日本反腐 Anti-Corruption in Japan.


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Presentation transcript:

日本反腐 Anti-Corruption in Japan

一、 日本反腐原因 二 、日本反腐法律 三 、日本反腐机构 四 、日本媒体监督 Anti-corruption Causes in Japan 二 、日本反腐法律 Anti-Corrpution Law in Japan 三 、日本反腐机构 Anti-Corrpution Agencies in Japan 四 、日本媒体监督 Supervision from Media in Japan

I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan II. Anti-Corrpution Law in Japan 一、反腐历史原因 经济发展模式缺陷、政党制度缺陷 二 、日本反腐法律 经济发展模式缺陷、政党制度缺陷 I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan Deficiency in Economic Development Mode Deficiency in political party system II. Anti-Corrpution Law in Japan National Civil Servant Act Local Civil Servant Act National Civial Servant Ethics Act

III. Anti-corruption Institutions in Japan 一、反腐机构 日本检察厅 二 、日本媒体监督 经济发展模式缺陷、政党制度缺陷 III. Anti-corruption Institutions in Japan IV. Media Supervision in Japan

一、日本反腐的历史原因 第一,传统经济发展模式的弊端。日本传统经济发展模式是一种政府导向、官商合作的混合型模式。政治家、官僚、大企业相互利用,结成经济发展中密不可分的“铁三角”利益共同体。因此这种政府主导的经济发展模式极容易滋生政商官相勾结的“金权政治”。

I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan 1. Development Mode Deficiency Japan's traditional economic development mode involves: government guidance and the operation between bureacrats and giant enterprises. The government controls enterprises through national economic policy; The enterprises control politicians through bribery; The politicians influence bureacrats through their political power . Thus , politicians, bureaucrats and enterprises form a "iron triangle" . So this economic development mode oriented by government is extremely liable to lead to "Money Politics" invloving both bureacrats and enterprises.

I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan “田中与铃木之争” “铃木宗男金钱丑闻” 《政治资金法》 第二,政党制度存在缺陷,政治选举催生腐败。 二战后的日本虽然实行多党制,但长期以来一直由自民党一党把持政权。自民党内派系林立,各派系之间为执掌政权展开了激烈斗争,日本的政治选举实际上就是“金钱政治”游戏,“金钱是政治的血液”,为了在政治选举中获胜,各党派必须筹集竞选资金,这其中大量的政治献金不可避免。而在自民党操纵下通过的曾规定,企业或个人均可以直接向政客提供一定限额内的捐款,这些捐款不必课税,这也助长了企业购买政治影响的嚣张气焰。

I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan 2. Political Party System Deficiency After WWII, the dominant party →→the liberal Democratic Party (LDP) took power for a long time. Within the LDP ,there is a fierce struggle for power between factions. When the former Prime Minister Koizumi took office, his political reform raised the conflicts between reformists and conservatives which was also called "the Fight between Tanaka and Suzuki ". Finally reformist Tanaka was forced to step down, and then Muneo Suzuki 's scandal let the conservative LDP chaos.

I. Anti-corruption Causes in Japan “田中与铃木之争” 《政治资金法》 “铃木宗男金钱丑闻” 第二,政党制度存在缺陷,政治选举催生腐败。 二战后的日本虽然实行多党制,但长期以来一直由自民党一党把持政权。自民党内派系林立,各派系之间为执掌政权展开了激烈斗争,日本的政治选举实际上就是“金钱政治”游戏,“金钱是政治的血液”,为了在政治选举中获胜,各党派必须筹集竞选资金,这其中大量的政治献金不可避免。而在自民党操纵下通过的曾规定,企业或个人均可以直接向政客提供一定限额内的捐款,这些捐款不必课税,这也助长了企业购买政治影响的嚣张气焰。

二、日本反腐法律 1947年日本制定了《国家公务员法》,这部法律是日本国家人事行政方面第一部比较系统的法律,是日本有关国家公务员的基本法,它的颁布标志着日本现代公务员制度的形成。 20世纪90年代日本制定了《国家公务员伦理法》。

In 1947, the national civil servant law, II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan In 1947, the national civil servant law, the first systematic law of administrative aspects, the basic law on civil servants in Japan, marking the formation of Japan's modern civil servant system. In the 1990s, the national civil service ethics laws.

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan In 1947, the National Civil Servant Act, the first systematic law of administrative aspects, the basic law on civil servants in Japan, marking the formation of Japan's modern civil servant system. in the 1990s, the Local Civil Servant Act, In the 1990s, the National Civil Service Ethics Act.

日本《国家公务员法》规定,公务员在工作中不能很好地履行职责,违反规定,造成过失,影响政府声誉和行政效率,要受到惩处。 II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 1.《国家公务员伦理法》 日本《国家公务员法》规定,公务员在工作中不能很好地履行职责,违反规定,造成过失,影响政府声誉和行政效率,要受到惩处。 但是,考虑到职员在履行职责时执行公务不利和违反纪律,造成工作过失的不同情况,日本将惩处分为“分限处分”和“惩戒”,两者各有不同含义和特定的内容

Japan‘s National Civil Servant Act stipulates that II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 1. National Civil Servant Act Japan‘s National Civil Servant Act stipulates that provided that civil servants in the work don't perform their duties properly so as to violate this law and even affect the reputation and efficiency of the administration, they should be punished. However, depending on different situations,the punishment is divided into "disciplinary warning" and "disciplinary punishment", which have different meanings and specific content.

惩戒 Disciplinary Punishment 1. National Civil Servant Act 惩戒 Disciplinary Punishment 惩戒是对违法或造成工作过失的职员追究其责任而实行的一种处罚行为。公务员违反法律和命令,不履行公务员职责,消极怠工或从事与其身份不符的活动,必须受到惩戒,以维护法律和公务秩序。 根据日本《国家公务员法》和《地方公务员法》的相关规定,惩戒依情之节轻重,分下列四种情况:一是警告,对违反义务的公务员提出告诫,公务员在告诫期间不得加薪。二是减薪,按一定比例减发薪俸,一般以月薪1/5为限,时间最长不超过一年。惩戒期过后恢复原薪。三是停职,保留公务员身份但不执行职务,停职时间由 1天到 1年不等,在此期间不发工资。四是免职,使其失去公务员身份。受惩戒免职处分者不享受退职津贴,退职年金减半发给。同时,两年内不能进入公务员队伍。 日本的公务员惩戒有任命权者权力很大,程序相对灵活,简要概括为:进行惩戒分析、作惩戒处分决定、下达惩戒文书、个人有权请求审查、人事院受理复查。如果人事院经调查和审理,认为处分不当时,有权撤销处分,恢复职员权利,并指示原处分实施机关补发职员因受处分而少发的工资。

惩戒 Disciplinary Punishment 1. National Civil Servant Act 惩戒 Disciplinary Punishment Disciplinary Punishment is an action done for violation of laws or negligence in work caused by civil servants. According to Japan's "National Civil Servant Act" and "Local Civil Servants Act", the punishment is divided in accordance with the seriousness to the following four classes: warning, pay chech decrease, suspense,removal from the office The procedure of punishiment is flexible including the following steps: Investigation→Punishment Making→Document Delivery→Claim of re-investigation→Acceptance of the Claim → Reinvestigation→ Withdraw the wrong punishment/Affirm the original judgement

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2.《国家公务员伦理法》 日本强调“法治主义”和“法治国家”理念 与 ”社会政治经济环境的日益复杂化“ 的对立,腐败行为的表现形式具有更大的隐蔽性。 因此,日本政府和学者们共同探讨将伦理道德与法相结合,即克服伦理道德不具备国家强制力的弱势,通过立法规范公务员的行为。 1999年4月,日本《国家公务员伦理法》正式实施。它是日本行政改革的一大举措,也是日本政府为了防止国家公务员腐败所采取的一项重要措施。

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act “Rule of Law” Vs. the Increasing Complication in social,political and economic environment. As a result, the Japanese government and scholars discussed on combination between the ethics and laws, that means to overcome the weakness of lack of compulsory forces so to regulate civil servants' behaviors. In April 1999, Japan implemented the Civil Service Ethics Act.It is a big move for Japan's administrative reform and is a big one for the Japanese government to prevent civil servants'corruption.

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2.《国家公务员伦理法》 《国家公务员伦理法》立法目的 该法第1条明确规定:“就这个法律颁布的目的而言,国家公务员是全体国民的服务者,国家公务员执行职务是受国民的嘱托,采取一些措施,为的是保持国家公务员相关职务的伦理关系,保障国家公务员切实履行职务的公正性,防止国民对公务员执行公务的公正性产生怀疑或不信任。从而增强国民对公务员执行公务的信赖感。”

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act The Purpose The purpose of this act is clearly specified in Article 1: "As for the purpose of this law, the national civil service is a service of the nation, the national civil servant's performance of duties by citizens of entrust, take some measures, in order to maintain national official position working ethics relations, guarantees the impartiality of the national civil service earnestly perform their duties, to prevent the national integrity of civil servants on duty doubt or distrust. To enhance the national responsibility of civil servants on duty."

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act 主要内容 Content 行为准则 Code of conduct 汇报制度 Reporting system

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act 行为准则 《伦理法》第3条规定,国家公务员所须遵守的职业准则如下: (1)禁止不正当的差别性待人接物,须公正地行使职务; (2)禁止以职务或地位之便谋取私利; (3)禁止引起国民怀疑或不信任的行为。

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act Code of conduct "Ethical Act" stipulates in Article 3 that "civil servants must abide by the professional code as follows: (1) improper discrimination againt people is prohibited ; (2) any seek for personal gain by making use of the post or position is prohibited; (3) any behavior that may cause people doubt or mistrust is prohibited.

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act 汇报制度 关于“汇报制度”,《伦理法》规定了3种。 第一是汇报接受的赠与等。本省课长级别以上的国家公务员从民营方等获得超过5千日元的赠与、餐饮招待、演讲等的报酬等时,应提交“赠与等汇报书”(《伦理法》第6条)。 第二是汇报股票交易等。本省审议官级别以上的国家公务员应提交1年中股票交易情况的“股票交易等汇报书”(《伦理法》第7条)。 第三是汇报所得等。本省审议官级别以上的国家公务员应提交一年收入等的“所得等汇报书”(《伦理法》第8条)

About the "reporting system", the ethical law provides three: II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act Reporting system About the "reporting system", the ethical law provides three: Is the first report to accept gifts, etc.Section supervisor level above civil servants from the province of private party, etc. To obtain the gift of more than 5000 yen, catering to host, speech of the remuneration, etc, shall be submitted to report "gift book" (" ethical law "article 6). The second is report stock trading, etc.Above provincial level ShenYiGuan civil servants should submit 1 year stock trading "report such as stock trading book" (" ethical law "article 7). The third is to report income, etc.ShenYiGuan the province level above national civil servants shall submit an annual income of the "income report books such as" (" ethical law "article 8)

日本《国家公务员伦理法》相关内容的规定是对日本《国家公务员法》相关内容的补充。 II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 与《国家公务员法》的相关性 日本《国家公务员伦理法》相关内容的规定是对日本《国家公务员法》相关内容的补充。 原因:日本《国家公务员法》第82条虽然对公务员的惩戒作出了明确的规定,但不够具体,操作起来很难掌握尺度。例如,对公务员的惩戒规定:如果公务员违反该法或违反法律执行命令,违反职务上的义务或出现玩忽职守行为,以及作为全体国民的服务者做出与自己职务不相称的不良行为等,将被给予免职、停职、减薪或警告等处分。但公务员出现什么情形属于玩忽职守,并没有明确。对公务员作出与自己的职务不相称的不良行为等规定也过于笼统。

the correlation of the National Civil servant Act II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2. National Civil Servant Ethics Act the correlation of the National Civil servant Act Japan, the national civil service ethics law the provisions of the relevant content is of Japanese civil servants law related content. Reasons: the Japanese "national civil servant law" the 82th while disciplinary made clear rules for civil servants, but not specific enough, difficult to operate.If, for example, disciplinary regulations on civil servants: civil servants in violation of the law, or in violation of the law execution order, breach of duty or duties of dereliction of duty behavior, as well as server do not comport with his position of the nation's bad behavior, etc., will be a pay cut for dismissal, suspension, or warning, etc.But civil servants what belongs to the dereliction of duty, and there is no clear.To civil servants do not comport with his position of bad behavior, such as regulations are too general.

III. Anti-corruption Institutions 日本的反腐败机构包括:国会法官弹劾法院 和法官追诉委员会 、内阁行政监察局、会计检查院、最高检察厅及其下属机关、法院系统等。 法官弹劾法院和法官追诉委员会直属于国会,负责审判和起诉有违法行为的法官。内阁行政监察局和邮政监察、人事行政监察、预算执行监察机构,直属于日本内阁或有关部会,负责对整个文官系统进行行政监察。会计检查院依据宪法独立设置,根据《会计检查院法》,专门负责对国家的收入和支出进行检查和对国家会计进行监督 。日本的检察机关虽然在内阁法务省领导之下,但有着相对的独立性,属于法务省的特殊组织机构,在司法过程中负责审查批准逮捕、审查决定起诉和出席法庭支持公诉 。对于东京霞关各官厅而言,身着黑色西装的检察人员,搬运纸箱子的场景常让他们不寒而栗。从20世纪40年代末的“昭和电工”起,检察厅就在日本反腐败机制中,扮演最重要的角色。日本政界、财界和新闻界的一批实权人物,在检察厅、在野党和民众的联合追击下,纷纷落马。在日本涉及政治家的案件,特别是贪污受贿案,侦查工作一般都由检察官担当,而不是由警察担当。检察官较高的素质和自律能力,受到社会的普遍认同。 享有司法独立权的法院系统则负责审理贪污贿赂案件 。日本这套反腐败体制在国会监察、行政监察、会计检查、司法调查和审判等方面,编织了一张严密的监察法网,对于遏止公务员队伍中的腐败发挥了重要作用。

III. Anti-corruption Institutions Japan's anti-corruption institutions include: proceeding of judge impeachment court and the judge committee of congress, cabinet, the board of the administrative supervision, the prosecutor's office and its subordinate departments, Supreme Court system, etc.Proceeding of judge impeachment court and the judge committee affiliated with congress, responsible for trial and prosecution of illegal behavior of the judge.Cabinet and post supervision of the administrative supervision, administrative supervision and budget implementation and supervision organization, personnel, directly affiliated to the cabinet or relevant government departments, is responsible for the civil service system for administrative supervision.The board in accordance with the constitution of independent setting, according to the act of the board, responsible for inspection on national income and expenditure and to supervise national accounting.Although Japan's procuratorial organs in the cabinet under the leadership of justice ministry, but has a relatively independent, special organization belongs to the justice ministry, in the judicial review process responsible for the examination and approval of arrest, decided to Sue and to appear in court to support the prosecution.For the Tokyo kasumigaseki all the guanting, prosecutors, dressed in a black suit, handling the scene of paper box often let them with a shudder.From the late 1940 s "showa denko, prosecutor's office is in Japan's anti-corruption mechanism, the most important role.A group of Japanese politics, financial circles and the press power, under the joint pursuit of prosecutor's office, the opposition and the public, the cut.Cases involving politicians in Japan, especially the embezzlement and bribery case, investigative work is generally taken by prosecutors, not taken by the police.Prosecutors higher quality and self-discipline, is generally recognized by the society.Shall enjoy the right of judicial independence of the court system is responsible for corruption and bribery cases.Japan the anti-corruption system in congress, administrative supervision and accounting supervision and inspection, the judicial investigation and trial, etc., to weave a strict supervisory laws, to curb corruption in the civil service has played an important role.

III. Anti-corruption Institutions

IV. Media Supervision in Japan 日本的新闻媒体和在野党在揭露腐败丑闻推动政治改革方面,发挥着不可替代的重要作用。日本的新闻媒体在揭露政府高官的腐败丑闻方面可与美国媒体相媲美。前述几起涉及日本首相的腐败大案,都是在媒体进行深入的调查报道和在野党在国会中的穷追猛打下才取得突破性进展的。日本的内阁成员财产公开制度得到媒介的严格监督执行。1974年田中角荣因金钱来源问题下台后,继任者一上台即公布自己的资产,以此获取国民的信赖。中曾根内阁进一步要求将全体内阁成员的资产都公之于众,内阁成员财产公开遂成惯例。公开资产的范围包括:土地、建筑物等不动产及其收益;银行存款及其类别,存款要分别写明定期存款和邮政储蓄等数额,有价证券要写明国债、公司债、股票和其他证券的票面额,超过500万日元的股票还要写明发行者和股份数;借出和借入的款项及其数额;高尔夫球会员权、汽车、字画、古董及其它工艺品等。所公开的资产是否真实,将受到核实和媒体跟踪,媒体及时揭露,也使那些贪欲膨胀的政要不得不有所收敛。所以说日本的新闻媒体客观上承担了日本反腐败的“警犬”角色,利用其灵敏的嗅觉和专业特殊性,推动了反腐败的深入。

IV. Media Supervision in Japan Japan's news media and the opposition to promote political reform in exposing corruption scandal, play an irreplaceable role.Japan's news media in terms of senior government officials of corruption scandals, can be comparable with the media.The few of corruption involving Japan's prime minister, are in-depth investigation reports in the media and the opposition in congress to breakthrough the lions.The Japanese cabinet members and property of the system of public media strictly supervise the implementation.Tanaka kakuei in 1974 because of money problem to step down after the successor a power namely released their own assets, in order to obtain the national trust.Yasuhiro cabinet further requirement will uncover all the assets of the cabinet, cabinet members of the public property into practice.The scope of public assets include: real estate such as land, buildings and their benefits;Bank deposits and its categories, respectively to set forth the deposit and the postal savings amount, such as securities should specify Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, stocks and other securities ticket face value, more than 5 million yen on the number of shares and also what the issuers of stocks;Lend and borrow the money and amount;Golf membership rights, cars, calligraphy and painting, antiques and other arts and crafts, etc.Public assets are true, will be subject to verification and media tracking, media exposed in time, also make the lust expansion of the leaders have to have convergence.So the Japanese news media objectively take on the role of Japan's anti-corruption "dogs", using its sense of smell and professional particularity, promote the deepening of the anti-corruption.

IV. Media Supervision in Japan

II. Anti-corruption Laws in Japan 2014年6月24日,一条来自日本的新闻轰动世界:日本最年轻的市长藤井浩人因涉嫌受贿罪被逮捕。1984年出生的藤井英俊帅气,2010年10月,年仅26岁的他竞选岐阜县美浓加茂市市议员,高票当选。2013年6月,他参加市长竞选,再次成功,28岁就成为市长,一时轰动全国。但仅仅一年后,他就因涉嫌受贿罪被逮捕了,政治生命很可能从此终结。   爱知县警方发布消息称,在当选市长前3个月,还是市议员的藤井与爱知县名古屋市一家地下水设备公司的社长中林正善相识,帮助中林社长在美浓加茂市市立中学设置了一套自然循环型雨水净水系统,收取了中林社长的好处费10万日元。当选市长后,藤井又帮助中林在中小学校游泳池水净化工程招投标中中标,收取好处费20万日元。今年2月,中林因其他犯罪被捕,他供出了藤井。   30万日元,只相当于人民币1.8万元,但日本对于犯罪的定性,不以金额大小论,而是以性质定罪。尤其是公职人员犯罪,其性质比一般人更严重。日本警方对于公职人员的犯罪,搜查追究得也更为严厉,越是知名的政治人物,警方搜查得越起劲。 一旦罪名成立,藤井将面临什么后果呢?可能是2年左右的刑期,即使以缓期和罚款来处罚,他的政治生命肯定就此完结,以后再参选也不会有人投他的票。因为有犯罪纪录,一般的公司也不会雇佣他。如果自己开公司,大公司不会和他做生意。如果去愿意收留他的小公司打工,犯罪案底也会跟随他一生,向银行贷款买房子都受影响。