Kung Fu Tea
功夫茶的茶具 包括炉子,是红泥小炭炉,一般高一尺二寸,茶锅为细白泥所制,锅炉高二寸,底有碗口般大,单把长近三寸,冲罐如红柿般大,乃潮州泥制陶壶,茶杯小如核桃,乃瓷制品,其壁极薄。 茶池形状如鼓,瓷制,由一个作为"鼓面"的盘子和一个类似"鼓身"的圆罐组成。盘子上有小眼四个,为漏水所用。而圆罐则用于容纳由盘子漏下的废茶水。
The Tool Set The tool set includes a terracotta charcoal stove, and it usually about 15.75 inches high; a tea pot, 3 inches high; a pitcher and few walnut size teacups. The tea-pond shape likes a drum which combines two pieces together – a tray and a round pot. The tray has four holes for waste water leakage. The round pot is for holding the tray and store waste tea water.
功夫茶起源于宋代,在广东的潮州府(今潮汕地区)及福建的漳州、泉州一带最为盛行,乃唐、宋以来品茶艺术的承袭和深入发展。苏辙有诗曰:“闽中茶品天下高,倾身事茶不知劳。” 品功夫茶是潮汕地区很出名的风俗之一,在潮汕本地,家家户户都有功夫茶具,每天必定要喝上几轮。即使用乔居外地或移民海外的潮汕人,也仍然保存着品功夫茶这个风俗。可以说,有潮汕人的地方,便有功夫茶的影子。
Kung Fu Tea is originally from Song Dynasty Kung Fu Tea is originally from Song Dynasty. It’s popular in the area of Chao zhou fu, Guangdong province and Zhang zhou, Quan zhou, Fujian province in China. It is a tea art inherited and developed since the Tang and Song Dynasties. Drinking Kung Fu Tea is one of the famous customs in the Chao zhou area. Every family has their own Kung Fu Tea tool set, and they will have several rounds of Kung Fu Tea every day. Even people who don't live in the Chao zhao area or who have already left country, still keep the custom for enjoying Kung Fu Tea. Anywhere there are Chao zhou people, you will find Kung Fu Tea.
Kung Fu Tea is not a name for a type of tea, or one of the tea categories. It's a tea brewing process – a special way to prepare tea with some skills.
功夫茶采用的是乌龙茶,如铁观音、水仙和凤凰茶等,而凤凰茶和水仙,绿底金边,可借产量少,所以冲泡功功夫茶采用的一般是铁观音。 乌龙茶制作工艺也较复杂,所以全国至今还只是福建和潮汕两地能制。只有乌龙茶才能冲出功夫茶所要求的色、香、味。功夫茶以浓度高著称,初喝似嫌其苦,习惯后则嫌其他茶不够滋味了。
Kung Fu Tea Brew Procedures
步骤一: 嘘寒问暖(湿壶): 俗称“湿壶”,将初沸水注入空壶,以提高壶温便于冲泡。
Step One Warm up Teapot: Fill teapot with hot water until it overflows a little. Let the water warm up the teapot for a few minutes.
步骤二 素瓷生烟(烫杯): 品工夫茶讲究热饮,烫杯成了必不可少的程序,在宾客面前湿壶烫杯还寓意对宾客的敬重,营造温馨这氛围。(取茶罐,茶荷等)
Step Two Warm up Teacups: Use the water in teapot to wash the teacups out and rinse it out. Both “ Wet Teapot and Warm Teacups” will show respect to the guest.
步骤三 倾心桃源(置茶于壶内): 俗称“纳茶”,即将茶叶投入茶壶,取样要准确,量多则过浓,量少则偏淡
Step Three Drop tea leaves into the teapot: Fill up the teapot with tea leaves, and make sure filling in the proper amount of tea leaves.
步骤四 悬壶高冲(提壶,注沸水于壶) 通常下茶量以茶水比1:22为宜。
Step Four Hold a hot water pot up,pour hot water into the teapot Usually the ritual of amount of tea leaves and hot water is 1:22.
步骤五: 轻推花浮(刮沫)
Step Five Take floating foam away with the teapot lid.
步骤六: 孟臣沐霖(淋壶)
Step Six Pour hot water on surface of the teapot.
步骤七 关公巡城、韩信点兵(筛茶): 高冲低斟是工夫茶的技法之一,高冲要连贯而从容,低斟是筛茶时必须来来去去,各杯轮匀,使各杯茶汤浓度均匀,此为“关公巡城”。最后点滴入杯,称为“韩信点兵”。
Step Seven Serving tea: You can see the technical skills of Kung Fu Tea here. Boiling water should be poured into the tea pot, until it is overflowing; use the lid to remove froth; replace the lid back on the pot and pour boiling water over the teapot; and then serving tea by pouring the tea water in serving cups with circulating movements to fill the cups evenly.
步骤八: 敬奉香茗(副泡手敬茶) 宾客端茶杯,听茶乐,观茶色,闻茶香,品茶味,论茶经。
Step Eight Serve guests Serve guests with music when tea is served Step Eight Serve guests Serve guests with music when tea is served. They will look the tea water’s color, smell the tea fragrance, taste the tea and chat about the tea culture.
(as the prior instruction) 步骤一: Step One Warm up teacups (as the prior instruction) 温杯:将茶巾放在滤水竹茶盘下方,4只闻香杯并排成一直线,中间不留空隙。温杯时由右(闻香杯)至左(品茗杯),无须将水注入杯内至满,只需注入杯内1/3~1/2即可。
Drop tea leaves into teapot (as the prior instruction) 步骤二: Step Two Drop tea leaves into teapot (as the prior instruction) 置茶叶:右手拿取茶勺,在茶叶罐中置取适量茶叶,茶叶不用放很多,约铺平壶底即可。茶勺头部垂直对准自己,将茶叶倒入紫砂壶,然后放入茶漏。
(as the prior instruction) 步骤三: Step Three Prepare tea water (as the prior instruction) 水注冲入壶内至茶汤溢出壶口,用茶盖把茶水表面的泡沫刮去,盖上壶盖。用开水烫壶表面,茶水浸泡时间约45秒至1分钟后,将茶汤倒出由右至左来回倒入闻香杯,切记分均匀茶水。
Hold teacups like this to serve guests. 步骤四: Serve tea to guests Hold teacups like this to serve guests. 将闻香杯分开,用品茗杯盖在闻香杯上。用右手的食指压住品茗杯的底部,左手的拇指、食指和中指夹着闻香杯的身体,将闻香杯和品茗杯向自己的方向倒转过来,放在茶托上敬茶。
My dear friends, please enjoy the Kung Fu Tea! 我的朋友们,请你们茶! My dear friends, please enjoy the Kung Fu Tea!