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Presentation transcript:

Emerald(UK) 资源利用 & 学术合作 IBS,BFSU 李秋实 Senior Manager pc@emeraldinsight.com.cn 010-8225 0992

Agenda Emerald学术资源以及平台简介 1 国际期刊投稿介绍 & 学术基金支持 2

Emerald 1967,英国布拉福德大学 同行评审期刊-从1到291 学科领域-经济学、管理学 及其他人文社科 管理学最重要出版社之一 2012 2006 2000 1994 1967 1967,英国布拉福德大学 同行评审期刊-从1到291 学科领域-经济学、管理学 及其他人文社科 管理学最重要出版社之一

Emerald is proud to say that: Over 90 of the FT top 100 business schools worldwide are Emerald customers We have authors from all of the FT top 100 business schools worldwide In 2010 the FT top 100 business schools worldwide downloaded Emerald articles 1.4m times Over 90% of the THES top 200 universities worldwide are Emerald customers We have authors from 199 of the THES top 200 universities worldwide In 2010 the THES top 200 universities worldwide downloaded Emerald articles 3m times 在

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Accounting and Finance Pacific Accounting Review 《太平洋地区会计评论》 Managerial Auditing Journal 《管理审计杂志》 Managerial Finance 《财政管理》 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 《会计、审计与职责杂志》 Journal of Applied Accounting Research 《应用会计研究》 Accounting Research Journal 《会计研究》 Studies in Economics and Finance 《经济与金融研究》 Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 《会计管理定性研究》 Asian Review of Accounting 《亚洲会计评论》 Journal of Financial Regulation & Compliance 《金融条例和遵守》 Journal of Financial Crime 《金融犯罪》 Journal of Money Laundering Control 《反洗钱杂志》 Review of Accounting and Finance 《会计金融评论》 Journal of Investment Compliance 《投资规范》 International Journal of Managerial Finance 《管理财务国际期刊》 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management 《伊斯兰和中东财政管理》 Qualitative Research in Financial Markets 《金融市场定性研究》 Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 《会计和组织变化》 International Journal of Accounting and Information Management 《会计与信息管理国际期刊》 Journal of Risk Finance 《金融风险和资产平衡表》 Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies 《新兴经济体会计学》 China Finance Review International 《中国金融评论国际期刊》 Meditari Accountancy Research 《梅德特雷会计研究》 Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 《伊斯兰会计与商业研究》 Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 《财务申报与会计》 Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal 《可持续性会计、管理与政策》

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 《会计、审计与职责杂志》被公认为一本领先的期刊,对于那些致于通过多学科、不同环境下的批评探索来推进当前会计理论与实务的学者来说,是至关重要的研究资源。该刊为那些涉及会计/审计与它们的社会经济、政治环境之间的互动的高质量文章提供了一个论坛 1988-2012 选题范围包括: •对可见实践的其它解释 •从批判与历史的角度看待当前主题与问题 •支撑理论发展的实地研究 •当前会计计量的局限 •影响决策的政治因素 •会计准则的社会和政治方面 •扩大报告区域的范围 9

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 25th Anniversary http://www.emeraldinsight.com/promo/aaaj_25.htm

Operations, Logistics & Quality 《经营与生产管理国际期刊》 《物资流通与后勤管理国际期刊》 《品质与服务科学》 《人道救援物流与供应链管理》 《生产工艺管理杂志》 《中国科技政策国际期刊》 《中国技术管理》 《战略外包》 《供应链管理》 《物流管理》

Emerald与物流管理 《物资流通与后勤管理国际期刊》SSCI + Scopus International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 《物资流通与后勤管理国际期刊》SSCI + Scopus 《物资流通与后勤管理国际期刊》自1970年以来就一直是该领域的领先期刊,得益于其广泛深入的惊人的覆盖范围及其对物资流通和后勤管理最新发展的报道与对重点问题的详细解读 该刊将这一领域内的学术因素和实践因素巧妙的结合了起来,为全球的企业策划人员和研究者提供了先进思想和有益的指导。 选题范围包括: •客户服务政策 •物资流通成本 •物资流通规划 •节选自Anbar管理文摘数据库的资料 信息技术 •材料与采购管理 •订单处理系统 •运输和库存管理

Emerald与物流管理 International Journal of Operations & Production Management 《经营与生产管理国际期刊》SSCI + Scopus 《经营与生产管理国际期刊》汇集了学科和领域内的前沿信息,为那些在各行各业关注管理制度、从事教学、实践和咨询工作的人士提供了有效指导。 这本期刊在全球备受好评,而且还是欧洲经营管理协会的官方期刊,一直致力于提高经营和生产管理各个方面的标准。 选题范围包括: •生产量计划与控制 •电子商务与运作 •全球经营管理 •企业经营中的人力资源管理 •信息与知识管理 •批量定做 •物料与库存管理 •新产品与服务设计/开发 •经营规划、调度和控制; •经营策略

Emerald 电子系列丛书 1000多卷工商管理与经济学、社会科学系列丛书 500多册被ISI Book Citation(BKCI)检索 100多种被Scopus检索 众多领导者高质量文章,且定期更新 《工商管理与经济学集》 管理学 经济学 国际商务 市场营销学 领导科学 组织行为学 战略管理 会计与金融 加上书的检索,BKIC和 Scopus,图片更新 《社会科学集》 心理学 教育学 图书馆科学 政治学 社会学 健康护理 残障研究

Emerald 新兴市场案例集 亚、非、拉丁美洲、中东、东欧 包含案例和教学注释 同行专家评审 200+案例 15

Emerald Management Review Research starts from abstracts… 管理学评论文摘库 EMR -Top 300 management journals 说名字 其他的著名期刊在我们的文摘库里面都有收录和全文链接 16

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国际期刊文章发表 投稿准备流程 审稿及成功发表 SSCI主编反馈/Voices from Editors Emerald 学术研究基金

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结构性摘要举例 Milorad M. Novicevic, Mario Hayek, Tony Fang, (2011) "Integrating Barnard's and contemporary views of industrial relations and HRM", Journal of Management History, Vol. 17 Iss: 1, pp.126 - 138 Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to juxtapose the contemporary views of industrial relations (IR) and human resource management (HRM) with the ideas expressed by Chester Barnard. Design/methodology/approach – The paper analyzes Chester Barnard's views along the four premises that underlie contemporary perspectives on the fields of IR and HRM. Findings – Barnard's main points: that sincerity and honesty of management is crucial to developing an individual employee's will to collaborate, and that collective cooperation is superior to collective bargaining are found to resonate well with the contemporary views and provide a clear indication for Barnard's preference of human resource perspective to the IR perspective. Practical implications – This paper provides Barnard's practical insights into why managing IR and HR by policies leads to poor management. Originality/value – This paper is the first to recognize Barnard's unique contribution to contemporary perspectives on IR and HRM disciplines. Keywords: Employee relations, Human resource management, Industrial relations, Organizations

论文准备-以Emerald 投稿为例 Case study Literature review Viewpoint Research 关键词:数量限制,一般4-6个 论文类型:7种 (见右图) 正文:字数限制4,000~6,000单词 论文结构 参考文献: Case study Literature review Viewpoint General Technical paper Research Conceptual Harvard style:哈佛格式,作者在正文中用圆括号注出所引用文献的作者和出版年,在文后参考文献列表中提供所引文献的详细信息,参考文献列表以作者姓氏的字母顺序排序。 MLA (the Modern Language Association):美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,一般偏重应用于人文科学领域。 APA(the American Psychological Association):美国心理学会 所发行的出版手册规定的格式要求,一般应用于心理学,教育学等。 Paper Type

参考文献举例-数量;时间;质量 A F

Article Title page & Covering Letter 论文准备-以Emerald 投稿为例 4、准备论文提交材料 不包含任何作者信息的论文正文 文章标题页(Article title page):其中包括作者简介、摘要、论文题目等信息 建议随附上covering letter 推荐covering letter ,应该包括2条有效信息: 陈述要向这本期刊投稿的原因,尤其是您的文章与众不同,或者超出了期刊的范围的时候 阐述本文是否引用或参考了与其主题相似但已发表在其他期刊上的论文 恰当的covering letter应如此表述: I am submitting this article to Journal of Documentation. You will see that it deals with public library management, which I appreciate is outside JDoc's normal scope. However, it focuses on the novel application of a theoretical model to the topic, and hence I think it is appropriate for JDoc. I am submitting an article with a similar title to 'Public Library Journal'. However, that article gives a series of case studies, rather than describing and applying the model, and so is quite distinct from the paper submitted here. I can send a copy of the PLJ paper if required. 不建议使用的covering letter: I am sending this article for you to publish in Journal of Documentation, after your editorial amendments. I have chosen JDoc to publish this paper, as it is a high-impact and well-regarded journal.

论文准备 - 在线提交系统ScholarOne 5、选择正确投稿途径— Author Guidelines ScholarOne 在线提交系统 Email 提交主编邮箱

论文准备 - 在线提交系统ScholarOne 论文评审状态示例:

论文审稿流程 审稿方式:两轮同行双盲评审 审稿周期: 从提交到收到初次反馈;3~3.5个月 发表周期3个月、1年不等 审稿结果: 拒绝— 选题问题,改投其他期刊 修改—根据评审意见进行修改、意见不同之处积极 与主编沟通 再次提交:修改时间,随附修改Notes

修改说明-Revision Notes Ref # Reviewer Comment Author Response 1 2 3 Better grounding of the problem. Parts of the front-end of the paper read like a tutorial-like introduction of action research. In a rewrite, there are two things that I would like to see instead. I would expect a clearer attempt to establish the research-practice gap as an intellectual challenge. This is the main theme of the paper and it would therefore be useful to substantiate your understanding of this gap beyond the surface level. Next comment You imply that you do not wish to see a tutorial to CAR (even though one reviewer thinks that this is needed since some sections of the MISQ readership may not be familiar with CAR). We concur with you and have removed the tutorial aspects. The front end of the paper (pages 2-5) has been revised in order to outline the research and practical problems that we focused on. We agree that the research-practice gap needs to be positioned clearly as an intellectual challenge (as highlighted on page 3). We have now deliberately positioned the paper in this way with the challenge manifested in the action-research dichotomy, where either action or research tends to be the focus of action research projects (as explained on page 3). We also substantiate our arguments better in the broader CAR literature (as detailed from pages 5-14). Next response


论文发表-Author packs 所有期刊电子版 3个月免费访问权 Literati network 评奖 一本纸本期刊

Tips 无版面费、无审稿费 撰写正文前,可先向主编提交大纲或摘要,节省双方时间 英语语言很重要,合作作者、第三者评审 获取文中非原创文字、图标或图片的相关版权许可 文中表格需要单独文档提交 供作者参考其他资源(www.emeraldinsight.com) 作者专栏 学者园地

Voices from editors The authors from China do ignore the submission guidelines then try to negotiate the word length and other issues. This is difficult for editors. In several cases they have refused to shorten their papers to the 6,000 word limit. In one case an author said that if I wanted to cut the paper I could eliminate the references. This week I received a paper that was 20,000 words, and the author complained when I returned it. I let them know that the guidelines are not negotiable, but the Chinese authors are the only ones in the world that protest the requests for changes. This has been very surprising. that we simply don't understand; following instructions (for example, structured abstract) is still a problem. the major issue relates to the fact that most papers do not contribute to the field and scope of the journal. Paper are either a plug and play (replication of previous studies) , data crunching statistical analysis with no implications and/or papers that do not fit the scope of the journal

Voices from Editors papers by Chinese authors are more likely to contain English grammar problems, not conform to the required research paper structure, are weak in research training and writing for international journals, lack a critical analysis of the related studies I suggest they always work with an experienced native speaking copy-editor, or better, a co-author experienced in publishing in high-level scientific journals. Another limitation of Chinese papers is that they often fail to provide a conceptual or theoretical basis for their hypotheses. Lack novel practical or theoretical contributions have weak English be methodologically simplistic replicate Western research findings in China without considering the indigenous Chinese context

Voices from editors I believe this is because there is a stress to people to publish in order to publish and not for conducting "innovative" research Manuscripts from Asia in general, and China in particular are often more literature-driven than issue-driven. First let me say that we do not have huge numbers of submissions from China as we did in the past, because word has spread that we come down very hard on plagiarism. By this I mean that Chinese authors will sometimes review the literature on a specific topic or group of topics and develop hypotheses or models with the justification being that the hypotheses or models proposed have never been proposed or tested. True, the hypotheses/models may be novel but this does not mean that they are worthwhile or make any meaningful contribution to theory or practice.

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“We [the AACSB] thank Emerald Group Publishing “We [the AACSB] thank Emerald Group Publishing ... for demonstrating an unwavering commitment to management education for not hesitating to step up when we called for their expertise and assistance in publishing the report [Globalization of Management Education]". (Globalization of Management Education, AACSB International, 2011, p. viii) “EFMD has worked closely with Emerald since 2003, and we greatly value working with them to support Business Schools worldwide. Our partnership includes special issues in the Journal of Management Development, Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards, MENA Award, Case Writing Award, support for EFMD’s Excellence in Practice Awards, publishing the EFMD 40th Anniversary Book, supporting the GFME, speaking and attendance at many EFMD events around the world”. “Our partnership is exceptionally strong and Emerald are one of our key strategic partners, with a shared focus on the development of Business Schools globally. I am sure that the relationship will continue to flourish, develop & grow and I look forward to our continued collaboration in the future”. Prof. Eric Cornuel, CEO & Director General, EFMD

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