梅祖红 吴梦静 易倩 张文 制作人: http://v.ku6.com/show/Vhnm0anZaeQs-rSh.html.


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Presentation transcript:

梅祖红 吴梦静 易倩 张文 制作人: http://v.ku6.com/show/Vhnm0anZaeQs-rSh.html

Creative background "Turandot" is based on C. Qi Ge, God of drama to the emperor ruled China as the background

Using a Chinese folk song "Jasmine" tunes, but no other Chinese characteristics. Unfortunately, when written third act of Puccini died of illness, the rest by his student F. Alfano completed in accordance with his draft

This is Giacomo Puccini

In 1858, Giacomo Puccini was born into a musical family in Italy。 His father is a religious music composer, is also a music school principals, but in Puccini at the age of five, he died. The Puccini family is very poor, which makes his early music education has not been very good. But young he or showing an unusual talent for music.

Italian opera composer Giacomo Puccini is famous works include "La Boheme," "Tosca" and "Madame Butterfly" and other operas,Is one of the most frequently performed operas in the world.

图兰朵内容简介(Turandot contents introduction): 著名演出(famous performance ): 1926年在米兰斯卡拉歌剧院,由托斯卡尼尼指挥 1988年在纽约的大都会歌剧院由三大男高音之一普拉西多·多明哥演出。 2003年世界花式溜冰锦标赛中申雪和赵宏博合作的双人滑项目采用《图兰朵公主》的音乐被誉为是“历史的名演”。等 《Turandot》the original work is titled《Turandot of three mystery》(ie, "Khalaf and China Princess Story") short story. Selected from the Arabian folk tales 《thousand and one day》.

一个中国元代的公主图兰朵(Turandot)(蒙古语意思为“温暖(Warm)”)为了报祖先暗夜被掳走之仇,下令如果有个男人可以猜出她的三个谜语(Riddle),她会嫁(Marry)给他;如猜错,便处死。三年下来,已经有多个没运气的人丧生。流亡(Exile)中国的鞑靼王子卡拉富(Calaf)与父亲帖木儿(Timur)、侍女柳儿 (Liù)在北京城重逢(Reunion)后,即看到猜谜失败(Failure)遭处决的波 斯王子和亲自监斩的图兰朵。卡拉富王子被图兰朵公主的美貌(Beauty)吸引(Attract),不顾父亲、柳儿和三位大臣平、彭、庞的反对来应婚,答对了所有问题,原来这三道谜题的答案分别是“希望(Hope)”、“鲜血(Blood)”和“图兰朵”。

但图兰朵拒绝(Refuse)认输,向父皇撒赖,不愿嫁给卡拉富王子,于是王子自己出了一道谜题,只要公主若在天亮前得知他的名字,卡拉富不但不娶公主,还愿意被处死,公主捉到了王子的父亲帖木儿和丫鬟柳儿,并且严刑逼供。柳儿自尽以示保守秘密(Secret)。卡拉富借此指责图兰朵十分无情。天亮时,公主尚未知道王子之名,但王子的强吻融化了她冰般冷漠(Indifference)的心,而王子也把真名告诉了公主。公主也没公布王子的真名,反而公告天下下嫁王子,王子的名字叫爱(Amore),(蒙古语为‘恋人或者太平(Peace)的意思’)。 《Turandot》 tells the story of a westerner think for the people in the Chinese legend.

Is a classic example of enduring

If the music is the movement of the building, then opera are Hall of the most brilliant this building, it can break your heart, let your hearing and vision to get the most enjoyment of beauty .

The end thanks