悦读丰富人生 Pleased Reading Enriches Life


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Presentation transcript:

悦读丰富人生 Pleased Reading Enriches Life 西南财经大学 英语教授 图书馆长 李天行

现状 2010年我国18周岁~70周岁国民人均阅读图书4.25本。(第八次全国国民阅读调查) 人均阅读图书量,韩国12本,法国20本、日本40本、以色列64本。

According to the eighth national reading survey, people between 18 and 70 in China read 4.25 books in average in 2010, while the number of that of South Korea, France, Japan and Israel is 12, 20, 40 and 64, respectively.

现在的孩子~~偶表示很无语 不足1000万人喜欢阅读小说、诗歌和戏剧等文学作品。 很多青少年甚至不知道中国四大古典名著是什么,对于中国当代的文学作品及作者能说出一二的不足10%。 他们熟悉的除了《哈利·波特》,就是日本漫画书中的人物。

Less than 10 million people like reading literary works, such as novel, poem and drama. Some young people even don’t know the four China Classical literatures, less than 10% of whom could explain China modern literature and their authors. They are familiar with Harry Potter, as well as some characters in Japanese cartoon.

名人论读书 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。——杜甫 三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。 ——颜真卿 读万卷书,行万里路。——刘彝 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。——陆游 旧书不厌百回读,熟读精思子自知。——苏轼 饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。——毛泽东

After you have read more than ten thousand volumes, you will find it easy to write as if God were there helping you. Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles. You will never find your books few until you refer to them; you will never think the matter difficult until you experience it. Classic books need to be carefully read and investigated in order to understand its underpinning. I can spend a day without eating and sleeping, but not without reading.

书籍是人类知识的总结,书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀 。 ----莎士比亚

书籍是人类进步的阶梯。书籍一面启示着我的智慧和心灵,一面帮着我在一片烂泥塘里站了起来,如果不是书籍的话,我就会沉没在这片烂泥塘里,我就要被愚蠢和下流淹死。 ---高尔基

Shakespeare said that book is the summary of human’s knowledge and the nurture of the whole world. Life without book is like world without sunshine; wisdom without book is just like birds without wing. Gorky said that book is the ladder for man to climb. On one hand, book inspires wisdom, on the other hand, helps me to stand up in a muddy pond full of stupidity and dirty. I would be drowned without books.

一个不读书的人是没有前途的,一个不读书的民族也是没有前途的。 ---温家宝 Premier Wen Jiabao have ever said that people who don’t read have no bright future, and nations without reading have no sustainable strength.

大学生阅读 (Reading of Undergraduate) 读过林海音的《窃读记》么? Have you ever read Reading Books Secretly? 那个曾经萦绕于很多人心中的读书故事 A story about reading books lingering in many people’s minds. 当你渐渐长大、 When you grow up gradually 你是否失去了读书的兴趣? Do you lose interests in reading? 失去了学习的兴趣? losing interests in learning? 对那句“为中华之崛起而读书”不屑于顾? Disdain that reading for the rising of China?

like reading and read good books? 甚至的甚至、 有时候的你 Sometimes you even 几次迷茫于我为什么要读书? get lost for the question that why do I read? 读书的意义是什么? What’s the significance of reading ? 我又应该如何去做好那句似乎虚幻的 How could I do as the sentence goes 好读书、读好书? like reading and read good books?

阅读启智 智慧是人们创造性解决问题的能力,读书可以全面开发人的注意力、观察力、记忆力、联想力、想象力、思维力、创造力,诸力综合就形成了人的智慧。 孔子 “韦编三绝”

阅读启智 匡衡 “凿壁偷光” 鲁迅“嚼辣椒驱寒”

Wisdom is the ability to creatively solve problems Wisdom is the ability to creatively solve problems. Capacities of attention, observation, memory, association, imagination, thinking and creation, which could be comprehensively developed by books, constitute wisdom of human beings.

阅读启智 比尔盖茨从退学建立微软公司到成为世界首富,只用了短短20年,被人誉为坐在世界巅峰的人。

“比尔盖茨大学没毕业照样成为世界首富!?” 比尔盖茨早在9岁的时候就已经读完了所有的百科全书,精通天文,历史地理等各学科。丰富的阅读经历铸造了他智慧的基础。 对于自己的成秘诀,比尔盖茨是这么说“是我家乡的公立图书馆成就了我”。

It only took Bill Gates 20 years to become the richest man in the world. Someone may say that Bill Gates could be so rich although he dropped out of university. However, those people may not know that he had read all encyclopaedias as early as nine years old, being familiar with subjects like astronomy, history and geography. He even said that public library in his hometown contributed to his success.

把阅读当成信仰的犹太人 犹太民族流行这样一个传统,经典著作《塔木德》里也有这样的描述:犹太子女出刚生后的几个月内,父母会在犹太经典作《塔木德》里的每一页边角都沾上一些糖水,子女在玩耍翻书过程中就会产生兴趣,对书会恋恋不忘,其用意就是不断的培养子女的读书意识。

。 也许就是因为犹太人从小就喜欢翻书、读书,才会出现一些像爱因斯坦等震惊世界、影响历史进程的大人物,从而让世界人民铭记住了犹太民族。

The Jew regards reading as the belief. According to Talmud, Jewish classic, the Jew would coat some syrup on every page of Talmud when the child is several months old, attracting him to be interest in books. Perhaps, the reading habit of Jewish people makes it possible for some Jewish scientists influencing the world, like Einstein, to appear.

全美200名最有影响的名人中,犹太人占一半;全美100多名诺贝尔奖得主,犹太人占一半;全美名牌大学教授,犹太人占三分之一;全美律师中,犹太人占四分之一;全美文学、戏剧、音乐的一流作家,犹太人占60%;全球最有钱的企业家,犹太人占一半;美国的百万富翁中,犹太人占三分之一;美国富豪榜前40名中,犹太人占18名…… 诺贝尔奖颁发100多年来,据21世纪初的统计,全世界共有犹太人1325万,犹太人虽然只占全球人口的0.19%,但是在20世纪645位诺贝尔奖获奖者中却有121位,比例却高达18.5%,获奖人数高居世界各民族之首。

唐朝读书风盛 井栏砂宿遇夜客 (唐)李涉 暮雨潇潇江上村, 绿林豪客夜知闻。 他时不用逃名姓, 世上如今半是君。 一天傍晚时分,船遇大风、舟停岸边。唐朝诗人李涉和书童正走在荒村绵绵的细雨中,准备找家客栈投宿。突然,眼前冲出来个人拦住了他们的去路。此人一声断喝,“来者何人?留下买路财才能过!”书童马上回答说,“这是李涉先生。”李涉是中唐时期非常著名的诗人,强盗一听,非常兴奋,“久仰大名,如雷贯耳。我不抢你的钱了,你写首诗送给我吧。”李涉一听,当即写了一首诗送给他: 井栏砂宿遇夜客 (唐)李涉 暮雨潇潇江上村, 绿林豪客夜知闻。 他时不用逃名姓, 世上如今半是君。


Reading was popular in Tang Dynasty. A poet named Li She in Tang Dynasty once encountered a robber, who was looking forward to meeting Li She, gave up robbing when he knew it was Li She, and asked for a poem instead. It seems that reading was popular in Tang Dynasty for a robber even knew the name of a poet, which may contribute to the prosperity of Tang Dynasty.

静者心多妙,飘然思不群 水静流深 人静心深 水停以鉴 火静而朗

青年人悦读增智 乐观进取 于社会 青年是社会进步的推动力量。 于民族 青年是民族的未来。 于世界 青年是世界和谐的重要参与者。

Pleased reading of the youth helps the increasing of wisdom, which could make them be more optimistic, making progress. Young people with wisdom from books, motivates social development, represents the future of a nation and plays an important role in forming a harmonious world.
