Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine


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Presentation transcript:

Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine Present Situation and Prospects of Food Safety Inspection in China 中国食品安全检测现状与展望 Hongjun Chen 陈洪俊 Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine 中国检验检疫科学研究院 2010-8-30

Introduction 前言 Following the globalization of the food trade, the popularity of processed foods, and the change in eating habits, food safety is starting to affect people’s lives more and more and is arousing public concern. 随着食品贸易全球化,加工食品的便利与普及,食品安全问题越来越深刻地影响人们的生活并受到全社会的高度关注。维护食品安全是各国政府,业界共同的责任!

Supporting effect of test technology to food safety 检测技术对食品安全的支持作用 Exhibition and review of detectability about food safety in China; 中国食品安全检测实力展示与回顾; Play an important role to ensure food safety ; 在保障食品安全中发挥的作用; Facing the difficulties and opportunities; 面临的问题与发展机遇;

Food Safety Management and Legislation System in China 中国的食品安全管理体制简介 Departmental and coordination 分段管理,统一协调 The Food Safety Commission, founded by the China State Council, has leadership of the establishment of the food safety work. From farm to fork, food safety is separately responsible by the Ministry of Agriculture, AQSIQ, SAIC, Ministry of Commerce, and SFDA. We emphasize the responsibility of local governments, individual businesses will bear the primary responsibilities. 从农田到餐桌分别由农业,质检,工商,商务,食品药品监督管理部门负责。国务院成立食品安全委员会领导食品安全工作。强调地方政府负总责,企业是第一责任人,各职能部门分工负责制。

Food Safety Management and Legislation System in China 中国的食品安全管理体制简介 种植养殖捕捞采摘 生产加工+进出口 储藏运输销售 餐饮消费 Planting Processing +Imp&Exp Transportation, Retail Consumers 农业部 质检总局 商务部+工商总局 食药局 MOA AQSIQ MOFOM+SAIC SFDA

Food Safety legislation System in China 中国的食品安全法律法规体系 Food Safety Law 《中华人民共和国食品安全法》 (go into effect since 1 June, 2009) Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products Law《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》 Product Quality Law 《中华人民共和国产品质量法》 Standardization law 《中华人民共和国标准化法》 Main Laws 主要法律 Relative Laws 相关法律 Imp&Exp commodity inspection law 《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》 Animal Epidemic Prevention Law 《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》 Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine law 《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》 Frontier Health and Quarantine law《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》 Environmental Protection Law《中华人民共和国环境保护法》 Consumer Protection Law. 《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》等 Individual ministries in each territory and local governments implement relevant supporting systems. 各部委及地方政府相应配套了比较完善的支持保障体系

Inspection organization about Food Safety in China 中国食品安全检测机构 Food safety Inspection laboratories are located in AQSIQ, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and other government departments. 中国食品安全检测监测机构分布在农业部、卫生部、国家质检总局等多个政府部门。 The total number of testing laboratories is about 6000. Among them, there are 4,970 accredited laboratories that could provide service to the public or business (2009 data from CNCA). 从事食品、农产品检测的实验室总数约6,000 家,其中,获得国家计量认证、可以对外提供检测服务的4,970家(2009年数据);

Standards framework in China 中国标准框架体系 national standard (20,400) professional standard ( 30,000 ) local standard ( 9,000 ) enterprise standard( 400,000 ) 国家标准 ( 20,400 ) 行业标准 ( 30,000 ) 地方标准 (9,000 ) 企业标准 (400,000) The numbers of standards including but not limited to the field of food safety; 以上所列标准数目包括但不限于食品安全相关领域;

Standards framework about food safety in China 中国食品安全标准体系 By the end of 2008, 1702 food-related national standards were published 截至2008年底 共发布与食品安全相关的国家标准1702项 933 SN standards were issued for import and export food inspections. SN standard is officially recognized standard for the inspection and quarantine of Imp&Exp commodity ; 已发布的SN标准共933项, SN标准是中国进出口食品 检验检疫指定的标准。

国家质检总局职责 The duties of AQSIQ General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People‘s Republic of China (AQSIQ) is authorized by the State Council which in charge of national quality, metrology, import and export commodity inspection, entry and exit health quarantine, entry and exit animal and plant quarantine, import and export food safety and certification, accreditation, standardization work and the exercise of the functions of administrative law enforcement agencies. 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(简称国家质检总局)是国务院主管全国质量、计量、出入境商品检验、出入境卫生检疫、出入境动植物检疫、进出口食品安全和认证认可、标准化等工作,并行使行政执法职能的直属机构。

(A)In-house Departments of AQSIQ Organizational Structure of AQSIQ 国家质检总局组织结构 (A)In-house Departments of AQSIQ 国家质量监督检验检疫总局内设机构 (B) Direct Affiliates of AQSIQ 国家质量监督检验检疫总局直属事业单位 (C) Independent Associations Attached to AQSIQ 国家质量监督检验检疫总局挂靠单位 Certification and Accreditation Administration of the P.R. China (CNCA),中华人民共和国国家认证认 可监督管理局 Standardization Administration of the P.R. China (SAC).中国国家标准化管理委员会

Establishment of database for food safety information resources in China 中国食品安全资源数据库

Facing the difficulties and opportunities; Supporting effect of inspection technology to food safety 检测技术对食品安全的支持作用 Exhibition and review of detectability about food safety in China; 中国食品安全检测实力展示与回顾; Play an important role to ensure food safety ; 在保障食品安全中发挥的作用; Facing the difficulties and opportunities; 面临的问题与发展机遇;

Determiantion of Ultra trace chemical pollutions 超痕量化学污染物检测 Determination of doxin in foods 食品中二恶英污染的检测技术 December, 2008, the concentration of doxin in some pigs in Ireland were found 80-200 times higher than the food safety standards of European Union, and It is said that some of these porks have been exposed to 25 countries including USA and China. 2008年12月,爱尔兰食品安全局在一次检查中发现被宰杀的生猪遭到二恶英污染,所含二恶英成分是欧盟安全标准上限的80到200倍,一些猪肉、牛肉可能已出口到包括美国和中国在内的25个国家。 Detection method 检测方法 : The usually used method was HRGC/HRMS methods, 一般采用HRGC/HRMS法。

Excellence in international interlaboratory comparison on doxins 二恶因检测国际比对成绩优异 CAIQ

Inspection of honey products 蜂蜜产品检测 GB18796-2005 standards of honey 蜂蜜标准 GB/T 18932.1 Method for the determination of C-4 plant sugars in honey-Stable carbon isotope ratio method. 蜂蜜中碳-4植物糖含量测定方法稳定碳同位索比率法。 GB/T 18932.16 Method for the determination of diastase number in honey—Spectrophotometric method. 蜂蜜中淀粉酶值的测定方法分光光度计法 GB/T 18932.18 Method for determination of hydroxymethylfurfural in honey—HPLC-UV detection method 蜂蜜中经甲基糠醛含量的测定方法液相色谱-紫外检测法 GB/T 18932.22 Method for the determination of fructose,glucose,sucrose,maltose contents in honey—Liquid chromatography refractive index detection method 蜂蜜中果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖含量的测定方法液相色谱示差折光检测法。

Multi-residues simultaneous determination in foods 农药多残留检测技术 So far, More than 450 pesticides could be simultaneous determined in China. 中国目前可以同时检测450种以上的农药残留。 Guofang Pang(庞国芳 院士) et al,Food Additives and Contaminants,2006, 23, 777-810 Guofang Pang(庞国芳 院士) et al,Anal Bioanal Chem,2006, 384, 1366-1408

Rapid response to the emergent affairs 针对突发事件的快速检测

Rapid and highly sensitive determination of melamine in milk products 乳制品中三聚氰胺的快速和高灵敏检测 Based on the highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method, the melamine in milk products could be highly sensitive determined, which decreasing the hazard in maximum and ensure the physical and mental health of the public. 基于高效液相色谱-串联质谱等检测技术,乳制品中的三聚氰胺可以得到准确定量,这对于保障公众食品安全、确保人民群众身体健康等方面发挥了重大作用;

Rapid detection technology for foodborne pathogens in foods 食源性致病菌的快速检测技术 Combining the chromatographic technology, Microfluidic Chip, laser induced fluorescence with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), the foodborne pathogens in foods could be rapid and highly sensitive determined. 结合色谱分析技术、微流控芯片、激光诱导荧光以及聚合酶链式反应等技术,食品中食源性致病菌可得到快速、高灵敏检测;

Supporting effects of inspection technology to food safety 检测技术对食品安全的支持作用 Exhibition and review of detectability about food safety in China; 中国食品安全检测实力展示与回顾; Play an important role to ensure food safety ; 在保障食品安全中发挥的作用; The difficulties and opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing; 面临的问题与发展机遇;

Characteristic of food safety in China 中国食品安全的特点 Agricultural production, breeding and food production are of highly decentralized. The processing capacity is often on a small-scale. 食 品农产品行业的最大问题是:食品、农产品种养殖高度分散, 生产加工能力弱、规模小; Among 448,000 food-processing enterprises, small businesses which consist of less than 10 staff members make up about 353,000. 44.8万家食品加工企业,10人以下小企业、小作坊35.3万家 The main factors effecting on the food safety in China including microbial pollution and chemical food poisoning. 微生物污染和化学性食物中毒是影响中国食品安全的最主要因素。

The difficulties China facing 面临的问题 There are still security risks in supply material, agricultural field environment, and epidemic prevention system, agricultural production and processing, as well as aspects of retail. – illegal use of agricultural chemical material. 投入品供给、农业产地环境、防疫 体系、农产品生产、加工、销售等环节仍然存在安全隐患---农 业化学投入品的不合理使用; There is still insufficient adaptation of the food safety standard system, inspection system, and quality assurance system. 食品安全标 准体系、检验检测体系、质量保证体系等方面还存在 明显的不适应性;

The difficulties food inspection & Quarantine facing 面临的问题 The social credit system is not perfect and some companies add non-food substances illegally in pursuit of commercial interests. 社会诚信体系不完善,部分违法企业为追求商业利益非法添加非食用物质。 The allowable limit about toxic substances in national standard need further improve. 食品中有害物的国家限量标准需要进一步完善。 Some new problems in food safety, such as microbial pollution,genetically modified food, etc. 各种转基因食品、微生物污染等带来的新的食品安全问题。

发展机遇 The opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing In recent years, the Government has invested a large amount of money in food safety. Many local government laboratories and food companies are equipped with sophisticated testing instruments. 近年来,中国政府各部门在食品安全方面进行了持续的大量的 投入。新成立许多食品检测实验室。一些县市检验机构,许多 食品企业都配备了高精尖的检测仪器; As the Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China come into fore on June 1,2009, the food safety has got more social concern. 2009年6月1日,《中华人民共和国食品安全法》正式施行,食 品安全受到了社会各界的广泛关注;

发展机遇 The opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing Improve inspection and quality control bodies 健全检测和品控机构 To help small and medium-sized food enterprises set up quality control system. 为中小食品企业提供质量控制的检测平台。 To set up GAP, HACCP self-regulated training system and certification system for food and agricultural products processing industries.为食品、农产品生产加工行业建立GAP, HACCP自检自控体系的培训认证机构 。

发展机遇 The opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing Testing Methods 检测手段 Portable devices for rapid detection in the field 应用于现场工作的便携式快速检测设备。 Screening test kits for qualitative or semi-quantitive analysis 初筛式定性、(或半定量)检测试剂盒。

发展机遇 The opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing Complete the Inspection Standards 完善检测标准 MRL (maximum residue limit) of pesticide, drug residues and chemical contaminants.(the Uniform Limit -Japan,ractopamine)农兽残、化学污染物限量标准(日本肯定列表)。 Multi-residues simultaneous determination standards (Japanese Positive List System ) . 多残留同时检测标准 (日本肯定列表)。 Identification of illegal additives . 非法添加物鉴别标准。

发展机遇 The opportunities food inspection & Quarantine facing Enhance the response speed 增强快速响应能力 Enhance communication and coordination with foreign inspection department. 和国外检测机构加强沟通和信息交流。 strengthen information tracking about foods orientation from dinner table to farms. 加强对商品从餐桌到田间的信息追踪。 Enhance the response speed to emergent food safety affairs. 提高对突发食品安全事件的快速响应能力。

Thank you!