Strengths & Weaknesses of Public Participation in EIA , SEA and EP


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Presentation transcript:

Strengths & Weaknesses of Public Participation in EIA , SEA and EP Environmental Governance Programme EU-China 1st EGP Training Course Public Participation in EIA, SEA and Environmental Planning Central Garden Hotel, Beijing 17 & 18 September 2012 中国环评中的公众参与现状 Strengths & Weaknesses of Public Participation in EIA , SEA and EP 王亚男 By Wang Yanan 1st EGP Training Course 17-18 / 09/ 2012

主要内容 Overview 1)中国环评中的公众参与发展历程 Background and evolution 2)中国环评中的公众参与现状与制度框架 Status of current regulatory framework 3)公众参与取得的成效 Effectiveness 4)政策改进建议 Recommendations for policy development 1st EGP Training Course 17-18 / 09/ 2012

发展历程 Background and evolution 环评中心内部环境分析 改革开放初期 Post reform and opening period 1979-2003 环评制度建立于1979年 未提出公众参与的要求 发展历程evolution 探索期 Practicing period 2003-2006 《环境影响评价法》 成长期 Growth period 2006-2009 《环境影响评价公众参与暂行办法》 《规划环境影响评价条例》 持续完善期 Sustainable improvement period 2009-至今today 地方相关法规文件

发展历程 Background and evolution 环评中心内部环境分析 改革开放初期 Post reform and opening period 1979-2003 EIA system was built in 1979 No requirement for PP in EIA 发展历程evolution 探索期 Practicing period 2003-2006 the Law of EIA 成长期 Growth period 2006-2009 the Temporary Methods of Public Consultation for EIA 持续完善期 Sustainable improvement period 2009-至今today Local laws

法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》 Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 首次明确了环评中公众参与的法律地位,并且对公众 参与的时段、方式和公众意见的处理进行了初步规定 。 the methods of how to do it, and how to deal with the comments from public have been prescribed

法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》 Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》第五条规定“国 家鼓励有关单位、专家和公众以适当方式参与环境影 响评价” The Law of Environmental Impact Assessment states in section 5 that “Government encourages relevant stakeholders, experts and publics to participate in the EIA process through appropriate means.”

法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》Environmental Impact Assessment Act 2003 第十一条规定“专项规划的编制机关对可能造成不良环境影响并直接涉及公众环 境权益的规划,应当在该规划草案报送审批前,举行论证会、听证会,或者采取 其他形式,征求有关单位、专家和公众对环境影响报告书草案的意见。但是,国 家规定需要保密的情形除外。编制机关应当认真考虑有关单位、专家和公众对环 境影响报告书草案的意见,并应当在报送审查的环境影响报告书中附具对意见采 纳或者不采纳的说明”。 As for the Planning EIA, in section 11, it prescribes that “If the Special Planning has potential effects on environment and the public environmental right will be concerned, the drafting department should carry out public consultation, such as technical review meetings, public hearings or other form of communication to gather comments from stakeholders, experts, and the general public before the draft of Special Planning is submitted, except for confidential projects identified by the PRC government. The drafting department should consider suggestions from stakeholders, experts, and the general public, and should state the reasons of adoption or refusal in the final EIA report for review.

法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《环境影响评价公众参与暂行办法》Temporary Methods of Public Consultation for EIA 2006 就项目环评中公众参与的程序、公开的环境信息、征求公众意见 的方式、公众意见的处理等进行了详细的规定,标志着中国环评 的公众参与制度走向了规范化道路,是公众参与制度成长过程中 的重要文件。 lists detailed requirements for public consultation for EIA regarding public participation procedures, environmental information disclosure, means of gathering the public’s opinion and providing feedback, which indicates that the public participation system in China has undergone changes to become normative and professional. And it is one of key codes during the growth phase of the public participation phase.

项目环评公众参与的流程示意图 the general process of Project Public participation 1.建设项目的名称及概要; 2.建设项目的建设单位的名称和联系方式; 3.承担评价工作的环境影响评价机构的名称和联系方式; 4.环境影响评价的工作程序和主要工作内容; 5.征求公众意见的主要事项; 6.公众提出意见的主要方式。 确定评价单位 后7日内 第一次信息公示 1.建设项目情况简述 2.建设项目对环境可能造成影响的概述 3.预防或者减轻不良环境影响的对策和措施的要点 4.环境影响报告书提出的环境影响评价结论的要点 5.公众查阅环境影响报告书简本的方式和期限 6.征求公众意见的范围和主要事项 7.征求公众意见的具体形式 8.公众提出意见的起止时间 环评报告书 报送前 第二次信息公示 公示10天 1.意见征求对象:受建设项目影响的公民、法人或者其他组织的代表 2.意见征求途径:调查公众意见、咨询专家意见、座谈会、论证会、听证会等 第二次公示后 征求公众意见 1.反馈意见的原始资料存档备查 2.企业或评价单位,应当认真考虑公众意见,并在环境影响报告书中附具对公众意见采纳或者不采纳的说明 3.环境保护行政主管部门判断其合理性并提出处理建议 4.政府公布审核结果 征集公众意见后 公众意见处理

项目环评公众参与的流程示意图 the general process of Project Public participation First Public announcement second public announcement collection of public comments incorporating public comments into decision-making stage step Main work a. Overview of the Project b. Overview of the potential effect on local environment caused by project. c. Summary of key pollution control and measurement to reduce the environmental effect d. Summary of key conclusion drawn in the EIA report e. The expired date of simplified EIA report disclosure, f. The major proceedings and scope to collect public opinions g. The way for localness to deliver opinions h. Starting and ending date for public comments Within 7 days after undertaking the EIA activities Prior to submission of the EIA report 10 days After the second Public announcement After collection of public comments a. Concerned public:All citizens, legal entities or representative from organizations b. method: conducting public survey, expert survey, technical review meeting, public hearing a. The original documents on the comments by public should be filed b. Project proponent and the appointed EIA organization should state the reason why they will or will not adapt the opinions put forward by public in the EIA report. c. Environmental Protection Department can carry out public consultation d. informing the public about the project decision a. Name and Overview of the Project b. Name and Contact Information of the Owner c. Name & Contact Information of the EIA organization d. EIA Work Procedures and Major Work Contents e. The major proceedings to collect public opinions f. The way for publics to deliver opinions

法律、法规 Laws and administrative procedures 《规划环境影响评价条例》 Regulation of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment 2009 就规划环评中的公众参与做了更具体的规定prescribed detailed requirement for participation work in planning EIA. 《环境信息公开办法(试行)》Methods of Environmental Information Disclosure (Trial Version) 2008 第十一条 环保部门应当在职责权限范围内向社会主动公开以下政府环 境信息:……(八)建设项目环境影响评价文件受理情况,受理的环境 影响评价文件的审批结果…… Section 11: The Environmental Protection Authority should disclose following government environmental information within their responsibility….(paragraph 8) The EIA reports received, and final decisions made…

地方性法规 regional public participation regulations 广东省相关规定:广东省建设项目环保管理公众参与实施 意见(2007 ) Relevant regulations Guangdong Province 对问卷调查、座谈会、论证会、听证会等公众参与的形式提出了 参会人数等方面的具体要求。 Regarding the different methods of involving the public such as questionnaires, technical review meetings, hearings, etc. requirements about the exact numbers of the concerned public for the different methods are specified. 扩大了开展公众参与的项目范围。 The Guangdong relevant requirements also expanded the scope of projects requiring public participatio

地方性法规 regional public participation regulations 浙江省相关规定:关于切实加强建设项目环境影响评价公 众参与工作的实施意见”(2008) Relevant regulations in Zhejiang Province 项目变更报告应开展公众参与。 project alternation report should develop public participation 对于其他编制环境影响报告表的建设项目,负责审批的环保部门 认为有必要,也可以要求建设单位组织公众参与。 For the preparation environmental impact forms of other construction projects, the construction unit can be requested to carry out public participation activities if the environmental protection department which is in charge of the project approval considers it is necessary.

地方性法规 regional public participation regulations 浙江省相关规定:关于切实加强建设项目环境影响评价公众参与工作的实施 意见”(2008) Relevant regulations in Zhejiang Province 进一步明确公众调查对象和要求 :项目环评确定的评价范围内的敏感对象和保护 目标必须全部列入调查对象,并按比例随机确定具体被调查者。团体调查对象, 包括项目所在地的管理机构、社会团体、科研教育单位以及调查范围内的村(居) 民委员会(社区委员会)、企业单位等,原则上调查数量应不少于20家;个人调查 对象,包括调查范围内的居(村)民,原则上调查数量应不少于50人。 To further clarify the public investigation targets and requirements: the sensitive objects and protection objectives determined by the EIA must be included in the investigation objects, and randomly determine the specific subjects in proportion. Group investigation objects, including the local management institutions, social organizations, scientific research institutions and the village (neighborhood ) Commission (community committee ), enterprises and other units, the investigation number should not be less than 20 principally; individual respondents, including residence (Village) people within the scope, principally the investigation number should not be less than 50.

地方性法规 regional public participation regulations 上海市相关规:关于开展环境影响评价公众参与活动的指 导意见(暂行)(2009),关于进一步完善环评公众参与 中信息发布工作的通知 (2010) Relevant regulations in Shanghai 针对公众参与的实施主体、调查量等明确了相关要求。 clarify the relevant requirements regarding the main subject of investigation and minimum quantities of people involved in public participation.

地方性法规 regional public participation regulations 山东省相关规定:“山东省环境保护厅关于加强建设项目 环境影响评价公众参与监督管理工作的通知”(2012) Relevant regulations in Shandong province 北京市、山西省相关规定:北京市环境保护局关于加强建 设项目环境影响评价公众参与有关问题的通知 (2007) ,山西省环境保护公众参与办法 (2009)Relevant regulations in Beijing and Shanxi province

公众参与产生的效果 effectiveness 提升了公众环保意识 Public environmental protection awareness improvement 公众:Public 建设单位:The project proponent

工作中的亮点 Strengths of the current EIA work 国家层面National level 执行率高High implementation ratio 各项程序落实较好Followed the procedure 不断引入新的与公众交流的平台Building new public communication platform

工作中的亮点 Strengths of the current EIA work 地方层面Regional level 细化了公众参与操作环节More details in procedures 扩大了公众参与范围Expand the scope of Participation work 严格了公众参与责任及处罚Responsibility and punishment 延伸了信息公开环节Additional on information announcement

工作中的不足 Gaps in current EIA work 程序落实上的困难Difficulty during work procedures 相关制度之间缺少配合Lack of support from other related institutions 评价机构和企业重形式轻效果 More validity and less efficiency 公众参与的热情和能力不足Stakeholders lake of passion and ability to participate

政策改进建议 Recommendations for policy development 进一步明确公众的知情权和参与决策权 Identify the public right to participate decision-making 加强公众参与相关方的能力建设 The Public ability building in participation 增加其它管理制度的信息公开环节 Information announcement of other related institutions

公众的知情权和参与决策权 participate decision-making 加大信息公开力度 Information Announcement on Project Approval 及时公开项目监管结果 Information announcement

加强公众参与相关方的能力建设 The Public ability building 培养公众参与能力和水平 To improve public ability in participation 制定公众参与推荐导则 Guideline of public participation 公开公众参与优秀范例 Sharing the Successful cases

增加其它管理制度的信息公开环节 Information announcement of other related institutions 由于其它行业主管的行政审批不需要进行公众参与工作,使得环评 中的公众参与成为当前社会矛盾的集中发泄口。近年多起涉及环保 的社会群体性事件中,很多是公众以环境问题为借口,发泄对于征 地拆迁、各类补偿款不到位等问题的不满。真正解决这些问题,仅 靠完善环评中的公众参与是远远不够的。 Since there is no requirement for Participation work in the official approval work of other department, the Participation work in EIA work is the only legislative method for the public to express their dissatisfaction. As for some social events in recent years, the public reject the land usage and resettlement, and compensation loss through environmental issues. It is not enough to solve the social problem only by improving the Participation work in EIA.

增加其它管理制度的信息公开环节 Information announcement of other related institutions 建议在土地、水利、建设等多领域均应 设置公众参与环节,对于征地、补偿等 社会矛盾多的热点问题,在审批过程中 也进行信息公开,充分听取公众意见, 避免社会矛盾。 It is suggested that for those department, such as land usage, water conservancy and construction department should carry out the Participation work before the approval. The information of key social issues, such as land requisition, compensation should be disclosed to collection the opinion of public to avoid further conflict. 环评EIA 其它管理制度 related institutions

关于切实加强风险防范严格环境影响评价 管理的通知,环发[2012]98号Notices on strengthen environmental risk prevention  and  implement strict EIA management , Huanfa [2012] NO.98 进一步加大环境影响评价公众参与和政务信息公开力 度,切实保障公众对环境保护的参与权、知情权和监 督权 Strength the execution of EIA Public participation and government information announcement, ensure public right of participation, knowing and supervision in environmental protection.

关于切实加强风险防范严格环境影响评价管理的 通知,环发[2012]98号Notices on strengthen environmental risk prevention  and  implement strict EIA management , Huanfa [2012] NO.98 需编制环境影响报告书的项目,报告书简本作为受理条件之一, 与建设项目环境影响评价文件受理情况同时在具有审批权限的环 保部门网站上公布(涉密项目除外) As for the project required to compile EIA report,  simplified EIA report must  be attached with the EIA report for final approval. Simplified EIA  report will be available for public in the environmental management  Authority website, where the EIA reports received are announced. (except for the confidential projects )

Thanks for Attention Questions? 1st EGP Training Course 17-18 / 09/ 2012