第七节 正反译法 英语和汉语中往往均可用肯定形式或否定形式表达同一概念。但由于讲英语国家的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式与我们有时存在很大差异。这种差别体现在语言习惯上,便产生了两种语言各自独特的表达形式。在表示否定意义时,这种差异显得尤为突出。英语的否定表达是一个常见而又比较复杂的问题。有的英语句子形式上是否定的而实质上肯定的,有的形式上是肯定的而实质上是否定的。


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Presentation transcript:

第七节 正反译法 英语和汉语中往往均可用肯定形式或否定形式表达同一概念。但由于讲英语国家的历史、地理、社会文化背景和生活习性与我国不同,因此这些国家人们的思维方式与我们有时存在很大差异。这种差别体现在语言习惯上,便产生了两种语言各自独特的表达形式。在表示否定意义时,这种差异显得尤为突出。英语的否定表达是一个常见而又比较复杂的问题。有的英语句子形式上是否定的而实质上肯定的,有的形式上是肯定的而实质上是否定的。


一、正说反译法 英语中有些否定概念是通过含有否定意义或近似否定意义的词来表达的。这类词从词形上看是肯定式;从词义上看,它们大多数是某些词的反义词,通过长期的历史演变,这些曾完全作为反义词用的词义又引申出其他否定的词义。一些语言学家称之为“含蓄否定词”,另一些语言学家则称之为“暗指否定词”。英语中的含蓄否定词或含蓄否定短语一般都要译成汉语的否定词组。当然,必要时其中有些词语还需加以词类转换。

(一)动词或动词短语 English differs from French in having no gender for nouns. 英语和法语不同,英语名词没有性的变化。 (2) Scientists reject authority as an ultimate basis for truth. 科学家不承认权威是真理的最后根据。 类似的动词还有refuse(不愿;不肯;无法),lack(缺乏;没有),defy(不服从;不遵守;不让),forbid(不许),stop(不准)和ignore(不理;不肯考虑)等。

(二)名词 There was complete absence of information on the oil deposit in that area. 关于该地区的石油储量情况,人们毫无所知。 (3) Shortness of time has required the omission of some states. 由于时间不够,没能访问某些国家。 作为名词用的含蓄否定词还有:defiance(不顾;无视),denial(否认;否定),exclusion(排除),freedom(不;免除),refusal(不愿;不允许)和loss(失去)等。

(三)形容词或形容词短语 (1) We were watching the fluid situation with concern. 我们关切地注视着动荡不安的局面。 (2) He would be the last man to say such things. 他绝不可能说这种话。 类似的形容词及其短语absent(不在;不到),awkward(不熟练;不灵活;使用起来不方便),bad(令人不愉快的;不受欢迎的;不舒服的),blind(看不到;不注意),dead(无生命的;无感觉的;不毛的),difficult(不容易的),foreign to(不适合的;与……无关),short of(不够),和poor(不好的;不幸的)等。

(四)介词或介词词组 (1) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. 他无权签订这种合同。 (2) But that is very extraordinary. It seems against nature. 不过那件事很不寻常,似乎不符合自然规律。 (五)副词 (2) Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelope, and unfolded it. 他不慌不忙地从信封里抽出信纸,把它打开。

(六)某些固定短语 (1) The escaped criminal is still at large. 逃犯仍未捉拿归案。 (2) There are many energy sources in store. The problem has been to use the energy at a reasonable cost. 有许多能源尚未开发。问题始终是要以一个合理的代价利用这些能源。 (3) I was at a loss to understand what he alluded to. 我无法领会到他谈话中所指的是什么。

(七)句子 (1) The critic had something of a case. 批评家也并非全然没有道理。 (4) I am wiser than to believe such stories. 我还不至于蠢到竟然相信这种谎言。

(八)某些含有否定意义的谚语和警句 (1) Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. 宁为鸡头,不为牛后。 (2) Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。 (3) Let sleeping dog lie. 莫惹是生非。 (4) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 (5) Call a spade a spade. 直言不讳。

二、反说正译法 英语中有些与not等否定词连用的词语或带有否定词缀的词语,有时可以译成汉语的肯定形式。这样做有时是为了将原文中某些否定形式所具有的肯定含义清楚地表达出来;有时也许是为了将译文组织得更加自然流畅。当然,这两种目的也常常兼而有之。

(一)动词 英语中有些作反面表达的动词在译文中往往可以从正面表达。 I rode around with him one day seeing how the ships unloaded. 一天,我和他乘车转了转,看看船如何卸货。 (2) The man jumped over a neighboring garden wall and disappeared among the crowds. 这个家伙从邻居的花园墙头上翻了出去,在人群中消失了。

(二)名词 (1) The machine has two serious disadvantages. 那台机器有两个严重缺陷。 (2) The dishonesty of the city officials was exposed by the newspaper. 市政府官员们的欺诈行为在报纸上披露出来。 (三)形容词 (1) He gave me an indefinite answer. 他给了我一个含糊的答复。 (2) It was inconsiderate of him to mention the matter in her hearing. 他实在轻率,竟当着她的面谈论此事。

(四)副词 (1) The sea was, unfortunately, very rough that day. 可惜,那天的海浪很大。 (五)短语 (1) To be or not to be, that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是值得考虑的。 (2) There is nothing like mineral water to quench one’s thirst. 矿泉水是解渴的最好饮料。

(六)句子 (1) A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it be good, it cannot last too long; it bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. 书好比邻居,如果是本好书,相伴得越久越好;如果是本坏书,越早摆脱掉越好。 (3) The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us. 这些事件引起了我们的注意。

三、英语中的双重否定句 还有英语中的双重否定句,除了有时可以译成汉语的双重否定句外,一般说来应译成肯定句,其道理如两个负数相乘为正数一样。不过,它是一种特殊的强调句式。以have to(不得不)为例,两个“不”字去掉以后意思不变,但语气强度就差多了。下面是一些较为典型的双重否定译例。 (2) They never work without helping each other. 他们工作时总是互相帮助。

(5) We can’t be too careful in doing this kind of experiments. 我们在做这类实验时应尽可能小心。(也可译为“我们 在做这类试验时无论怎样小心也不过分” 。) 当然,有的英语双重否定句译为汉语的双重否定句更为通顺。 There is no story without coincidence. 无巧不成书。

(1)If the weather holds a couple of days, the team of the explorers will set off. (2) John dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the old lady. (3) The soldiers would rather fight to death before they surrendered. (4) While trade is good, money is very tight at present. (5) The rocket traveling in space is free from the earth’s gravity. (6) In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration. (7) While he liked her work, he pointed out areas where improvement was possible. (8) The doubt was still unsolved after her repeated explanations. (9) There is nothing like jogging as a means of exercise. (10) Suddenly he heard a sound behind him, and realized he was not alone in the garage. (11) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him then. (12) The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.


2. 约翰没有脱衣服就跳入水中并救出了那个老太太。











Such a chance was denied (to) me. (v.) 我没有得到这样一个机会 他无权签订这种合同 Such a chance was denied (to) me. (v.) It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.

The explanation is far from being satisfactory. 这个解释远不能令人满意 他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。 The explanation is far from being satisfactory. They will prove worthy of the Party's trust.

这工作我不熟悉。 任何规则都有例外。 I am new to the work. There is no rule that has no exception.

Homework 1As a result, many people avoided the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. 2It will generally be found that the men who are habitually behind the time are as habitually behind success. 3Traveling five hundred miles by car with two small children is the last thing I want to do. 4Before I could get in a word, he had measured me and was giving orders for morning suits, evening suits, shirts and all sorts of things. 5We are supposed to be an island of freedom, but we are fighting our own terror war. 6Don’t cough more than you can help. 7When we read we may visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience and expense. 8The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. 9It also includes a lot of other former British colonies that are independent of the British Parliament and of Thatcher, but recognize Queen Elizabeth as “Head of the Commonwealth”.

Reference version: 1结果,很多人没有尝试,而这些尝试却正是幸福的源泉。 2一般来说,惯于不守时的人往往是不会成功的。 3我才不想带着两个孩子,开车赶500英里的路。 4我还没来得及插话,他已经给我量好了尺寸,订下早装、晚装、衬衫等各式各样的衣服。 5我们本应是自由之岛,现在却要打一场属于自己的反恐怖战争。 6能不咳,就不咳。 7通过阅读我们可以遍访地球上最美丽的地方,轻松、便捷,还不用花钱。 8归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。 9它还包括许多前英国殖民地,它们不受英国国会和撒切尔管辖,但却承认伊丽莎白女王为“联邦首脑”。