民謠 中國民謠篇.


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Presentation transcript:

民謠 中國民謠篇

彌度山歌(雲南民歌) (一)咿哪!山對山來崖對崖,蜜蜂採花 深山尼來, 蜜蜂本為採花死,梁山伯為祝英尼台。 咿哪!梁山伯為祝英尼台。 (二)咿哪!山對山來崖對崖,小河隔著過 不尼來, 哥抬石頭妹兜土,花轎造起走過尼來。 咿哪!花轎造起走過尼來。

繡荷包(晉北民歌) 初一到十五,十五的月兒圓,那春風擺動楊呀 楊柳稍。 三月桃花開,情人稍書來,捎書書帶信信,要一個荷包袋。 Con’t

繡荷包(晉北民歌) 一繡一隻船,船上張著帆,裡面的意思情郎你 去猜。 二繡鴛鴦鳥,棲息在河邊,你依依我靠靠,永遠不分開 Con’t 。

繡荷包(晉北民歌) 郎是年輕漢,妹如花初開,收到這 荷包袋,郎你要早回來。

小河淌水(雲南民歌) 哎!月亮出來亮晃晃,亮晃晃。想起我的阿妹 在深山,妹像月亮天上走,天上走。妹啊!妹 啊!妹啊!山下小河淌水清悠悠。 哎!月亮出來照半坡,照半坡。 望見月亮想起我的哥,陣陣清風吹上坡,吹上坡。 哥啊!哥啊!哥啊!你可聽見阿妹叫阿哥。

民謠 外國民謠篇

森林裡的夜鶯 (Rossignolet du bois)(法國南部) 森林裡的夜鶯 孤獨的夜鶯 教我你的語言 教我如何飛行 教我愛的魔法 該如何去愛 美麗的夜鶯 你曾告訴我 你有一些甜美的愛情 它們都在你的花園 允許我 美人 讓我擁有它 Con’t

森林裡的夜鶯 (Rossignolet du bois)(法國南部) 我要告訴你 應該怎麼去愛 在清晨兩點鐘 為她吟唱晨曲 她會因你感到高興 她會因你而開啟心房 不 不可以! 你不可以碰我園裡的愛情 除非你先摘下日月 然後才能採得我心裡 甜美的愛情

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) Alas, my love, you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously. (唉!我的愛人妳拋棄了我,如此無情地拋棄我) And I have loved you for so long, delighting in your company. (而我深愛妳已久, 是妳相處甚歡的伴侶) Con’t

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) I have been ready at your hand, to grant whatever thou would crave. (我無時無刻隨侍在側,盡力迎合妳的需求) I have wagered both life and land, your love and good-will for to have (我費盡心力與家財, 只為博取妳的愛) Con’t

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves, my heart of gold. (綠袖子妳是我的喜樂泉源,妳是我心裡的無價寶藏) Greensleeves was my heart of joy, and who but my lady Greensleeves. (我所有的歡愉都因為妳,妳是我的唯一摯愛) Con’t

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) Thy petticoat of sand white, with gold and border gorgeously, (妳的裙襬飛揚如雪, 綴飾著華麗金邊) Thy petticoat of silk white and this , I bow thee gladly (妳的裙襬如絲細白,讓我心甘情願拜倒石榴裙下) Con’t

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) Greensleeves was my delight, Greensleeves, my heart of gold. (綠袖子妳是我的喜樂泉源,妳是我心裡的無價寶藏) Greensleeves was my heart of joy, and who but my lady Greensleeves. (我所有的歡愉都因為妳,妳是我的唯一摯愛) Con’t

綠袖子 (Greensleeves)(英國) Alas, my love, you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously. (唉!我的愛人妳拋棄了我,如此無情地拋棄我) And I have loved you for so long, delighting in your company. (而我深愛妳已久, 是妳相處甚歡的伴侶)

杜鵑(The cuckoo)(英國) The cuckoo she’s a pretty bird, she singeth as she flies; She bringth good tidings, she telleth no lies. She sucketh white flowers, for to keep her voice clear; And the more she singeth cuckoo, the summer draweth near Con’t

杜鵑(The cuckoo)(英國) As I was a-walking and a-talking one day, I met my own true love, as he came that way to meet him was a pleasure, tho’the courting was a woe, For I found him false-hearted, he would kiss me and go. Con’t

杜鵑(The cuckoo)(英國) I wish I were a scholar and could handle the pen, I would write to my lover and to all roving men. I would tell them of the grief and woe that attend on their lies, I would wish them have pity on the flower when it dies.

情歌小夜曲(Serenade Medley)(希臘) 若妳開啟妳的窗櫺,垂下妳的秀髮, 讓我以髮為梯,攀上妳的臂膀 合上窗櫺,吾心將隨之封閉。 若妳激怒了我,卿卿吾愛,我必定感激妳! Con’t

情歌小夜曲(Serenade Medley)(希臘) 我攀上櫻桃樹,摘取了櫻桃 讓新婚夫婦白首偕老,讓他們生下一打子女 瑪麗亞、馬利哥、12位個勇士與一位女孩 如此就不愁香火不繼

迷人的女孩(La Bruja) (墨西哥)


Tell Laura I Love Her Laura and Tommy were lovers He wanted to give her everything Flowers, presents and most of all a wedding ring He saw a sign a stucker race A thousand dollar price it raise He couldn’t get Laura on the phone So thru her mother, Tommy said Con’t

Tell Laura I Love Her Tell Laura I love her Tell Laura I need her Tell Laura I maybe late I’ve something to do that can not wait Con’t

Tell Laura I Love Her He drove his car to the racing ground He was the youngest driver there The crowd roared as they started to race Round the track they drove At the deadly pace No one knows what happen that day How his car overturn in flames But as they pulled him from the twisted rack. With his dying breath Con’t

Tell Laura I Love Her They heard him said * Tell Laura I love her Tell Laura I need her Tell Laura not to cry My love for her will never die* Con’t

Tell Laura I Love Her Tell Laura I love her Now in the chapel wait Laura prays For her Tommy who passed away It was just for Laura live and die Alone in the chapel she can hear him cried (REPEAT*) Tell Laura I love her

Don’t Cry Joni *Jimmy, please say you’ll wait for me I’ll grow up someday you’ll see Saving all my kisses just for you Shine with love forever true* Joni was the girl who lived next door And this is what she had to say (REPEAT*) Con’t

Don’t Cry Joni *Slowly I read her note once more Then I went over to the house next door Her teardrops fell like rain that day When I told Joni please don’t cry When I told Joni what I had to day Joni, Joni please don’t cry You’ll forget me by and by You’re just fifteen and I’m twenty-two And Joni I just can’t wait for you Con’t

Don’t Cry Joni Soon I left out little home town Got me a job and try to settle down But these words keep on my memory The words that Joni say to me (REPEAT*) Con’t

Don’t Cry Joni I packed my clothes and I called the plane I had to see Joni I had to explain How my heart was filled with her memory And that’s my Joni if she married me I ran out the way to the house next door The things were like they were before Con’t

Don’t Cry Joni My teardrops fell like rain that day When I heard what Joni had to say Jimmy, Jimmy please don’t cry You’ll forget me by and by It’s been five years since you’ve been gone Con’t

Jimmy I married your best friend, John

Tears In Heaven Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven I must be strong And carry on 'Cos I know I don't belong Here in heaven Would you hold my hand If I saw you in heaven Would you help me stand If I saw you in heaven I'll find my way through night and day I just can't stay Here in heaven Con’t

Tears In Heaven Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees Time can break your heart Have you begging please Begging please Beyond the door There's peace I'm sure And I know There'll be no more Tears in heaven Con’t

Tears In Heaven Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven I must be strong and carry on 'Cos I know I don't belong Here in heaven