Michael Joseph Jackson Make by 614 关婷婷 王舒平 李佩诗 叶玉君.


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Presentation transcript:

Michael Joseph Jackson Make by 614 关婷婷 王舒平 李佩诗 叶玉君

The "King of Pop", was an American musician and one of the most commercially successful and influential entertainers of all time. His unique contributions to music and dance, along with a highly publicized personal life, made him a prominent figure in popular culture for four decades.

Michael Joseph Jackson 迈 克尔 · 约瑟夫 · 杰克逊( Michael Joseph Jackson , 1958 年 8 月 29 日- 2009 年 6 月 25 日),是世界流行文化象 征性的人 物 ,在全世界都拥有着极高的 知名度与巨大的影响力,被誉为流行之 王( King of Pop )

Alongside his brothers, he made his debut in 1964 as lead singer and youngest member of The Jackson 5, and began a successful solo career in His 1982 album Thriller remains the best-selling album of all time, with Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991), and HIStory (1995) among the best selling. He is widely credited with having transformed the music video from a promotional tool into an art form, with videos for his songs "Billie Jean"

"Beat It" and "Thriller" making him the first African American artist to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk.

His distinctive musical sound, vocal style and choreography inspired numerous pop, rock, R&B and hip hop artists, while also breaking down cultural, racial and generational barriers. 他独特的音乐,声音,唱腔,舞蹈,启发 和激励了包括从流行风格,当代 R&B ,摇 滚和嘻哈音乐的众多艺术家,同时也打破 了文化,种族隔阂。

Jackson's personal life generated controversy for years. His changing appearance was noticed from the late 1970s onwards, with changes to his nose and to the color of his skin drawing media publicity.

He was a notable philanthropist and humanitarian who donated and raised millions of dollars through support of 39 charities and his own Heal the World Foundation. 杰克逊长年 投入慈善事业,固定资助 39 个慈善机构,已知之捐 款超过三亿美元,是吉尼 斯世界纪录的 “ 全球捐助 慈善事业金额最高艺人 ” 。

. While preparing for the This Is It concert tour in 2009, Jackson died at the age of 50 after suffering from cardiac arrest. His death triggered an outpouring of grief from around the world with his globally live broadcast memorial service attracting an audience of up to one billion people

we are the world That ’ s Over Thank you for your attention !