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Presentation transcript:

86 無他,只有耶穌寶血! NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS 何能使我脫罪擔, What can wash away my sin? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 何能使我得完全, What can make me whole again? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(二) 何能救我這罪人? What can save a wretch like me? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 何能使我親近神? What can bring me close to Thee? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(三) 何能使我脫黑影? What can take me out of night? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 何能使我入光明? What can bring me into light? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(四) 何能使我免地獄? What can rescue me from hell? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 何能使我入天居? Lift me up in heav'n to dwell? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(五) 何能使我得稱義? What can righteousness impart? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 何能使我脫罪跡? What can sanctify my heart? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

(六) 何能使我常得勝? What can give me victory? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus; 進入榮耀的永生? Glory in eternity? 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly

Silicon Valley Christian Assembly (副) 哦,這血泉何妙! O! precious is the flow 洗我皎白如雪; That makes me white as snow; 別泉無此功效, No other fount I know, 無他,只有耶穌寶血! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly