McMaster University, Canada


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Presentation transcript:

McMaster University, Canada PBL靈魂 之深處 PBL用於 通識教育 弘光科大 2011-1027 關超然 David CY Kwan 中國醫藥大學(台灣) 教師培育暨發展中心主任 Professor Emeritus McMaster University, Canada 1

在通識教育的應用 Its use in the study of General Education 弘光科大 PBL 2009-1127 關超然 教授 Center for Faculty Development China Medical University

你對PBL的瞭解有多少? PBL的自我學習能力 (self-directed learning)就是讓學生有充分的時間去自修。 PBL small group tutorial就是小班式教學讓學生更容易學到老師教的課。 PBL是以學生為中心,所以老師不應介入只須要扮演看管學生的角色。 全面PBL課程會減少學生所學的知識範圍。 PBL課程的實施是否成功,應可以取決於學生在國家醫師檢定考試的通過律。

PBL cases 是培訓學生解決問題能力的平台,應鼓勵學生自行尋找問題的答案。 PBL cases 若採用臨床醫護情景時,臨床醫師應最適合撰寫PBL的教案。 PBL tutors 大多不是教案情境的專家,因此要在tutor guide中給予詳細的專業知識幫助tutors帶課及回答學生問題。 台灣的學生向來習慣被動受教,PBL並不適用在台灣的高等教育。 PBL應可以改善台灣的高等教育的缺陷: 就是過份注重知識的填壓及老師的授教,而欠缺對學生應對能力的培育及正確心態的塑造。

通識 博雅 專業 高等教育 人文

P 行為 倫理 Behavior B 人 Relevance to humanity 群體 社區 Population L 生命 經驗 What should students be learning in higher education? 行為 倫理 Behavior B 人 Relevance to humanity P 群體 社區 Population L 生命 經驗 Significance to society Life Sci & experiences 6 6

To know To do To be 敏於求知 勤於力行 當仁不讓 Population Behavior Living Content Life-long learning Process 當仁不讓 Behavior Living To be

人文通識 傳授知識或培育能力 ? 人文與社會素養的養成 道德與倫理觀念的深化 國際觀與本土化的建立 思考與判斷能力的強化 數理與自然科學的認知 中國醫藥大學通識中心

通識 基礎 專業 基礎 專業 通識 通識課程是否應與生活/專業銜接? 大學的通識與高中的科目有啥不同? 如何去銜接? 內容有啥不同? 通識 基礎 專業 大學的通識與高中的科目有啥不同? 內容有啥不同? 學法有啥不同? 通識課程是否應與生活/專業銜接? 如何去銜接? 由誰去銜接? 學生對目前通識學習的看法? Very Boring! 基礎 專業 通識 以 PBL 銜接 以 PBL 銜接

Population 專業 基礎 通識 Behavior Living

因此, PBL是個統整的學習理念 而不光僅是個教學方法

教學 與 學習 Teacher-centered Student-centered 學 Learn 教而後學之 學而時習之

Teaching 教 Learning 學 傳統 Exposure 接觸 Acceptance 接納 Knowledge Skills Competency Exposure 接觸 PBL Internalization 內化 Learning 學 Acceptance 接納

Population 基礎 專業 內化 通識 Behavior Living

How much do you learn? Didactic Lectures PBL Tutorial

A didactic lecture in a lecture hall !!! How many teachers are capable of such “good teaching” , if you think this type of teaching is helpful to the students How many students here can really “understand” the written materials that the teacher pours/dumps onto them?

Teacher-centered lecture Show !!! The teacher has to read, organize, synthesize, analyze and present the knowledge structurally and systematically to the students. The teacher can only do what he/she knows Students here have no incentive to do what the teacher has already for them and will increasingly relies on teacher to spoon-feed

This may be an exaggeration, but it can truly happen to 15-20 % of students at any given time after the first 30 min of lecture Casualties in the lecture room !!!

促進小組討論 營造學習環境 PBL is for learning : To let-learn, not to teach! PBL Student-centered setting Small group discussion & Self-directed learning

不光是強調知識 層面的內容多寡 PBL Content 學習 Process 應該注重能力 與素養的培育

PBL精神 1 是要求學生自主學習 而不應只是被動學習 以老師傳承為主軸 21 21

PBL精神 2 學習不應只注重 知識/技巧的多寡 應强調素質/能力的發展 22 22

是要求全人化, 整合化及趣味化 不應只是學習湊合组合而成的科目群 PBL精神 3 是要求全人化, 整合化及趣味化 不應只是學習湊合组合而成的科目群 23 23

PBL精神 4 要願意誠意地去改變傳統的態度與惡習 不應做換湯不換藥的 假象型式化改變 24 24

要人性化, 以人為本 學習要以學生為中心 醫療要以病人為中心 PBL精神 5 要人性化, 以人為本 學習要以學生為中心 醫療要以病人為中心 25 25

PBL精神 5 6 要科學化, 循證化 不道聽途說 缺乏依據性 26 26

尋依導證 小組討論 不是小班教學或個人簡報 PBL Small group discussion is not small class teaching or individual presentation….. 不是小班教學或個人簡報

稱職 能力 Group dynamics 團隊動力 PBL Small Group Tutorial Case problem PBL教案 自知自主自律 團隊互助互輔 專業人文素養 人際溝通技巧 稱職 能力 Students 28 28

Important points in running PBL Maintain eye-contact with all members to sense their signal for help and needs Balance group dynamics such that all member should be given chances to discuss and express Encourage debate, allow disagreement, but prevent personal verbal attack or in appropriate attitude It is OK if students make mistakes; make sure that they will rectify their mistakes Never turn the tutorial into your mini-lectures or student slide presentation or Q & A sessions Respect, care and encouragement are the words to apply on students in PBL tutorials

@@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx 小班教學 1

@@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx 小班教學 2 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx

@@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx 小班教學 3 @@ Xxxxxxx xxxxyyyyzzzz xxxx ?? xxxxxxx xxxx

簡報問答 ?


要成為PBL指導者 也必需 要瞭解PBL的 實務流程 Process-oriented learning 35 35

探討問題 解決問題 First Second Problem-exploration: Brain-storming & set goals 腦力激盪 設訂目標 Brain-storming & set goals Problem-exploration: to understand, to define, to search, to analyze and to synthesize 探討問題 尋找資料 精研細讀 Seeking & studying Second 討論砌磋 切問討教 Discussion & exchange 解決問題 反省回饋 有錯必改 Wrap-up & Feedback Problem-solving: to exchange, to discuss, to refine, to change, to add and to conclude 36 36

TIPS for the management of PBL tutorials: Time management 時間 Information management 資訊 People management 學員 Session management 流程 Group dynamic management: An integrative & multiple management process 團隊動力的管控是統整性和多元化的管理流程

PBL教案: 學習內化 之平台

王司機暈倒 小華燙傷了 PBL 教案 美女科學家 減碳貿易經 Population Life Sciences Behaviour Physiology Pathology 王司機暈倒 小華燙傷了 PBL 教案 美女科學家 減碳貿易經 Surgery Biochemistry Psychology Anatomy Life Sciences Behaviour Microbiology Ethical issues Community Health

患有糖尿病(DM)的士司机 小王,50歲,單身,開的士已有十幾年了,雖可維持生計但生活缺乏規律.常為了載客奔波, 三餐既不定時也不定量,常在等待乘客時吸烟(每天大約一包). 五年前他就常感口渴肚餓, 就喝可樂及吃巧克力糖提神. 他也發現幾次在開車當兒感到手麻头暈,有機次還差点昏了过去.小王認為是自己睡不夠吃不好. 去年冬天的一個週末在火車站前等乘客時突然眼前一黑,不醒人事, 所幸被後面一架車的司機注意到,把小王送去醫院, 他才知道自己患了糖尿病多年. 難怪連小王常看到他自己的尿水都有一群螞蟻來吮食而不了解何以為然. 醫生囑小王一星期後再來醫院內分泌及代謝科做更仔細的檢查且開了一星期的降血糖藥給小王. 可是小王並沒有回診. 一個月後, 小王因車禍被警察送來醫院. 原來他又在開車時昏过去撞上路旁燈柱. 所幸小王及乘客僅受皮肉之傷. 醫生預備將小王的病情報知警察. 小王可能會因此失去駕照, 生活會陷入困境. 小王哀求醫生放他一馬不要告知警方, 他發誓以後一定會尊囑醫生的指示.」

L 生命科学 醫事法律 疾病症狀 DM 糖尿病 保健制度 醫療方法 社會責任 疾病因子 生活習慣 道德倫理 P B

A proposal to reform secondary school education in Taiwan It has generally been recognized that the secondary school system in Taiwan needs to be restructured in many ways in order to increase the competitive edge of the future generation in Taiwan in the world market. However, little progress has been made during the past decade. Several Ministers of Education have taken charge attempting educational reform for the past decade; it was, however, more of a political manoeuvre than academic or educational concerns. The university educational system and the attitude of learning of university students have also been criticized for its inadequacy in preparing our young people for self-directed learning and life-long learning. The university students still prefer teacher-centered rote learning. Although they maintain passive attitude and lack intrinsic motivation towards learning, they are nevertheless highly competitive. Having realized the problems in our educational system, in both secondary and tertiary institutes, the Ministry of Education has recently decided to introduce a new educational approach called “Problem-based learning (PBL)” to the tertiary institutes and to encourage the secondary schools to experiment a limited PBL curriculum. 校長在職培訓

SARS finally kills in Taiwan For the past two months, SARS has caused considerable mortality in several countries and triggered unprecedented panic in the Southeast Asia. To date, the death toll due to confirmed SARS in Hong Kong has risen to more than 65. There were 9 more death due to SARS in Hong Kong yesterday. The Health Department in Taiwan has taken considerable preventive measures to monitor travellers from Hong Kong and alerted the public about the danger of SARS. However, although a handful of people in Taiwan have contracted SARS, but not a single mortality was reported, until today. An 69-year old over-sea Chinese from Toronto visiting his relative in Taipei was sent to the Taiwan University Hospital for treatment of severe respiratory distress and a persistent fever a couple of days ago and his health condition quickly deteriorated and died this morning. SARS virus was identified in his lung fluid. This news was immediately released by the media. 文官訓練

PBL之創新與困難就在其 反傳統的精神理念 以學生學習(非老師傳授)為導向 以教案問題(非講義共筆)為平台 以資訊提證(非主觀意見)為旁輔 以小組討論(非大堂授課)為動力 以整合知能(非組合科目)為手段 以互輔互補(非惡性競爭)為前提 以能力素養(非知識多寡)為主軸 以多元評比(非一試定局)為標竿

傳統:歷史包袱 PBL Your thinking is 方法 steered by your past experience Tradition thoughts 傳統思維 Your thinking is steered by your past experience (tradition) 傳統:歷史包袱

傳統理念的根深蒂固是 長期薰染的累積 舊習慣的溫床 改變傳統就需要「改革」,也就是求變 「求變」是個敢接受不安、痛苦的過程 中華歷史中「政體改革」鮮有平穩接替 教育求變亦將靠社會動盪才能摧化促成

順轉? 逆轉? PBL is a mindset

Thank you, have fun, good luck, work hard Any question?