3Cs for Agile Project Success: Critical Success Factors & Proven Practices -- Experience Report Gopinath Ramachandran,Aricent 20th Dec’2013 報告人:102522041.


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Presentation transcript:

3Cs for Agile Project Success: Critical Success Factors & Proven Practices -- Experience Report Gopinath Ramachandran,Aricent 20th Dec’2013 報告人: 簡筱倫 張邑"修訂" 2014/05/19

Outline Abstract Introduction - 3Cs - Key Success Factors Communication Collaboration Customer Involvement Conclusion

Abstract 在 outsourced( 委外 ) 、 offshore( 海外 ) 的軟體開發方面,不 同區域的團隊相互合作,利用各團隊的長才發展軟體。 面臨問題: ◦ Geographical distance ◦ Time zone differences ◦ Cultural aspect ◦ …… 解決: Distributed Agile Methodologies Agile Project Success Communication Collaboration Customer Involvement

Communication Effective communication among teams, customers, management and business group is the key requirement to achieve Agility Geographical Distance Different Time Zones Mutual Trust Cross Communication Communication Loops Lack of necessary Product Documentation Key Challenges

Communication(cont.) Proven Practices: 視訊會議、共同遠端桌面、 Right mix of Informal and Formal Communication 有效的溝通 Architects and SCRUM Master as Communication Bridges 在兩開發團隊中扮演溝通的角色 Communication Workshop 了解產品的功能、架構、介面 Planned Synch-up Meetings PO 與 team 的互信 More Transparency 架構、介面、描述 Value added Formal Documentation

Collaboration Agile emphasis on high collaboration both intra team and inter team, which shall be impacted due to following challenges in global software development. Different Time zones Cultural Aspects Personal Traits Origination Culture and Leadership Style Ineffective communication Methods Key Challenges Geographical distance

Collaboration(cont.) Proven Practices: 合作、溝通、關係 Hiring Focus:Technical Competence with social skills 溝通建立互信、主動溝通 Right Style of Communication 開始前先互訪,執行中也要週期性互訪 Mutual Visits between the Teams 了解文化,開放與透明溝通 Cultural Workshop 增進合作 Workshops/short daily status Meetings From “command and control ”to “Servant Leadership” Organization Culture and Agile Leadership

Customer Involvement Agile Manifesto advocates customer collaboration as one of the important requirements for successful software development Collaboration between Product Owner and Development team Lack of knowledge Lack of Time Commitment Key Challenges Organizational Maturity on Agile Practices and Process

Customer Involvement(cont.) Proven Practices: 明確的定義與責任、有效的溝通、 Define of Done 、定義共同工具、錯誤回報 顧客週期性的參訪 Mutual consensus on “Way of Working” Mutual visits for better collaboration 若顧客無法派 Product Owner ,團隊派舉一 位代替 Proxy Product Owner

Conclusion On Time Delivery with Excellent Quality No Cost Overrun Higher Customer Satisfaction