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Presentation transcript:

职业教育在“中国制造2025”和“工业4.0”中的重要作用 THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR “MADE IN CHINA 2025” AND “INDUSTRY 4.0” 职业教育在“中国制造2025”和“工业4.0”中的重要作用 Pier Paolo Benedetti 欧阳辰 Edulife Spa – Cofounder & Board member Yizhong Education Consulting Ltd. – Deputy General Manager 13/09/2016 Jiangsu Suzhou Pier Paolo Benedetti 欧阳辰 意大利Edulife合伙人与股 浙江意中教育咨询有限公司 总经理 2016年9月13日 江苏 苏州

FROM TVET TO CONTINUOUS TVET 4.0 从职业技术教育培训到中国职业技术教育培4.0 1 Made in China 2025 and industry 4.0 what they are and why they are needed 2 The role of Vocational Training (=TVET)in the roadmap to Made in China 2025 3 CTVET 4.0 – an effective way to MIC2025 & I4.0 4 A Win-Win-Win-Win solution 5 The next steps – What to do now? 一 是中国2025计划与工业4.0及他们存在的原因 二 职业技术教育为实现中国制造2025所扮演的角色 三 中国职业技术教育培训4.0 – 一条通往中国制造2025与工业4.0 的光明之路 四 4赢方案 五 那么,我们该怎么做?

MADE IN CHINA 2025 & INDUSTRY 4.0 中国制造2025与工业4.0 what they are and why they are needed 他们是什么及存在的原因

INDUSTRY 4.0 – THE «SMART FACTORY» 工业4.0 - “智能工厂” Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, is the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things and cloud computing. Over the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real time, and via the Internet of Services, both internal and cross-organizational services are offered and used by participants of the value chain. 工业4.0或者第四次工业革命是一次工 业科技向着自动化与大数据交换方向发 展的技术革命。其中包括了信息物理系 统、物联网及云端计算技术。 通过网络服务,在物联网、信息物理系 统与人之间的实时相互协作通信下,能 够提供给整个价值链中参与者所需要的 内部与跨组织服务。 在2013年4月8日的汉诺威工业博览会上,第一次提出了工业4.0的概念 8 April 2013 at the Hannover Fair, the final report of the Working Group Industry 4.0 was presented

MADE IN CHINA 2025 – CHINA, A WORLD MANUFACTURING POWER 中国制造2025 -- 国,世界工业生产的动力来源 Made in China 2025 and Germany-raised ideology Industry 4.0 are largely similar. It's a combination of internet and advanced technology. It will give impetus to a new round of manufacturing development. Miao Wei – Minister of Industry and Information Technology 中国制造2025和德国提出的工业4.0 从大 的方向来说是不谋而合、异曲同工。 实现互联网+先进制造业的结合。 它将带动整个新一轮制造业发展 苗圩–中国工业与信息化部部长 2015年5月19日- 国务院发布了关于中国制造2025的十年国家发展计划 May 19th, 2015 – China's State Council has unveiled a ten-year national plan, Made in China 2025

WHY MADE IN CHINA 2025 AND INDUSTRY 4.0? 为什么要提出中国制造2025和工业4.0? “designed to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power” For China’s Government “Modern information and communication technologies like Cyber-Physical Systems, big data or cloud computing will help predict the possibility to increase productivity, quality and flexibility within the manufacturing industry and thus to understand advantages within the competition.” For Industry “将中国由制造大国转变为世界制造强国” 对于中国政府而言 现代信息和诸如信息物理系统这样的通信技术、大数据或云计算,在制造业领域将有助于预测提高生产率、质量和灵活度的可能性,从而了解企业在竞争中的优势。 对工业而言

THE ROLE OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING (=TVET)IN THE ROADMAP TO MADE IN CHINA 2025 职业教育在中国制造2025进程中的作用 The fourth industrial revolution will affect many areas. A number of key impact areas emerge: 第四次工业革命将对许多领域带来影响,主要包 括: Services and Business Models 服务及商业模式 Reliability and continuous productivity 生产力的可靠性与持续性 IT security IT安全 Machine safety 机器安全 Product lifecycles 产品生命周期 Industry value chain 产业价值链 Workers Education and skills 工人的教育和技能 Socio-economic 社会经济

CHINA VS. GERMANY 中国VS.德国 One of the main differences in TVET between China and Germany, for example, is that the strength of Germany in TVET is due not only to the fact that there are more people inclined to enter vocational school, but experienced and skilled workers also make a very decent income At the age of 15, 65 percent of German students choose vocational school over college.” “At the same age, only 10 percent of Chinese students choose vocational school over high school.” 职业技术教育培训方面,中国和德 国的一个主要不同点是,在德国不 仅有很多人倾向于就读职业技术学 校,且有经验的技术工人也能有相 当可观的收入,这导致了德国职业 技术教育的大力发展。 在德国,有65%的15岁学生选择就 读职业技术学校。 而对于同龄的中国学生而言,只有 10%会选择就读职业技术学校。

NEED FOR EDUCATION 教育的需要 One of the key challenges in the transformation required by “Made in China 2025” is the presence of skilled workers. The lack of a well-skilled workforce is, up to now, widely present in China both in Chinese and foreign companies and this is a crucial point on the roadmap to MIC2025 & Industry 4.0. 在“中国制造2025”所要求的转型中,一个关键性的挑战在于缺乏技术熟练的工人 到目前为止,在中国的中、外企业普遍存在技术熟练工人缺乏的情况,而该问题是实现中国制造2025和工业4.0的关键点。

“Train your workforce! And CONTINUOUSLY TRAIN IT” WHICH SOLUTION? 解决方案? Before worker enters the Industry marketplace When the worker is on the job Continuous Technical Vocational & Educational Training – CTVET 员工进入工作之前 在职期间 持续性的职业技术培训与教育培训- CTVET “Train your workforce! And CONTINUOUSLY TRAIN IT” “培训员工并持续培训他们!”

CONTINUOUS TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL TRAINING – CTVET CHINESE GOVERNMENT & LOCAL AUTHORITIES 中国政府&地方政府 工业 INDUSTRY CTVET If the CTVET system is locked or, in the worst case, goes against the need for the innovation required by MIC2025/INDUSTRY4.0, the entire system will suffer and it will be at risk of failure. 如果CTVET体系不 能正常运作,或甚至 违背了中国制造 2025 / 工业4.0的创 新需要,则整个系统 将面临失败的危险。

HOW TO ENABLE AN EFFECTIVE CTVET? 如何有效开展持续性职业技术教育培训? An effective solution has to take into account both elements. The first one involving the China Government directions and Local Authorities policies and the second one both Industry and, as we shall see in a while, also local authorities. 有效的解决方案需 要同时考虑这两个 因素: 第一个因素(在校教育) 涉及到中央政府的方针 和地方政府的政策 第二个因素(在职培训) 则同时涉及到企业与地 方政府 TVET On the job 在职 Up to date well skilled workers 技术熟练、持续学习的工人

INNOVATION IN INSTITUTIONAL TVET 职业技术培训机构的更新 A decision about the development of modern technical education in China – State Council - PRC - June 2014 - http://www.jyb.cn/zyjy/zyjyxw/201406/t20140623_58716 8.html "By 2020, China must set up a modern technical education system with Chinese characteristics, yet matching world standards. Such a system will have to further the development of society deeply integrating technical education with the industrial system, and promoting communication between technical schools and technical institutes, and between technical and general education." 2014年6月国务院印发《关于加快发展现 代职业教育的决定》 http://www.jyb.cn/zyjy/zyjyxw/201406/t20140623_58 7168.html “到2020年,形成适应发展需求、产 教深度融合、中职高职衔接、职业教 育与普通教育相互沟通,体现终身教 育理念,具有中国特色、世界水平的 现代职业教育体系。”

INNOVATION IN INSTITUTIONAL TVET 职业技术培训机构的更新 update teachers’ know-how and competencies 教师技能及综合能力的发展 state-of-the-art didactical tools 先进有效的教学工具与设备 Families and young students well informed 学生及其家庭应通过更为全面的职业规划了解自己 Industry involved in cooperation with technical and vocational schools 工业应该更多的参与到职业技术教育学校的合作项目中 Local Authorities facilitate and enable the process 当地政府应不断提供利好政策

EFFECTIVE ON-THE-JOB CONTINUOUS TRAINING 有效的持续性在职培训 ON-THE-JOB CONTINUOUS TRAINING 有效的持续性在职培训 well-prepared trainers and technicians 高水平的培训师与技术人员 Training and Consulting Companies 培训与咨询公司 public or private Technical and Vocational Schools/Centers 公共或私立职业技术培训学校/中心 External training programs 外部培训程序 Internal training programs 内部培训程序

CHINESE GOVERNMENT & LOCAL AUTHORITIES VOCATIONAL TRAINING 4.0 职业教育4.0 If both “INNOVATION IN INSTITUTIONAL TVET” and “EFFECTIVE ON-THE-JOB CONTINUOUS TRAINING” run well and in line with Local Government policies, the whole system is ready to enter the roadmap to MIC2025 realizing what we could call CTVET 4.0 or Vocational Training 4.0. 如果“职业教育体系更 新”与“有效的持续性在 职培训”能够在符合当 地政策的情况下得到良 好落实,这将会成为实 现中国制造2025计划的 重要路标,我们也可将 之称为CTVET4.0。 CHINESE GOVERNMENT & LOCAL AUTHORITIES 中国政府&地方政府 INDUSTRY 工业 CTVET4.0

NEED FOR ACTION 2016 2016年行动需要 The Suzhou area and Jiangsu province are the good places to enter now the roadmap to MIC2025 due to the presence of a lot of excellent high technology and innovative Chinese and foreign companies. 苏州及其所在的江苏省是拥有大量优秀的 高新技术和创新型中外企业,是中国制造 2025的重要路标。

TO INNOVATE INSTITUTIONAL TVET 职业技术培训机构的更新 know-how transfer technical innovation curriculum innovation teachers’ training teacher and student exchange student internships Chinese and foreign industrial companies European TVET schools Consulting and Training Companies Cooperation of TVET Schools with 技术知识转化 技术创新 课程创新 教师培训 教师与学生交换 学生实习 与中外工业企业 与欧洲职业技术学校 与第三方培训咨询公司 与职业技术学校开展合作,包括

TO ACHIEVE EFFECTIVE ON-THE-JOB CONTINUOUS TRAINING 有效的持续性在职培训关键因素 Local policies for foreign technicians presence in China approved training paths for both Chinese and foreign workforces leading to certificates and diplomas recognized by Chinese authority 地方政府为外国技术人员的居留提供利好政策 引进国外优秀的能力认证,并获得中国政府的认可。其他

FESTO & YIZHONG-EDULIFE TRAINING OFFER 费斯托& 意中教育所能提供的服务 Industrial Automation Office Automation AUTOMATION Executive & Managers Re-growth Self-Management & Growth for Employees LEADERSHIP & GROWTH Workplace Interpersonal Communication Team Building WORKPLACE EAP Managerial Series Psychological Health Family Team WELLBEING – EAP - 工业自动化 办公自动化 自动化 执行力 管理能力提升 自我管理& 员工成长 领导力 & 个人提升 工作中的人际沟通 团队建设 工作场所 EAP 管理 心理健康 家庭关系 团队关系 WELLBEING – 员工帮助计划(EAP) http://www.festo-didactic.com/didactic/Demos/Seminarplan_2015_INT/Course_Catalogue_INT_2015.html

A WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN SOLUTION 一个4赢的解决方案 LOCAL GOVERNMENT implementation of Made in China 2025 INDUSTRY well-skilled workforce TVET SYSTEM innovated WORKERS better career and life 地方政府 中国制造2025的实现 企业 优秀的员工 职业教育系统 创新 员工 更好的人生前景

THE ROLE OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING 职业教育的角色 XI Jinping, June, 2014: Technical education is very important for the national education system and the development of human resources. It is meaningful to the young who want to have a brilliant future. It carries the social responsibility of forming competent people, developing talent and promoting employment and entrepreneurship. Vocational training needs to be developed and its growth to be speeded up. XI Jinping, July, 2015: The aim of technical education is to orientate the young and enable them to acquire the necessary competencies required by the market and by social development. 2014年6月习近平主席就职业技术教育做出重要指示: 职业教育是国民教育体系和人力资源开发的重要组成 部分,是广大青年打开通往成功成才大门的重要途径, 肩负着培养多样化人才、传承技术技能、促进就业创业 的重要职责,必须高度重视、加快发展。 2015年7月习近平主席再次就职业技术教育做出重要批 示: 要教育引导青年学生既扎实打牢基础知识又及时更新 知识,既刻苦钻研理论又积极掌握技能,不断提高与时 代发展和事业要求相适应的素质和能力。

THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR “MADE IN CHINA 2025” AND “INDUSTRY 4.0” 职业教育在“中国制造2025”和“工业4.0”中的重要作用 Questions & Answers 提问与回答