秋冬季节常见病及预防 Common disease in fall and winter


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Presentation transcript:

秋冬季节常见病及预防 Common disease in fall and winter 北京国际医疗中心 谢桂岚医生 International Medical Center Dr. Xie Guilan

Introduction of the Doctor Dr. Xie Guilan (KEI KO) MD, PhD Internal Medicine Hematology Dr.Xie graduated from China Medical University in 1970, then she worked in the 1st Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University for around 20 years as an Internal Medicine doctor and medical lecturer. In 1989, Dr. Xie was awarded with the Sasakawa medical scholarship and went to study in Japan under the instruction of Dr. Uchino Haruto (world famous professor in Hematology) in the University of Kyoto medical school. Dr. Xie also has practiced at the Settsu Hospital of Osaka and Aeba Hospital and also worked as a lecturer at Syoutoku Medical College, therefore she has deep understanding of the medical system of Japan as well as the needs of Japanese patients. Dr. Xie worked in Beijing for Japanese people for years, because of her extraordinary clinical skills and fluent Japanese language, she is trusted and respected by many Japanese patients.

医生简介 谢桂岚医生 大内科 血液科 谢桂岚教授 1970年毕业于中国医科大学医療系,毕业后留校,在该大学第一临床医学院内科工作。作为内科主治医师和讲师,从事医疗、教学工作20年余年。1989年经中国卫生部全国统一日本语考试合格,获日本笹川医学奖学金,赴日本著名京都大学医学部,在著名的教授内野治人先生(院长,日本血液学会会长)指导下研究。期间,又考入关西医科大学研究生院攻读白血病的研究,并取得医学博士学位称号。留学期间,为中日友好竭尽全力,获得关西医科大学田代裕学长颁发的感谢奖状。 在日本留学期间,曾担任过大阪聖徳女子医学専科学校講師,又在大阪摂津病院、アエバ等病院临床工作,因此,对日本人患者,日本医院的情况很有了解。 1998年作为海外留学人才被聘请到北京首都医科大学附属第二临床学院工作。作为主任医师教授活跃在医疗,教学,科研第一线。获得北京自然科学基金,曾在欧美,日本及中国核心杂志上发表过数十篇学术论文。担当北京免疫学会常务理事,受聘于国内多家医学杂志常务编委。并在北京日本人医院工作多年。谢教授日语精通,既有10年日本留学经历,又有医科大学附属医院和日本人医院工作经验,因此,受到日本人患者的信赖和好评。

讲座大纲(Outline) 急性上呼吸道感染(Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Inflammation) 急性上呼吸道感染简称上感,又称普通感冒。是包括鼻腔、咽或喉部急性炎症的总称。广义的上感不是一个疾病诊断,而是一组疾病,包括普通感冒、病毒性咽炎、喉炎、疱疹性咽峡炎、咽结膜热、细菌性咽-扁桃体炎。狭义的上感又称普通感冒,是最常见的急性呼吸道感染性疾病,多呈自限性,但发生率较高。成人每年发生2~4次,儿童发生率更高,每年6~8次。全年皆可发病,冬春季较多。 Acute upper respiratory tract inflammation (upper respiratory inflammation for short), also called common cold, is a acute infection in nasal, pharynx and larynx. Broadly speaking, URI is not a kind of disease, it’s a series including common cold, viral pharyngitis, laryngitis, herpangina, pharyngo-conjunctival fever and bacterial pharyngotonsillitis. In narrow sense, the URI is called common cold. It’s the most common acute respiratory inflection. It’s self-limited and highly occurrence. Adults will have 2-4 times per year- and children have higher rate that will have 6-8 times per year. It can happen in all the year, while easily happens in winter and spring. 病因 急性上呼吸道感染有70%~80%由病毒引起。另有20%~30%的上感由细菌引起。细菌感染可直接感染或继发于病毒感染之后。 各种导致全身或呼吸道局部防御功能降低的原因,如受凉、淋雨、气候突变、过度疲劳等可使原已存在于上呼吸道的或从外界侵入的病毒或细菌迅速繁殖,从而诱发本病。老幼体弱,免疫功能低下或患有慢性呼吸道疾病的患者易感。 70%-80% of AURI is caused by virus. Other 20%-30% is caused by bacteria. Bacterial infection will happen directly or after viral infection. All that can decrease the protection of body and respiratory tract such as getting cold, caught in a rain, weather changes and exhausted will lead the virus or bacteria reproduce quickly which have existed or invade in the upper respiratory tract, and will cause the AURI. Older people, children, people who are weak, have low immunity or have chronic respiratory infection will easily get AURI.

讲座大纲(Outline) 临床表现 (Chronic Symptom) 根据病因和病变范围的不同,临床表现可有不同的类型: According to the pathogenesis and the extent of disease, the chronic symptoms will be following types: 1.普通感冒 Common Cold 2.急性病毒性咽炎或喉炎 Acute Viral Pharyngitis or Laryngitis (1)急性病毒性咽炎 Acute Viral Phrayngitis (2)急性病毒性喉炎 Acute Viral Laryngitis 3.急性疱疹性咽峡炎 Herpangina 4.咽结膜热 Pharyngo-conjunctival Fever 5.细菌性咽-扁桃体炎 Bacterial Pharyngotonsillitis

讲座大纲(Outline) 治疗方案 (Treatment) 1.对症治疗 (Symptomatic Treatment) (1)休息 (Relax) (2)解热镇痛 (Antipyretic Analgesics) (3)减充血剂 (Decongestants) (4)抗组胺药 (Antihistamine) (5)镇咳剂 (Antitussive) 2.病因治疗(Etiological Treatment) (1)抗菌药物治疗 (Antibacterial Agents Treatment) (2)抗病毒药物治疗(Antiviral Agents Treatment) 3.中医中药治疗 (Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment)

讲座大纲(Outline) 1.避免诱因 (Avoid the Triggers) 预防 (Prevention) 1.避免诱因 (Avoid the Triggers) 避免受凉、淋雨、过度疲劳;避免与感冒患者接触,避免脏手接触口、眼、鼻。年老体弱易感者更应注意防护,上呼吸道感染流行时应戴口罩,避免在人多的公共场合出入。 You should avoid getting cold, being caught in rain and exhaustion. Stay away from the people who get cold. Do not touch your mouth, eyes and nose with dirty hands. Older people should have better protection, wear masks during the URI season, and avoid to the public. 2.增强体质 (Keep Healthy) 坚持适度有规律的户外运动,提高机体免疫力与耐寒能力是预防本病的主要方法。 Take enough outdoor exercise regularly. It will enhance the immunity and cold-resistance and helps to prevent from URI. 3.免疫调节药物和疫苗 (Immunomodulator and Vaccine) 对于经常、反复发生本病以及老年免疫力低下的患者,可酌情应用免疫增强剂。目前除流感病毒外,尚没有针对其他病毒的疫苗。 People who often get URI and older people who have low immunity can use Immunomodulator. No vaccine has been produced to prevent from URI except the influenza virus vaccines.