《英语专业毕业论文写作》 第五讲:APA引文格式指南 2011年3月23日.


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Presentation transcript:

《英语专业毕业论文写作》 第五讲:APA引文格式指南 2011年3月23日

课前通知 今天需要提交的文稿、表格 网站通知(指导教师名单): - 尽快联系论文指导教师 “开题报告表格” 论文提纲打印稿 论文提纲初稿 - 准备好“论文指导记录表”

最新论文写作时间节点 3-16~25: 3-26~4-22: 4-23~5-20: 5-18: 最后一课(规范论文) 3-16~25:  落实导师、初次见面(准备好“论文指导记录表”) 讨论开题报告、启动初稿写作 3-26~4-22: 初稿(纸质+电子稿): 最晚4-22,并交“论文独创性声明” 二稿: 根据导师意见修改并交还初稿 尽量赶早,留有余地 4-23~5-20: 根据导师意见修改初稿、二稿…… 终稿: 第13周(5-20) 同时提交 “毕业论文评阅书” 导师评语: 第14周(5-23) (答辩:5-28/29) 5-18: 最后一课(规范论文)

论文选题提纲小结 截止17:30共收到电子稿29篇,其中: 论文格式规范尚存问题: - 题目、标题中的大小写 - 文学:21 - 文化:8 - 尚缺:2 论文格式规范尚存问题: - 题目、标题中的大小写 - 英文书名的格式 - 主题句

APA引文格式指南 What is APA? - American Psychological Association - Used mainly for social sciences 著作引用: - 单个作者、两人合著、多人合著 - 译著、编著 编著、期刊文章引用 网络资源引用 中文文献引用

著作引用: Single Author Author, A. A. (publication year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House Publisher. …in-text citation (Oxford, 1990). Dreyfus, H. (1989). What computers can’t do (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row. “…in-text citation” (Dreyfus, 1989, p.67).

著作引用: Double Authors Author, A., & Author, B. (publication year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Forsyth, A., & Thornhill, R. (1983). The evolution of insect mating. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. …inside the text (Forsyth & Thornhill, 1983). Beck, C. A., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. “…inside the text” (Beck & Sales, 2001, p.76).

著作引用: 3 Authors or More Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (publication year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Smith, D., Boyd, R., & Spoher, J. C. (1995). Virtues VRKL toolkit. Indianapolis: Hayden Books. …inside the text (Smith, Boyd & Spoher, 1995). Ligon, M., Carpenter, K., Brown, W., & Milsop, A. (1983). Computers in the world of business communications. Hartford, CT: Capital Press. …inside the text: 1st time (Ligon, Carpenter, Brown & Milsop, 1983). …inside the text: 2nd time (Ligon, et al., 1983).

编著引用 Author, A., Author, B., & Author, C. (Eds.). (publication year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. Higgins, J. (Ed.). (1988). Psychology. New York: Norton. …inside the text (Higgins, 1988). Benyon, J., & Mackay, H. (Eds.). (1993). Computer into classroom. London: The Falmer Press. …inside the text (Benyon & Mackay, 1993).

编著文章引用 Author, A. (publication year). Article title. In A. A. Author & B. B. Author (Eds.), Title (pp.N1-N2). Place of Publication: Publisher. Barlett, L. (1990). Teacher development through reflective teaching. In J. Richards & D. Nunan (Eds.), Second language teacher education (pp.47-59). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. “…direct quote inside the text” (Barlett, 1990, p.53).

期刊文章引用 Author, A., & Author, B. (publication year). Article title. Periodical Title, volume(issue), p1-p2. Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924. “…inside the text” (Mellers, 2000, pp.918-919). Murzynski, J., & Degelman, D. (1996). Body language of women and judgments of vulnerability to sexual assault. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(3), 1617-1626. …inside the text (Murzynski & Degelman, 1996).

网络资源引用 Keneth, F. (2010). Backgrounds of the Traditional Cognitive Approach in Learning the Second Language. Retrieved from: http://ezinearticles.com/?Backgrounds-of-the-Traditional-Cognitive-Approach-in-Learning-the-Second-Language&id=4986717 “…inside the text”(Keneth, 2010, para.1). Archer, D. (n.d.). Exploring nonverbal communication. Retrieved May 4, 2009 from: http://nonverbal.ucsc.edu APA list of references. Received from: http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch09_s1-0002.html …inside the text (APA list of reference, n.d.).

英文参考文献基本格式 (作者)姓, 名[首字母]. (, & 姓,名.) (年份). 书名 [斜体,首字母大写] (版本.). 出版社所在地:出版社. - Author, A. (, & Author, B.) (publication year). Title (nth ed.). Place of Publication: Publisher. (编者)姓, 名[首字母]. (年份). 书名 [斜体,首字母大写]… - Author, A. (, Author, B., & Author, C.) (Eds.). (publication year). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.

中文参考书目格式:著作、译著 作者:《书名》,出版地:出版社,年份。 罗常培:《语言与文化》,北京:商务印书馆,1957。 …inside the text (Luo, 1957). 南国农:《电化教育学》(第二版),北京:高等教育出版社,2000。 束定芳、庄智象:《现代外语教学-理论、实践与方法》, 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996。 “… inside the text” (Shu & Zhuang, 1996, p.77). 王士元主编:《语言与人类交际》,广西:广西教育出版社,1987。 [美] A. N. 乔姆斯基著,徐烈炯等译:《乔姆斯基语言哲学文选》,北京:商务印书馆,1992。

中文参考书目格式:编著、杂志文章 作者:“文章名”,载于编者A和B(主编),《书名》(页码),出版地:出版社,年份。 雷雳:“学习不良少年的自我概念与心理健康”,载于陈烜之和梁觉(主编),《迈进中的华人心理学》(345-354),香港:中文大学出版社, 2000。 …inside the text (Lei, 2000). 作者:“文章名”,《期刊名》,年份期号:页码。 张占一、毕计万:“如何理解和揭示对外汉语教学中的文化因素”,《语言教学与研究》,1991第四期:27-35。 “…inside the text” (Zhang & Bi, 1991, p.28).

论文中引文格式注意事项 作者、作品出版年份、页码: - Liu Ruiqing (1999) points out that writing is the only skill among the four basic language skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening) that can really show a language learner’s language competence. - According to Sothern and Gordon (2003), “Environmental factors may contribute as much as 80% to the causes of childhood obesity” (p.104). - It is argued that up to 80% childhood obesity is caused by environmental factors (Sothern & Gordon, 2003).

非作者资料的引用 College English Curriculum Requirements (For Trial Implementation) issued in 2004 states that the objective of College English is the students “will be able to exchange information effectively through both spoken and written channels” (p.6). Thus the importance of English writing is self-evidence. As far as the College English Syllabus (1999) is concerned, it is one of the major aims to “enable students to write complete, clear and coherent short passages” (p.13).

直接引文超过40字的引用 左右缩进,不加引号,引文后标注(作者)页码: On the other hand, Samovar and Porter (1995) define culture as: the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generation through individual and group striving. Culture can therefore include everything from rites and pass- age to concepts of the soul (quoted from Chen, Li & Liu, 2005, p.10).

转引他人作品的引文(第二手资料) 间接转引:According to Carroll (1966), foreign language learning refers to a process of developing an awareness of and a control over the patterns of the target language by means of studying and analyzing these patterns as a body of knowledge (cited in Liu, 2002). 直接转用:Just as Carroll (1966) points out, foreign language learning is actually “a process of acquiring conscious control of the patterns of a second language” (quoted from Liu, 2002, p.270). …while cognitive code learning theory is “a modified up-to-date grammar-translation theory” (ibid, pp.269-270). Liu, C. Y. (2002) Two cognitive approaches to language learning. In Mu Shixiong (Ed.). Graduation thesis writing for English majors (pp.268-282). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

预习“第六讲”阅读材料 “Realism on O. Henry”, pp.250-267. 周开鑫(编著):《英语专业学生学术论文写作手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006 。 - 范文: “French Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities”, pp.163-173. 李正栓: 《英语专业本科毕业论文设计与写作指导》,北京:北京大学出版社,2006。 - 第三节: 如何撰写初稿, pp.75-93 下载“毕业论文模板【正文】”

End of Presentation 5