融汇模式 The ConneXions Model 设计Design 程序Process 目标 Goal


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Presentation transcript:

融汇模式 The ConneXions Model 设计Design 程序Process 目标 Goal 卓有成效的领袖栽培有三大组成部分:全方位的目标、程序以及与实现目标配套的设计。 现在让我们来看看有关设计的部分。 An effective leader development has three components: a holistic goal, a process, and design suited to achieve that goal. Now, let’s look at the design. 设计Design 程序Process 目标 Goal

如何运用四大机制来做设计: 现在我们一起看一个例子,来认识环境和内容在人的生命发生转化的过程中,如何起到不可或缺的作用。由此你可以看出,融汇模式不是一套固定不变的栽培领袖的方法。它允许你根据自身的环境和需要,来灵活制定最合适的领袖栽培途径。现在我们来试着开始尝试动手作设计! Designing with the Four Dynamics: Let’s look at an example of how both context and content together are necessary in the process of transformation. As you can see, the ConneXions model is not a canned or fixed approach to leader development. It allows you to custom design a leader development process that fits your own circumstances and needs. So let’s get started with the design phase.

举例来说,我们要建立谦卑的品格。让我们来尝试用“走动”的练习。 Take for example, we want to build the character of humility. Let’s try the “Walkabout” Exercise.

谦卑 谦卑 谦卑 谦卑 Relational Spiritual Experiential Instructional 1. 基本的观念乃是花一些时间在每一个机制里透过脑力激荡的方式来思考如何建立谦卑的品格。 1. The basic concept is to spend some time doing brain storming on each of the dour dynamics for the ideas to build the character of humility. 谦卑 谦卑

Spiritual Experiential Relational Instructional 2. 在地上画一个足够 3-5 个人站得下的“四大机制田字格”,在四格中各标上一大机制的名称。 3. 大家分成四个小组,每组 3-4人,请每组各站在一个方格中。 4. 在你们站的第一个格中,花十分钟时间共同献策,讨论如何运用这个机制来建造谦卑的品格。把你们的点子记录下来,并标明相关的经文。 2. Mark a large “Four Dynamics Grid” on the floor and label each square with the name of the appropriate dynamic. 3. Direct each team of three to four people to stand in one of the squares on the grid. 4. Take about ten minutes in the first square with your team to brainstorm ways to use that dynamic to build the character of humility. Record your ideas and be specific about any relevant Scriptures.

Spiritual Experiential Relational Instructional 5. 一分钟后,大家一起按顺时针方向移动,进入下一格,再讨论如何运用这个机制来建立谦卑的品格。 5. After ten minute, move clockwise to the next dynamic and brainstorm ways to use that dynamic to build the character of humility.

Spiritual Experiential Relational Instructional 6. 再重复4-5步两次,直到每个组都讨论并列举了四大机制的具体运用点。 6. Repeat this two more times until your team has developed a list of ideas for all 4 dynamics.

S E R I • 像他人认罪Confess your sin to another person • 在家里,教会,职场服事一个人。Serve one person in each of the three groups: family, church, workplace or neighborhood. • 默想 Meditate on Phil. 2:3—11, 1 Pet. 5:5, 1 Cor. 4:7, • 熟记 Memorize Matt 23:12. 默想和记下回应 Meditate and journal on your response. S E R • 告诉一个人你自己的骄傲脸孔有多丑陋 Tell another person how the ugly face of pride shows itself in your life. • 请一个人改正你 Invite someone to offer you correction. I • 观察降服在耶稣脚下的人物 Look at the lives of all the people who were at the feet of Jesus: Study 1 Pet. 5:5—7, • 阅读有关谦卑人物的自传Read the biography of a person who is an example of humility. 7. 汇报脑力激荡的结果。 8. 收集每一组的结果。 你对设计学习经验的过程有什么结论?对每一组担当的脚色有什么感想? 7. Debrief the experience. 8. Draw a 4 dynamics grid on the board and collect the ideas from all the groups. What conclusions do you have about designing learning experiences? About the role of teams?

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Healthy marriage relationship Meditate and journal on Eph. 5:22-33 – pray for insight on how to respond, obey Seek God for family vision every Sunday night, pray together about: children, neighbors, daily life, daily decisions, larger decisions, his will Thank God and bless each other: - for spouse, special character qualities - praying together, out loud, with our eyes open Fast to grow in honesty, pray during meal times, fast one lunch per week asking God to use marriage Daily devotional time as a couple Soil S

孕育意见的苗圃 A Seedbed of Ideas 孕育意见的苗圃 在你的小组中,大家一起策划一系列可以帮助一个人在五大要素方面都得到成长的学习经历。 换句话说,什么可以建造一个人生命中的基督,什么可以建造群体,等等。构想一些可以扩展成为学习经历的点子,以帮助你所栽培的新生领袖成长。 A Seedbed of Ideas In your team, create a list of learning experiences that will help a believer grow in each of the 5Cs. In other words, what will build Christ? What will build Community, etc.? Think of ideas that you could develop into learning experiences for your emerging leaders.

融汇模式 The ConneXions Model 设计Design 程序Process 目标 Goal 我们可以看见,五大要素和四大机制是一扇扇的视窗,可以帮助你认识、明白全面的目标和全方位的立体途径。   融汇模式不是一套公式;它是一种文化,一种思路,一种出路。它不是一套刻板的方法,而是一种可以帮助你有意识地思考(设计)和行动(实施)的途径,最终使你能够给你身边的人们带来生命的翻转。  融汇是一种框架,不是公式;它是一种文化,而不是一门课程。  As we can see, the 5Cs and 4Ds are windows to look through to help you understand the holistic goal and the holistic process. The ConneXions model is not a formula; it’s a culture, a way of thinking and acting. It is not a single rigid approach, but a way of helping you intentionally think (design) and act (implement) in ways that will bring transformation to the people around you. ConneXions is a framework, not a formula. It’s a culture, not a curriculum. 设计Design 程序Process 目标 Goal

Do you observe any difference in her? 你觉得她和以前有什么不一样吗? Do you observe any difference in her? 前些时候,团契中的一位姐妹问我说:“孙牧师,有好一段时间没见面了,你觉得小平有什么不一样吗?” 你知道这位姐妹在做什么吗?她在评估。 Some time ago, a sister asked me during the fellowship gathering, “Pastor Soon, you have not seen us for quite some time, do you observe anything different in sister Xiao Ping?” Do you know what she was doing, she was evaluating.

What is our business in church? 让我们来思考这个问题:教会的业务是什么? Let’s think about this question: What is our business in church?

Change life and change culture. 我们可以很平安的回答说:改变生命和改变文化。(主祷文:愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。) It’s safe to say that: Change life and change culture. (The Lord’s Prayer: Your will be done, on earth as is in heaven.)

How do you do it? 你该怎么做? How do you do it?

There are many ways. 可有很多的方法。 There are many ways.

How are you doing now? 你现在进行的如何? How are you doing?

这就是评估! That is evaluation!

神看他所造的一切都很好。 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

在白色的大宝座前,死了的人都凭着这些案卷所记载的,照他们所行的受审判。 启 20:12 在白色的大宝座前,死了的人都凭着这些案卷所记载的,照他们所行的受审判。 启 20:12 The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. Rev. 20:12 (NIV)

对于管家的要求,就是要他忠心。 林前4:2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Cor. 4:2 (NIV)

不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们;并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存, 约15:16 不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们;并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存, 约15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. John 15:16 (NIV) Where there is true fruit, it remains; man-made "results" eventually disappear. Fruit has in it the seed for more fruit, so the process goes on and on. Whatever is born of the Spirit of God has the mark of eternity on it, and it will last.

有如才干的比喻(太25:14-30),我们的义务是把资源投放在有许多回报和成功的地方。 Like the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30), our job is to invest our resources where the return are manifold and where we can have success. 有如才干的比喻(太25:14-30),我们的义务是把资源投放在有许多回报和成功的地方。 Like the parable of the talents (Matt. 25:14-30), our job is to invest our resources where the return are manifold and where we can have success.

Do good things with good people Evaluation Concept #1 Old Paradigm New Paradigm Do good things with good people A clear purpose. 在培训中,我们有时“与好人做好事,”但却没有明确的目标。 有效的评估以一个明确的目标为开始。缺少一个明确的目标,就不可能评估。 In the old paradigm, we sometimes do good things with good people without a clearly defined purpose. In the new paradigm, we have a clear goal of 5C, we can evaluate against the clearly defined goal. 与好人做好事 明确的目标 28

才干 全人 Competencies Whole person Evaluation Concept #2 Good Even Better 评估知识与技能固然很好,更好的是评估一个全人。 It is good to evaluate the competencies (knowledge and skills), it is even better to evaluate the whole person, including knowledge and skill. 29

属灵生活,家庭生活,品格和异象? Spiritual life, family life, character and vision? Holistic Evaluation 全方位的评估 Spiritual life, family life, character and vision? 属灵生活,家庭生活,品格和异象? 你如何评估一个全人的建立呢?其中包含着他的属灵生活,家庭生活,品个和异象? How can you evaluate the building of the whole person, including spiritual life, family life, character and vision? 30

spiritual life or character. Evaluation Concept #3 True Also True Can’t see spiritual life or character. See actions or fruits 我们固然看不见属灵生命和品格,但我们却常常可以看见属灵生命的果子和行为。因此,我们可以透过指标来了解他。 It is true that we can’t see spiritual life or character. But it is also true that we can often see the actions or fruit of spiritual life and character. So, it is by the indicators that we know… 可以看见属灵生命的果子和行为 看不见属灵生命和品格 31

Indicators in New Testament 耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说:“你的罪赦了。” When Jesus saw their faith, He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 5:20)   凭着他们的果子,就可以认出他们来。 Ye shall know them by their fruits… (Matt. 7:16)  Indicators in New Testament 新约的指示 让我们来看看新约里一些运用指标的例子。 >耶稣见他们的信心,就对瘫子说:“你的罪赦了。” >耶稣怎么看见他的信心?那是透过他的行为。 凭着他们的果子,就可以认出他们来。 你怎么知道?透过他们所结的果子。 Let’s see some examples of the Use of Indicators in the New Testament When Jesus saw their faith, He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 5:20) >How did Jesus see their faith? By his behavior. >Ye shall know them by their fruits… (Matt. 7:16) How do you know? By what they produce. 32

新约的指示 我便藉着我的行为,将我的信心指给你看。 Indicators in New Testament …I will show you my faith by what I do. (Jam. 2:18) 雅各说:“我便藉着我的行为,将我的信心指给你看。” 你怎么表明你的信心?透过你如何爱人,如何依循你的乎召和才干而活来表明你的信心。 …I will show you my faith by what I do. (Jam. 2:18) How do you show your faith? By how you love people and how you live according to your calling and competence. 33

Results 结果 设计,程序,结果 Design Process Results Evaluation Concept #4 Good Even Better Design Process Results Results 评估结果以了解训练是否有果效固然很好,更好的是同时评估设计,程序和结果。 It is good to evaluate the results in order to know whether the training work. It is even better to evaluate the design and the process as well as the results. Should the training work? Is it working? Did it work? 结果 设计,程序,结果 34

分别事件 整体 Separate event Integrated Evaluation Concept #5 Good Even Better Separate event Integrated 我们常常认为评估是训练完成后才做的事,但更好的是评估连接于训练过程中,而成为一个整体。那是一个连续不断的过程。一种弥漫在个人和群体中的反省文化,担当和学习。每个人都会不断地自我反省,并且在群体中共同检讨。 We always think that evaluation is a separate event at the end of the training. It is better that we think evaluation is integrated into the training itself. It is a continual process. A pervasive culture of reflection (within self & community), accountability and learning. 分别事件 整体 35

填写表格 关系性 聆听 Relational Filling in a form Listening Evaluation Concept #6 Naïve Realistic Filling in a form Relational Listening 有人以为只要填写表格就可以产生质优的结果,那只是一种幼稚的思想。事实上是,有果效的评估是具有高度的关系性。那是一种长期的委身于聆听对方的心声。 It is naive to think that by filling the form with the results can produce high quality results. In reality, effective evaluation is highly relational. It is a long-term commitment in listening to the person. 填写表格 关系性 聆听 36

Strategic and developmental tool Evaluation Concept #7 Appropriate Even Better Satisfy stakeholders Strategic and developmental tool 认为评估是为满足老板而作固然不错;但更好的是,评估是策略性的工具,告知我们有关设计和执行的状况。 Although it’s appropriate to think that evaluation is something we have to do to satisfy our stakeholders, It’s even better to think that evaluation is a strategic and developmental tool, informing design and implementation. 满足老板 策略性的工具 37

Score card Friend 记分卡 朋友 Evaluation Concept #8 Positive Negative 负面的观点:评估常被视为成绩卡,告诉我们是赢活输。是一根棒子。正面的观点:评估是不断学习和进步的一部分。我们常常都是赢家。评估是我们的朋友。 Often time, we think that evaluation is a score card; we either win or lose. It is seen as a “stick.” It’s better for us to think evaluation is a part of continual learning and improvement; we always win. Evaluation is our friend! 记分卡 朋友 38

Strategy Implementation Purpose 设计 执行 目的 所有各种各样的事工都有一个计划,一个执行和一个目的。 目的 – 当初做这事工的原因和想达到的结果。果子。最终的影响。 执行 – 实际达到目的进行过程。 设计 – 为达到目的而所需要的策略或计划。 All ministry work – of every kind – has a strategy (plan), an implementation and a purpose. A purpose. The reason why you’re doing it in the first place. The desired outcomes. The fruit. The ultimate impact. An implementation. The actual conducting of the ministry work in order to achieve the desired purpose. A design. A strategy or plan of some kind for what you intend to do and what you will need to do it.   Strategy Implementation Purpose 设计 执行 目的

>结果:立即的回应。学习。行为的改变。生命的转化。例 :装备领袖的结果是什么? >影响:长远,广阔和深沉的影响。例:成熟领袖对社区或社会所带来的影响。 >能力:为达到长远目标,执行设计所需的能力。 >执行之前,应该问:我们有所需要的吗?我们将怎么做? >执行期间,应该问:进展如何? >执行过后,应该问:结果如何?结果会持续多久? >这些答案将会回答:那会成功吗?正在迈向成功的路上吗?成功了吗? >Outcomes: Immediate response/reaction. Learning. Behavior change – life transformation. Ex. What is the outcome to the leaders as a result of the training? >Impact: Longer term. Broader impact. Depth and breadth. Ex. What is the impact to the community or society as a result of the growth of the leaders. >Capacity is the ability to implement the design to achieve the purpose resulting in long-term impact. >Before implementation, we should ask “Do we have what we will need? What we will do?” >During implementation, we should ask, “What happens?” >After implementation, we should ask, “What is the result? How long will the result last?” >These will answer the question “should it work?” “Is it working?” “Did it work?”

培养更多健康领袖是教会中每一个在职领袖的核心责任 培养更多健康领袖是教会中每一个在职领袖的核心责任。 To build more healthy leaders is a core responsibility of every existing leader in the church. To build more healthy leaders is a core responsibility of every existing leader in the church.

教导他人作领袖,并建立起一个当他不在时仍然能健康运作、蓬勃发展的群体。 一位领袖的终极考验还不在于他是否能在短期内做英明的决策或采取有力的行动,而在于他是否能教导他人作领袖,并建立起一个当他不在时仍然能健康运作、蓬勃发展的群体。 The ultimate test of a leader is not whether he makes smart decisions and takes effective action in the short term, but whether he teaches others to be leaders and builds a community that can continue to be healthy and to thrive when he himself is not around. He teaches others to be leaders and builds a community that can continue to be healthy and to thrive when he himself is not around.

我实实在在地告诉你们,我所做的事,信我的人也要做;并且要做比这更大的事,因为我往父那里去。 约14:12 我实实在在地告诉你们,我所做的事,信我的人也要做;并且要做比这更大的事,因为我往父那里去。 约14:12 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12 耶稣培养的门徒后来成了扭转乾坤、翻转天下的人。让我们看一看耶稣的心愿: 约14:12。 我实实在在地告诉你们:我所做的事,信我的人也要做;并且要做比这更大的事,因为我往父那里去。 Jesus built His disciples who then turned the world upside down. Look at Jesus’ desire: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. (John 14:12, NKJV)

培养一代完全胜过自己的领袖! 这是一个真正的伟大领袖的心愿: 这是一个真正的伟大领袖的心愿:培养一代完全胜过自己的领袖!他的目标是使下一代领导者后来居上,站在他肩膀上,而他们培养的带领人又能站在他们的肩上,如此代代相传。 This is the desire of the truly great leader: to build other leaders who will entirely outdo him! His goal is to raise up leaders who will stand on his shoulders and who will then raise up more leaders who will stand on their shoulders and so forth. This is the desire of the truly great leader: to build other leaders who will entirely outdo him!

There is no success without successor 你在许多见证人面前听我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导别人的人。 提后2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Tim. 2:2 这就是保罗的方法: 你在许多见证人面前听我所教训的,也要交托那忠心能教导别人的人。(提后2:2) This was Paul’s method: And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. (2 Tim. 2:2) There is no success without successor

2. Are a calendar issue 有關日期的事件 3. Challenge participants 挑戰參與者 EVENTS 活動 Motivate people 激勵人 2. Are a calendar issue 有關日期的事件 3. Challenge participants 挑戰參與者 4. Usually about a big group 通常是一大群 5. Encourage decisions 鼓勵決定 6. Become a catalyst 成為催化劑 7 . Easy 容易 PROCESS 程序 Matures people 使人成熟 2. Is a consistency issue 一致性的事 3. Changes participants 改變參與者 4. Usually about a small group 通常是一個小組 5. Encourages development 鼓勵發展 6. Becomes a culture 成為一個文化 7. Difficult 困難

Are a calendar issue 有關日期的事件 Challenge participants 挑戰參與者 EVENTS 活動 Motivate people 激勵人 Are a calendar issue 有關日期的事件 Challenge participants 挑戰參與者 Usually about a big group 通常是一大群 Encourage decisions 鼓勵決定 Become a catalyst 成為催化劑 Easy 容易

PROCESS 程序 Matures people 使人成熟 Is a consistency issue 一致性的事 Changes participants 改变参与者 Usually about a small group 通常是一个小组 Encourages development 鼓励发展 Becomes a culture 成為一个文化 Difficult 困难 在这里,我们必须培养一个非常重要的明辨的能力,了解培训活动与成长程序的分别。 培训的讲座是一种活动,主要目的是激励人,与挑战参与者。是某个时间发生的事,通常涉及一群人。能鼓励参与者作出决定,成为改变的催化剂。比较起成长的程序,是相对的容易一点。 成长不是一个活动,而是持续不断的程序。目的是改变参与者,并使他成熟,注重长期的一致性。通常是透过一个个的小组进行。目标是鼓励发展成为一个崭新的文化。与培训活动比较之下,是困难得多。 缺少这种明辨的能力,改变的努力,最终都会功亏一篑。并使人产生对培训失去信心,更糟糕的是,对培训所带来激励与挑战,失去了“免疫力”,以后再也不愿接受培训。

How Does Change Happen? Late Adopters 34% Early Adopters 13% Innovators 3% Laggards 16% Middle Adopters 34% Complacent Wait and see attitude

Love God and love people as yourself 福音使命 Gospel mandate 文化使命 Cultural mandate 爱上帝和爱人如己 Love God and love people as yourself 一个是灵魂的救赎,一个是文化的救赎。也就是人类所处周遭环境的救赎。这两个使命也必须建立在爱神和爱人如己的根基上。