中国功夫中国功夫. Contents The origin of Kung fu The sort of Kung fu The influence of Kung fu 3 1 2 Chinese Kung fu.


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Presentation transcript:


Contents The origin of Kung fu The sort of Kung fu The influence of Kung fu Chinese Kung fu

1.Origin  People in Primitive society (原始社会) in order to survive,they have to hunt for food efficiently,so they learned the primary attack means.Gradually stone and wooden tools are added as weapon.  When the war become more and more,the dictators ( 执政者 ['d ɪ k,tet ɚ ] ) attach great importance to attach means.So people continually gain experience and skills from war practice.  At last,all these skills passed on from generation to generation. Now we call it Kung fu! .

内涵  中国功夫 ( 武术 ) ,不仅仅是搏击术,更不 是单纯的拳脚运动。它是民族智慧的结晶, 中国少林功夫也是民族传统文化的体现,是 世界上独一无二的 “ 武文化 ” 。它的思想核心 是儒家的中和养气之说,同时又融合了道家 的守静致柔,释家的禅定参悟,从而构成了 一个博大精深的武学体系

2.The sort of Kung fu WuDangKongtong Shaolin There are many sorts of Kung fu,here are four Wushu branches Emei

2.The sort of Kung fu These Wushu branches all name after famous mountains

2.The sort of Kung fu

And more sorts like Xingyi 、 Taiji and Bagua Xingyi QuanBagua Zhang Taiji Quan

3.The influence of Kung fu You may not have a good knowledge of Chinese Kung fu,but you must hear about Bruce Lee ( 李小 龙) 、 Jet Li (李连杰) 、 Jackie Chan (成龙) 、 Donnie Yen ( 甄子丹) and so on Nowadays,Chinese Kung fu is well known to all of the world,you can also enjoy some Kung fu movies directed by Foreign directors at times! More and more foreigners are interested in Chinese Kung fu.

3.The influence of Kung fu When it comes to Chinese Kung fu,you can never forget a person whose name is Bruce Lee ( 李小龙) It is him that introduces Chinese Kung fu to the whole world. He has a lot of exciting movies about Kung fu,one of his master is also known to us,his name is Ye Wen( 叶问)。

We hope everyone could have a depth knowledge of Chinese culture,especially Chinese Kung fu.

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