Administrative Law Dr. He Chen


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Administrative Law Dr. He Chen

Chapter 2: Administrative Subject and Administrative Counterpart Definition of Administrative Subjects Administrative Organs Other Organs of Execution of Administrative Functions and Powers National Public Servants Administrative Counterparts

2.1 Definition of Administrative Subjects They are the administrative organs or the organizations authorized by laws or regulations that in their own name exercise administrative functions and powers and conduct administrative acts that influence the counterpart’s rights and obligations, and at the same time, they are also capable of externally bearing legal responsibilities by themselves and responding to prosecutions as the defendants.

2.1.1 Related concepts Administrative subject and administrative organs Administrative organs are one type of administrative subjects. Besides administrative organs, administrative subjects include organizations authorized by the law. Administrative subject and national public servant National public servants are the representatives of administrative subjects. The functions and powers of administrative subjects are normally exercised through national public servants.

But national public servants are not administrative subjects: all consequences of administrative acts that are conducted by national public servants are ascribed to administrative subjects and it is administrative subjects that shall externally take the legal responsibility.

2.2 Administrative Organs 2.2.1 Definition Administrative organs are the state organs that are set in accordance with the constitution or administrative organic laws to exercise state administrative functions.

2.2.2 Features Administrative organs exercise state administrative powers and administrate state administrative affairs Subordination-the organic system of leadership –is applied The execution of administrative functions by administrative organs specially demands of rapidity and efficiency so the organic system of leadership-subordination(主从制) is applied. In this system, administrative organs at the next higher level directly subordinate administrative organs at the next lower level, and the latter are subject to and responsible for the former and shall report to the former.

That feature is exclusive to both state organs of power and state judicial organs. Superior state organs of power do not exercise leadership to subordinate state organs of power and shall not issue orders to them. For local regulations and resolutions made by subordinate state organs of power contravene the constitution, the law and administrative regulations, superior state organs of power may only rescind them through legal procedures. The same to superior people’s courts. The leading cadres’ responsibility system is applied in decision-making Administrative organs directly enforce administration on citizens, so clear jurisdiction(权限) and explicit responsibility are required. Collegial(共同掌权制) system is adopted in the execution of function by state organs of power and state judicial organs. The execution of functions by administrative organs is usually voluntary, regular and uninterrupted Administrative organs most frequently, most directly and most widely contact with the individuals and organizations

1) Central administrative organs 2.2.3 Classification In the light of jurisdiction of the power, administrative organs can be divided into central administrative organs and local administrative organs 1) Central administrative organs Include the State Council, Ministries and Commissions under the State Council, Organizations directly under the State Council and Working Body of the State Council.

The State Council, as the central people’s government, is the executive body of the highest organ of power. Created by the National People’s Congress, the State Council is responsible for it and is supervised by it and by its standing committee. The State Council is consisted of the Premier, the vice-Premiers, the State councilors, the Ministers, the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General. The Premier assumes overall responsibility for the work of it.

Job departments in the State Council: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of National Defense Ministry of Culture Ministry of Public Security Ministry of Civil Affairs National Development and Reform Commission …… At present, 28 ministries, commissions, bank and offices are listed into the working departments of the State Council.

2) Local administrative organs Include local people’s governments at different levels and the working department thereof. Divided into three levels: people’s governments of the provinces, the autonomous regions and municipality under the central authority; people’s governments of counties, autonomous counties and cities at the level of counties; people’s governments of townships, nationality townships, and towns.

想一想:下列机关哪些是行政机关? 1、武汉市人大常委会 2、武汉市地税局 3、武汉市洪山区喻家山派出所 4、华中科技大学学术委员会 5、中共武汉市委员会 6、武汉市中级人民法院 7、武汉市政协 8、武汉市洪山区街道办事处 9、武汉市总工会 10、武汉市青山区和平乡政府 11、武汉市青山区和平级大桥村村委会

国务院办事机构是协助总理办理专门事项的机构,不具有独立的行政管理职能,如国务院外事办公室、国务院侨务办公室、国务院港澳事务办公室、国务院法制办公室、国务院研究室等。 国务院议事协调机构承担跨国务院行政机构的重要业务的组织协调任务,在特殊或紧急情况下,经国务院同意,可以规定临时性的行政管理措施,如国家国防动员委员会、全国爱国卫生运动委员会等。 国务院还有两个派出机构:中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室、中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室。


各级人民政府及其工作部门可以依法设立下属的行政组织。人民政府设立的下属机构称为派出机关(branch organ) ,而人民政府工作部门设立的下属机构称为派出机构(detached office) ,如公安局派出的派出所,工商局派出的工商所。 派出机关和派出机构在许多方面存在明显区别:首先派出机关的职权范围涉及到所辖区域的方方面面,而派出机构往往只涉及某一项行政职权;其次,在法律地位上两者区别明显,派出机关属于行政主体,具有独立的法律地位,而派出机构在没有法律法规规章授权的情况下,没有独立的法律地位,在行政诉讼中往往不能做被告。

2.3 Other Organs of Execution of Administrative Functions and Powers 2.3.1 Organizations authorized by laws and regulations They are organizations other than state organs They exercise special administrative powers, not general administrative powers They are authorized by concrete laws and regulations, not by administrative organic laws

Legal status of authorized organizations When exercising powers authorized by laws and regulations, the authorized organizations enjoys the status of administrative subjects that is similar to administrative organs Authorized organizations exercise powers authorized by laws and regulations in their own name and externally take legal responsibilities for the acts of exercising the functions and powers When exercising the functions of themselves ( not administrative functions), they do not enjoy administrative power.

2.3.2 Organizations entrusted by administrative organs They are organizations other than state organ that are entrusted by administrative organs to exercise administrative power. They exercise certain administrative powers, not general administrative powers. The exercise of certain administrative power is based on the entrustment in stead of the authorization of laws and regulations.

The conditions of entrusted organizations are generally stipulated by specific laws and regulations. And entrusted organizations must be in agreement with the following conditions: They belong to legally established public institutions that administrate public affairs; They are provided with staff members that are familiar with relevant laws, regulations, rules and business; They are capable of organizing technical inspection or technical appraisement

Legal status of entrusted organizations Entrusted organizations exercise powers in the name of entrusting administrative organs and the entrusting administrative organs externally take legal responsibilities for the acts of exercising the functions and powers When exercising the entrusted functions, they can obtain deserving rights, management measures and working conditions They can obtain required funds and rewards for the execution of duties

2.4 National Public Servants 2.4.1 Definition National public servants are persons who are employed by the state through legal forms and procedures that work in administrative organs at different levels, and who pursuant to the law execute state administrative power and perform official duties of the state.

2.4.1 National Functionary Relation Legal relation between the state and national public servants In external administrative relations, national public servants are on behalf of administrative organs and execute state administrative powers in the name of the administrative organs they work for, so the consequences of their acts are attributed to corresponding administrative organs.

In administrative litigation, national public servants are neither plaintiffs nor defendants, so they do not act as parties litigant. In China, national public servants shall not make appeals to the court if they think decisions of administrative organs have infringed their rights and interests. Cases of that kind shall only be solved in other ways.

Civil Servant Law of the People's Republic of China 第五十四条 公务员执行公务时,认为上级的决定或者命令有错误的,可以向上级提出改正或者撤销该决定或者命令的意见;上级不改变该决定或者命令,或者要求立即执行的,公务员应当执行该决定或者命令,执行的后果由上级负责,公务员不承担责任;但是,公务员执行明显违法的决定或者命令的,应当依法承担相应的责任。


Case study:张X诉X县工商行政管理局侵权赔偿案 1995年6月,张X到农贸市场卖菜,因未到指定地点卖,在农贸市场执勤的工商所工商行政管理员王X将其秤杆收走。在张X与王X理论的过程中,张X被王X及其同事打伤。张X出院后,要求X县工商行政管理局赔偿其医疗费、误工费、精神损失费等总计人民币75000元。X县工商行政管理局作出书面裁决,认为王X及其他几名肇事者的伤害行为与工商行政管理局无关,不属行政赔偿的范围,故对张X的赔偿请求不予受理。张X遂向X县人民法院提起行政诉讼,状告X县工商行政管理局及王X等人。 问:该案属于民事赔偿还是行政赔偿案件?

Case study:高X诉X区公安分局非法行政拘留案 1991年5月9日,高X下班行至本厂大门外浴池门口时,两个不明身份的人对他讲:“请你跟我们走一趟。”高X回答:“什么事,你们是干什么的?”这两个人讲:“我们是公安局的便衣,找你有点事。”高X便跟这两个人走进了X市X区公安分局治安科。此二人是该科的两位刑警张X和熊X。在张X和熊X的威逼下,高X依此二人的授意,写了一个交代材料,承认有偷看女同志洗澡行为。张X和熊X用事先准备好的行政处罚决定书裁决对高X行政拘留7天,依据的是《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》。由于处罚决定书上没有写明高X有提起行政复议和提起行政诉讼的权利,高X亦不知自己可以请求复议和提起诉讼,高X在当时既没有请求复议也没有起诉。

高X7天的行政拘留执行完毕以后,由于其自觉冤枉,便在律师的帮助下,向X市公安局提起行政复议。X市公安局复议后维持了原来的处罚决定。高X对复议决定仍不服,便向X区人民法院提起了行政诉讼。X区人民法院受理此案后进行了现场勘验和案件调查实验,发现证据不足,判决撤销了X市X区公安分局对高X的行政处罚决定。 后经调查,X区公安局治安科的科长周X与高X有个人恩怨,为了报私仇便让该科的张X和熊X对高X实施了处罚行为。

问: 1、X区公安分局的行政拘留行为是行政行为还是个人行为? 2、何种认定更有利于保护行政相对人的权利?

Case study:铁路民警误伤群众案 一个铁路民警,中午下班后到饭馆去吃饭,见邻桌两伙起纠纷,其中有一个人用刀将对方一人扎倒。该民警见状,从兜里摸出枪过去要抓凶手,结果因人多加之心情着急,不小心摔倒,手里拿的枪磕到水泥地上,扳机扣动发了两枪,子弹打到水泥地上,反弹起来,把周围一个旁观的人的腿打伤。伤者提起诉讼,要求民警赔偿损失。

民警认为:不应该由我赔偿。因我是在执行制止犯罪、捉拿罪犯的警察的职务,执行职务的结果不应由我个人承担。 铁路公安分局认为:不应由公安局赔偿。其理由有两点:一,该民警是在下班期间所为的行为,应当属于个人行为;二,铁路民警应管铁路上的事,管不着饭馆吃饭人的事。 问:铁路民警的行为属于个人行为还是行政行为?

2.5 Administrative Counterparts 2.5.1 Definition They refer to the other party in administrative legal relations that is opposite to the administrative subject, that is , the individual or organization whose rights and interests are influenced by administrative acts of the administrative subject.

2.5.2 Rights and obligations Rights: Right of application Right of participation Right to know the truth Right to criticize and advise Right of appeal, accusation and the right to impeach Right of statement and defending Right to apply for reconsideration Right to take administrative proceedings Right to claim for compensation Right to reject illegal administrative act

Obligations: Obligation to obey administration Obligation to assist official duties Obligation to maintain public interests Obligation to accept administrative supervisions Obligation to offer authentic information Obligation to abide by legal procedures