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菜名的翻译 translation on food’s name Wonton Baicai
直接翻译 Mapo Toufu
往吃的方面靠 Chinese black mushroom
Preserved egg
烹饪方式 Baked 烤的 Baked sweet potato
烹饪方式 Boiled 煮的 Boiled dumpling
烹饪方式 steamed 蒸的 Steamed bread/bun
烹饪方式 Stewed 炖,焖 Beef and potato stewed
烹饪方式 Braised 红烧 Braised pork Braised duck
烹饪方式 Pan fried 煎的 Pan cake Chinese pan Cake sandwich
Stir fried tomato and egg 烹饪方式 Stir fried 炒的 Stir fried tomato and egg
烹饪方式 Grilled/Barbecued 烤的 BBQ
菜的形态 Whole 整的 steamed whole fish
菜的形态 Steak 牛扒,切的很大块的肉 Beef steak
菜的形态 Chunk 一块一块 braised pork chunk
菜的形态 diced 切成丁 stir fried diced chicken, peanut and pepper
菜的形态 Sliced 薄片,切片 stir fried sliced pork with hot pepper
stir fried shredded potato 菜的形态 Shredded 切丝 stir fried shredded potato
with Chinese potato noodle 菜的形态 Minced 碎末 stir fried minced pork with Chinese potato noodle
菜的形态 skewer Grilled lamb skewer Boiled skewer with everything