华发网络教育资源云平台 Paris 巴黎 save 储存 ; 储蓄 hold 举行 rich 富有的 ; 富裕的 somewhere 到某处 retire 退休 ; 退职 sounds like 听起来像 …


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Presentation transcript:

华发网络教育资源云平台 Paris 巴黎 save 储存 ; 储蓄 hold 举行 rich 富有的 ; 富裕的 somewhere 到某处 retire 退休 ; 退职 sounds like 听起来像 …

华发网络教育资源云平台 fashion show /magazine 时装表演会 / 杂志 part-time 兼职的 at the same time 同时 art exhibition 艺术展览 all over the world 全世界

华发网络教育资源云平台 Fast reading:--3a Read the text quickly and put the pictures in right order.( 速读课文,给图片排序 ) A B C D E F French 1

华发网络教育资源云平台 D C A B E French

华发网络教育资源云平台 Careful reading: Read the text carefully and answer the questions. ( 认真阅读课文,回答问题) 1.What is Tian Tian going to be in the future? 2.How is she going to do that? first: then: next: 3.Finally,where is she going to retire? She is going to be an artist. She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.

华发网络教育资源云平台 find a part-time job an art school and study French hold art exhibitions retire somewhere quiet and beautiful Tian Tian’s dream job travel all over the world First Then Next Finally

华发网络教育资源云平台 3b What are you going to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a reporter How are you going to do that? I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspaper Where are you going to work? I’m not sure yet, maybe Beijing or Shanghai

华发网络教育资源云平台 4 Groupwork 1. We’re going to help the tourists who can’t speak Mandarin ( 普通话 ). 2. We are going to show the tourists around the interesting places in Beijing. 3. We are going to help the tourists understand the culture of Beijing and China.

华发网络教育资源云平台 4. We are going to introduce our Chinese special foods to the tourists. 5. We are going to be part-time workers for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.