Introduction to Software Engineering 软件工程 导论


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Software Engineering 软件工程 导论 Prof. Mei Hong 洪玫 College of Computer Science and Software Engineering 四川大学计算机学院(软件学院) E-Mail: Office: B510, Second Laboratory Building, Jiangan Campus B306, Fundamental Teaching Building, Wangjiang Campus Tel: (028)85469305(O), (028) 85469305(O) Cell Phone: 13980494530

Introduction to the Course

Question: Why do I need to learn software engineering? To improve your capacity and skill…… To be a software engineer or a IT engineer…… To Change your life ……

The Relationship with Other Courses di   离散数学 数据结构与算法 操作系统 计算机网络 软件工程 计算机系统导论 C语言程序设计 程序设计基础 面向对象程序设计导论 数字逻辑:应用与设计 计算机体系结构 系统级编程 数据库系统 软件架构 软件需求分析 软件质量保证与测试 软件构造 软件过程与管理

Job in Software Engineering 应用软件开发: 分析、设计和实现; 软件开发服务和管理: 系统集成和测试、系统维护、技术支持、市场营销、软件项目管理等; 软件应用领域服务; 软件工程领域学术研究、教育、咨询; 其它

2015 Top 10 Best Jobs in U.S.A. 牙医(Dentist) 护理师(Nurse Practitioner) 软件工程师(Software Engineer) 内科医生(Physician) 牙科保健员(Dental Hygienist) 物理治疗师(Physical Therapist) 计算机系统分析师(Computer Systems Analyst) 信息安全分析师(Information Security Analyst) 注册护士(Registered Nurse) 助理医师(Physician Assistant) -美国新闻网站“U.S.NEWs”

2015 Top 10 Best Paid Jobs in China Game designer (游戏策划师) Internet developer (互联网开发师) Computer software application engineer (计算机软件应用工程师) General manager & supervisor (总经理和日常主管) Loan officer (银行信贷员) Mortgage broker (信贷经纪人) Architect (except for garden and water landscape architect) (建筑师,非园林和水上景观) Computer software engineer (计算机系统软件工程师) Sales manager (销售经理) Marketing manager (市场经理) -中国网(

Top 10 Things Every Software Engineer Should Know Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence(情感智能) Understand the Business of your Customer Minimum One Programming Language for each Mainstream Development Paradigm(主流开发模式) Know your Tools Standard Data Structures, Algorithms and Big-O-Notation Don’t Trust Code without Adequate Test Basics of Project Management, Lean Management and Agile Concepts Key Metrics of Software Development The Root Cause of the Last Defect Understand the Infrastructure By Markus Sprunck

Question: What should I learn from this course? In brief , you will learn how to develop software with tools. You will know what’s difference between programming and development. Further, you will learn how to think and to solve problem.

Course Content Unit 1 Introduction Unit 2 Process Models Unit 3 Understanding Requirements Unit 4 Requirements Modeling Unit 5 Design Concepts Unit 6 Architectural Design Unit 7 Component-level Design Unit 8 User Interface Design Unit 9 Software Testing Strategies Unit 10 Testing Application Unit 11 Software Configuration Management Unit 12 Managing Software Projects

Course Information (《软件工程——一个实践者的方法(第7版)》) 课程名称:软件工程导论(Introduction to Software Engineering) 课程性质:专业必修课程 学分:4 学分 学时:64 时 开设学期:大学二年级秋季学期 开设对象:本科 先行课程:C语言程序设计,面向对象程序设计导论 课程考核:平时作业(20%)+ 课堂参与(10%) + 实验(20%)+ 期中考试成绩(10%) + 期末考试成绩(40%) 工具和环境:Project2007, Rational Rose/MS Visio 2003,MS Office 2003,VC++/Eclipses,Junit / Boundscheck,CVS,etc. 教材:《Software Engineering--A Practitioner‘s Approach 》 (《软件工程——一个实践者的方法(第7版)》)

Who are professor and teaching assistant? Question: Who are professor and teaching assistant? 教师姓名 联系电话 邮件地址 答疑时间 洪玫 13980494530 QQ:1291199828 周三 12:30 ~ 13:30 翟宇鹏

When do we have course exam? Question: When do we have course exam? Middle Exam 2015-10-28(week 8) Final Exam 2016-1 (week 18) Quiz In the class, anytime

Question: Read More and Learn More Time Makes a Difference – Hard Work How do I learn this course well? There are two ways to study: (1) 学习的最好但又最困难的方法是,去除自我的戒备,去理解另外的一个人; (2) 学习的另外一种方法是陈述我自己的不确定性,试图讲清楚我的困惑。 -卡尔·兰塞姆·罗杰斯, 美国人本主义心理学代表人物 Read More and Learn More Time Makes a Difference – Hard Work Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. Stay Focused and Keep Shipping.

Participation in Class To be active! 课前阅读、准备; 课堂出勤(课堂签到,缺勤30%以上不得参加期末考试); 做笔记(教材、讲义、笔记本、纸、笔); 课堂讨论、交流、回答问题; 课堂小测验; 课堂报告; 课程网站互动参与; 其它;

Homework Submission 文档命名:学号-姓名-章节号; 文档格式:.DOC 或 .PDF; 提交时间:每周周三之前,提交网站: 提醒: 杜绝作业抄袭,一旦发现,平时成绩一律按照0分处理; 按时提交作业,无特殊情况不得补交作业;

Where do I find resource to study this course? Question: Where do I find resource to study this course?

课程网站 四川大学课程中心: 课程: 软件工程(英语) / 软件工程(洪玫)  课程: 软件工程(英语) / 软件工程(洪玫) 教材学习网站: 要求本周内在课程网站内注册!

Reference Book 《个体软件过程》 【美】 Watts S. Humphrey著 人民邮电出版社 Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering,英文版, 【美】 Stephen R. Schach 机械工业出版社, 2003 《个体软件过程》 【美】 Watts S. Humphrey著 人民邮电出版社 《快速软件开发》 【美】 Steve McConnell著 电子工业出版社 《软件工程Java语言实现》 【美】 Stephen R. Sehach 著 机械工业出版社 《人月神话》【美】Frederick P. Brooks. Jr. 著,清华大学出版社 《人件》【美】Tom DeMarco,Timothy Lister 著,清华大学出版社 《最后期限》 【美】迪马可,清华大学出版社


课程参考文献 全球最有影响力的软件工程期刊: • Transactions on Software Engineering ( IEEE ) •  Software ( IEEE ) •  Software Engineering Notes ( ACM Special Interest Group ) •  Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology ( ACM ) •  The Journal of Systems and Software ( Elsevier ) •  Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering ( ACM / IEEE ) •  Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Maintenance ( IEEE ) •  Software Maintenance: Research and Practice ( Wiley )