了12个支派He gave birth to 12 tribes 创35:22 【…雅各只有12个儿子Jacob had twelve sons】

Esau made peace with him 4.2哥哥以扫与他和好 Esau made peace with him 创33:4 以扫跑来迎接他,将他抱住,又搂着他的颈项,与他亲嘴,两个人就哭了。But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.

Raban made covenant with him 4.3拉班与他立约 Raban made covenant with him 创31:44来吧,你我二人可以立约,作你我中 间的证据。Come now, let's make a covenant, you and I, and let it serve as a witness between us."