Unit 13 Shipment 组员 :. Objectives To learn modes of transport To learn major terms of shipment To familiarize with major shipping documents To learn how.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 13 Shipment 组员 :

Objectives To learn modes of transport To learn major terms of shipment To familiarize with major shipping documents To learn how to write effective shipment letters 首页首页

Content Expressions Sample Letters Exercises Seller Decline Buyer’s Request An enquiry about container Introduction Modes of transport Major terms of shipments Major shipping documents Dialogues

SSSShipment refers to the carriage of the goods from the seller to the buyer, and is realized by transport services. IIIIn most movement of goods, there are usually three parties: the consignor, the consignee and the carrier. Brief Introduction

 What do the shipment clauses include? the time of shipment the time of shipment the ports of loading and destination the ports of loading and destination modes of transportation modes of transportation the shipping documents the shipping documents

Modes of Transport 海洋运输 铁路运输 航空运输 公路运输 内河运输 邮政 / 包运输 管道运输 Ocean Transportation Rail Transportation Air Transportation Road Transportation Inland water Transportation Post Transportation Tube / Pipeline transportation

国际多式运输 Combined Transportation ; Multimodal Transportation International Multimodal Transportation / International Combined Transportation 联合运输

Road Transport Flexible Flexible Low capacity Low capacity Relatively high operating cost Relatively high operating cost Complicated procedures Complicated procedures Possible duty payments Possible duty payments

Rail Transport Rail transport is a major mode of transport in terms of its capacity, only second to ocean transport. Rail transport is a major mode of transport in terms of its capacity, only second to ocean transport. Relatively high speed Relatively high speed Economy Economy Not easily affected by bad weather Not easily affected by bad weather Less flexible Less flexible ☆ Document: consignment note

Air transport Quick transit Quick transit Low risk Low risk Expensive Expensive Cheaper insurance Cheaper insurance ☆ Document: Airway bill

Ocean Transportation Sea or ocean transport is the most widely used mode of transportation in international trade. As about 98% of world trade are covered by sea transport, exporters and importers are more concerned with transport by sea than in other ways.

Liner transport & charter transport are two major kinds of ocean transport. charter transportcharter transport

charter transport charter transport ( voyage charter; trip charter ) charter transport 定程租船又称程租船或航次租船: single trip charter (单航次租船) return trip charter (来回程航次租船) consecutive voyages (连续航程租船)

Ocean Transportation Large capacity Large capacity Low cost Low cost Slow Slow Vulnerable to bad weather Vulnerable to bad weather Less punctual Less punctual

Major Terms of Shipment 首页首页

Time of shipment 规定最迟期限 规定最迟期限 Shipment at or before the end of March Shipment at or before the end of March 规定某一段时间内装运 规定某一段时间内装运 Shipment during Jan./Feb Shipment during Jan./Feb 规定收到信用证后一定时间内装运 规定收到信用证后一定时间内装运 Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C. Shipment within 45 days after receipt of L/C. 某一约定日期 某一约定日期 Shipment on 5th May 2000 Shipment on 5th May 2000

Terms Avoided Terms Avoided UCP600( 跟单信用证统一惯例 ) 第三条 释义 … Unless required to be used in a document, words such as “prompt”, “immediately” or “as soon as possible” will be disregarded.( 除非确需在单据中使 用,银行对诸如 “ 迅速 ” 、 “ 立即 ” 、 “ 尽快 ” 之类词语将不予置理。 )

Port of Shipment & Port of Destination Generally, one specific port of shipment & one particular port of destination are stipulated. Generally, one specific port of shipment & one particular port of destination are stipulated. On some occasions, two or more ports of shipment & ports of destinations are named. On some occasions, two or more ports of shipment & ports of destinations are named. And sometimes, several alternatives of ports can be listed. And sometimes, several alternatives of ports can be listed.

e.g. One port out of London /Hamburg/ Rotterdam as the port of destination at the buyer’s location.

European Main Ports 欧洲主要口岸 European Main Ports 欧洲主要口岸 常缩写为 EMP 。按照航运公会统一规定, EMP 包括: Genoa 热那亚(意大利) Genoa 热那亚(意大利) Marseilles 马塞(法国) Marseilles 马塞(法国) Antwerp 安特卫普(比利时) Antwerp 安特卫普(比利时) Rotterdam 鹿特丹(荷兰) Rotterdam 鹿特丹(荷兰) London 伦敦(英国) London 伦敦(英国) Hamburg 汉堡(德国) Hamburg 汉堡(德国) Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦) Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦)

Partial Shipment & Transshipment Whether or not partial shipment( 分批装运) or shipment by installments( 又称分期装 运) and transshipment are allowed should be specified in terms of shipment. Whether or not partial shipment( 分批装运) or shipment by installments( 又称分期装 运) and transshipment are allowed should be specified in terms of shipment. 首页首页

1. Allowing partial shipments & transshipment. 2. Partial shipment prohibited & transshipment at Hong Kong allowed. 3.The first lot 200 tons will be delivered in August & the remaining 600 tons before the end of the year in one lot. Partial shipment allowed

Shipment by Installments 1.We shall ship the goods in three monthly installments of 500 tons as stipulated in the contract, commencing in August. 2.During Oct./ Nov./Dec in three monthly Shipments : During Oct.500 metric tons During Oct.500 metric tons During Nov.750 metric tons During Nov.750 metric tons During Dec.1000 metric tons During Dec.1000 metric tons

Major Shipping Documents The chief shipping documents: Commercial Invoice Commercial Invoice Bill of Lading Bill of Lading Insurance Policy or Certificate Insurance Policy or Certificate Packing List Packing List Weight Memo Weight Memo Other shipping documents: 1. Pro Forma Invoice 2. Consular invoice 3. Certificate of Origin 4. Certificate of Inspection 5. Certificate of value 领事发票 估价证书

Bill of Lading (B/L) :

The Function of B/L The Function of B/L 1 、货物收据( receipt for the goods ); 2 、货物所有权的凭证( document of title ) ; 3 、运输契约的证明( evidence of the contract of carriage )

Clean B/L Unclean B/L Freight Prepaid Freight to Be Collected B/L Liner B/L Charter B/L Shipped B/L Received for Shipment B/L 清洁提单不清洁提单运费预付提单运费到付提单班轮提单租船提单已装船提单收货待运提单 The Types of B/L The Types of B/L

Example : bill of lading in Shipping 1. 托运人: CHINA NATIONAL TEXTILES IMP.&EXP. CORP. SHANGHAI GARMENTS BRANCH 2. 收货人: ROEVUCK CO., U.S.A 3. 提单号: NO 船名: HAIXING V.2 6. 装货港: SHANGHAI 7. 卸货港. LOS ANGELES 8. 小写件数: 77 CARTONS

9. 货名: SHIRTS 10. 毛重: KGS 11. 尺码: .大写件数: SAY FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN CARTONS ONLY 13 .运费支付情况: FREIGHT PREPAID 14 .提单签发地点和日期: SHANGHAI Dec.30, 船方签名和印章: (略)

shipping advice 装船通知 shipping advice 装船通知 Shipping advice is a note usually sent by the seller to inform the buyer that the goods he has ordered have been dispatched on ship. Shipping advice is a note usually sent by the seller to inform the buyer that the goods he has ordered have been dispatched on ship. It gives a detailed description of the goods sent including the name of the ship, the date of shipping, name of the goods, its quantity as well as its specifications. It gives a detailed description of the goods sent including the name of the ship, the date of shipping, name of the goods, its quantity as well as its specifications.

Sending the shipping advice on time is the seller’s responsibility stated in the contract. But if the seller neglects it, or forgets to notify the buyer, the buyer has no right to refuse the bill of lading. Sending the shipping advice on time is the seller’s responsibility stated in the contract. But if the seller neglects it, or forgets to notify the buyer, the buyer has no right to refuse the bill of lading. 装船通知是指卖方在货物装船后发出的一种通知。其内 容包括载货船名,装船日期,货物名称,数量,规格等。 在进出口双方签订的合同条款下,无延误地发出装船通 知是卖方必须履行的义务之一。 装船通知是指卖方在货物装船后发出的一种通知。其内 容包括载货船名,装船日期,货物名称,数量,规格等。 在进出口双方签订的合同条款下,无延误地发出装船通 知是卖方必须履行的义务之一。

Vocabulary & notes 1.ship 1.ship ship v. 装运,装船,运送 ship v. 装运,装船,运送 shipment n. 装运,装船 shipment n. 装运,装船 shipping n. 装运, 航运 shipping n. 装运, 航运

shipping instruction shipping advice shipping documents shipping space 装船须知装船通知装运单据舱位

2. forward: v.t. ( 同 )send,dispatch 运送, 寄 送 The goods will be forwarded to you within the 2nd quarter of the year. The goods will be forwarded to you within the 2nd quarter of the year. 货物将在第二季度之内发出. 货物将在第二季度之内发出.

3. book shipping space 3. book shipping space Please book the necessary shipping space in advance to ensure timely dispatch of the goods ordered. 请预订所需的舱位以保证及时装运所订购的货 物.

4. port 4. port 装运港 装运港 目的港 目的港 卸货港 卸货港 the port of shipment the loading port the port of destination the unloading port

We'd like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area. We'd like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area. 我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货 物产地比较近。 我们希望把上海定为装运港是由于它离货 物产地比较近。 As most of our clients are near Ningbo, we'd like to appoint it as the unloading port. As most of our clients are near Ningbo, we'd like to appoint it as the unloading port. 我们的大多数客户离宁波较近,所以选择 了宁波作为卸货港. 我们的大多数客户离宁波较近,所以选择 了宁波作为卸货港.

5. to effect shipment 装运 5. to effect shipment 装运 According to the terms of Contract No.318, shipment is to be effected by the 20th Jan., and we must have the B/L by the 31st at the latest. According to the terms of Contract No.318, shipment is to be effected by the 20th Jan., and we must have the B/L by the 31st at the latest. 按 318 号合同条款,货物应于 1 月 20 日前装 运。我们最迟需 在 1 月 31 日前拿到提单。 按 318 号合同条款,货物应于 1 月 20 日前装 运。我们最迟需 在 1 月 31 日前拿到提单。

6. to ship by the direct steamer 由直达船装 运 6. to ship by the direct steamer 由直达船装 运 We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star ” on Nov.30, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star ” on Nov.30, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed. 兹通知 1234 号定单名下之货已于 11 月 30 日 装直达船 “ 红星 ” 轮,有关货样已于该轮启程 前航空寄给你方 兹通知 1234 号定单名下之货已于 11 月 30 日 装直达船 “ 红星 ” 轮,有关货样已于该轮启程 前航空寄给你方

7. ship per / by S.S. / M.S. 由某轮装运 7. ship per / by S.S. / M.S. 由某轮装运 S.S. / s.s. / S/S=steamship S.S. / s.s. / S/S=steamship M.S. / m.s. / M/S=motorship M.S. / m.s. / M/S=motorship Eg. S.S. Elizabeth Eg. S.S. Elizabeth

With regard to your Order No. 80 for 500 Sewing Machines, we shipped the goods by s.s. “East Wind” on 30th Nov. With regard to your Order No. 80 for 500 Sewing Machines, we shipped the goods by s.s. “East Wind” on 30th Nov. 关于你方第 80 号定单项下的 500 架缝纫机, 我们已于 11 月 30 日装 “ 东风 ” 轮运出。 关于你方第 80 号定单项下的 500 架缝纫机, 我们已于 11 月 30 日装 “ 东风 ” 轮运出。

8. in one lot 一批装船, 一次性装船 The shipment time is February or March at our option and the goods will be shipped in one lot. 由我方选择二月或三月一批装船装船. in two equal lots 分两批装船 in two equal lots 分两批装船

forward shipment near shipment prompt shipment shipment as soon as possible late shipment time of shipment to effect shipment initial shipment 远期装运近期装运即期装运尽速装运迟交装运期,装运时间交货,装运第一批货 Phrases

prompt delivery time of delivery load time 即期交货交货期装货时间

Container Transportation Full Container Load, FCL Less than Container Load Container Yard 集装箱运输整箱货拼箱货集装箱堆场

Liner Freight Extra Charges on Heavy Lifts Extra Charges on Long Lengths Direct Additional Transshipment Additional Port Additional Port Congestion Surcharges 班轮运费超重附加费超长附加费 直航附加费转船附加费港口附加费港口拥挤费

Letter of Shipment

The Main Content of Letters Concerning Shipment 1) Giving your purpose for writing concerning shipment 2) Stating the specific way for shipment 3) Expressing your hope that the shipment will be made immediately according to the contract stipulations

Sample Letters Letter 1: Shipping Terms Letter 1: Shipping Terms

Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of Feb. 12, we are glad to inform you that we have opened an irrevocable L/C this morning with the Standard Chartered Bank here for 1,200 kilograms of tea. The required shipping space has been booked on s. s. “East Wind” which is due to sail from Shanghai to our port at the end of next month. Please try your best to have the goods ready and ship them by that vessel without any delay. Who has written this letter? Who has booked the shipping space? The buyer or the seller? What is the seller’s responsibility for shipment?

Regarding packing, the tea should be packed in polybags of 500 grams each, 5 polybags to a tea box, 24 boxes on a pallet and 50 pallets in an FCL container with our shipping marks on the outer packing. We trust the above is clear to you and look forward to your shipping advice. Yours faithfully, What are the packing terms?

Letter 2: Partial shipment Letter 2: Partial shipment

Dear Mr. Blank Dear Mr. Blank Subject: Your Order No. 581 Subject: Your Order No. 581 Thank you for the above order for our bicycles. Thank you for the above order for our bicycles. It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No that the 5,000 bicycles you ordered are to be shipped in two equal lots in March and April However, in your letter of February 20 you requested that 80% of the bicycles be shipped in March and the balance in April. It is stipulated in our Sales Confirmation No that the 5,000 bicycles you ordered are to be shipped in two equal lots in March and April However, in your letter of February 20 you requested that 80% of the bicycles be shipped in March and the balance in April.you requested that 80% of the bicycles be shipped in March and the balance in Aprilyou requested that 80% of the bicycles be shipped in March and the balance in April

Although we have the quantity in stock, it is too late for us to ship 80% of your order in March. It is hard to book shipping space at short notice, especially due to few direct sailings to your port of destination. Although we have the quantity in stock, it is too late for us to ship 80% of your order in March. It is hard to book shipping space at short notice, especially due to few direct sailings to your port of destination.Although we have the quantity in stockIt is hard to book shipping space at short notice, especially due to few direct sailings to your port of destinationAlthough we have the quantity in stockIt is hard to book shipping space at short notice, especially due to few direct sailings to your port of destination Besides, no relevant L/C has been opened yet. Besides, no relevant L/C has been opened yet.Besides, no relevant L/C has been opened yetBesides, no relevant L/C has been opened yet We are suggesting that 60% be shipped in March and the rest in April provided that the L/C can reach us on March 10 at the latest. We are suggesting that 60% be shipped in March and the rest in April provided that the L/C can reach us on March 10 at the latest.We are suggesting that 60% be shipped in March and the rest in April provided that the L/C can reach us on March 10 at the latest.We are suggesting that 60% be shipped in March and the rest in April provided that the L/C can reach us on March 10 at the latest.

We are looking forward to receiving your prompt reply. Yours sincerely Chen Hua Marketing Manager

1. 我方第 号销售确认书规定, 你 方 订购的 5000 辆自行车与 2010 年 3 月、 4 月分两批均等装运。 返回

Be to do sth. 表示按计划、协议来做某事, e.g. Your order is to be shipped by the end of next month.

…shipped in two equal lots 分两批均等装 运; lot 为名词 “ (货物,商品)一批 ” , e.g. All the items you ordered will be dispatched in one lot as scheduled. 你方订购的所有商品将按时一批发运。

你方要求 80% 的自行车在 3 月装运,其余 的在 4 月份。 你方要求 80% 的自行车在 3 月装运,其余 的在 4 月份。

balance, n, “ 余额,尾:其余的商品 ” , e.g. The balance of your order will be supplied when we have new stock. 其余订货将于新货到我方后交于你方。 Return

3.Although we have the quantity in stock. …… 虽然我方有足够的存货 …… Grain stocks are high after this year’s harvest. 今年收获后粮食储备充足。 We are out of stock of size 38 at the moment. 目前 38 号缺货。

in stock out of stock new stock/old stock buy stock order stock replenish stock 有现货,有库存无现货,脱销 新 / 陈货 购入存货订购存货补充存货 Return

4.It is hard to book shipping space at short notice, especially due to few direct sailings to your port of destination. direct sailingsdirect sailings 很难临时定舱位,特别是到你方目的地的直 达轮较少。

at/on short notice“ 随时,一经通知立即,没 有准备时间 ” , =“at moment’s notice”, e.g. This was the best room we could get at such short notice. 这是我们临时能弄到的最好的房间了。 Return

5. Besides, no relevant L/C has been opened yet. 而且有关信用证还未开立。 relevant, adj, “ 相关的,有关的 ” ,相当于 covering, e.g. Please send us the relevant information about the shipment asap. 请尽快寄来这批货的有关信息。 返回 Return

6.We are suggesting that 60% be shipped in March and the rest in April provided that the L/C can reach us on March 10 at the latest. 我方建议 60% 的货物在 3 月份装运,其余的货物在 4 月份装运,条件是你方的信用证能最迟在 3 月 10 日开抵我方。 返回 Return

Letter 3: Letter 3: Shipping Advice

Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that the following four orders have now been shipped by S.S. EAST WIND sailing tomorrow from Dalian to London. Order No. W-0211 Order No. W-0212 Order No. W-0213 Order No. W-0214

Enclosed please find one set of the shipping documents covering these consignments, as follows: 1) One non-negotiable copy of B/L 2) Invoice in duplicate 3) Packing list in triplicate 4) One copy of Manufacturers’ Certificate of Quality 5) One copy of Insurance Policy We hope the shipment will turn out to your satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 不可装让


Port of Shipment Port of Destination Partial Shipment Transshipment Shipping Advice Transport Documents Bill of Lading, B/L 装运港目的港分批装运转船装运通知运输单据海运提单

1) As the date of shipment is extended, we believe there will be no difficulty in __________________________________________. ( 按时发运货物 ) 2) You should be responsible for_________________ ________________________________ ( 可能 造成的任何损失 ) the delay of shipment. in getting the goods dispatched in time that might be caused by any loss

3) We will collect the parcel for ______ ___________________________________( 下 次班轮发运 ). 4) You will be duly informed ______ ___________________( 当你方货物一发运 ). next available liner when shipment dispatch by of your order is effected

III. Translate the following sentences. III. Translate the following sentences We greatly regret the delay, which has been due to circumstances beyond our control. 由于无法克服的外界原因使得装运推迟,我 方对此深表歉意。

2. One copy of negotiable bill of lading together with a draft and other shipping documents has been forwarded to your bank for collection of the payment. 一份可转让提单连同一张汇票及其他装船单 据已寄给你方银行,以收取贷款。

3. 如能在收到信用证后尽快由 “ 东风 ” 号货轮发 运我方货物,将不胜感激。 We should be obliged if you would forward our ordered goods per s.s. “DongFeng” the soonest possible upon receipt of our L/C.

4. 我方已将 5 箱丝绸手帕,装 “ 金河 ” 号货轮发 运,运费已付,特此通知。 We inform you that we have forwarded by the "Golden River" five cases of silk handkerchiefs, freight paid.

5. We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early December, because the direct steamer sailing for London calls at our Port only around the 20th every month. 我们遗憾不能按你方要求于 12 月初装运此 货,因为驶往伦敦港的直达船仅在每月 20 日左右抵达我港。 我们遗憾不能按你方要求于 12 月初装运此 货,因为驶往伦敦港的直达船仅在每月 20 日左右抵达我港。

Translate the following letter into Chinese. Translate the following letter into Chinese.

Thank you for your letter of yesterday notifying us that the crockery ordered on May 15 for our client is now ready for collection. We are glad to learn that all items ordered have been included in the consignment. Please arrange to send the consignment by road to London to be shipped by S. S. Western Star, due to sail for Sydney on June 25 and to load at No. 7 Dock as from the 20th, and ensure that all cases are clearly marked and numbered as shown in our official order. Invoices, in triplicate, and your account for transport charges, should be sent to us. You will note from our order that prompt delivery is most important and we rely upon you to make sure that the consignment is delivered to the docks in good time. We have made all necessary arrangements with the shipping company.

Thank you for your letter of yesterday notifying us that the crockery ordered on May 15 for our client is now ready for collection. We are glad to learn that all items ordered have been included in the consignment. Please arrange to send the consignment by road to London to be shipped by S. S. Western Star, due to sail for Sydney on June 25 and to load at No. 7 Dock as from the 20th, and ensure that all cases are clearly marked and numbered as shown in our official order. Invoices, in triplicate, and your account for transport charges, should be sent to us. You will note from our order that prompt delivery is most important and we rely upon you to make sure that the consignment is delivered to the docks in good time. We have made all necessary arrangements with the shipping company.

敬启者 : 感谢你方昨天来信,通知我们 5 月 15 日为我客户 订购的陶器现在已备好待收。我们高兴地获悉, 订购的所有品种皆已包括在这批货物中。 请安排由公路将这批货运到伦敦,然后预备由 “ 西 方之星 ” 轮承运。该船定于 6 月 25 日驶往悉尼,从 6 月 20 日起开始在第 7 号码头装货。同时,请确保 所有的箱子都按正式订单的说明清楚地刷上标志 和号码。还必须将发票 ( 一式三份 ) 及你方的运费 账单寄给我们。 从我们的订单你们会注意到即期交货非常重要。 我们要指望你们确保货物及时地运到码头。我们 已与航运公司达成一切必要的协议。 敬上

Dialogue Compose a dialogue on the following situation: Compose a dialogue on the following situation: Suppose you are Mr. Li from China Textile Co., meeting Mr. Bush for the second time from America Ford Textile Co., who bought some Chinese textile. You and Mr. Bush are now discussing the details for the shipment and delivery of the goods. Suppose you are Mr. Li from China Textile Co., meeting Mr. Bush for the second time from America Ford Textile Co., who bought some Chinese textile. You and Mr. Bush are now discussing the details for the shipment and delivery of the goods. such as choosing the port, time, the steamship, etc.. such as choosing the port, time, the steamship, etc..