袮的愛 Your Love.


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Presentation transcript:

袮的愛 Your Love

祢創造宇宙萬物 統管一切所有 但祢卻關心我的需要 了解我的感受 You are the sole Creator of all things created. And still You see the needs of my heart, still you understand me

祢手鋪陳天上雲彩 打造永恆國度 但這雙手卻甘心為我 忍受徹骨釘傷苦痛 You control the earth with Your hands, Ev’ry star in heaven. And yet you took the pain of my sin, And You gave Your life for my life.

祢公義審判萬民 聖潔光照全地 但祢卻一再賜恩典 一再施憐憫 給我機會轉向祢 Lord, You rule in righteousness, You are faithful and true. You save the world in Your mercy, in Your compassion You give grace to all Your people.

祢的愛 如此溫柔 超乎我心所想 這樣大有能力的主 竟捧我在手掌心上 Your great love is amazing. It’s overwhelming me. You are powerful and mighty. Yet you hold my life in Your hand.

祢的愛 如此深切 我知我無以報答 但願倒空我的生命 學習祢謙卑的樣式 背起我自己的十字架 Your great love is so precious. How could my heart repay You? But to pour my life an off’ring, As a sacrifice of worship, Take my cross and walk this road with You

祢創造宇宙萬物 統管一切所有 但祢卻關心我的需要 了解我的感受 You are the sole Creator of all things created. And still You see the needs of my heart, still you understand me

祢手鋪陳天上雲彩 打造永恆國度 但這雙手卻甘心為我 忍受徹骨釘傷苦痛 You control the earth with Your hands, Ev’ry star in heaven. And yet you took the pain of my sin, And You gave Your life for my life.

祢公義審判萬民 聖潔光照全地 但祢卻一再賜恩典 一再施憐憫 給我機會轉向祢 Lord, You rule in righteousness, You are faithful and true. You save the world in Your mercy, in Your compassion You give grace to all Your people.

祢的愛 如此溫柔 超乎我心所想 這樣大有能力的主 竟捧我在手掌心上 Your great love is amazing. It’s overwhelming me. You are powerful and mighty. Yet you hold my life in Your hand.

祢的愛 如此深切 我知我無以報答 但願倒空我的生命 學習祢謙卑的樣式 背起我自己的十字架 Your great love is so precious. How could my heart repay You? But to pour my life an off’ring, As a sacrifice of worship, Take my cross and walk this road with You

祢的愛 如此溫柔 超乎我心所想 這樣大有能力的主 竟捧我在手掌心上 Your great love is amazing. It’s overwhelming me. You are powerful and mighty. Yet you hold my life in Your hand.

祢的愛 如此深切 我知我無以報答 但願倒空我的生命 學習祢謙卑的樣式 背起我自己的十字架 Your great love is so precious. How could my heart repay You? But to pour my life an off’ring, As a sacrifice of worship, Take my cross and walk this road with You

但願倒空我的生命 學習祢謙卑的樣式 背起我自己的十字架 But to pour my life an off’ring, As a sacrifice of worship, Take my cross and walk this road with You