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Business Week商业周刊 美国1928年创刊www.businessweek.com FORTUNE财富 美国1930年创刊www.fortune.com The Economist经济学家 英国1843年创刊www.economist.com TIME时代 美国1923年创刊www.time.com 中文网站:经济观察网http://www.eeo.com.cn/ 第一财经http://www.china-cbn.com/ 张五常,郎咸平,林毅夫, 吴敬琏,张维迎,时寒冰

Unit 1a Work roles Objectives: To enable students to talk about their jobs and duties To enable students to write reports To practise reading for specific information To practise listening for gist specific information To review the present simple and present continuous

An introduction of Belbin Associates Belbin Associates is a company based just outside Cambridge in the UK. Established as a partnership in 1988, its current partners are Meredith Belbin, Nigel Belbin and David Bainbridge. We have an excellent team of Cambridge-based staff who implement the Belbin team philosophy with friendly and dedicated customer service.

Belbin team philosophy 作为全球领导力与管理发展领域的重要思想家之一和团队建设的先驱倡导者,贝尔宾(Dr. Raymond Meredith Belbin)在1981年出版了一本书《团队管理:他们为什么成功或失败》(Management Teams - Why They Succeed or Fail),在这本书中他提出了这套团队角色模型。   基本思想是:没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队。人无完人,但团队却可以是完美的团队,只要适当的拥有各种角色。

What is Workset? WorkSet is an advanced means of setting up jobs and developing employees in response to the changing nature of work. 定工制是一种设定工作岗位,发展员工能力,以适应不断变化的工作性质的先进手段。 By adopting the use of colors, companies can specify the exact level of responsibility to be allocated to the key tasks that form an employee’s job description. 通过使用工作色牌,公司可以确定关键任务所规定要求的具体责任范围,形成员工的工作责职描述。

WorkSet replaces the often static job description with a more dynamic short-term job brief. 定工制替代通常静止不变的岗位说明书,它是一种更加灵活多变的短期简要工作布置。 The employee interprets the manager’s brief and uses it as a framework for approaching the tasks that make up the job. 员工领会了经理的简要工作布置后,即可应用它作为实施工作任务的参照标准。

A feedback and review process then enables the manager to keep abreast of what the employee actually does and provides an opportunity to jointly assess performance, re-align the job and decide on the development needs of the employee. 然后,通过反馈和检查程序,使经理能及时跟踪员工的实际工作状况,提供机会共同评估业绩,重新调整工作并决定员工的个人事业发展需求。

Core colours: 主要颜色 Blue work refers to tasks an employee has to carry out in a prescribed way to an approved standard. 蓝色工作牌指的是员工必须按照事先确定的工作方式依照规定标准完成的任务。 Examples: machining an engineering component to a specification.例如:按规格制作工程零件。 Yellow work involves personal responsibility for meeting an objective. 黄色工作牌指的是完成一个目标个人所要承当的责任。 Exactly how the work is done does not matter too much as long as the goal is achieved. 只要能够达到工作目标,如何去完成无关紧要。

Example: initiating procedures to reduce costs by 15% Green Work refers to tasks that vary according to the reactions and needs of others. 绿色工作牌指的是根据他人的反应和需求完成内容不同的任务。 Example: helping the hotel service manager at times of peak occupancy. 例如:在酒店入住高峰期间帮助服务经理。 Orange work involves shared rather than individual responsibility for achieving an objective. Example: contributing to a management team.桔黄色工作牌指的是完成一个目标需要集体共同分担责任,而并非是一个人的责任。例如:向管理团队出谋献策。

Employee feedback colours 员工反馈颜色 Grey work refers to work which is incidental to the job and involves responding to situational needs. 灰色工作牌 指的是某一项工作中偶然产生的任务,包括对应临时发生的情况。 Example; being asked to entertain a visitor. 例如:被叫去接待客户。 White Work refers to any new or creative undertakings outside the employee’s formal duties which may lead to improvements.白色工作牌指的是在该员工正常工作之外对改善工作有利的任何一项创新性工作。 Example: revising standard customer service letters. 例如:修改统一客户服务函件。

Pink work demands the presence of the employee but serves no useful purpose. 粉红色工作牌指的是没有什么任务目的,只需要员工在场的工作。 Example: attending meetings where nothing new is learnt and no contribution to decision-making is encouraged. 比如:参加一个既不用学习也不需提出决策的没有新意的会议。

Points that help students to understand WorkSet: WorkSet allows companies to clarify work roles by classifying different aspects of the job according to colour. Companies can use colour to specify the exact level of responsibility to be given to a number of key tasks. These specifications can be changed as the job changes. Employees can use the same system to give feedback on the job from their point of view, ensuring that job descriptions remain relevant.

Describe work roles: Step 3 According to the manager’s brief, about half of the employee’s time should be spent taking personal responsibility for meeting objectives (yellow work). However, the employee feels that this is not the case. Blue work is double the amount expected in the brief.

As can be seen from the grey, white, and pink segments, the employee also perceives himself to be involved in certain activities outside the job brief. While the small amount of white (creative) work appears to be positive, the pink time serves no useful purpose. Moreover, the incidental grey work which the employee is asked to do in addition to his job may be detracting from the core yellow work.

Present simple and present continuous To refer to permanent or long-term actions I work for the UK subsidiary of a Japanese company. To refer to regular actions I produce technical documents. To refer to states I have a lot more responsibility now. To refer to future time in subordinate clauses I always have to consult him before I can make the smallest alternation. As part of a conditional clause If something needs doing, then I think whoever’s available should do it.

Present continuous To refer to temporary situations I’m travelling around Europe a lot. To refer current activities I’m a temp and I’m working as a PA… To refer to an activity happening around a particular time Especially when you’re starting a new job. To emphasize that an activity is ongoing Everyone’s still clocking in and out at the same time.

Reassessment of job description Introduction This report sets out to use WorkSet colors to assess the accuracy of my job description to suggest a number of changes. Findings It is clear that there is a difference between the way the company views the job and the reality as I perceive it. Firstly, a number of areas which demand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job brief.

The segment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector, this relates to my attendance at a number of meetings to which I can contribute little. Another significant area is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time which I spend sorting out computer problems. I feel that these activities are hampering my core work. As can be seen from the pie charts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is less than supposed. Conclusions The above discrepancies clearly indicates that my current job brief is inaccurate.

Recommendations I would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the WorkSet colors. It would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colors in the pie chart and to investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suited to these tasks.

Unit 1 b Company structure Objectives: To enable Ss to talk about company structure To practise reading and listening for specific information To review the past simple, present perfect, and present perfect continuous

Unit overview Types of company structure Speaking Ss look at three diagrams showing company structures and say what kind of companies they could be. Reading Ss read a newspaper article about company structures and list the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. Ss then answer comprehension questions. Speaking Ss discuss the structure of their company

Time for the big small company In the hierarchical companies of the 1960s and 1970s, information moved slowly and channels for communication was limited. Over the past few years, however, large companies have come under ever-increasing pressure to collect, process and distribute information more quickly in order to compete with smaller, more nimble rivals. 层级制公司在1960-1970年间,信息传递缓慢,各渠道交流有限.然而,在过去的一些年里,那些大公司为了和小而灵活的公司竞争,已经感到前所未有的压力,使得它们更注重并加紧去收集,处理与分发相关信息.

The key challenge facing any sizeable organization today is how to achieve responsiveness without losing the control inherent in a hierarchical structure. 当今任何具规模的机构均面临的主要挑战是如何在层级组织中不失内部控制的同时成功做出灵活的应变. All types of organization are controlled through two sets of processes. Operating processes define how a company produces, sells, distributes and supports its products and service. 所有的机构都通过两种方式来控制.运营程序规定了公司如何生产,销售,分送,以及对产品和销售服务的支持

Management processes define how a company directs, coordinates and controls these operations. Typical management processes include planning, budgeting and human resource management. 管理程序则规定了一个公司如何引导,协调以及控制公司的运营程序.典型的管理方式包括计划,预算,和人力资源管理. Traditional hierarchical organizations control operating processes through standardization of jobs. These jobs are separated into sequential steps and carried out under direct supervision. 传统的层级组织通过标准化的工作程序来控制运营程序.这些工种被分成一系列步骤由员工实施,而员工直接受上级领导.

However, the lines workers lack both the authority and motivation to improve these routine tasks and are limited by their local view of the business. 然而,这种模式使得一线员工缺乏权利与激励来改进日常工作,而且容易受地方观念的局限. Management processes in such companies are also hampered by the time it takes to recognize that change is needed. Thus, hierarchical control is only truly effective in relatively stable business environments where change happens slowly. 同样,管理程序发展也受到阻碍,因为它们花费很多的时间才能认识到需要改变.所以说,层级控制制度只有针对于相对稳定经营的公司(经营环境很少有变化)才比较有效果.

Entreprenurial organizations, on the other hand, allow fast response without any loss of control. Daily personal interaction between the owner and employees ensures flexibility and responsiveness, while instant feedback ensures effective controls. 相反,直线型(简单型,企业型)模式能够不失控制地进行快速反应.雇主与雇员间的日常交流有助于企业做出灵活有效的反应,同时,迅速反馈有助于高效控制. However, as the company becomes larger and complex, this control breaks down and more structured operating and management processes are required. 然而,当企业发展到更具规模与复杂化时,这种模式就无法满足了.企业此时更需要更深层次的运营程序与管理模式.

Information age organizations can manage the complexity of the large hierarchical structure without losing the speed of the entrepreneurial start-up. IT plays a critical role. It co-ordinates complex fast-cycle operating process and, more importantly, gives decision-makers quick access to detailed, real-time information about operations and market performance. 信息时代的企业能够管理好更复杂化的层级组织而不失快速发展企业.其中,IT扮演了重要的角色.它协调了虽复杂但快速反馈的运营模式,更重要的是,它使得决策者可以迅速获取详细的实时信息(运营模式,市场表现).

Once all this information is flowing, employees can quickly evaluate their decisions and continually refine both strategy and operations. Organizational control then becomes a dynamic, information-enabled learning process rather than a static monitoring system. 这样,信息传递畅通,雇员们可以迅速评价他们的决定是否正确,从而不断地改进战略与运营模式.从而,企业组织的控制转变成动态的信息学习过程而不是静态的监控系统.

However, although IT makes the "big small" company possible, it cannot motivate people to use information in order to act on behalf the organisations. The challenge for the organization is therefore to ensure that the managers and the employees share the same perspective on the business and are motivated to accomplish the same goals. 尽管IT使得大企业细化管理成为可能,但是,这并不能激励员工使用信息是为了企业的发展。这种模式下,企业所面临的挑战是:能否保证雇主与员工间的对商业运作的理解是一致的,并且能够激励员工完成共同的目标.

Options 2000 is a system of flexible working introduced by BT Options 2000 is a system of flexible working introduced by BT. A large proportion of office-based staff work from home with 24-hour access to BT’a intranet. These staff work in virtual project teams, only meeting when it is necessary.

Hierarchical organization Advantages: high level of control Disadvantages: workers lack the authority and motivation to improve processes Management’s response time is slow. Only suitable for stable business environment

Entrepreneurial organization Advantages: Totally centralized authority and direct contract between owner and employees ensure responsiveness to external changes Disadvantages: only suitable for small companies

Information Age Organization Advantages: Allows speed of response within a large complex structure. Retains control but gives quick access to information. Employees can constantly refine their actions and strategies. Organizational control is dynamic. Disadvantages: Although IT makes all these advantages possible, it cannot motivate people to use the information they have.

Past simple To refer to actions started and finished in the past: Why did BT decide to introduce Options 2000 To refer to a definite time in the past: Well, we started looking at flexible working back in 1993.

Present perfect simple To refer to actions started in the past but unfinished: The company’s been organized around business units for some time now. To refer to an indefinite time in the past: We’ve invested a lot of time and money. To refer to past action with present consequences: What effect has this had on company structure. To refer to recent actions: In fact, we’ve just implemented a new training program.

Present perfect continuous To refer to actions started in the past and continuing into the future: They’ve been working a lot longer days. To refer to repeated or continuous actions in the past with present consequences: We’ve been developing a project-oriented culture so people are now paid for what they actually do.

Fundamental differences between the past simple and the two present perfect forms: The past simple ——completed actions and facts related to the past Both present perfect forms——a link between past and present Differences between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous: The present perfect simple focuses on the completion or result of an activity (product) The present perfect continuous focuses on the continuity of an activity (the process).

He’s worked here for three years. I’ve written the sales report. I’ve been writing the sales report. The present perfect continuous is not possible with certain verbs. The new manager has arrived. The new manager has been arriving (false). Similarity: Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous are interchangeable sometimes He’s worked here for three years. He’s been working here for three years.

Sample report Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working. Findings My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based working collating and recording the data collected.

Once the result have been recorded, I proof- read the color copies of all reports and maps. As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At all other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere. Conclusion It is clear that I would be able to undertake the same duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time.

Clearly, some days would need to be spent in the office or face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities of the office at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and a printer. Recommendations I would suggest that I should be given the necessary equipment to work partially from home for a trial period. After this time, further consultation should take place in order to reassess the situation.