大学英语阅读理解讲座 ——如何抓住文章的事实与细节 黄 年 根.


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Presentation transcript:

大学英语阅读理解讲座 ——如何抓住文章的事实与细节 黄 年 根

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 细节题检测考生对构成文章主体部分“论据和实例”的理解程度,以及对段落内部结构的分析能力。如果说文章中表达作者观点的话是骨胳,那么细节就是血和肉。因此,考生在把握中心思想的前提下还要注意说明中心思想的细节,例如:人物,地点,日期,数字,性格,特征,原因,条件,结果,事件及其过程等具体信息。

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 在通读全文的过程中,我们要特别注意涉及who, what, when,where,和why等问题的内容。在有关此类内容的地方要作一标记,以便在回答问题时迅速查找. 一般来说,阅读理解测试中要求找出主要事实或特定细节的问题,在文章中均可以找到答案.

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 1、细节题的其它特征: a、 内容以according to或以特殊疑问句开始发问,不包含推理题标志词(infer,imply) b、 细节题的答案跟原文一致,照搬原文;而推断题的答案必须依照原文提示进行改写 特殊现象: 原文提到多种事物,或是意见事物的多个层面,而正确答案只涉及其中一方 面。

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 2、细节题的指代题:考察语法分析能力 a、代词指代题 it,they 原则1:后指代前原则:在主从复合句内部,后半句的代词主语指代前半句的名词主语。位置越接近,就是答案。 原则2:对与所有格代词(its,their)指代其前面位置上最接近的词。 b、词汇指代题是指代题,不是词汇题。提干本身词语的实际意义对于原文指代部分不产生任何实质性影响,换言之,提干词是指代符号。

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 需要注意的问题 问题的表述常常不是文章中的原话,而是换用同义词语. 在回答此类问题时,要认真审题,看清问题提问的是什么. 根据所涉及到的问题,快速扫视到文章中相应的部分,找到与答题内容相关的关键词或短语,再细读一、两遍. 在确信理解了原文的基础上,来确定正确答案. 在查到的关键词句下面应划线,以引起注意,便于记忆与复查. 如果回答此类问题需要读者具有一定的背景知识,那也只是最基本的常识. 切勿脱离文中内容而报据自己的想像或其它来源的知识来选择答案.

问题的类型 常见的提问方式: 1 Which of the following (statement) is (or is not) true? 2 Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3 All of the following are correct except ______. 4 The author (或: The passage) states that __________. 5 According to the passage, what (who, when, where,why, how.) ________.

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 应试策略: 一、当问及时间、距离以及其它用数字表示的细节时,有时需要进行计算方能得出答案.此时要把计算过程简单列出,不可随意心算一下即确定答案.请看练习题一:

Exercise 1 The history of the flag of the U.S. has become so cluttered by myth that hardly any facts can be established. One thing all agree on is that the Stars and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution adopted by Congress June 14, 1777. It read: Resolved: that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation. The flag of 1777 was used until 1795. Then, on the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union,

Exercise 1 Congress passed an act that after May 1, 1795, the flag should have 15 stripes and 15 stars. When new states were admitted it became evident that the flag would become burdened with stripes. Congress thereupon ordered that after July 4, 1818, the flag should have 13 stripes, symbolizing the 13 original states; that the union have 20 stars, and that whenever a new state was admitted a new star should be added on the July 4 following the admission. The 50-star flag of the United States was raised for the first time officially on July 4, 1960, at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. The 50th star had been added for Hawaii, a year earlier the 49th, for Alaska. Before

Exercise 1 that, no star had been added since 1912, when New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union. 1. Since 1777, the U.S. flag has changed its design . A. twice B. 3 times C. 5 times D. more than 5 times 2. In 1912, before July 4, the U.S. flag had . A. 15 stars B. 20 stars C. 46 stars D. 48 stars

Exercise 1 3. The 49th and 50th states to join the U.S.A. were, in their correct order, . A. Alaska and Hawaii B. Hawaii and Alaska C. New Mexico and Arizona D. Arizona and New Mexico 4. Congress decided in 1818 that the U.S. flag should have 13 stripes because . A. since 1777 it had always had 13 stripes B. since 1777 it had always had more than 13 stripes C. in 1818 there were only 13 states in the Union of the U.S.A. D. at the founding of the Union of the U.S.A. there had been only 13 states.

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 应试策略: 二、当问题要求对某一事实做出正误判断或询问文中是否捉到某一事实时,我们应先把所给的选择项大体上看一下做到心中有数.然后,根据选择项中提供的线索,迅速找到文章中相应的部分,细读一下有关内容.与文中内容一致的即可肯定,不一致的即可否定.注意,在回答Not True之类问题时,必须逐渐找出须肯定的内容,方可确定要否定的内容.切勿一遇到自己认为不正确的内容.便匆忙答题,不再去考虑其它选择项,这样常常会导致错误.例:

Example : One word that sums up our age better than any other ––whether “our age” is “the technological age” of Western countries or the “modernizing age” of China –––is the word CHANGE. But has change not always been present? True, but never before at such a breakneck speed. Today it is more than just change. It is unprecedented change. In such a world, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Western countries and China are being remade. B. Reading will help understand our age. C. The present age and future world are continually changing. D. Reading is the best tool provided by our age.

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 应试策略: 三、在文章中,为避免重复提及某一词或短语,作者常常使用指代词(Reference Words)来代替。在寻找细节时,读者须准确理解被指代的对象.通常,我们可根据上下文的句子结构、主谓一致关系以及语义关系等来确定所指代的内容.例:

Examples Example 1 The basketball team never lacked vociferous supporters, but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm. Example 2 Scott Fitzgerald, who first introduced him to a publisher, was one of the few contemporary writers that Hemingway did not turn against.

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 应试策略,例句: The basketball team never lacked vociferous supporters but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm. (文中黑体红字they若是指高声呼叫的支持者,则与后面的意思(对这种热情很少作出响应)不合.因此they只能指球队队员 )

本讲小结: 需要注意的是,许多问题的表述常常不是采用文章中的原话,而是使用同义的词语来进行提问。 首先要认真审题,看清楚问题提问的是什么,避免没有完全看懂问题就忙于选择。其次,根据所涉及到的问题,快速扫视到文章中相应的部分,找到与答题内容有关的关键词或短语,在细读一、二遍。在确信理解了原文的基础上,最后确定正确的答案。可以在查到的关键词、句下面划线,以引起注意,便于记忆或查找。当涉及到某些语言文化背景知识时,切勿脱离文章的内容而根据自己的想象做漫无边际的推理。

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 下面做练习: 见 Exercises for how to grasp the details of a passage

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 应试策略,例句: Scott Fitzgerald,who first introduced him to a publisher, was one of the few contemporary writers that Hemingway did not turn against. (文中黑体红字him若指的是主语,Scot Fitsgerald,则应用反身代词himself而不能用him,因此这里只能指后文的Hemingway.)

第三讲:如何抓住文章的细节 End of Lecture 3