FIDIC Contract Conditions for Construction-Clause 1,2&3


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FIDIC Contract Conditions for Construction-Clause 1,2&3 工程管理,工程造价(2009) 舒畅

1.8 文件的保管和提供(Care and Supply of Documents) 规范和图纸应由雇主保护和保管。除非合同另有规定,否则雇主应向承包商提供合同及每份后续图纸的两份复印件,承包商可自行复制或要求雇主为其提供更多的复印件,但费用自理。 在移交给雇主之前,每份承包商的文件都应由承包商来保护和保管。除非合同另有规定,否则承包商应向工程师提供6份承包商的所有文件的复印件。 承包商应在现场保留一份合同的复印件、规范中列出的所有文件、承包商的文件(如有时)、图纸和变更以及其它按照合同收发的往来信函。雇主的人员有权在任何合理的时间查看和使用所有上述文件。 如果一方在用于施工的文件中发现了技术性错误或缺陷,应立即向另一方通知此类错误或缺陷。

1.9 延误的图纸或指示(Delayed Drawings or Instructions) 当因必要的图纸或指示不能在一合理的特定时间内颁发给承包商,从而可能引起工程延误或中断时,承包商应通知工程师。通知中应包括所必需的图纸或指示的详细内容、应颁发的详细理由和时间,以及如果因图纸或指示迟发可能造成的延误或中断的具体性质和程度。 延 误 的 图 纸 或 指 令 承 包 商 通 知 工 程 师 工 程 师 未 签 发 承包商再通知 承包商索赔

1.10 雇主使用承包商的文件(Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents) After sign on the contract(签合同后), permission (批准) will be granted to(给予) the Employer for use of the Contractor’s documents. Question: What are the Contractor’s Documents? Contractor’s Documents include a variety of design documents including computer software, models, operations and maintenance manuals and other manuals and information of a similar nature. Refer to

Copyrights(版权) 此处的承包商文件在中国类似“工程档案”。 承包商文件版权归承包商。 The Contractor shall be deemed (by signing the Contract) to give to the Employer a non-terminable (不可终止的)transferable (可转让的)non-exclusive(非排他性的) royalty-free (免版税)license (许可证)to copy, use and communicate the Contractor’s Documents, including making and using modifications of them(可做修改). 比如雇主出租办公楼,铺面承租者就可能要求业主提供相关工程档案资料来了解铺面的工程情况,以便安排装修等事宜。

Further question: The contractor has many design documents, but does the Contract require him to submit all of them to the Employer? Refer to 1.10 No, some documents are not defined as “the Contractor’s documents”.

1.11 承包商使用雇主的文件(Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents) This provision provided a warrant(许可证) for the Contractor to use the Employer’s documents, and for the Employer to keep the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of their documents. 工程师的同意必须以书面的方式给出 and is not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed, in accordance with sub-clause 1.3. It may be reasonable for the Employer to withhold consent (不同意)if the Contractor declined to (拒绝)accept reasonable conditions in respect of secrecy or of restriction on use(关于使用的保密和限制).

1.12 保密事项 (Confidential Details) 为证实承包商是否遵守合同,他应按照工程师的合理要求透露其要求的保密事项和其它情况。 In order to protect the Contractor’s rights(保护承包商的权利), and prevent the Engineer from demanding too much(要求太多), this provision is specified by asking the Engineer to act in accordance with following requirements(按照以下要求进行): ① the request from the Engineer must be reasonable(要求合理) ②the information can only be used to verify(核实) the Contractor’s compliance with (遵守)the Contract

1.13 遵守法律 (Compliance with laws) 雇主应列出所有的适用法律的范围。 投标人也需要了解雇主已获得了哪些许可证或执照。 Generally two sorts of permissions(两种许可), one for the Employer to apply and the other for the Contractor. It’s usually stated in the contract that the Contractor can seek to the Employer’s consultancy service or assistance (雇主的服务和帮助)when applying for the permission.

1.14 共同的及各自的责任(Joint and Several Liability) There may be pros(赞成的意见) and cons(反对的意见) considering constituting a joint venture(合资企业), consortium(联合体) or other incorporated grouping(联合团体). The united forces may turn out to be a great advantage when their role is complementary to each other, hence making it easier for them to win the contract. While therein lie also disadvantages that there may be conflicts between the members and difficulties in project management.

2.雇主(The Employer) 业主向承包商提供施工现场的义务 业主为承包商提供协助和配合等方面的义务 承包商对业主的项目资金安排的知情权 业主方的索赔权以及应遵循的程序

2.1 进入现场的权利(Right of Access to the Site) 本款要点: 进入现场的权利,实际上指的是承包商进入和占用现场的权利。具体而言,其规定的就是业主向承包商提供现场的义务: 业主应按照投标函附录规定的时间向承包商提供现场;如果投标函附录中没有规定,则依据承包商提交给业主的进度计划,按照施工的要求的时间来提供; 如果业主没有在规定的时间内给予现场,致使承包商受到损失,包括经济和工期两方面,承包商应通知工程师,提出经济和工期索赔,本款规定,承包商不但可以索赔费用,而且可以加合理的利润。

2.1 进入现场的权利 (Right of Access to the Site) Two points to bear in mind: The Employer has to provide the Site and the facilities in time, otherwise the Contractor shall be compensated for the loss he has suffered. If the Contractor wants to claim for compensation, he must: to give notice in time and make sure that the Employer’s failure was not caused by an error or delay by the Contractor.

The Employer is only required to grant the Contractor the “right” of access to the Site, it being that there is a route along which access either is already physically practicable or can be constructed by the Contractor. In other words, the practicable difficulties is getting to and from the Site are to be solved by the Contractor. It’s to say that you can run, you can jump or take a helicopter, anyway, none of my business!

2.2 许可、执照和批准(Permits, licenses or Approvals) 见1.13 遵守法律 (b) 对于法律中要求的与实施、完成工程和修补缺陷有关的各项事宜,应由承包商 发出通知、支付税款、关税和费用,并获得所有的许可、许可证和批准; 承包商应保障雇主免遭其未做到上述要求的后果的损失。 It’s the Contractor who owes the liability to the Employer (承包商对雇主承担责任) for obtaining all permits(许可证), licenses (执照)or approvals(批准).

许可证、执照或批准(Permits、Licences or Approvals) 业主应帮助承包商获得工程所在国的有关法律文本; 在承包商申请业主国法律要求的许可证、执照或批准时,业主应该给予援助,包括承包商申请劳工许可证、物资进出口许可证、营业执照、安全、环保等方面的许可。 取得任何执照、批准的责任在承包商一方,业主只负有“合理协助”的义务,对证照的申请能否获得批准不负责任。

2.3 雇主的人员(Employer’s Personnel) 雇主有责任保证现场的雇主的人员和雇主的其他承包商: (a) 依照第4.6款【合作】为承包商的工作提供合作,以及 (b) 采取类似于承包商按照第4.8款【安全措施】(a)、(b)和(c)段和第4.18款【环境保护】的要求而应采取的措施。

2.4 雇主的资金安排 在接到承包商的请求后,雇主应在28天内提供合理的证据,表明他已作出了资金安排,并将一直坚持实施这种安排,此安排能够使雇主按照第14条【合同价格和支付】的规定支付合同价格(按照当时的估算值)的款额。如果雇主欲对其资金安排做出任何实质性变更,雇主应向承包商发出通知并提供详细资料。

雇主的资金安排 如果承包商提出要求,业主应该在28天内向承包商提供合理证据,证据其工程款资金到位,有能力按照合同规定向承包商支付; 如果业主对自己的资金安排要做出大的变动,他应该通知承包商,说明详情。 合理证据一般指银行保函之类的文件。

一般来说,承包商的履约能力合同都会有所限定,但雇主向承包商出具付款能力证明,这种事在以前的合同操作中不多见。这是99版FIDIC新增加的内容。 雇主提供给资金证据,招标时也会从提供的证据中获益。 不过,一般雇主都不大会接受这样的核查,特别是国内工程。 如果雇主预期将不能提交对整个合同价格的证据,他可能已通过专用条件中的适当修改对其义务加以限制。甚至他还会认为有必要删除第2.4款,尤其当他希望投标人作出自己的资金安排时。投标人有权关注这一条款的删除,特别是当雇主不能通过其他保证形式(如附件G)代替它时。

2.5 雇主的索赔 如果业主认为根据合同的规定有权向承包商索赔某些款项和要求延长缺陷通知期的时间,业主或工程师应向承包商发出通知,并附详细说明书; 这些条款中雇主可索赔的款项分“付款”与“费用”两种,“付款”是包含承包商工程款项中的利润,“费用”就不包括利润了。可索赔的工期内容为“缺陷通知期”。 Notice is to be given as soon as practicable. 可以从合同价格中和支付证书中扣除业主获得的索赔额。 对应第20.1承包商的索赔

Contents 1 2 3 4 5 General Provisions The Employer The Engineer The Contractor 4 5 Nominated Contractor

You must follow my order! 3. Engineer 工程师 重点 工程师的职责和权利 工程师的指令 工程师的委托 工程师的更换 决定 You must follow my order! I am the Engineer.

除非合同条件中另有说明,否则: (a) 当履行职责或行使合同中明确规定的或必然隐含的权力时,均认为工程师为雇主工作。 (b) 工程师无权解除任何一方依照合同具有的任何职责、义务或责任,以及 (c) 工程师的任何批准、审查、证书、同意、审核、检查、指示、通知、建议、请求、检验或类似行为(包括没有否定),不能解除承包商依照合同应具有的任何责任,包括对其错误、漏项、误差以及未能遵守合同的责任。

3.1 Engineer’s Duty and Authority 工程师的职责和权力 业主 (未经 承包商 同意不 得限制 工程师 权利) 承包商 合同 无权更改合同 赋予权利 雇佣 限制 专用条件 工程师 (职员合格) 为业主工作,不解除承包商责任

3.2 Delegation by the Engineer 工程师的授权 否决 确认 撤回 修改 授权委托 异议 工程师的下属人员 承包商

3.3 Instruction of the Engineer工程师的指令 Engineer instructs(指示) Contractor follows The Contractor is especially concerned whether the instructions issued but by the Engineer are beyond (超过)what’s specified in the Contract-Variation(变更) Attention(注意) needed by the Contractor: While in practice(实际中), ……

3.4 Replacement of the Engineer工程师的更换 Question: if the Employer considers(认为) the Engineer is incompetent(竞争力不够), does he has the right to replace the Engineer?

3.5 Determinations 决定 1977, “an independent party” 1987, “act impartially” 1999, “to make a fair determination”; DAB ↔“arbitrator”

3.5 Determinations 决定 Comply with the Contract Provisions(符合合同条款) Take account of all relevant circumstances(考虑到了所有的相关情况) Has consulted both parties(向两方都咨询过了)

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