中国旅游者消费升级后的机会-- 高端旅行运营经验分享 Forum on operating high-end travel—


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中国旅游者消费升级后的机会-- 高端旅行运营经验分享 Forum on operating high-end travel— Chinese tourists’ consumption upgrade generates opportunities. HHtravel 郭明

我们是谁?Who are we? 我们是携程旗下高端旅行的唯一品牌 We are the only high-end travel brand of Ctrip, which is China’s leading tourism company. 我们是国内领先的整建制全专注于高端旅行的线 上旅行公司 We are China’s leading Online Travel Agency that only focused on high-end travel service

看组数据Explore the data 加拿大旅游委员会公布的最新数据显示,2015年到访加拿大的外国游客数 字同比年增长7.5%,远高于4.4%的全球增长率。 Canadian Tourism Commission released the latest data show that the annual growth rate of foreign tourists visiting Canada increase to 7.5% in 2015 , compare to global growth rate of 4.4%. 加拿大旅游委员会历年公布的年报数字,在中加签署旅游目的地协议的 2010年,前来加拿大旅游的中国大陆游客为20万,其后逐年迅猛增加,24.9 万(2011),29.8万(2012),36.5万(2013),47.2万(2014),49.4万(2015) 56.8万(2016年预计)中国有望在2016年取代法国,成为加拿大海外游客 来源地的第二大市场。 The Canadian Tourism Commission released over the years annual figures, with signed tourism destination agreement in 2010, Canada tourism tourists from mainland China grew to 20 million, followed by a rapid increase in the number, 24.9 million (2011), 29.8 million (2012), 36.5 million (2013), 47.2 million (2014), 49.4 million (2015) 56.8 million (2016 expected). China is expected to replace France and become the second largest market for Canadian overseas visitors in 2016 .

看组数据Explore the data 根据国家旅游局近日发布的2016年上半年的旅游统计数据,中国公民出境旅游人 数达5903万人次,比上年同期增长4.3% According to the tourism statistics in the first half of the National Tourism Bureau recently released in 2016, Chinese citizens' outbound tourists reached 59.03 million, increased by 4.3% compared with the same period of last year 从数据看,女性主导出境旅游的时代来临,上半年,58%是女性,42%是男性, 女性比例高16个百分点。80,90后成为出境游主力。通过大数据分析,在出境游用 户中,30-39岁的人群比例最高,达24%,其次是20-29岁,比例达20%。20岁以 下的比例也达到15%。 Seen from the data, female-dominated outbound tourism era is coming, during the first half of this year, 58% were female, 42% were male and female proportion is higher than male by 16 percentage points. Persons born in 1980s and 1990s become the main force of outbound travel. Through the big data analysis, in outbound travel users, the highest proportion is 30-39 years old customers, up to 24%, followed by the age of 20-29,the proportion reached 20%. The proportion of the age less than 20 also reached 15%. 跟团游依然是出境游的主流,占比超过50%。 Package tour is still the mainstream of outbound travel, accounting for more than 50%.

消费升级?Consumption Upgrade? 缘起Begin: 中产阶级开始崛起,1.09亿(瑞信)2.04亿9(CHFS),3亿(马云) The middle class began to rise, 109 million (Credit Suisse) 204 million 9 (CHFS), 300 million (Jack Ma) BCG《2015年全球财富报告》显示,截至2014年底,全球百万美元资产家庭总数达到1700多 万户,其中美国排名第一,为700万户;中国排名第二,为400万户。 BCG "2015 Global Wealth Report" shows that as of the end of 2014, the total number of the world's million U. S. dollar assets reached about 17 million, of which the United States ranked first for 7 million; China ranked second for 4 million. 截至2016年5月,中国内地千万高净值人群数量约134万,比去年增加13万人,增长率达到 10.7%;亿万高净值人群人数约8.9万,比去年增加1.1万人,增长率高达14.1%。 As of May in 2016, the number of mainland million high net worth individuals is about 134 million, increased 13 million people than last year, the growth rate reached 10.7%; hundreds of millions of high net worth individuals number is about 8.9 million, increase of 1.1 million people over last year, the growth rate of 14.1%. 变化Change: 消费者的核心诉求发生了变化,消费从实物型向服务型,从生存型向发展型和享受型升级 The core demands of the consumer has changed, the consumption upgrades from the material to the service, from the survival to the development and enjoyment.

中国旅游者在消费升级后的表现 Chinese tourists’ characteristics after the upgrade of consumption 虽然上半年中国出境游的增长速度放缓,但量变在向质变转化,中国旅游者进 入了“消费升级”的阶段:当城市的中高收入阶层在国内的生活质量提升之后, 他们希望去全世界享受“更好”的服务,为个人与家庭获得“幸福感”。因此他们在 航班、酒店、餐饮、行程上不断升级,增加支出购买更优质的旅游产品,而不 再是省吃俭用或主要消费于购物。他们希望深入体验目的地,切身体验当地人 的生活——这些同时让中国游客赢得全球的尊重。 China's outbound travel growth slowed in the first half year, however, Chinese tourists entered the stage of consumption upgrade, in the quantitative change to qualitative transformation: when urban high-income class upgraded the quality of life, they want to go all over the world to enjoy “better” service, and get “happiness” for personal and family. So they continuously upgrade on flights, hotels, catering, travel, increase spending to buy better tourism products, and they are no longer travel frugally or mainly spend money for shopping. They want to experience the destination, to experience the lives of local people, and to gain global respect for Chinese tourists.

What is the definition of high-end travel? 高端旅行的定义? What is the definition of high-end travel? 高端旅行是客户强调个性需求和深度体验,对产品品质和服务质量要求较高,并愿意为相应的产品和服务支付较高价格的一种旅游形态。 High-end travel is a tourism form that customer emphasizes individual needs and depth of experience, puts higher demands on product and service quality, and is willing to pay a higher price for the corresponding products and services. ——鸿鹄逸游HHtravel

高端旅行,是否就是定制旅行? Is high-end travel just custom travel? 1、高端旅行是市场区分,定制旅行是服务形式 high-end travel is a market segment,custom travel is a service form 2、定制性只是高端旅行的一个方面,不是全部 customization is only one aspect of high-end travel 3、无标准无限度的定制不能体现旅行服务价值 With no standard and limitation, custom travel can’t reflect the value of travel service 4、符合高端旅行标准的定制旅行才是高端旅行 high-end travel is one kind of custom travel in line with high-end travel standards 高端旅行 high-end travel 定制旅行 高端定制旅行 high-end and custom 高端定制high-end and custom high-end travel custom travel

The features of high-end travel 高端旅行的特点 The features of high-end travel 高品质-产品设计、旅行体验、旅行服务都具有较高品质 High quality: product design, travel experience and service of high quality 个性化-创新性、时尚性,能够满足客户多样化的需求 Personalization: creativity and fashion to meet customers' diversified demands 高附加值-文化、行修、感悟、思索、人生回忆 High value-added: culture,practice,feel,think and life memories 稀缺性与珍贵性-部分资源具有稀缺性和珍贵性 Scarcity:parts of the resource has its scarcity 专题化和专业化-专题化产品设计和专业化全过程服务 Unique and professional:unique product design and professional service process 相对较高的价格-产品与服务成本较高造成较高的价格 Relatively high price:because of the high cost of the product and service

客户满意度customer satisfaction Our business logic我们的业务逻辑 mail-in | call-in 客服管理customer service management 提及追踪mention track 一步 R R 面|线|点|名|发|钱|信 提及单mention SEO/SEM 社会化营销 Social Marketing PR EDM 手机客户端 phone client-side 门户网站 portal sites 广播广告 radio advertising 机场视频 airport video 杂志专题 magazine 线下活动 offline activities 报纸广告 newspaper advertising 产品力product 客服/PM 流量traffic 订单order 创造营收 create revenue 创造毛利 create margin 完成指标 hit the traget 回购repo 客户满意度customer satisfaction 服务细节service details PM服务管理 PM service management 供应商管理 supplier management 领队管理 tour team leader management 客户价值损益customer value profit and loss E-money 客户服务反馈 customers' service feedback

产品服务体系及标准Product service system and standard 顶级住宿体验 top-level accommodation 舒适境外用车/1人2座comfortable car 精选五星级以上顶尖品牌 fivce-star brands 精选特色住宿,丰富住宿体验local characteristic accomodation 口碑极佳、绝无投诉no complaints 位置优越、合理配合行程reasonable position 酒店设施优质完备complete hotel facility 酒店房间顶级舒适confortable hotel room 订制延宿、灵活掌握 flexible 一人两座 two seats per person 优选国际知名品牌车辆international famous brand 优选优质车公司合作 high quality company 合理安排车辆使用 reasonable vehicle use 专业旅行规划师打造完美行程professional travel planner 专业旅行建议,完美客户体验 professional travel advice 严选时节strictly select travel time 深度融入目的地,不虚此行deep into the destination 行程搭配丰富多样/稀缺独有的娱乐休闲和活动安排unique activities 自愿自由自主购物、推荐顶级购物 relaxed and high-level shopping 最优飞行体验/公务舱 best flight/business class 公务舱、贵宾室business class/vip room 最优化的飞行路线the optimization of flight path 最舒适安全的飞行时间safe flight time 精选全球顶级航空公司global leading airlines 顶级服务体验/专业领队 top-level service/professional team leader 极致美食体验/美食飨宴ultimate food 全球顶级餐厅、首选米其林perferred Michelin-star restaurants 量化每餐金额标准,确保品质quantitative price of every meal 全程穿插安排各类丰富特色美食various local food 舒适的用餐环境 comfrotable dining envirment 严选经验与口碑领队,出发前5天联系旅客,贴心提醒。strictly select team leader,they will contact the customer 5 days before the travle 提供全心全意顶级服务,满足高端客人所需provide top-level servive 唯一体验/珍贵稀有Scarcity 资源限定,部分团型1年只有1团limited resource 体验与众不同,部分资源独特稀有 unique experience 精致小团/6人成行delicate small group 6人以上保证出团,容易出发six persons to go 精致小型团组 delicate group

characteristi c elements visual taste touch hearing smell feel 六觉设计SIX SENTATIONS 旅行 印象 travel memory 视 觉 娱entertainment 购shopping 游travel 住accommodation 人person 吃food 行 transportation 地place 事thing 物subject 时节穿越:感知四季变化the change of four seasons 时空穿越:自然与人文、历史与现代nature and humanity,history and modern times 味 觉 旅行 味蕾 一日三餐,美食无限delicious food 各国、各地特色 local characteristics 特色 元素 characteristi c elements 触 觉 旅行 印刻 抚摸地球:岩石、沙砾、动植物和海洋touch the earth:rock/sand/plants/animals/ocean 身心灵合一:行走和艺术创作artistic creation 听 觉 旅行 交响 自然之声:风雨和雷电、动物和植物voice of nature: wind/rain/thunder lightning 人文之声:宗教和音乐、论坛和朋友voice of humanity: region and music/forum and friend 嗅 觉 旅行 闻香 自然和都市:美酒、美茶和香料nature and city :wine/tea/spices 闻香识旅人scent of traveler 感 觉 旅行 体验 定制您的专属记忆customize your exclusive memory 创造您的个人体验create your personal experience

marketing opportunities of the high-end travel 高端旅游的市场机会 marketing opportunities of the high-end travel 以目前1亿资产评估 8.9万×2人出游/次×2次/年×40%出国率 = 14万人次/年 Calculated by one hundred million assets 89,000×2 traveller×2 times per year × 40% =140000 persons per year 以目前1000万资产评估 134万×2人出游/次×2次/年×25%出国率 = 134万人次/年 134million×2 persons per time ×2 times per year×25% =1.34million persons per year 148万人次×1万美元/次 = 148亿美元/年 1.48 million persons×10,000 dollars=1.48 million dollars per year

The development trend of high-end travel 高端旅行的发展趋势? The development trend of high-end travel 旅行消费占高端人群年消费额较大比重,成为一种不可或缺的生活方式 Travel spending accounted for a large proportion of the high-end crowd spending, becoming an indispensable way of life 客群年龄呈低龄化 Customers are becoming younger 不仅关注产品成本和售价,更关注时间成本和体验价值为导向的差异化旅行服务 Not only pay attention to the product cost and price, but also pay more attention to differentiated travel service as the guide of the time cost and the experience value. 注重个性化、新鲜感、深度体验性和高品质的主题旅行产品 theme travel products that focus on personalization, freshness, depth of experience and high quality 人群、兴趣、需求更加细分,有较为固定的社交、人脉圈子,“和谁去”比“去哪里”更重要 The crowd, the interest, the demand is more subdivided: customers have the relatively fixed social networking circle. It becomes more important that whom will they travel with and where will they travel to. 注重多种精英生活方式与旅行的跨界整合,如轻度探险、自驾、品酒、收藏等 Focus on the travel cross-border integration of a variety of elite lifestyle and travel, such as light adventure, self driving, wine tasting, collection, etc. 注重专业、完善、周到的系统服务,强调便利快捷,反感落后的服务业态 Focus on professional, perfect and thoughtful services, emphasizing the convenience and quick, disgusted with the backward service format.

高端旅行的产品趋势? The development trend of high-end travel product 完全个性化定制 Fully personalized customization 根据高端客群共性需求设计的标准主题产品 Designed theme product based on high-end customers' common requirements 在标准主题产品基础上的弹性定制 Flexible customization based on standard theme product 三种形态共存,真正实现个性化、标准化和规模化,满足更多高端客户需求Coexistence of the three forms will meet more high-end customers' demands and truly realizes personalization, standardization and scale.

高端旅行供应商的发展趋势 The development trend of high-end travel supplier 人才力 human resource 产品力 product 技术力 technology 品牌力 brand 服务力 service

高端旅行供应商的发展趋势 The development trend of high-end travel supplier 公司治理 corporate governance 产业技能 industrial skill 流程与科技process and technology 品牌 brand 团队 team 并购 mergers and acquisitions 全球化 globalization

欢迎大家投身高端旅行 Welcome everyone to join the high-end travel 因为时间有限,抱歉我没能展开分享。 高端旅行,我们仍然在实践中探索,希望大家共同努力来 培育这个市场。 Sorry that I can't share more with everyone here because of the time limit. We are still exploring the high-end travel, hope that we could work together to foster the high-end travel market. 微信Wechat:guoming996193 邮箱E-mail: 欢迎与大家交流 Welcome to communicate with me