Meaningful Learning 谢 永 业 上海市工商外国语学校 2016-05-09.


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Presentation transcript:

Meaningful Learning 谢 永 业 上海市工商外国语学校 2016-05-09

Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy H. D. Brown 美国旧金山大学语言学院院长 《根据原理教学: 交互式语言教学(第三版)》 (第四版已出)

6大部分, 26章: 课堂教学的基础理论和基本原理 与语言教学活动相关的因素 课程设计与教学计划的制定 教材的选择与运用 现代教育技术的运用 课堂活动的组织与课堂管理 语言学习策略、语言技能的教学方法与技巧 语言测评的原理与方法 教师自身素质的提升与职业发展等

每章的开始设有本章学习重点和目标提示 章末设有思考题和课后任务,并提供更多相关的阅读参考建 议和推荐 旨在帮助教师建立交互式的、以学生为中心的、合作式的语 言教学课堂

Principles for Teaching Listening Skills 1. Include a focus on listening in an integrated-skills course. 2. Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating. 3. Utilize authentic language and contexts. 4. Carefully consider the form of listeners' responses. 5. Encourage the development of listening strategies. 6. Include both bottom-up and top-down listening techniques.

Principles for Teaching Speaking Skills Focus on both fluency and accuracy, depending your objective. 2. Provide intrinsically motivating techniques. 3. Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts. 4. Provide appropriate feedback and correction. 5. Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening. 6. Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication. 7. Encourage the development of speaking strategies.

Principles for Teaching Reading Skills 1. In an integrated course, don't overlook a specific focus on reading skills. 2. Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating. 3. Balance authenticity and readability in choosing texts. 4. Encourage the development of reading strategies. 5. Include both bottom-up and top-down techniques. 6. Follow the "SQ3R" sequence. 7. Plan on pre-reading, during-reading, and after-reading phases. 8. Build in some evaluative aspect to your techniques.

Principles for Teaching Writing Skills 1. Incorporate practices of "good" writers. 2. Balance process and product. 3. Account for cultural/literary backgrounds. 4. Connect reading and writing. 5. Provide as much authentic writing as possible. 6. Frame your techniques in terms of prewriting, drafting, and revising stages. 7. Strive to offer techniques that are as interactive as possible. 8. Sensitively apply methods of responding to and correcting your students' writing. 9. Clearly instruct students on the rhetorical, formal conventions of writing.

Key Points: Meaningful Authentic Motivation Interaction Strategy

Meaningful Meaningful learning will lead toward better long-term retention than rote learning.

有意义学习的标准 新知识与学习者认知结构中已有的旧知识建 立非人为和实质性的联系。

有意义学习的条件 1、学习材料本身必须具备逻辑意义(我们的教材?) 2、学生必须具有有意义学习的心向(积极主动) 3、学生的认知结构中必须有同化新知识的适当观念(能对新知识 起“固着”或“栓住”作用;学习是如何发生的?)

教学启示: 1. 根据学生的兴趣、学习目标、专业目标发挥有意义学习的最大作用。 2. 新知识的学习要以学生的已有知识和背景开始,这样学生就可以将新知 识和已有的知识结合在一起(学习的发生?)。

3. 避免死记硬背式的学习: 1)过多的语法讲解 2)过多的抽象规则 3)过多的反复练习与背诵 4)目的不明确的活动 3. 避免死记硬背式的学习: 1)过多的语法讲解 2)过多的抽象规则 3)过多的反复练习与背诵 4)目的不明确的活动 5)对达成单元或课程目标无关的活动 6)让学生只注意机械地练习,而忽视语言的使用与意义

Authentic Material: Task:

( Intrinsic) Motivation Extrinsic motivations :arise from outside of the individual and often involve rewards Intrinsic motivations:arise from within the individual

Interaction Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy How ? H. D. Brown’s: games,role play, drama, project, interview, brainstorming, information gap, jigsaw activities, problem solving and decision making, opinion exchange, etc. What we have done:

(Learning) Strategies Such as: • Comprehension strategies • Memory strategies • Production strategies • Communication strategies Also:Rebecca oxford在language learning strategies中将学 习策略分为: 1. 记忆策略 2. 认知策略 3. 补偿策略 4. 元认知策略 5. 情感管理策略 6. 社交策略 ……