三個必學屬靈功課 - 掙扎, 降服 , 擁抱 Perspective – Pray for God’s perspective


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三個必學屬靈功課 - 掙扎, 降服 , 擁抱 Perspective – Pray for God’s perspective 三個必學屬靈功課 - 掙扎, 降服 , 擁抱 Perspective – Pray for God’s perspective   Illustration – Deaf Wife. A man think his wife is a little deaf recently So he try to test how deaf his wife was By calling her at a distance from different places Asking his wife, would you like to have a cup of tea? And then he did it again in the Kitchen, in the corridor, at the door of the living room and then finally move close to her saying would you like to have a cup of tea? Then his wife said to him, I have answered you 6 times already Moral of the story – Correct understanding of truth and see things from the right perspective 正確的觀念,角度 若果不是,不單路會難行,且不能見果效 Having the wrong perspective can lead to very undesirable outcome. 2 men facing exactly the same situation but if they can see things from very different perspective, lead to very different outcome. Same situation but completely different perspective. In this case, one is true and one is not true. 正確的觀念只是開始 - But this is only a beginning 生命的改變,需要從一個正確的觀念,角度開始 , 一個從神的,角度開始 Break Through starts with a correct mindset. 需要從經驗中領會 Unfortunately a lot of these concepts cannot be easily taught on paper or from seminar It require for us to be comprehended from life experience. Therefore it often take longer than we anticipated. In the back of our mind, we often want things to change magically without any hassle and no pain……

背景 We are the same as Jacob When we look at Jacob’s life, in fact he is not so different from all of us; we can see a lot of us in him. After 20 years from his Uncle Laban’s place When Jacob came back to meet his brother Esau – he was around 97 years old   Gen 32: 9 - 1st time Jacob really pray to God 32:9 雅各說、耶和華我祖亞伯拉罕的 神、我父親以撒的 神阿、你曾對我說、回你本地本族去、我要厚待你。 32:10 你向僕人所施的一切慈愛和誠實、我一點也不配得.我先前只拿著我的杖過這約但河、如今我卻成了兩隊了。 32:11 求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手、因為我怕他來殺我、連妻子帶兒女一同殺了。 32:12 你曾說、我必定厚待你、使你的後裔如同海邊的沙、多得不可勝數。

背景 32:11 求你救我脫離我哥哥以掃的手、 因為我怕他來殺我、連妻子帶兒女一 同殺了。 32:12 你曾說、我必定厚待你、使你 的後裔如同海邊的沙、多得不可勝數。 Life Recap Deceiver – trials of deceiving A man with a nature to deceive and try to use whatever means that he can think of to achieve what he want He deceive others and he was deceived as well He deceived his brother for the First born son’s status He deceived his father for his blessings together with his mum Family issues His Father’s family was a mess and his wasn’t any better… He was consistently torn between his 4 wives control and manipulate by his wives. Had 11 sons at that time (Age97) Rich From the outset, he accumulate an enormous amount of wealth – Just looking at his gift to his brother Esau V13 -14– 200 female goats, 20 male goats, 200 ewes, 20 rams, 30 camels, 40 cows, 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys – that was only the first wave of gifts to his brother 32:14 母山羊二百隻、公山羊二十隻、母綿羊二百隻、公綿羊二十隻、 32:15 奶崽子的駱駝三十隻、各帶著崽子、母牛四十隻、公牛十隻、母驢二十匹、驢駒十匹. (About 600) No peace Despite of all these wealth. He was far from a happy man V7 – In great fear and distress – (he was more than panic) 32:7雅各就甚懼怕、而且愁煩、 When he heard his brothers was coming with 400 armed men, his heart melted. The last thing he had at that point was peace. At the point of panic, his cunning instincts kicked in still trying to think of a way to get out from this situation. Still trying to use everything that he could think of to defuse the situation. He lined up his flocks in groups – sending them forward one group at a time as gifts to his brother.. Hoping that by the time his brother reached him, he will change his mind and spared his life… Rather than relying in God. He is more concerning how to Esacpe Illustration: Daniel - like a cunning child when you talked to him – his eyes keep circling   Gone a big circle 20 years – accumulate a lot – been through a lot but not an ounce of peace Face his deepest Fear He came out of his father’s house with nothing, although he accumulate huge amount of wealth , he was willing to let go everything in order to have peace with his brother. 20 years – came back to the same place, facing his worst fear. His Brother – the result of his sin…. He wanted to go back to face his brother but he was scare Eventually God interfere urging him to go back promising him the he will go with him. God urge Jacob to go back Face his Fear Gen 31 – you have to go back to the land of your fathers and I will be with you.

三個必學屬靈功課 - 掙扎, 降服 , 擁抱 Illustration: BTW – men need to learn from other men. We often talk about Life impacting life Just exactly how life can impact another life Is life only being impacted through other people’s victories If this is the case – we may as well forget about Jacob….   The Bible has a different way of impacting our life. The bible honestly reviews each person’s life situation….. through their struggle, weaknesses and victories…. 當生命展開的時候 - 生命被改變 In the BTW – often the most powerful thing is not the sermon – is when people willing to open up to share their struggles – People’s life start echoing Why testimony is so power Thinking that I am not the only one and is OK. 歌林多後書11:29 有誰軟弱, 我不軟弱呢? Through Jacob’s life…. His weaknesses our life can be impacted. There are 3 lessons that all Christian must learned…

掙扎的功課 掙扎是要學的 V7 – 32:7雅各就甚懼怕、而且愁煩、   V7 – 32:7雅各就甚懼怕、而且愁煩、 Christians rarely talked about struggle As least publicly If someone come to you and say I am deeply distress – what would you do Instead we often mentioned - 平安與喜樂 BTW – gone through a very different path. – breed a very different kind of church. False mindset The downside of doing this is giving people a false understanding that a Good Christian shouldn’t struggle. We feel shameful to talk about it in public…. (Most church, you see power, but you don’t see a lot of struggle – We face alone It seems the longer we live as a Christian the more struggles we are facing… We don’t understand why we struggle so we become very fragile So when we face struggle and we learn to pray but somehow God doesn’t seem answering our prayer – we often don’t understand why Balance church, balance views of Struggles, Surrender and Embrace

明白掙扎是正常 明白掙扎的原因 掙扎是成長必經 降服是掙扎目的 掙扎的功課 Struggle is normal But the reality is all Christians struggles just the same as All men struggles and even good and devoted Christians struggles. Even as powerful and strong as Paul – 我 真 是 苦 阿 ! 誰 能 救 我 脫 離 這 取 死 的 身 體 呢 ? Roman 7:24…… Spiritual Struggle Physical Struggle - 林後1:8 弟兄們,關於我們在亞西亞所遭遇的患難,我們不願意你們不知道,就是我們被壓太重,力不能勝,甚至連活命的指望都絕了, 林後1:9 自己裡面也斷定是必死的 I boost about my weakness -   Illustration: English Congregation - only a couple attended Jacob struggle big time Reason of Struggle – Sinful Nature Due to our sinful nature – we are carrying a lot of baggage. Some of coming from our families, from our brought up… some are coming from deceitful nature….. some are coming from our mistakes…. One of Jacob’s biggest weaknesses is his deceitful mindset – using his own ways to achieve what his heart desire and often in the expenses of the others. In fact, his deepest fear is losing control…. He has to take control of all situation…. In whatever ways and use whatever means He has to take control…… Learn to Let Go - We all have our own problems – His problem is to let go . His ultimate lesson is learning to surrender to God Environmental factors Struggle is part of the growing process 管教中的掙扎 希伯來書12:6 因為主所愛的, 他必管教, 又鞭打凡所收納的兒子。 Part of the growing pain We cannot go through what we need to learn without struggle (Israelite Red Sea) Men looks for painless ways to achieve their means God Initiated – In fact God initiate the struggle… It was God that went to see Jacob and Wrestle with him… We are in fact struggling with God We are struggling with many things but in fact the real person that we are struggling with is in fact God…. We will say things like you don’t understand… We want God to work in our terms… Struggles lead to surrender Learning to surrender is His ultimate lesson and his 死穴. Something that he battle throughout his life. We all have our own 死穴 – some have several. Illustration: Anger and Happiness: Sweet and Salty Can’t have both – therefore we must let go something 平安與喜樂 – we cannot truly embrace God’s blessing unless to learn to let go and surrender. Someone with high temper and anger – how can you hold both Anger and Happiness together. What happen if you try to add sugar to sea water… thinking that the more the sugar that you add to the water, it will neutralise the water…. It cannot be done. Warning Sadly Some never move beyond the stage of struggle because they never learn the purpose of struggle. They just stay there…. Again everyone struggle The Israelite struggle When Jesus before he nail on the cross, he struggle Before Israelite took the promise land – they struggle through the wilderness. The difference is whether it is a 7 days struggle or is a 40 years struggle Jesus’ struggle was just a few hours. How long is your struggle…? What is your struggle?

降服的功課 32:24 只剩下雅各一人.有一個人來和他摔跤、直到黎明。 32:24 只剩下雅各一人.有一個人來和他摔跤、直到黎明。 32:25 那人見自己勝不過他、就將他的大腿窩摸了一把、雅各的大腿窩、正在摔跤的時候就扭了。   降服是主權的移交,跟隨神的教導 God’s strategy It is important to note that God initiate the wrestle… He interferes to his life to break him. Take his mind away from the issue and focus on his core problem We need God more than God does Despite of all these problem, He was wrestling with God in fact Even we can use his will power to make things happen. Make or break is not because of our ability but allowing God to work in our life by surrendering. Therefore, despite of Jacob won the wrestling, he was more desperate in asking for God’s blessing…. He grabs hold of God’s blessing – I will go with you. The most desperate word that he want to hear from God again was 28:15 我也與你同在、你無論往那裡去、我必保佑你、領你歸回這地、總不離棄你、直到我成全了向你所應許的。

知不足已至降服 從降服中學依靠 但降服不是放棄, 不是否定 降服是一生學習 降服不是終點站 降服的功課 Warning Unfortunately, unless the pain of carrying on is greater than the pain to let go, most people will not choose to let go.   Through his struggle and desperation He realise God is the only way out – away from him he couldn’t do anything He is the ultimate provider Everything else didn’t matter so much Life is so fragile. Through reflect, we see and understand our true self He lay down his pride and his way Through surrender we desire for God’s path Surrender is not giving up Illustration ; Surrender – BTW – not a complete surrender Surrender is not a one off but continuous process Surrender takes time. Surrender is a process – BTW – Illustration: Brother came to me for prayer Illustration – someone Chinese vs Western medicine. – Western – fast but doesn’t cure the root of the problem. Chinese – slow but long lasting effect. God spent 20 years for Jacob – just to break this point and it was only the beginning, 40 years for Moses

擁抱的功課 32:27 那人說、你名叫甚麼、他說、我名叫雅各。 32:28 那人說、你的名不要再叫雅各、要叫以色列、 32:27 那人說、你名叫甚麼、他說、我名叫雅各。 32:28 那人說、你的名不要再叫雅各、要叫以色列、   擁抱 - 每一個人都擁抱著一些事物,問題是什麼 ? Both Struggle and Surrender are not the ultimate goals, if it is then it is very sad Struggle is a process; surrender is more a change of mindset Illustration: Prodigal Son – What happen if the son continued to repent to his father on a daily basis. How would you feel as his Father? Would you feel very happy about it – Of course not Something is not right He is not embracing his new identity, promises and blessings Gen 28 我是耶和華你祖亞伯拉罕的 神、也是以撒的 神、我要將你現在所躺臥之地賜給你、和你的後裔. 28:14 你的後裔必像地上的塵沙那樣多、必向東西南北開展.地上萬族必因你和你的後裔得福. 28:15 我也與你同在、你無論往那裡去、我必保佑你、領你歸回這地、總不離棄你、直到我成全了向你所應許的。

掙扎, 降服都不是終點站 擁抱名份 擁抱祝福 擁抱使命 擁抱平安, 喜樂 擁抱的功課 Warning The reality surrendering is one thing but truly embrace is a completely different shift of spectrum. It is not only a mindset change but also a behaviour change + actions   We often hear people in church saying, this is not for me… this is for someone gifted in church Consequence of not embracing People finding it difficult to embrace is because embrace cause us dearly But the sad reality is unless to truly embrace the future – our inner life is dying. Just like the Prodigal son… His surrender gradually turn into a pure regret and almost like giving up It’s nothing to do with me, I try everything I can but I can’t do anything, I am a bad seed in the family Unwilling to pay the price The Israelite struggle to embrace their calling and as a result they wander in the wilderness for 40 years. When they truly embrace the calling… they were going out as one man, people living in Canaan – when they heard the word people of Israelite – they were trembling in fear. Israelite is a sign of victory and a symbol of God’s salvation… Because Jesus was coming out from the line of Jacob. Illustration: Singing Songs Today we sing songs of me me me all the time because we still see God from our pitiful mindset Chosen with a great purpose. WBTW - From Beauty to Ashes…. Before Jacob went to Egypt Gen 46 2 And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!” “Here I am,” he replied. 3 “I am God, the God of your father,” he said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. 4 I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes.” Gen 47 At a life of 130 – he was still saying - 130 歲 - 雅各與法老的對話 – 我一生的年日又苦又短 Gen 49 At a life of 147 – he was able to bless his sons – he was saying to 8 “Judah,[b] your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s sons will bow down to you.  At that point although he didn’t exactly see how the whole things unfolded….he start to embrace God’s given identity Jacob – (heel-catcher) – Thief, Deceiver Israel - (God-Wrestler) – Nation, Promise, Sacrifice, Salvation

總結 32:27 那人說、你名叫甚麼、他說、我名叫雅各。 32:27 那人說、你名叫甚麼、他說、我名叫雅各。 32:28 那人說、你的名不要再叫雅各、要叫以色列、因為你與 神與人較力、都得了勝。 32:29 雅各問他說、請將你的名告訴我.那人說、何必問我的名.於是在那裡給雅各祝福。 Why do you want to know my name?"   Eventually it comes down to 2 Questions 你名叫甚麼 What is your name? - Do you know who you are? From Jacob to Israel Jacob – (heel-catcher) – Thief, Deceiver Would you like to be heal ?? Do you love me more than this ?? Are you sure you are ready to receive my blessing, my way? surrender? Whoever ask for God’s name will be saved. Jacob’s lesson doesn’t stop at that time when he was aged 40-50….. Jacob’s reply is asking for God’s blessing Are you willing to put your faith in me

二個問題 你是否知道自己的光景? 你是否真的願意依靠神? Eventually it comes down to 2 Questions What is your name? - Do you know who you are? From Jacob to Israel Jacob – (heel-catcher) – Thief, Deceiver Why do you ask my name ? – Would you like to be heal ?? Do you love me more than this ?? Are you sure you are ready to receive my blessing, my way? surrender? Whoever ask for God’s name will be saved. Jacob’s lesson doesn’t stop at that time when he was aged 40-50….. Jacob’s reply is asking for God’s blessing Are you willing to put your faith in me At 130 – he was saying that his live was painful and short But his story doesn’t end there – he live to 147 To see God’s provision and glory mainly through his son Joseph in the days in Egypt. It is because of him embracing his future – he can say something like Gen 49 – he gather round their sons so to tell tem what will happen to them in the days to come. Give each on appropriate blessing How do we impact life for other people.. If we only show our good side to other people.. Eventually they will let you down. We are all looking for heros – we are all looking for miracles God’s way is being honest lay bear a men’s heart and life in front of you. Life has up and down. - keeping going and never give up With a right mindset… it goes a long way.

以西結書 36:26  我 也 要 賜 給 你 們 一 個 新 心 、 將 新 靈 放 在 你 們 裡 面 . 又 從 你 們 的 肉 體 中 除 掉 石 心 、 賜 給 你 們 肉 心 。 36:27  我 必 將 我 的 靈 、 放 在 你 們 裡 面 、 使 你 們 順 從 我 的 律 例 、 謹 守 遵 行 我 的 典 章 。 36:28  你 們 必 住 在 我 所 賜 給 你 們 列 祖 之 地 、 你 們 要 作 我 的 子 民 、 我 要 作 你 們 的   神 。 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 以西結 36:26  我 也 要 賜 給 你 們 一 個 新 心 、 將 新 靈 放 在 你 們 裡 面 . 又 從 你 們 的 肉 體 中 除 掉 石 心 、 賜 給 你 們 肉 心 。36:27  我 必 將 我 的 靈 、 放 在 你 們 裡 面 、 使 你 們 順 從 我 的 律 例 、 謹 守 遵 行 我 的 典 章 。36:28  你 們 必 住 在 我 所 賜 給 你 們 列 祖 之 地 、 你 們 要 作 我 的 子 民 、 我 要 作 你 們 的   神 。