Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus


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Presentation transcript:

Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus

知名学府, 注重质量 We are a renown educational institute, delivering knowledge with quality PSU is ranked in the TOP 5 Universities in Thailand (from nearly 200 universities). 根据最新的QS亚洲大学排行 According to the latest QS Asian University Rankings PSU的社会及管理科学排在第64位 (泰国国内第5位) PSU social sciences and management was ranked at 64# 在排行榜上和我们同等位置的中国重点大学包括: The comparable Chinese universities include: 天津大学 Tianjin University(60#) 同济大学 Tongji University (71#) 西安交通大学 Xi’an Jiaotong University (72#)

旅游管理专业 经济管理学院 宋卡王子大学董里校区 Tourism Management Program Faculty of Commerce and Management Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus 旅游管理专业 经济管理学院 宋卡王子大学董里校区

专业简介(Introduction) 日益增多的国内外游客 (Growing large number of tourists) 旅游管理专业设置响应了高速发展的国际旅游业的需求 The Tourism Management Program is designed to meet the demands from the rapidly developing international tourism industry. 日益增多的国内外游客 (Growing large number of tourists) 蓬勃发展的旅游经济 (Rapidly developing tourism economy) 大量增加的旅游投资 (largely increasing tourism investment) 日趋复杂的旅游组织 (Increasingly complex tourism organizations) 多种多样的旅游资源 (Variety of tourism resources)

高速发展的国际旅游业 The rapidly developing international tourism industry 全球旅游业 World travel & tourism 2010 2021 对GDP的贡献 Total Contribution to GDP   美元(10亿) US$ billion 5,702 11,964 对就业的贡献 Total Contribution to Employment 人(百万) person (million) 251 324 外国游客消费 Visitor Exports 1,101 2,213 国内游客消费 Domestic Travel & Tourism Spending 2,506 5,434 旅游投资 Capital Investment 612 1,488 外国游客 International Visitor Arrivals 1,736 2,348

宋卡王子大学经济管理学院 Faculty of Commerce and Management, PSU 董里校区由前泰王国首相, 著名政治家,教育家川立派提议创建,并予以大力支持 The campus initiated and supported by ex-PM, His Excellency Chuan Leekpai 董里校区位于风景秀丽的董里府. 董里及其周围的甲米, 普吉岛, 素叻他尼, 攀牙是著名的世界旅游热点地区. The campus locates at Trang. Trang, along with Krabi, Phuket, Surat Thani, and Phang Nga, constitutes a world well-known tourist attraction area.

Classroom Building

Self-Access Learning Center

Lecture Hall

Student Dormitory

Student Activities

校区及相关信息 (Campus and related information) 董里校区占地1,097,600平方米 The campus covers an area of 1,097,600 square meters 经济管理学院下设7个专业: 旅游, 会计, 会计信息系统, 电脑及信息管理, 保险, 电子商务, 以及市场营销. The Faculty of Commerce and Management has 7 fields of study: Tourism, Accounting, Accounting Information System, Information and Computer Management, Insurance, E-commerce, Marketing. 现有学生: 2700人 Current students: 2700 现有教职员工: 160人 Current staff: 160


主教学楼 Main teaching building

图书馆 Library

知名学府, 注重质量 We are a renown educational institute, delivering knowledge with quality 根据最新的QS亚洲大学排行 According to the latest QS Asian University Rankings PSU的社会及管理科学排在第64位 (泰国国内第5位) PSU social sciences and management was ranked at 64# 在排行榜上和我们同等位置的中国重点大学包括: The comparable Chinese universities include: 天津大学 Tianjin University(60#) 同济大学 Tongji University (71#) 西安交通大学 Xi’an Jiaotong University (72#)

学位课程 (Degree Program) 工商管理学士学位(旅游管理专业) Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism Management) B.B.A. (旅游管理专业Tourism Management)

专业宗旨 (Aims) 旅游管理专业旨在培养具有丰富的旅游管理知识,高超的管理技能和工作能力的高级旅游管理人才。 The Tourism Management Program at PSU, Trang Campus aims to develop students’ knowledge, skills and capabilities to work as senior tourism management personnel.

课程设置 (Curriculum Structure) 总学分 (Total Credits) 140 学分(Credits) 1. 公共课 (General Educational Courses) 35 学分(Credits) 1.1 社会科学 (Social Science) 11 学分(Credits) 1.2 数理科学 (Mathematics and Science) 9 学分(Credits) 1.3 语言 (Language) 15 学分(Credits) 2. 专业课 (Field of Specialization) 93 学分(Credits) 2.1 学科基础课 (Department Core Courses) 33 学分(Credits) 2.2 主修课 (Major Courses) 60 学分(Credits) (1) 必修课 (Required Courses) 36 学分(Credits) (2) 选修课 (Optional Courses) 9 学分(Credits) (3) 旅游英语 (English for Tourism) 15 学分(Credits) 3. 任选课 (Free Elective Courses) 6 学分(Credits) 4. 合作训练 (Cooperative Training) 6 学分(Credits)

考察旅行 (Field trips) 本专业学生总共会进行3次实地考察旅行 泰国北部 泰国东北部 泰国南部 Students are required to take 3 separate field trips 泰国北部 North of Thailand 泰国东北部 North East of Thailand 泰国南部 South of Thailand

泰国 ( Thailand) Suratthani Phuket Songkla Trang Pattani

泰国北部 (North of Thailand)

泰国东北部 (North East of Thailand)

董里海景 Sea view, Trang

董里喷泉 Fountain, Trang

甲米 Phiphi island, Krabi

普吉岛 Phuket

素叻他尼 Surat Thani

攀牙湾 Phang Nga Bay

享受美食 Enjoy Thai Food

欣赏文化 Appreciate culture

学习技巧 Learn skills

应用知识 Apply what you learn

就业前景 (Job options) 宾馆酒店 hotels, 娱乐行业 recreations (entertainments), 会议中心 conference centers, 饭店餐厅 restaurants, 机场 airports, 游船 cruises, 旅游中介 tourism intermediates, 旅游管理部门 tourism authorities, and 其他旅游相关的组织或单位 other tourism-related organizations.

PSU欢迎您 (PSU welcomes you) 联系地址: Prince of Songkla University, Trang Campus Kaunpring, Muang District , Trang, 92000, Thailand 电话: (66) 075-201-731 传真: (66) 075-201-709 网址: contact person

Thank you! See you in PSU Trang, Thailand 提高工作能力, 激发工作热情. Enhance your working capability and enthusiasm Thank you! See you in PSU Trang, Thailand